Let's Talk Nutrition
Select an episode link below to view the on-demand archive.
The Challenge Of Autoimmunity
Dr. Michael Garko discusses the challenge of autoimmunity. |
Healthy Food Recommendations From Dr. Garko
Healthy Food Recommendations From Dr. Garko |
Why COVID-19 Is Spreading So Rapidly
Dr. Garko explains why COVID-19 is spreading so rapidly. |
New Year’s Resolutions and Dietary Supplements
Have you made your New Years Resolutions yet? Is taking a dietary supplement one of them? It should be. Learn why on this episode. |
Mindful Eating During the Holidays
If you dont want to add those dreaded extra holiday pounds, you need to watch what you put on your plate. Dr. Garko is here to help you make sensible choices during your holiday celebrations. |
Controlling Holiday Weight Gain
Holiday Weight Gain is the unwanted, unhealthy, un-returnable gift that keeps on giving. But it can be kept in check with the right choices. We will separate fact from fiction about those extra holiday pounds. |
Approaches to Weight Loss
There is no true one-size-fits all technique to losing weight. You need to find out what works best for you. We'll look at the different options with Jessica Morris of Vega. |
Healthy Hair Supplements
The secret to healthier hair may not be in a shampoo bottle, but a vitamin bottle. Tracy Krieder of Country Life is here to introduce you to Maxi Hair for stronger hair and nails. |
Fiber and Football Game Day Eating
When you're picking out munchies to eat during your football watching weekends, you're probably thinking buffalo wings, pizza and chips. But Jeff VanHecke of Yerba Prima will explain why fiber needs to be on the menu, too. |
Labeling v Certification
When shopping for natural products, there's a lot of information on the package. But do you know what any of it means? Do you even know what's in the product? Dr. Garko helps to end the confusion, and help you make better choices while you are shopping. |
Diet, Disease and Aging
You are as old as you eat. There is a connection between diet and aging, and diet and disease. But there is an optimistic side to all of this - we can slow the aging process and delay or prevent the onset of disease by changing out eating habits. |
Understanding Cardivascular Disease
Are You At Risk For Cardiovascular Disease? We'll give you the warning signs with Dominique Clarke of Jarrow Formulas |
New Year's Weight Loss
Support your weight loss efforts with Jarrow's Garcinia Cambogia/ HCA Active. Dr. Dallas Clouatre from Jarrow jhas the details. |
Making Sense Of Women’s Health
Dr. Marita Schauch of Natural Factors is on the program for a Woman's health focus. |
Delaying Aging
How to delay aging with the help of Omega 3 fish oil, and the advice of Dr's Shunney and Garko. |
Mixed Messages
Professional athletes take great care of their bodies. So why do so many of them encourage you not to do the same by endorsing fast food. Then - which is better for weight loss diet or exercise? |
Staying Healthy While Getting Older
Dr. Garko examines the impact of diet and lifestyle in midlife on health in later life. Also - Yasmim Macaroni on proper supplementation. |
Seasonal Immunity
Don't let the change in seasons and in weather wreak havoc on your health and immune system. Neil Levin of Now Foods will help you develop seasonal immunity. |
Fish Oil & Your Brain
How can fish oil help your mental functions? Find out with Chris Mohr of Nordic Naturals |
Kyolic for Colds
You may have never considered garlic as a remedy for cold and flu, but you need to hear this! Jay Levy is here to talk about kyolic and Kyo Dophlulus for cold and flu season. |
Concussions and Brain Health
Stuart Tomc & Mike Lewis of Nordic Naturals are on the program to discuss a wide array of topics, including Brain Health, Concussions & Omega-3 Fatty Acids From Fish & Algae. |
Spicing Up Plant Based Diets
A discussion on the importance of herbs & spices as part of a plant based diet with Dr. Sally Byrd of Greens Plus |
Nutritional Firecrackers
This Fourth of July, there are foods you should look out for. We'll talk about them, as well as the worst restaurant foods in America. |
Fiber and Weight
Today we talk about the importance of dietary fiber in weight regulation, obesity & metabolic syndrome with Jeff VanHecke of Yerba Prima |
Use Your Head and to Age Successfully
Donique Clarke of Jarrow Formulas joins the program to discuss using your head and your heart to age successfully. |
Fighting Fat with Fat
Fighting fat with fat? It's true, if you know the difference between good fats and bad fats. Learn more with Dr. Chris Mohr of Solgar. |
Where to Eat
You are what you eat. But WHERE you eat makes a big difference as well. Learn more with Jay Levy and Dr. Garko |
Sleep, Aging & Disease
We discuss the correlation between sleep, aging and disease with Dr.Mcilwainh of Solus. Nothing does a body better than a good night's sleep. |
How You Can Look Better
Diet, exercise, better lifestyle choices... these are just a few of the things we can do to make ourselves look better. We will discuss more of them with Tracy Kreider of Country Life. |
Healthy Hair Coloring
We talk healthy hair coloring with Marie Therese Dufour of Bioforce, and talk about the health views that are in the news this week. |
The Soda Ban
Dr. Garko discusses the proposed soda bans, and the effect they would have on your health. Also, Dr. Michael Murray and systemic inflammation. |
Climate Change
Climate change - it's real and it is happening. But what can we do about it? Also - making your joins more flexible with Dr. Jason Mitchell of Country Life. |
Earth and Us
Today we discuss environmental sustainability and it’s connection to personal sustainability with Terri Anne Cooper or Rainbow Light |
Power Up
Today, we're talking about how to gte your body energized with Andrew Rainesi of VEGA. |
Diet, DNA & Disease
Stuart Tomc of Nordic Naturals talks diet, DNA and disease; which factors matter most when it comes to possibly contracting a disease. |
Salt, Sugar & Fat – Are You Addicted?
In his new book, "Salt Sugar Fat," Pulitzer Prize winning investigative reporter Michael Moss takes readers on a tour of the $1 trillion processed food industry, and the sights aren't pretty. Dr. Garko talks about the book, and the nutritional crack Americans are addicted to. |
You and Omega 3's
We're with Dr. Scott Minton of Nordic Naturals. We're talking about Omega 3 fatty acids and how they create, sustain & reclaim health & wellness. |
Heart Disease Factors
Jay Levy of Kyolic is our guest, and today's show is about your heart. We'll look at sugar consumption, and coronary calcification, and how they contribute to heart disease. |
Cholesterol and Your Heart
Neil Levin from NOW foods joins us to discuss the link between cholesterol and coronary heart disease. |
Sovereign Silver
overeign Silver® represents the most significant breakthrough in colloidal technology in the last 90 years. It is an omnipotent resource in the defense of health, one with which to confront the ever increasing immune challenges threatening man, even the whole of mankind. |
PGX Power
We're with Julia Havey of Natural factors to talk about PGX - PGX Daily supports healthy weight loss and overall good health.
It helps lower the glycemic index of your meals and promote healthy blood sugar levels already in normal range.
Incorporating PGX into your daily diet will promote satiety, curb food cravings and normalize appetite and metabolism |
Finding Motivation
Why is it so difficult for people to keep their bodies moving? We try and figure that out with Doninique Clarke of Jarrow Formulas. |
Stress, Inflammation & Your Health
Dr. Aimee Shunney discusses a very important subject - stress. In particular, stress, inflammation & and how it effects your health |
Old things, New Consequences
Jeff Van Heck from Yerba Prima is here to talk about some old things that can have some new consequences on your body. In a good way. |
Telomeres the Key to Aging and Cancer?
