Relationship Management
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More on Mate Selection
We continue our series on the building blocks of a successful marriage, by revisiting the issue of mate selection; a topic Dr. Thompson feels is so critically important, that we wanted to make sure we didn’t leave any information behind. We will discuss sex versus commitment, friendship love, and why opposites attract is a flawed theory. |
The Process of Becoming One
In our continuing series on the building blocks of a healthy marriage, Dr. Thompson describes the process of assimilation in a marriage, which means two become one. We’ll look at the process, and how roles are determined within the marriage. |
Breaking the Cycle of Family Issues
When it comes to parenting, actions speak larger than words. Children learn from watching their parents. However, they are learning bad behavior as well as the good. In this episode of our continuing series on establishing a strong marriage, Dr. Thompson will explain why young married couples must recognize and correct faulty behaviors they have picked up from their parents, before they put a strain on their new family. |
Marriage & Mate Selection
If we want good family life, we must have good marriages. And if we want good marriages, we must make good selections of whom we choose as our mates. Dr. Thompson examines this process, and tells you why it is so important. |
The Building Blocks of a Solid Marriage
Dr. Thompson examines the key building blocks for making a marriage strong and healthy, especially the most important being true friends. He will define what true friendship is, and explain how it can dramatically alter the discourse in a marriage for the better. |
Intimacy - The Fourth Pillar
In the final part of our series on the theological perspective for family relationship, Dr. Thompson introduces the fourth pillar, intimacy. As he will explain, intimacy goes far beyond the physical part of the relationship. In fact, it is it’s emotional aspect that is the most important. |
Empowerment & The Family Relationship
In Part four of our series on a theological perspective to the family relationships, Dr. Thompson discusses the third pillar, empowerment. Too often in our relationships, one partner uses their power to shape or control the other partner. But in order for a relationship to grow, one must use their power to strengthen and support their partner, so both can be the best they can be. |
In Part three of our series on a theological perspective to the family relationships, Dr. Thompson discusses grace, better known as forgiveness. Over the course of this episode, he will outline why families need to develop in an atmosphere of grace, rather than legalism, and settling scores. |
The Covenant of Marriage
In Part two of our series on a theological perspective to the family relationships, Dr. Thompson examines the state of marriage, and explains why the relationship must be viewed as a covenant, not a contract, in order for the family relationship to grow and thrive. |
A Theological Basis for Family Relationships
Family relationships are going south mainly because people are forgetting what being a family means, and don’t know the proper foundations on which to build a family. In this episode, Dr. Thompson begins a new series examining the family relationship by introducing a theological basis designed to strengthen the foundations of the family structure. |
Bullying in Our Schools
In this episode, we conclude our series on the relationship between parents, school, and children, and the need for all parties to be intimately committed in order to achieve excellence in education. Today we examine bullying; both its origins and its impact on the educational system. |
The Role of the Parent in Education
The education system is broken. Youth violence is on the rise, and it can’t be fixed with reform or with new legislation. The key to fixing the problem lies with the parent. In this episode, Dr. Thompson explains the role parents play in their child’s education, by teaching them the social skills that are conducive to learning. |
The Relationship Between School, Parents and Child
Schools are designed to prepare our children for the real work by giving them the education and skills to thrive in the world. But many of them are not doing that, and it’s not necessarily the fault of the schools. Dr. Thompson examines the role of the parent when it comes to the behavior of their children in a school environment. |