Friday • February 07
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Host : Angela Sharpe
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ASharpe Outlook with Angela Sharpe is the show that provides business discussions that enable entrepreneurs, visionaries and business owners the insight needed to achieve self-determination and empowerment.

Through our industry specific educational materials and toolkits, we offer your business the opportunity to develop a strong business infrastructure, information technology, strong governance and a skilled workforce. Our armchair discussions provide insight for growth and development in every type of company, nonprofit and community development organizations.

ANGELA SHARPE answers your concerns with today’s industry experts. With her "ASK ME" segment, she answers your specific questions and gauges the programming to meet you at the point of need. ASharpe Outlook uses unique and holistic methods to educate, inform and empower you to be your best self. Our weekly discussions are informative, and the valuable resource materials and toolkits can give you the valuable information necessary to achieve sustainable business enterprises, develop independence, improve economies and strengthen cash flow. All of this will foster new business and enable private sector companies to flourish.
Recent Episodes

ENCORE SHOW: How to be a Top 10 Manager

Sorry, but that's a Bunch of Bunk! Following that advice will get you FIRED!

When David Long, author of Built to Lead - 7 Management R.E.W.A.R.D.S. Principles for Becoming a Top 10% Manager talks about what it takes to become a Top 10% manager in your company, he's not blowing smoke! Oh no! In fact, he's going to show YOU exactly what he did to accomplish that impressive feat in THREE DIFFERENT INDUSTRIES!

The 7 Management R.E.W.A.R.D.S. Principles in “Built to Lead” are get-in-the-trenches, no-holds-barred lessons of how, specifically, to truly become an amazing manager. David tackles, head-on, the lies you've been told about how to reach the top in your career, and shows you what REALLY WORKS! These are concrete, foundational principles that will change your life, not only in your business career... but in your personal life as well!

Join us in the conversation and hear from an expert on how to grow as a manager and a leader of your organization

ENCORE SHOW: Give Back Through Mentoring
Small business is the engine of our national economy through business formation, job creation and wealth building. Small businesses and their support are critical to vibrant communities in our society.

SCORE consists of volunteers, stakeholders and sponsors, who are willing to give back to their communities through Mentoring. Successful small business owners understand the importance of giving back to their communities. Volunteer business people helping small business people solve business problems. Volunteers give freely of their time, energy and knowledge to help others. SCORE volunteers donate over 1 million hours of their time each year to support their communities. Community Alliances are critical to the success. Diversity in mentoring is valuable and possesses great power by diversity of thought. The diversity of race, gender, ethnicity, geography, and experience is important and valuable in SCORE. Volunteers as lifelong learners remain relevant, achieve personal satisfaction and growth.

Small business needs knowledgeable, experienced business people to give back to their communities by volunteering their time as mentors. No matter what your particular industry, title or expertise, you have value to offer to potential entrepreneurs.

Your experience is vital and it truly matters. A volunteer’s relevant knowledge, wisdom and experience serve clients through mentorship and education. Mentors develop relationships and act with integrity, respect, honesty, purpose, and professionalism. They listen with an open mind, encourage and openly communicate with all people seeking help. Personal, long-term relationships are a driver of small business success.

Are you ready for the IRS?
You have started a business and now it is time to report for your first year’s taxes. Not sure what to do or if you have all of the records? This discussion today is all about you, the business owner and taxpayer. Your fiscal year end is important too and how it affects the bottom line and taxable income or financing leverage. Have you considered the personal liability and risks based on the business type? Which business type provides the best personal protection? Let’s have an in depth conversation on the responsibilities of a Sole Proprietor, S-Corp, C-Corp, LLC, and Partnership and see what is the best path for your business. Let’s talk about what works bests. Many small businesses don’t have employees, but when you begin to consider hiring, it is important to know the facts. What are your requirements as an employer, forms needed, reporting, taxes and regulatory compliance? What do I need to know to avoid penalties and interest charges? The accounting method (cash or accrual) is very important and we will discuss both and see the benefits and restrictions.

Get advice from an expert. Cash is tight and I cannot afford an attorney or accountant. Truthfully speaking, you cannot afford not to have this advice. We will discuss these topics and the resources available to provide expert information. Listen and call in with your questions.

HOPE for Healing
Our brave men and women, sons and daughter, husbands and wives serve in our military to protect our freedom and democracy throughout the world. Those that are inured face more challenges after their return home. Recovery can be long and arduous and having family there to be a part of the healing process in crucial. Imagine staying in hotels for months and months on a soldier’s income. That is next to impossible and not being able to see your family during recovery after so much sacrifice is unconscionable.

There was a dream that is now reality, providing affordable temporary housing for families of those facing a medical crisis. It is Fisher House. Fisher House is “a home away from home” for families of patients receiving medical care at major military and VA medical centers. The homes are normally located within walking distance of the treatment facility or have transportation available. There are 64 Fisher Houses located on 23 military installations and 24 VA medical centers. Many more houses are under construction or in design phase.

These wounded warriors are America’s families and we owe it to them to ensure they receive the care to bring them back to wellness, wholeness and happiness. This is America’s duty to our wounded warriors. Listen to our discussion and learn how you can be part of a great dream come true.
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