If you are interested in aging successfully, you need to know about Telomeres and be concerned about telomere health. We discuss with Dominique Clark from Jarrow Formulas. Then - how sleep effects your health and longevity. |
Xtreme Eating
America's obesity problem seems to be leveling out. But America's resturant chains like IHOP and Cheesecake Factory are doing everything they can to tip that balance. You won't believe the calories in these dishes! |
The Basics on Garlic
Jay Levy is back on trhe program to share some basics on Kyolic-aged garlic. Plus, Dr. Garko with some health news stories you might want to know about. |
Pros & Cons Of Influenza Vaccine
Due to the large number of flu cases this season, there's been a lot of discussion about the flu vaccine's effectiveness. We'll talk pros and cons on getting a flu show with Neil Levin. Then, fighting inflammation to age successfully with Jack Challem. |
Honey and Your Health
Throughout history, honey has played an important role in cultures around the world not only as a food, but also as a medicine. And manuka honey from of New Zealand, contains unique health promoting properties. Learn more from guest David Knoll. |
Holiday Health Hazards
Dr. Garko wants you to be aware of some holiday health hazards. Also - fish and fish oil need to be on your holiday menus. Chris Morh of Nordic Naturals will tell you why! |
Talking Inflammation
Is inflammation a friend, a foe, or both? That's the topic for today with our guests Yasmyn Maccaroni of New Chapter and Dr. Michael Murray of Natural Factors. |
Delaying The Expiration Date On Your Health
Are you aging or are you aging well? There is a difference, and it can help you stay healthier longer. Then, Emma Cutfield of VEGA shares some clean eating tips for the holidays. |
Energy and Focus
Tony Andino of BSN is on the program today, talking about how you can put more energy and focus into your life. Then, Dr. Garko talks about some of the more unusual health headlines in the news. |
Dietary Supplements and You
Not all dietary supplements are created or manufactured equally. Dr. Garko and the founder of Jarrow Formulas discuss why you shouldn't choose the cheap route when choosing dietary supplements. |
Seasonal Wellness
Don't let the holiday stress bring you down! We've got Marci Clow of Rainbow Light on today's program, with tips to unplug, balance and appreciate the season. |
Sleep and Your Waistline
Dr. Garko examines the connection between lack of sleep and unwanted weight gain. Then - what the mapping of the human genome can tell us about our health and future health risks. |
The Big Fat Story
Stuart Tomc of Nordic Naturals is here to discuss the big fat story in America and other countries in 2012- including obesity and the confusion surrounding fats. |
Care and Feeding of the Boomers
Jay Levy is back, and we're booming today. Actually we're talking about the boomers, and how they need to change their lifestyle choices for longevity. |
Managing Holiday Stress
We welcome Jason Mitchel from Country Life back to the program. He talks about managing stress during the holidays with a product called Stress Shield, and another called Stress Shield Nighttime. |
Holiday Weight Gain & How to Avoid It
Chris Eaton from Natrol talks about how you can avoid the dreaded holiday weight gain. Then - Susan Smith Jones of Nutrex Hawaii tells us about BioAstin Hawaiian Astaxanthin for better health & wellness. |
Predicting Heart Disease
There are four external signs that may predict heart disease. Dr. Garko will tell you what they are. Then - how optimism and pessimism relate to your health and wellness. |
Adding Life to Your Years
Today, Dr. Garko talks about adding years to your life, as well as adding life to your years! Successful aging is all about choices! |
What you can do about holiday stress
The winter holidays are full of festive decorations, gatherings with loved ones and plenty of home-cooked food and drinks.
They are also filled with stress, and that can be harmful to your health. Dr. Chris Mohr has some ideas on how you can lower those stress levels. |
Healthy and Happy Holidays
The Holiday season is here, and so is Yasmyn Maccaroni! She has tips and advice on how to keep your immune system vital during the holidays. |
Fast Food Facts
Dr. Michael Garko brings you the not so fun facts about fast food. Also, Dr. Parris Kidd and how to correct the folate deficiency.
The Not So Fun Facts About Fast Food |
Carb Intercept
There's a new weapon in the battle against your waistline. It called Carb Intercept, and Stacy Dill has the details. Then, Dr. Michael Murray discusses controlling your blood and glucose levels |
Mushrooms for Cold and Flu
You've probably heard of some crazy home remedies for cold and flu, but have you ever considered mushrooms? Shauna Wall from New Chapter has the details. Then - stunning statistics related to cardiovascular heart disease in China. |
Natural Wellness
Henry Small of Strauss Herb Company joins Dr. Garko to discuss a natural approach to health and wellness. |
Understanding Cancer & Breast Cancer
October is Breast Cancer awarness month, and Dr. Garko would like to take this opportunity to inform you on cancer and breast cancer. |
Supplements and Aging
Dominique Clarke is here to talk about the role of dietary supplements in successful aging. |
Healthier Hair and Healthy Bones
Tim Mount is here to talk about creating healthier hair, skin and nails with collegen. Then - creating healthier bones with proper calcium. |
Get Your Vitamin C
Cold and flus season is almost here - are you getting enough vitamin c? Then, we explore the elationship between sleep, a high fat diet and weight gain. |
Eggs versus Smoking
A new report claims that eating eggs are as bad for you as smoking cigarettes. And are organic foods better for you than regular food? We look at the claims with Chris Mohr. |
Safely Supplementing
Tracy Krieder of Country Life discusses the importance of taking dietary supplements. Done the right way, they are can be safe and effective. |
Brain Boosters
Valerie Hall of Doctor’s Best wants to give your brain a boost. She'll talk about the best way to do it for both adults and kids. |
Bee Propolis
Dr. Garko will be interviewing Dr. Mark Kaylor and discussing "Health from Hive". Deep in the heart of Brazil lies the secret to a pain-free GI tract. And now you can use [it] to protect and repair your gastrointestinal system… And it all starts with a very rare compound produced by a small group of Brazilian bees. But studies show that bee propolis can make you feel better almost right away… |
Better Dental Hygine
Up first- Donald Baily will tell us how to improve your oral hygiene and dental health with Xylitol. Then - Bruce Topping will tell you how to improve your digestion with enzymes. |
Weight Management
If you are looking to lose weight safely, Natrol may have some products that may interest you. Stacy Dill is here with the details. |
Sweet Sensation
Stuart Tomc is here to talk about a highly addictive stubstance- even more addictive than cocaine. It's sugar. Then - do you have an omega-3 deficiency? |
Protecting The Prostate
Neil Levin joins Dr. garko in our first hour to talk about prostate health. Then , Haley Womak will help you build better muscles with protein. |
Paths to Longevity
The more you know, the longer you live? Sound too good to be true? we talk about it. We're also joined by Maggie Johnle who says fiber can help your longevity, too! |
The Western Diet & the World
The over processed western diet contributes mightily to America's obesity epidemic. And the same problem occurs when that diet is outsourced to other nations. |
Better with BioSil
Collagen provides the skin with strength, flexibility, and resilience. As people age, however, collagen degradation occurs, leading to wrinkles, and other signs of getting older. But you can fight the effects of aging with a collagen supplement. Richard Passwater is here to tell you all about it. |
Living Longer and Better
It's one thing to live a long life, its another to live a quality life. Dr. Garko can help you do both. And Emma Cutfield thinks the occasional smoothie can help. |
Food Addiction
Dr. Garko adressess the all-to-real issue of food addiction. Like addictive drugs, highly palatable foods trigger feel-good brain chemicals like dopamine. Once people experience the rush of dopamine from eating certain foods, they quickly feel the need to eat again. Jason Mitchell will also explain why digestive health is the foundation of overall health. |
Why You Need To Take Better Care Of Your Liver
Your liver plays a major role in metabolism and has a number of functions in the body, including glycogen storage, decomposition of red blood cells, plasma protein synthesis, hormone production, and detoxification. And that's just the beginning. Tracy Krieder explains why liver health is a top priority. |
Eating to Stay Active
Tracy Holland wants to make sure you have the right nutritional support for physical activity. Then - want a healthy heart? Jeff Van Hecke says try some fiber! |
An Integrative Approach To Health & Wellness
Harris McIlwain, MD believes in an all of the above approach to health and wellness - from proper nutrition, to supplementation, an active lifestyle and more. |
Bigger Threats to Women's Health
There are an array of health issues that confront women daily. We will address some of them with Dominique Clarke of Jarrow Formulas. |
Dr. Chris Mohr believes the obesity epidemic is like an unstoppable freight train. Then - how to succeed at weight loss. |
The Terrain Within
Dr. Garko and Bruce Topping explore the connection between high fat diets, sleep and obesity. |
Power Your Workouts
Today's show is all about your pre and post workout nutrition. Jay Bugai discusses protein for health and wellness; Emma Cutfield talks about nutriton to prepare and recover from physical activity. |
You Really Are What You Eat
Stuart Tomc explains why what we eat makes more of a difference than you think. |
Calcium Controversy
Dr. Garko tries to clear up the confusion and controversy over calcium. And speaking of calcium, Jason Mitchell will introduce us to Bone Solid, a safe and effective calcium supplement. |
Balancing Your Diet
The low carb or low fat approach won't work if you want to lose weight. Fat and carbs are needed for a balanced diet. But what kind and how much? Stuart Tomc is here with some answers |
You Don’t Have To Look Your Age
You don't have to look your age - Dr. Hausenblas of ReserveAge will tell us how you can take years off of your appearance. Then - nature versus nurture - which accounts for more in your health destiny? |
Mighty Muscles
Certified Nutritionist Neil E. Levin is here to help put some mass on those muscles by explaining the process of how it works - it's called muscle energetics. Then - Maggie Johnle on using probiotics for powerful health |
Everything in Moderation
We all need to indulge ourselves every once in a while. The key is doing it in moderation, which is a challenge in itself. Emma Cutfield is also here to discuss foundational nutritional elements |
New Healthy Habits
No matter how old or how young you are, Dr. Garko wants you to know that it's never to late... or too early to practice good health! Also - how relationships affect your health. |
Fabulous Fiber
Jeff Van Hacke is back on the program to tell you all about the health benefits of a fiber-rich diet. Then, Dr. Garko discusses brain and joint health with Jack Challem of SOLGAR. |
Natural Relief from Allergies
Dr. Duggal joins the program to tell us about
Sinunet, which is An effective Allergy Nutraceutical. Then, learn about the health benefits of coffee. |
A Healthy Breakfast
Dr. Hausenblas of ReserveAge is here to help you battle back against your belly fat. Then, Emma Cutfield of VEGA will tell you why you need to start each day with a health breakfast. |
