Friday • February 07
CST 5:41 | EST 6:41 | MST 4:41 | PST 3:41 | GMT 11:41
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Host : Jolyn Thomas


JOLYN THOMAS doesn’t just scratch the surface of the tough issues. She gets to the heart of the matter. Her passion really comes through. Jolyn believes that you can’t legislate a change of heart. She believes that real meaningful change is born deep within the heart. Every time she steps up to the mic, she is determined to shatter the stereotypes that stand in the way of real progress. Jolyn gives her listeners the courage to reclaim their common sense, compassion and humanity. Jolyn is known for using her voice to rally the cry for those who feel that they have no voice.


Jolyn doesn’t tap dance to the right or the left. She is a free thinker. She always calls it like she sees it. Jolyn uses creativity to keep listeners engaged in the conversation. She finds inspiration in the things around her. She is known for her engaging interview style. Her warm inviting approach helps her guests get real and it keeps listeners on the edge of their seats.


Jolyn is entertaining. She entertains, plain and simple. Jolyn is a great storyteller. She has been telling stories since she was old enough to talk. Her storytelling ability draws listeners in and keeps them engaged in the conversation. Jolyn does not get stuck in one range. She knows how to use her voice to up the entertainment factor. Creativity is her middle name. She covers the big issues with her own fresh perspective.
Recent Episodes

The Power of Stories
Jolyln is a big believer in the fact that stories can bring about crucial change. Stories can do more than fact, figures and statistics.

On this episode, Jolyln discusses how stories can influence and change people, including prison inmates.

The Scourge of Cyberbullying
Cyber bullies use the internet as a weapon. They target, shame and viciously attack people with their words. These power hungry junkies are absolutely emotional terrorists. They thrive on being able to humiliate their victims in such a public way.

On this episode, Jolyn Thomas puts cyber bullies in the spotlight, and will shatter the stereotypes of bullying in general.

Vindicate Vassell
Tadd Vassell has served 21 years in prison. Yet, he has never been convicted of any violent crime. He will die in prison for a nonviolent drug crime that occurred while he was teenager.

Tadd Vassell has been locked away in federal prison for over two decades and his sentence is unduly long. if he were sentenced today for the same crime, he would likely receive a sentence of 135-168 months (11.25-14 years). A non-violent adolescent should not be permanently banished from our society for a first-time drug offense.

In this episode you’ll hear Jolyn’s powerful conversation with Tadd, his Mom and other family members.

Click here to join the efforts to free Tadd.

Healing Trauma: Beyond Gangs and Prisons
In this episdoe, Jolyn will shatter the misconception that mass incarceration makes our nation safer. She will talk about alternatives that offer hope healing and second chances.

She is joined by acclaimed filmmaker Robert Greenwalt of Brave New Films, who will discuss their documentary Healing Trauma: Beyond Gangs and Prisons. The film dives into the inner struggle of former gang members whose childhood trauma inevitably led to an anger that resulted in a criminal lifestyle and landed them in prison. Upon their release, these former gang members found their redemption with Homeboy Industries, Father Greg Boyle, and the many re-integrating programs offered through the Los Angeles-based organization.
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