Happy Anniversary
This episode marks the seventh birthday of Let's Talk Nutrition, and it's certainly gotten better with age! And speaking of successful aging, that's what we'll be talking about with Dr. Michael Murray of Natural Factors. |
Building Your Muscles and Your Brain
Pump up your workouts with protein! Dr. Garko will tell you how. Then, natural brain enhancers with Dr. Kidd and Doctor's Best. |
Eating and Aging
You are what you eat, especially as you age. Dominque Clarke from JARROW is here to talk about the connection between nutrition and successful aging. |
Spring Cleaning
Jeff Van Hecke of yerba Prima is here to remind you that it's time for spring cleaning - or is that spring cleansing? Then, a heart attack at the Heart Attack Grill - what you eat can kill you. |
Junk Food Babies
Junk Food Pregnancy = Junk Food Babies - Dr. Garko discusses why nutrition is essential during pregnancy. Also, Marci Clow of Rainbow Light talks about building stronger bones for better health. |
Better Joints for Better Mobility
Dr. Garko discusses joint health with Jack Challem of SOLGAR. Then - new research on the connection between sugar and bad health. |
Health and Wellness Fair
Dr. Garko broadcasts live from the Health and Wellness Fair at the Vitamin Discount Center in Palm Harbor, and has information on some great supplements. |
Aging and Digestion
Valerie Hall of Doctor's Best and Dr. Garko agree - one of the most important contributors to successful aging is healthy digestion. |
The Path to Better Heath
There's an easy way to better health - add more fiber to your diet! Dr. garko will explain the benefits, and discuss some supplementation options. |
The Right Kind of Fats
There are healthy fats, and there are unhealthy fats. But do you know the difference? Then - we have info on two clinically proven weight loss supplements |
The Cost of Obesity
Dr. Garko looks towards the future and doesn't like what he sees. Obesity in America is going to cause your medical costs to skyrocket over the next several decades. |
Food Safety
Dr. Garko has news you can use! First - the cryosphere is disappearing due to global warming. What does that mean for our food supplies? Then - antibiotic resistant bacteria is on the rise in poultry and beef. Learn what you can do about it. |
Bone Health for All Ages
New Chapter's John Sanchez is here with tips on how to keep your bones healthy and strong at all stages of your life. Then- more about what's essential for health and wellness. |
Stress Shield
Today Dr. Garko will introduce you to some new products to manage stress and stress related symptoms - Stress Shield and Vega One. |
Controlling Between Meal Snacks
Dr. Heather Hassenblass joins Dr. Garko to discuss successful weight loss techniques. Then, the connections between stress,inflammation and disease. |
Brain Trauma
Dr. Michael Lewis is our special guest. Our topic is traumatic brain injury within the military, it's causes and treatment |
Know Your Omega-3 Number
Do you know your Omega-3 number? Dr, Garko will help you find it along with health educator Stuart Tomc. |
Fighting the Fires of Inflammation
Jack Challem of Solgar is here fighting the fires of inflammation. And you can too. Also, Tracy Krieder of Country Life discusses the importance of taking dietary supplements. |
Compelling Kyolic
Jay Levy is here to share some new and compelling research on kyolic aged garlic. Then - digestive health as the overall foundation of health and wellness. |
Regrowing Hair
A healthy body starts from within. Learn the importance of having plenty of fiber in your diet to help keep things moving. Then - preventing hair loss and regrowing new hair - the natural way! |
The Healing Science
Devang Patel of Natrol joins us to present an Ayurvedic approach to dietary supplements. Then, how to get better sleep and manage stress with Dr. Michael Murray of Natural Factors. |
Spring Forward
Dr. Garko examines the impact of daylight savings on your health and well being. Then, Jason Mitchell of Country Life discusses the importance of quality sleep. |
The Diet Lifestyle
Watching your weight? Dr. Garko has some good news and some bad news about the diet lifestyle. Then, the health benefits of fish oil, with John Sanchez of New Chapter. |
Wonderful Water
All living beings are primarily made up of water. Every biochemical process that occurs in a living being does so in a liquid medium. Improve the liquid and improve the process. That's where Willard's Water comes in. Dr. John Williard will tell us more! |
We talk with Stuart Tomc about a problem that's growing in the medical sector - overdiagnosis, or making people sick in the pursuit of health. Then - what can be done to curb the risk of heart problems in babies? |
Causes of Joint Pain
We welcome Country Life's Jason Mitchell to help us address the symptoms and causes of joint pain. Then, Jay Bugai of Garden of Life on CoQ10 & Resveratrol for cellular health. |
All About Energy
Do you feek weak, are you constantly tired, or just lack energy? You could be suffering from fatigue, and we want to get you moving again. We're talking about fatigue and its remedies with Jack Challem of Solgar. |
How to Improve Your Health
Up first, Stuart Tomc of Nordic Naturals tells you how to protect your heart with fish oil. Then, Bruce Topping has three things you can do to improve your health. |
Nourish Your Neurons
Today, we're feeding your brain! Kevin Cobb is here to tell is how To nourish your neurons for better memory and learning. |
Matters of Your Heart
It's Valentine's Day, so we're going to focus on your heart, with Marci Clow of Rainbow Light |
Using Natural Factors
On this episode, we're talking with Dr. Michael Murray of Natural Factors about some natural remedies for high blood pressure and hight cholesterol. Then, the importance and impact of social relationships on your health and wellness. |
Your Cardiovascular Heath
Today, Dr. Garko focuses on ways to keep your heart healthy. First, Dominique Clark of Jarrow talks about what fish oil supplements can do for your heart. Then Jay Levy of Kyolic takes a different approach - using Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract |
Controlling and managing inflammation
Today we're talking with Dr. Parris Kidd of Doctor's Best about managing inflammation with a special form of curcumin. |
Supplement Success
Up first, Natural Factor's Julia Havey helps you achieve weight loss success with PGX. Then, how to develop a successful supplement program with Jay Bugai of Garden of Life. |
The Do's and Don'ts of Protein
How much protein in your diet do you need to accomplish your fitness goals? And how much is too much? We outline the do's and don't of protein supplementation with Tracy Krieder of Country Life |
Creating Beauty from Within
Steven Eaton of Natrol wants you to experience the health thrill of krill. Then, Rob Maru and Dr. Steve Anton of ReserveAGE will help you find the beauty within |
Cleanse & Detoxify Your Body for 2012
Your first resolution of the New Year should be to cleanse and detoxify.
Learn How and Why with Maggie Johnle of Renew Life |
Unhealthy Weight Loss
There's a right way to lose weight, and a wrong way. Yes, you could be dropping significant weight, but you could be damaging yourself in the process.Stu Tomc of Nordic Naturals outlines the right way to do it. |
Stay Healthy During this Holiday Season
You want to stay healthy during the holidays. But going to germ-infested areas like the mall won't make things easy.Dominique Clarke from Jarrow has some tips |
Planning for 2012
Do you have a health literary for 2012 yet? No? Well you're in luck, because Jolie Root- Carlson is here to help you make one! |
Chocolate and Wine for Longer Life
Do you suffer from an Omega-3 Deficiency? Dr. Aimee Shunney of Nordic Naturals will help you figure it out. Then, Rob Maru-ReserveAge has the key to longevity - Resveratrol and Cocoa. |
Sugar in a Box
Dr. Garko discusses an alarming new report on children's breakfast cereals. Then, Marci Clow of Rainbow Light tells you how to defend yourself against cold and flu season, and attack it head-on. |
New Year Resolution
Carrie Charles will help you make and keep those New Year's Resolutions. Then, health heart for the new year with Henry Strauss |
Health and Wellness in Foster Care
Reporting on the Overmedicating of Foster Children and First, we get Dr. Garko’s perspective on health and wellness, and a look at the reports on the overmedicating of foster children. Then, a discussion on treatments for upper respitory infection from Dr. Narinder Duggal. |
Holiday Weight Gain
It's the one thing that nobody wants for the holidays, but they'll probably get it anyway. Todd Scarabrough of Nordic Naturals is here to talk about holiday weight gain: the unwanted, unhealthy, unsightly and unreturnable gift that keeps on giving. |
Staying in the Holiday Spirit
Tracy Kreider of Country Life is here to discuss holiday food and mood; how you can take care of your psychological health during the holidays. |
Holiday Survival Guide
There are two things you can do to make sure you make ot through the holidays healthy - keep an eye on your blood sugar and keep your immune system strong. Jay Levy of Waukanaga will help you do bolth. Plus - supplements with Dr. Kidd. |
Children and Cholesterol
Dr. Michael Garko tells us about another consequence of the obesity epidemic: testing ALL children for high cholesterol. Then, countering the consequences of the obesity epidemic with Garden of Life's Bruce Topping |
A Healthy Holiday
Today, we're talking about stress and sugar - the two things you need to manage to stay healthy. |
Blood Sugar Roller Coaster
Dominique Clarke outlines The health consequences of taking too many rides on the blood sugar roller coaster: a sweet but dangerous and sometimes deadly risk |
Merry Christmas Coronary
Michele McRae of Rainbow Light and Dr.Garko discuss stress and other factors that can contribute to heart attacks over the holidays |
Kids Need Fish Oil
Health educator Stuart Tomc is back on the program to talk once again about the power of fish oil. We'll learn how it can enhance your brain, and why it's as important as exercise for kids. |
A New Weapon Against Cold and Flu
Brenda Watson returns to the program to talk about the use of probiotics in prevention and recovery from the flu. Also, how the cycle of losing and gaining weight is dangerous and how to prevent it. |
Vital Enzymes
Valerie Hall of Doctor’s Best is here to talk about how and why enzymes are vital to health. Dr. garko thinks that enzymes are one of the most overlooked aspects of nutrition, and he want to change that with this episode! |
Not-So-Sweet Treat
Look at any nutritional label on virtually any food product at the grocery store, and you'll find one common ingredient: high fructose corn syrup. Tracy Kreider of Country Life is here to discuss the prevalence of high fructose corn syrup in our every day diets, and the health consequences. |
Fight The Fat
Don't know what to do about that unsightly belly fat? Rob Maru ReserveAge has some suggestions. Then - Brendan Brazier has a nutritional answer for those suffering from celiac disease |
A Different View on Obesity
Dr. Earl McAllister provides a view of the obesity epidemic from a surgeon's perspective. Also - Dominique Clarke of Jarrow Formulas discusses managing blood sugar glucose lebels to have better health. |
Aging the Right Way
Yasmyn Macaroni of New Chapter joins Dr. Garko to discuss how older Americans - those 65 + can age successfully. |
How Dirty is Your Cell Phone
Dr. Chris Moore of Nordic Naturals debates Plant vs. Marine Source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Fish Oil vs. Krill as Sources of Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Then - how unsanitary is your cell phone? |
Are You Ready for Cold & Flu Season?
Jason Mitchell of Country Life wats to make sure you are prepared for cold and flu season. Also - aging gracefully versus aging successfully |
Enhancing Women’s Health
Jery Cochern from Pure Essence Labs talks about enhancing women's health through the use of a whole fppd supplement. And are you taking a pharmaceutical grade fish oil supplement? You should be! |
Fats to Get Fit
Kristina Phillips of Nordic Naturals helps Dr. Garko to clean up the confusion about which fats you should be eating. Also - why sleep is so important, and prevention versus treatment of obesity. |
Sweet Wheat
Kim Bright of Brightcore Nutrition discusses the benefits of wheat supplementation, and why her company is one of the leaders in that field. Also - people catch diseases. So why aren't they catching good health habits from those who have that? |
Defeating Diabetes
Jolie Root gives you the weapons to finally beat back diabetes once and for all. Then - a look back at the life of Steve Jobs, a true renaissance man |
A Healthier Way of Living
Dominique Forman of Jarrow Formulas has a better way of losing weight - instead of going on a diet, choose a healthier way of living & eating |
Protect Your Prostate
We are living in a toxic world, and Jeff Van Hecke will help you detoxify. Then- protect your prostate with Henry Strauss of Strauss Herbs. |
Create, Sustain and Reclaim Health
New Chapter's Director Of Medical Education Dr. Taryn Forelli tells us how to practice good health with the practice of probiotics. Then, Dr. Garko explains how to create, sustain and reclaim health |
Disease Prevention
Dominique Clark of Jarrow Formulas joins the program to talk about the prevention of non- communicable diseases, such as asthma, colitis & hypothyroidism. |
Stress Management through Herbs
Dr. Garko & herbalist Dr. Christopher Hobbs discuss coping with stress, and rejuvenating energy through herbal medicine. Then - Brenda Watson tells us how you can use fish oil as a weapon against heart disease |
Managing Your Cholesterol
Dr. Michael Murray is here, and our topic is managing your cholesterol for proper heart health. Also - Dr. Garko discusses proper dietary supplementation. |
Chronic Inflammation
Nutritionist & Educator Jolie Root is today's featured guest. Our topic is chronic inflammation, it's risk factors, health consequences and how to counteract it. |
Fish Oil Facts
Fitness and Nutrition expert Todd Scarborough discusses how a healthy diet, along with fish oil supplementation, can promote better mental health and well-being. |
Connecting the Dots
Kim Bright of Brightcore Nutrition helps us make the connection between toxicity, inflammation and disease |
Self Care
Henry Small discusses how you can take charge of your cardiovascular health. Then - Dr. Garko talks about the concept of self-care. |
The Power inside Blueberries
In this episode, Dr. Garko speaks with Dominique Clark of Jarrow Formulas. She introduces a compound called Pterosilbene, and its prospects for inhibiting breast cancer, diabetes, and LDL cholesterol. |
Healthy Foods, Healthy Planet
Brendan Brazier tells us why eating a plant-rich diet not only creates a healthy body, but a healthy planet as well! |
Nourish Your Body Outside & In
Dr. Michael Murray is here to help you look good from the inside out with bio sil. |
Prepping for the Cold & Flu Season
Dr. Taryn Forrelli is here to help you get a jump on cold and flu season with some healthy tips. Then - what you can learn from Steve Jobs' health challenges. |
Getting Rid of that Unhealthy & Unsightly Belly Fat
Karlene Karst, RD, is a leading health specialist in nutrition and natural medicine and is dedicated to improving the health of society by sharing her knowledge. Today, she's talking about losing that belly fat. |
Hair & Hormones
Your hair and your hormones are related. Find out how how from Cathy Beekman of Natrol. |
What You Need to Know About Aloe Vera
Tracy Kreider tells us why you need to know about Aloe Ver. But First, Dr. Kaori Shimazaki Dadgostar talks about regulating your blood glucose/sugar levels. |
Pump It!
Work strong, live strong! Dr. Garko talks about the importance of strength and resistance training, as well as it's many health benefits. Then - Jerry Smith tells us how to manage stress with nutrition. |
How to Create Liver Health
Every single toxin we put into our body, from fast food, to liquor, to prescription medication, all gets filtered through one place: you liver. So if your liver malfunctions, you could have some serious problems. Dr. Garko & herbalist Dr. Christopher Hobbs discuss how to keep your liver functioning properly to ensure maximum health. |
Vitamin Alternatives
We all need to take our vitamins – but who says we have to take them in a traditional way? Hallie Rich of Rich Vitamins has a new way to get your daily supplement without swallowing a large pill. Then - how your dietary habits are affecting what your kids eat. |
Essential Omegas
Health educator Stuart Tomc talks about Omega 3 and it’s essential contribution to your health. |
Out of the Ordinary Ways of Losing Weight
Beverly Caruso is back to talk more about FullFast - a spray clinically tested to help reduce the excessive feeling of hunger Then, Dr. Garko outlines some unusual ways you can lose weight. |
3 Steps Against Diabetes
Nutritionist & Educator Jolie Root talks about how you can manage, and even prevent diabetes through diet, physical activity and dietary supplements. |
Longer Life through Lifestyle
Henry Small of Strauss Herb Company discusses the importance of diet and physical activity as it relates to life expectancy. |
The Transformational Nature of Yoga
Dr. Garko discusses how you can introduce yoga into your fitness routines, and reap the benefits. Also - Triathelete & nutritional expert Brendan Brazier joins Dr. Garko to present a healthy nutritional philosophy. |
Diabetes Prevention
Nutritional Consultant Valerie Hall gives you a one-two punch in diabetes prevention: diet and physical activity! |
Fiber and Probiotics
Today it’s all about benefits. First, Jeff Van Hecke outlines the science supporting the health benefits of fiber. Then, Tracy Krieder gives us the science supporting health benefits of probiotics. |
Energize your Life
Dr. Kaori Shimazaki Dadgostar explains how we can apply the principles of sports nutrition to everyday life and exercise. |
The Road to Optimal Health
Are you on the road? The road to optimal health, that is. Shauna Wall will tell you how to get there. Also- Rob Maru of Reserveage Organics outlines the health benefits of cocoa. |
Jerry Smith & Richard Passwater are here to tell you how you can have better looking and heathier hair,skin nails, bones and joins with a collegen creator called Biosil |
Proper Probiotics
Jay Levy & Albert Dahbour of Waukenaga are here to tell you about Kyolic Kyo-Dophilus - a probiotic that will boost immunity, promote healthy intestinal function and general well-being. |
Protein Questions
Dr. Jason Mitchell of Country Life joins Dr. Garko to answer some important questions about protein. Then - should parents lose custody of their obese children? |
Pet Health and Nutrition
Nutrition is the first principle of health as it relates to human beings. That principle is just as relevant to our pets. Marci Clow of Rainbow Light Nutritional System tells us how you can help your pets nutrition through supplements. |
F as in Fat Report
Dr. Michael Garko takes a look at the latest reports on America’s weight and believes obesity is a threat to our future. Then Garden of Life’s Rex Jones tells you how you can fight inflammation with Wobenzyn-N and Fish Oil. |
Living a Healthy Diet and Lifestyle
Brendan Brazier is one of only a few professional athletes in the world whose diet is 100 percent plant-based. He’s a professional Ironman triathlete, bestselling author on performance nutrition, and the creator of an award-winning line of whole food nutritional products. He joins to Dr. Garko to talk about healthy diets and healthy lifestyles |
Belly Fat, Inflammation and Disease
Jolie Martin Root is a Licensed Practical Nurse, a Licensed Nutritionist and a Medical Journalist in private practice in Denver, Colorado. She counsels and educates about the role of nutrition in integrative medicine. She joins the program today to explore the connection between your waistline, inflammation & chronic disease. |
Heart Defense
Henry Small of Strauss Herb Company is back for another heart to heart talk. This time, we develop a personal prevention program to combat coronary heart disease. |
The Fat Future of America
Dr. Garko has seen some recent trends about America’s obesity epidemic, and has reason to be concerned. Then, licensed naturo-path Sally Byrd introduces some super foods for super health. |
Healthy Digestion
Yerba Prima’s Jeff Van Hecke tells you how your fiber intake can help your body’s overall health. Then, Brenda Watson leads a discussion about leaky gut syndrome and how to treat it |
The Small Things
Sure, a healthy diet and proper exercise is the best way to lose weight. But Dr. Garko wants you to know it’s the little things that can actually matter the most. |
Henry Small on Heart Disease
Henry Small of Strauss Herb Company is back for another heart to heart talk, This time, we will discuss how we can reduce the risk for coronary heart disease and stroke. |
Healthy or Not
Are high fat diets healthy or unhealthy? Dr. Garko has the answers. Then, Dr. Aimee Shunney wonders if we are in the throws of an Omega-3 deficiency |
Better Sleep, Better Health
Dr. Michael Garko discusses a wide range of topics, including climate change, how social factors can impact your health, and why better sleep will equal better health |
Fish Oil & Krill Oil
Stacey Bell wants you to get Omega-3. But what’s the best way to get it? She compares and contrasts fish oil and krill oil to show which one packs the bigger Omega 3 punch. |
Dr. Michael Murray returns to the program to tell you all about PGX, which is the new science of appetite control. Then – the effects of sleep on marital interactions, and professional athletics. |
Controlling Your Appetite
Everyone knows that controlling hunger and cravings is essential to losing weight, but
the daily battle against excessive hunger sooner or later undermines willpower and
leads impulsive snacking – UNTIL NOW! Beverly Caruso will help your appetite control with a product called FullFast. Then, Dr. Garko examines some lousy life expectancy numbers in US counties. |
A Different Source of Omega 3
We all know about the health benefits of Omega 3 . And Dr. Parris Kidd willl tell you a better way to get them - from squid! Then, in salute of Father’s Day, Dr. Garko discusses what makes a good dad |
Losing the Belly Fat
Nutrition specialist Karlene Karst tells you about a clinically proven way to target and lose that unsightly belly fat. Then – Dr. Garko discusses the health benefits of progressive resistance strength training. |
Bone Health with Dr. Dadgostar
Approximately one in two Americans over the age of 18 and many children are restricted by a musculoskeletal disorder such as arthritis, back pain, osteoporosis or other injury. To avoid continuing its painful walk down this potentially destructive path, America needs to take better preventative care of its bones and joints. It seems milk alone may not be pulling its weight, so…got supplements? Dr. Kaori Shimazaki Dadgostar from Jarrow formulas is here to put you on the right path |
Improving Your Cardiovascular Strength
Cathy Beekman joins the program to discuss Cardiovascular Dietary Supplementation. Then, Dr. Garko reports on the link between phosphorus and heart health, and the decline of cardiorespiratory fitness after age 45. |
Diabetes and Your Heart
If you have diabetes, take care of your heart. Having diabetes means you are
more likely to have a heart attack or a stroke—but it doesn’t have to—if you
take care of your diabetes. Nutritionist & Educator Jolie Root gets you started on the right path. |
Healthy Decisions for a Healthy Heart
Henry Small of Strauss Herb Company and Dr. Garko talk about modulating modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease. In other words – how making healthy decisions can help your heart. |
Non-Traditional Vitamins
We all need to take our vitamins – but who says we have to take them in a traditional way? Hallie Rich of Rich Vitamins has a new way to get your daily supplement without swallowing a large pill |
Nix the 6 & Eat the 3
Nutritional educator Stuart Tomc talks about the importance of Omega 3 Fish Oils in the diet. From cardiovascular health to brain health to vision health, the benefits of Omega 3 are enormous. |
Aloe Vera is an Amazing Plant
We’re all aware of how aloe vera can heal the skin. But that’s just the beginning of what this wonderful plant can do for your body, as clinical trials have proven! Jason Mitchell of Country Life explains how it can assist in healthy digestive function, immune support, and more! |
Power of Probiotics
Probiotics can improve your digestion and bowel function. But it’s positive effects don’t stop there. Dr. Dallas Clouatre explains some of the other functions of probiotics. |
Losing Weight with Fiber
Yerba Prima’s Jeff Van Hecke tells you how your fiber intake can assist you in losing weight, Then – Rob Maru of Reserveage Organics will help you get healthier skin and nails with a product called Keratin Booster. |
Old v Young, MD
Dr. Michael Garko and Dr. Aimee Shunney examine the differences between younger and older doctors in prescribing drugs and giving lifestyle recommendations |
Hormonal Balance
Its amazing what 40 winks can do for your overall well-being! Dr. Garko explores the correlation between your health and getting a good night’s sleep. Then, Dr. John Gray, Ph.D. joins the program to talk about his new book Venus on Fire, Mars On Ice, which explains why hormonal balance is so important. Its amazing what 40 winks can do for your overall well-being! Dr. Garko explores the correlation between your health and getting a good night’s sleep. Then, Dr. John Gray, Ph.D. joins the program to talk about his new book Venus on Fire, Mars On Ice, which explains why hormonal balance is so important. |
The Fat Tax
Dr. Garko discusses the growing obesity epidemic, and wonders of the fat tax - a tax or surcharge that is placed upon fattening foods, beverages or individuals - is the right course of action to fight this problem. Then - how to get a good night’s sleep, thanks to Solus |
Probiotics & The Road to Perfect Health
Dr. Garko examines the connections between relationships, infidelity and health. Then, Brenda Watson leads you down the road to perfect health through use of probiotics. |
Acidic or Alkaline?
Dr. Sally Byrd, a licensed naturo-path tells you why you need to know & take the necessary steps to balance your pH levels. |
The Role of Antioxidants in Anti-aging
Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, which damage cells, clog arteries and contribute to chronic illness and aging. But they do much more than that. Learn more about them & what they can do from Tracy Krieder of Country Life. |
Understanding AntiOxidants
Cathy Beekman of Natrol joins Dr. Garko to talk about the health benefits of antioxidants, and to also clear up some of the confusion about them out there in the marketplace. |
The Power and Potential of Protein
Dr. Jason Mitchell of Country Life and Dr. Garko discuss protein, why it is an essential part of your diet, how much you actually need in your diet and how you can supplement your intake. |
The Inflammation Connection
Jolie Martin Root is a Licensed Practical Nurse, a Licensed Nutritionist and a Medical Journalist in private practice in Denver, Colorado. She counsels and educates about the role of nutrition in integrative medicine. She joins the program today to explore the connection between iInflammation & chronic disease. |
Protecting Your Heart with Kyolic
Charlie Fox from Wakunaga Natural Supplements joins Dr. Garko to talk about the heart protective effects of aged garlic extract. |
Supplements for Strong Bones
Green Dog Natural’s Michele McRae discusses preserving your bone health with proper calcium supplements. |
The Relationship of Fats to Health
Heath Educator Stuart Tomc returns to Let’s Talk Nutrition to chew the fat. Meaning he’s here to talk about the differences between good fats and bad fats, and tell you why fats are fundamental to good health and weight loss. |
Boning-up On Bone Health
Internationally recognized nutrition educator Dr. Parris Kidd talks about the importance of calcium and vitamin D supplementation for strong, healthy bones. |
The Mind – Body Connection
Dr. Garko and Henry Small explore the relationship between anxiety and depression and cardiovascular disease. Then, Bruce Topping talks about Garden of Life’s breakthrough fish oil products. |
Basics of Dietary Supplements
Dr. Garko and Tracy Krieder of Country Life talk about why it is important to take dietary supplements, and why all supplements are not created equal. Then, Jeff Van Hecke from Yerba Prima helps you brush up on your lymphatic system. |
Healthy Aging
Dr. Garko talks about some dietary and lifestyle approaches to delay age-related disease, and to keep your body younger, longer. |
Obesity Issues Outside of America
We’re all aware of the obesity epidemic in America, but the problem is spreading. Dr. Garko explains how some countries that have embraced the western diet are now experiencing the same weight and health issues that Americans do. Then- Natural food expert Bruce talks about controlling your weight as you age. |
Myths and Misconceptions About Probiotics
Silvano Arnoldo, probiotic consultant at Jarrow Formulas, tells Dr. Garko about some new research into probiotics, and why they are proving to be a cornerstone in the dietary supplement industry. He’ll also clear up some myths and misconceptions surrounding the use of the products. |
Kidney Health
Dr. Garko and Henry Small explore the connection between chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease. |
Losing Weight & Staying Slim
Nutritionist Dr. Chris Mohr outlines the effects of diet and exercise on weight loss. Learn how to use them the right way to take off those pounds and keep them off! |
How and Why You Should Keep Your Body Moving
Being sedentary is an unnatural condition for the human body. Unfortunately, modern living is more characterized by a sedentary lifestyle than a physically active lifestyle. But Dr. Garko says too often people simply don’t have enough energy to live a physically active lifestyle because their daily dietary practices are such that they suffer from a suboptimal nutritional status. |
Pregnancy Nutrition
Shauna Wall ins here with Dr. Garko to inform you about the importance of nutrition before, during and after pregnancy |
Fruits, Veggies and Fiber
Dr. Michael Garko will telly you all about the importance of fruits and vegetables to health. Then, Tracy Hutchinson on what fiber and cleansing can also do for your health. |
Supporting the Health of Children and Adolescents
Marci Clow of Rainbow Light Nutritional System discusses optimal health and for children, and the role proper nutrition plays in achieving it. |
Nutrition and Eye Health
Dr. Garko welcomes clinical nutritionist Martie Whittekin for a conversation about keeping your vision sharp through proper nutrition, lifestyle choices and supplementation. |
Managing Weight With Garlic
Jay Levy is here to tell you about combating health risks of overweight and obesity. With what? With Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract! |
All About the Omegas
Health Educator Stuart Tomc tells us about the health and economic consequences of an excess of Omega-6 and insufficiency of Omega-3 |
Hormones and Health
Confused about Hormones? You’re not alone, but Dr. Garko is here, along with Dr. Hyla Cass, who will help you make sense of hormones, and make sense of your health! |
The Road to Perfect Health
Dr. Garko and Rob Maru of Reserveage Organics discuss ways you can battle your belly fat! Then – Brenda Watson returns to the program with the topic The Road to Perfect Health – balance your fat, heal your body! |
Eating Raw, Staying Healthy
Natural food expert Bruce Topping advocates for the raw diet & more nutrtient-dense foods. Then, Jason Mitchell solves your stress issues through nutrition. |
Fabulous Health with Fabulous Fiber
Jeff Van Hecke from Yerba Prima tells you about the importance of fiber in your diet, and the best ways to get it. Then, clinical nutritionist Martie Whittekin talks about a natural way to battle your allergy issues |
Garlic versus Cholesterol
Dr. Garko talks with Jay Levy of Wakunaga, who will tell is how to manage cholesterol with Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract. Then - Improve your health and well being with Vega Whole Food Supplements. Brendan Brazier tells you how! |
Catch of the Day
Christina Phillips of Nordic Naturals talks about the differences between farm-raised and wild fish from a nutritional standpoint, and how it can also affect the quality of Omega 3 fish oil capsules. |
Stress and Insomnia
Cathy Beekman of Natrol joins Dr. Garko to talk about some factors that may be contributing to insomnia, and waht you can do about it. Then, herbalist Christopher Hobbs talks about natural ways to fight radiation poisoning, and how supplement companies are going green. |
Natural Denture Cream
Ewald Schmidt joins the program to discuss the latest warnings about denture cream dangers, and offers a natural solution. Then, Dr. Michael Murray tells us about Celedrin - a natural product to help with joint pain. |
The Consequences of Obesity
Dr. Chris Mohr & Dr. Garko discuss obesity and many of its side effects, They outline the problems associated with a high fat diet, and offer healthy alternatives. |
How to Age Successfully
Dr. Garko talks about nutritional and lifestyle principals and practices to stay healthy and age successfully. |
Healthy Heart with Herbs
Henry Small of Strauss Herb Company and Dr. Garko talk about how you can care for your heart with herbs. They also talk about how obesity ties into heart problems |
Successful Aging: Stopping and Reversing Muscle Loss
Dr. Garko and Dr. Hector Lopez spend this program discussing Sarcopenia, which is muscle loss due to aging. They talk about how can you slow it down, what are the nutritional and lifestyle strategies to fight it. |
Women’s Health and Probiotics
Silvano Arnoldo talks about how using probiotics can help women fight off common urogenital infections. |
Skip the Sugar & Go Raw!
Dr. Garko says Americans are addicted to sugar, sodium and saturated fat, and that needs to change. Garden of Life’s Jordin Rubin has a suggestion- go raw instead! |
Crazy About Nuts
On today's episode - we're nuts, and you should be too! Dr. Garko will tell you why a handful of nuts should be in your daily diet. |
Regrowing Hair Naturally
Cathy Beekman of Natrol will bring us some natural alternatives to repair the effects of balding. Then, Jeff Van Hecke from Yerba Prima tells you how to detoxify your body. |
Power Up with Protein
Dr. Bob Berger educates us on protein, specifically what types you need and how much to take. Then - healthy hair coloring with Marie Therese Dufour |
Supplements and Your Health
Dr. Garko and Tracy Krieder talk about why it is important to take dietary supplements, and why all supplements are not created equal. |
Shield Yourself Against Stress
Dr. Jason Mitchell of Country Life and Dr. Garko discuss stress, its effect on the body and aging, and what you can do to lessen its effect on your health. |
Resveratrol to the Rescue
Dr. Garko and Rob Maru of Reserveage Organics discuss the amazing properties of Resveratrol and how it can assist in the aging process. |
Probiotics and Gut Health
Brenda Valen of ReNew Life Formulas talks about probiotics and how they can improve your digestive process. Then, Dr. Murray explores the connection between insulin resistance and inflammation and the Benefit of PGX’s. |
American Heart Month
We continue our celebration of American Heart with Jay Levy of Wakunaga, who explains how kyolic aged garlic can improve your heart’s health, and your overall health. |
Shaking the Salt Habit
Triathelete & nutritional expert Brendan Brazier joins Dr. Garko for a discussion on heart health, and why you should eliminate salt from your diet. Then – the pros and cons of Lapband surgery. |
Aging Successfully with Omega-3
Fitness and Nutrition expert Todd Scarborough is here to tell you how you can age successfully with Omega-3 Fatty Acids from fish oil. |
The Growing Obesity Epidemic
Dr. Garko discuses the results of a new study that shows obesity rates are growing worldwide, due to the import of the western fast food culture. Plus - surefire techniques to lose the weight and keep it off. |
Blending vs. Juicing
Blending versus juicing - which one is better? As Dr. Garko explains they’re both good, but which one is better depends on your goals. |
Pet Nutrition and Health
Writer, educator and alternative/holistic veterinarian, Dr. Randy Kidd joins LTN to talk about a healthy & Holistic approach to caring for your pet & their diet. |
Silver SOL to the Rescue
Internationally Renowned Toxicologist Dr. Gordon Pedersen returns to the program tell us more about the amazing benefits of silver, and a supplement called Silver Sol |
The Battle Against High Cholesterol
Dr. Garko and Henry Small of Strauss Herb Company talk about an herbal approach to high cholesterol. They will talk about how it can be managed through healthy foods, and supplementation. |
Managing Weight Loss
Julia Havey of Natural Factors talks about how you can lose weight and keep it off with the help of a supplement called PGX. Incorporating PGX into your diet will promote satiety, curb food cravings and normalize appetite and metabolism. |
Fighting Cold and Flu
Cathy Beekman of Natrol joins Dr. Garko to talk about keeping your immune system healthy during cold & flu season. Then, Rob Maru of Reserveage Organics discusses aging successfully with resveratrol |
Benefits of Vitamin D
Micki Poff from Jarrow Formulas and Dr. Garko bring you a historical account of Vitamin D, and tell you about it’s functional health benefits are. |
Toxicology and Today’s Health
Internationally Renowned Toxicologist Dr. Gordon Pedersen discusses the use of Colloidal Silver to fight against all pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses, fungus and parasites. |
Second Hand Smoke
Dr. Garko discusses the results of a new study on the effects of second-hand smoke, and wonders if trying to ban smoking in cars with children would be a good idea. Then, Garden of Life’s Jordin Rubin talks about the advantages of eating raw |
Supporting Strong, Healthy Bones
Marci Clow of Rainbow Light Nutritional Systems dicusses the lack of minerals and nutrients in the typical, high sugar diet of teens and young adults, and the importance of calcium supplementation for strong, healthy bones. |
Cholesterol and Your Heart Health
Dr. Garko & Jay Levy discuss the great cholesterol debate; what’s good, what’s bad, and how much is too much? They will also discuss steps you can take to improve your cholesterol levels with the assistance of kyolic aged garlic extract. |
The Signs of Inflammation
Dr. Garko and fitness expert Todd Scarborough of Nordic Naturals discuss systemic inflammation in our bodies, its effects on our health, and what you can do to moderate the inflammation process as you age. |
The Benefits of Aminos Products
Dr. Garko and certified clinical nutritionist Martie Whittekin talk about energy; specifically, your body’s energy. They discuss they factors that inhibit your body to store energy, and ways we can fight those factors. |
Tips for Losing Weight in the New Year
If your New Year’s Resolution was to lose a few of those extra pounds, Triathelete Brendan Brazier has a suggestion: try a plant-based diet. Then, Dr. Garko will tell you why you need to stay far away from those fad diets if you want to lose weight. |
Bringing Your Body into Balance
Dr. Garko and Tracy Krieder of Country Life discuss acid / base balance in your body, why it matters, and how the imbalance can contribute to disease. They’ll also discuss foods that are alkalizing and acidifying. |
Keeping Your New Year's Resolutions
Dr. Michael Murray joins the program with some simple tips for succeeding at the New Year’s resolutions of losing and maintaining weight. Then, Dr. Garko will share some principles to help keep New Year’s resolutions. |
Obesity, Activity and Optimism
Dr. Garko discusses a new study which examines the impact parental influence has on childhood obesity. Then, why you man need more physical activity that you think you do. And does positive thinking equal positive health? Dr. Garko talks about optimism and its connection to your health. |
Bones And Aging
Dr. Garko and Tracy Krieder of Country Life discuss aging and the impact it has on your bones. They’ll describe some problems that can typically occur, and what you can do to prevent it through diet and supplementation. |
Healthy Digestion for The Holidays
Jeff Van Hecke from Yerba Prima talks about steps you can take to relive constipation from all of those holiday foods. Then, Jordin Rubin gives us The Raw Truth on his latest book. |
Battling the Holiday Blues
We explore the myths and realities of the holiday blues with Dr. Hyla Cass, who will also explain the connection between food and mood. Then – Shauna Wall talks about dealing with stress through nutrition. |
Conscious Living and Conscious Eating
The key to getting through the holiday season without adding an inch or two to your waistline is conscious eating. What is conscious eating? One example is knowing what the calorie count of what you are eating. We’ll explore more with Jason Mitchell of Country Life. Also, a new study shows that parent’s good eating habits aren’t being passed on to their kids. |
Making the Most of Minerals
Nutritionist Jerry Cocher of Pure Essence Labs explains how a lack of minerals is the soil, which means a lack of minerals in the food we eat, resulting in a lack of the minerals we need to thrive. He recommends the key minerals every person needs, and the supplements that can help. |
Aging & The Holiday Season
Most people think this is the time of year to let everything go; eat what you want, exercise less, and just enjoy the season. But Dr. Garko points out you may be able to get away with that early in life. But as you get older, it isn’t the best idea. |
Blood Sugar Stabilization and Eating Raw
Dr. Bob Berger joins Dr. Garko for a discussion about blood glucose; what it is, how it helps us, how it can harm us and how it contributes to longevity. Then, Jordan Rubin tells you how you can bring your immune system into balance using raw foods. |
Circulatory and Thyroid Health
Dr. Garko and Henry Small of Strauss Herb Company talk about an herbal approach to circulatory and thyroid health. They also discuss the out-of-control consumption of added sugar, and how it is contribution to the high obesity and diabetes rates. |
Good Fats and Bad Fats
Heath Educator Stuart Tomc returns to Let’s Talk Nutrition to chew the fat. Meaning he’s here to talk about the differences between good fats, bad fats, and once and for all settle the big fat debate. |
Blood Pressure Control
Dr. Patti Kim of Jarrow Formulas joins Dr. Garko to talk about heart health, and how controlling your blood pressure can help you age better. She will also share the naturopathic approach to blood pressure. |
Optimistic Aging
You don’t have to view aging as a bad thing! Dr. Garko and Jay Levy discuss ways to age successfully through proper nutrition, exercise and lifestyle choices. Then, Ewald Schmidtt is here to help denture wearers during the holidays, with a natural adhesive. |
Nutrition and Successful Aging
The key to a long and healthy life is right there on your plate- or at least it should be. Dr. Michael Murray joins Dr. Garko to discuss how nutrition can impact the way we age. |
Make It A PGX Holiday: Help Manage and Lose Weight With PGX
Dr. Michael Murray is here to tell you all about PGX, which is the new science of appetite control. The PGX program can be a comfortable way to improve eating habits through the holidays, and for life. |
Healthy Habits and Supplements
Christopher Hobbs shares some tips for supporting long-term immunity & The Connection Between Immune Health and Gut Health. Then, Jerry Cochern discusses the concept of superior herbalism. |
Happy and Healthy Holidays
Dr. Garko and Country Life’s Tracy Kreider discuss ways to make this holiday season a happy and healthy one, Then, Jordin Rubin of Garden of Life joins the program to talk about how to bring your immune system into balance. |
Managing Stress with Nutrition
Dr. Garko welcomes Dr. Hyla Cass, who discusses her nutritional approach to managing stress. They will explain how the body responds to stress, and the differences between good stress and bad stress. |
Under Pressure
Dr. Dallas Clouatre discusses how to manage your high blood pressure and your high cholesterol through proper nutrition and supplementation |
The Tissue is the Issue
Heath educator Stuart Tomc says when it comes to fish oil, the tissue is the issue! He’ll also bring up additional fish oil factors every consumer needs to know. |
Fall into Health and Fitness
Dr. Rob Wildman talks about making the most of autumn with the right food and choices, including making the most of your nutrition with super juices. Plus, how the nine months you spend in the womb shapes the rest of your life. |
Optimal Wellness
All the way from South Africa, Steven Wicks talks about your immune system health and what you can do to improve it. Then, Exercise Physiologist Marco Borges talks about behavior modification for optimum wellness. |
Stress Free Holidays
Dr. Garko is joined by Dr. Michael Murray for a conversation on preparing your body for the end of the year, by taking charge and better managing your stress. |
Digestion and Health
Michele McRae discusses digestion and how it affects Your Health, as well as ways to support health digestions. Then, Jery Cochern, founder of Pure Essence Labs talks about the importance of plants and the use of herbalism and traditional Chinese medicine. |
Mushrooms and Krill
As it turns out, mushrooms aren’t just a fungus. They’re a great gift from nature. Shauna Wall will educate you on what mushroom supplements can do for your immune, lung, mind and liver functions. Then – Eric Anderson talks about a better source of Omega 3’s – krill. |
Confused about Hormones?
Confused about Hormones? You’re not alone, but Dr. Garko is here, along with Dr. Hyla Cass, to give you the straight facts on hormone replacement therapy, along with natural alternatives. Then, Jordin Rubin explains systemic enzymes, and how they support optimal digestive health. |
Resistance Training
Fitness expert Todd Scarborough of Nordic Naturals joins Dr. Garko to talk about supercharging your workouts through resistance Training. |
Fiber for Fall
If you’re looking to lose weight, one sure-fire technique is to increase your fiber intake. But fiber can do much more for you than that. And on this edition of LTN, well find out all about it from Jeff Van Hecke of Yerba Prima. |
Prepping Your Body for the Cold & Flu Season
Cold & Flu Season is almost here, and if you want to fight off the sickness, youll need to depend on your own personal bodyguard your immune system. Learn how you can super-charge your system from Jay Bugai of Country Life. |
To Eat or Not To Eat
Dr. Michael Garko examines the pros and cons of eating Genetically Engineered and Farmed Salmon. Then, Jordin Rubin shares tips on how you can marshal and balance your immune system in preparation for the cold and flu season. |
The Dangers of a Plastic World
Dr. Michael Garko leads a frank and eye-opening discussion about How & Why You Should Avoid Bisphenol A (BPA). |
Children and the Benefits of Omega 3
Are your kids getting enough Omega 3 in your diet? Do you even know what Omega 3 is and what it can do for them? If you answered I don’t know to either of these questions, don’t worry. Because after this edition of LTN, you’ll be an Omega 3 expert! Dr. Garko and Nutrition Educator Stuart Tomc will tell you everything you need to know, and why your kids need Omega 3 as part of their diet! |
Pet Health Through Supplements
Dr. Garko’s guest Tom O’Leary is a canine wellness expert, and he’s here to tell you supplements aren’t just for people! Your furry friend can use them too! He’ll tell you how supplements support your dog’s overall health and vitality |
Combating Cold and Flu Season
The summer is over, and the cold weather is on the way. To get you prepared, Dr. Garko will share some simple steps you can take to stay Cold & Flu free! |
Better Hair and a Better Love Life
Dr. Garko and Mike Puzino have tips to help you hold onto your hair. Then, Naturopathic Doctor Sherrill Sellman will give you some natural ways to spice up your love life. |
The Health Consequences of Living in Plastic World
We were not meant to live on a diet of plastics, pesticides and PCBs. Yet there are no humans and animals without them. So it's important that we detoxify our bodies through cleansing; a time-tested therapy that has been around for thousands of years. We'll take a contemporary approach to cleansing and detoxifying with Jeff Van Hecke from Yerba Prima. |
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in Children
Dr. Garko talks with Jay Levy of Wakunaga, about health promotion and disease prevention in children. They have lifestyle and nutritional suggestions to support this. |
Tracy Hutchinson on Cleansing
Whether you know it or not, were living in a toxic world, and that has a direct impact on your physical well-being. Dr. Garko & Tracy Hutchinson discuss the importance of cleansing, and why you need to make sure your processes of elimination are working properly, |
Children’s Health and Nutrition
Marci Clow of Rainbow Light Nutritional System discusses optimal health and for children, and the role proper nutrition plays in achieving it. |
Vision Health
The eyes have it! Dr. Garko welcomes Dr. Dallas Cloutre for a conversation about keeping your vision sharp through proper nutrition, lifestyle choices and supplementation. |
Easing Your Joint Pain with Omega 3
Dr. Hector Lopez joins Dr. Garko to explain how you can use Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids to reduce pain in muscle, bones, joints, tendons & ligaments. |
Benefits of Aloe Vera with jason Mitchell
We’re all aware of how aloe vera can heal the skin. But that’s the the beginning of what this wonderful plant can do for your body! Jason Mitchell of Country Life explains how it can assist in healthy digestive function, immune support, and more! |
Combating Heart Disease
Dr. Garko and Brian Bogren of New Chapter look at some new statistics on heart disease, and give some strategies to avoid becoming a statistic yourself. |
Protein Power
Food equals calories, calories equal energy. And you need that energy to keep your body moving. Tracey Kreider from Country Life & Dr. Garko talk about protein, why it is an essential part of your diet, how much you actually need in your diet and how you can supplement your intake. |
Super Fruits
Dr. Robert Wildman of Genesis Today joins Dr. Garko to discuss superfruits, like as acai and goji, along with resveratrol. Super doesn’t begin to describe these fruits. They are packed with nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, essential fats and especially antioxidants, which combat free radicals in the body. |
Liver Health
Dr. Garko and Henry Small of Strauss Herb Company talk about natural alternatives to help strengthen the health and function of your liver. |
Supplement Solutions
Dr. Garko talks about the consequences of living in a toxic world, with Jeff Van Hecke of Yerba Prima, who has some cleansing supplement solutions. Then, Wade Stewart & Dr. Garko try to establish a correlation between the status of aging & health with the poor nutrition of Americans. |
Healthy Living
The key to a long life is a healthy life. But what goes into that? Dr. Garko and Dr. Chris Mohr discuss how behavior, emotion, and most importantly, motivation contribute to a healthy life and lifestyle. |
The Role of CoQ10 in Human Health
Robert Barry, Ph.D , joins Dr. Garko for a primer on CoQ10 and some of it’s functions in human health, such as cardiovascular and cognitive function, increased energy and stamina, and general health and wellness. |
Children and Aging
It may seem strange to discuss aging when it comes to children, but Dr. Garko and Dr. Tim Bain discuss some lifestyle choices and activites that children engage in that can cause premature aging, as well as common childhood diseases such as asthma. |
Nutrition to Support Physical Activity
Gabriel Flores of Extreme Nutrition talks about his goal of helping people not only achieve but surpass their fitness goals. Weather its losing those last five pounds or putting on five pounds of muscle if you can believe it we will help you achieve it. |
How to Choose the Right Probiotic
Probiotic Expert Silvano Arnoldo of Jarrow formulas talks with us about digestive health, and how to choose the right type of probiotic to support your gut and immune health. |
The Healing Heroes Network
Dr. Garko welcomes Dr. Allan Spiegel, Neurologist, and Founder of Healing Heroes Network. Dr. Speigel will discuss treatments and give us nformation on traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder. |
Health of Men in America
Dr. Garko presents a men’s health focus with Brian Bogren of New Chapter. Today, they discuss the status of aging and health of men in America. |
Holistic Vet Care
Dr. Garko welcomes Dr. Randy Kidd, DVM, PhD, for a conversation about raising and owning a healthy, balanced dog. Dr. Kidd practiced as a " vet for more than 20 years. For the past decade or so, he has been a writer/educator and has had an alternative/holistic vet practice in Kansas City and the San Francisco Bay Area. He recently retired from active practice to devote full time to writing and teaching. |
Thyroid & Prostate Support
Dr. Garko and Henry Small of Strauss Herb Company talk about natural alternatives to prescription meds for thyroid regulation and prostate support. |
Health Benefits of Fiber
If you’re looking to lose weight, one sure-fire technique is to increase your fiber intake. But fiber can do much more for you than that. And on this edition of LTN, well find out all about it from Jeff Van Hecke of Yerba Prima. |
A Nutritional Approach to Managing Stress
Sit back, relax, and take a deep breath as Dr. Garko and Tracy Kreider discuss stress, its impact, and its management through a better diet and smarter food choices. |
Talking About Plants with Jay Levy
Dr. Garko welcomes Jay Levy of Wakunaga back to the program. Jay outlines the best of land and sea plants for overall health and successful aging. |
Understanding Herbal Remedies
Well known author, educator, and Naturopathic Doctor, Dr. Sherrill Sellman, will reveal the secrets for getting in summer shape by utilizing the ancient wisdom of Greek-Arabic herbal medicine. |
A Natural, Healthier Alternative to Hair Color
More than 50 million women color their hair regularly. But in doing so, they are exposing themselves to dangerous chemicals. Marie Therese DuFour joins Dr. Garko to talk about some of the side effects of those chemicals, and to offer a natural alternative. |
Building Healthy Bones
Marci Clow of Rainbow Light Nutritional Systems discusses the importance of calcium supplementation for strong, healthy bones. |
Food is not just Food
Nutritional educator Stuart Tomc talks about the importance of Omega 3 Fish Oils in the diet. From cardiovascular health to brain health to vision health, the benefits of Omega 3 are enormous. |
Superfruits for Longer Life
Dr. Robert Wildman of Genesis Today joins Dr. Garko to discuss the use of exotic juices, such as acai and goji, along with resveratrol for cardiovascular health, Youthful energy and appearance. |
Living in a Plastic World
We were not meant to live on a diet of plastics, pesticides and PCBs. Yet there are no humans and animals without them. So it's important that we detoxify our bodies through cleansing; a time-tested therapy that has been around for thousands of years. We'll take a contemporary approach to cleansing with Jeff Van Hecke from Yerba Prima. |
Herbal Heart Health
Henry Small and Dr. Garko talk about taking care of your heart health with herbs. |
Health Benefits of Aloe Vera
We’re all aware of how aloe vera can heal the skin. But that’s just the beginning! Jason Mitchell of Country Life explains how it can assist in healthy digestive function, immune support, and more! |
Shape Up with Supplements
Sharrann Simmons talks about how you can lower body fat and develop more muscle using Tonalin CLA. Then, Paul Tidewell explains how to supercharge your workouts with a combination of multivitamins and protein. |
Understanding IBS
Dr. Thomas Tompkins and Dr. Garko discuss some of the common symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome, and how probiotics can help with those problems. |
Natural Allergy Relief
Plant medicine specialist Dr. Silvia Bommer explains how you can find relief from allergies using a homeopathic combination. |
The Importance of an Organic Lifestyle
Green Dog Natural’s Michele McRae talks about the benefits of eating organic, and how you can tell if what you’re consume is actually organic. |
More Benefits of Resveratrol
Dr. James Perin of ReserveAge joins Dr. Garko to discuss Resveratrol and its effects on energy, endurance and fighting free radicals. He’ll also explain how it can help you lose weight. |
Effect of Calorie Control on Weight Management and Life Extension
The Question of the day: What do calories have to do with weight gain and weight loss? The answer? EVERYTHING! We discuss this with Jason Mitchell of Country Life, who also explains how a healthy weight can lead to longer life. |
Why Essential Fatty Acids Are Essential
Brenda Watson discusses health benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids. From cardiovascular health to brain health to vision health, the benefits are enormous. Unfortunately most Americans get very little in the Standard American Diet. She shares ways to change this. |
A Primer on Probiotics
Silvano Arnoldo, probiotic consultant at Jarrow Formulas, tells Dr. Garko about some new research into probiotics, and why they are proving to be a cornerstone in the dietary supplement industry |
Ocean Sustainability
Tom Newmark joins Dr. Garko to discuss the complicated issue of ocean sustainability, and how it impacts every form of life on this planet. They also discuss what we can do to help. |
Aging and Memory Loss
The brain is a very delicate organ, and we need to protect it any way we can. And nothing is more important than protecting it from the ravages of age, including loss of memory. Todd Olson from Quincy Bioscience joins Dr. Garko to talk about how we can protect the calcium-binding proteins within the brain to fight against the diseases of aging. |
Allergies & Organic Supplements
Daniel Giddens discusses some natural ways to combat allergies. Then, we’ve all heard about the advantages of eating organic. But did you know that this applies to your supplements, too? Marci Clow, MS, RD explains why. |
Power Moves
Dr. Garko welcomes Exercise Physiologist Marco Borges, author of Power Moves. They discuss the importance of practicing good health in our daily lives, through regular exercise and wholesome nutrition. |
Improving Brain Function at Any Age
Our brain is our most important organ in our body. It's composed of hundreds of billions of cells. As we grow older, our brain cells begin to decrease at a rapid rate. But a simple protein (found in jellyfish of all places!) can help us have a healthier brain, a sharper mind and clearer thinking. Mark Underwood, President and Founder of Quincy Bioscience tells Dr. Garko all about it. |
All Natural Health
Why raw? Jordan Rubin of Garden of Life discusses their new seven-day cleansing program RAW Cleanse, which features uncooked, untreated and unadulterated ingredients that are designed to support your body’s natural digestive and detoxification systems. |
The Benefits of Vitamin D
John O’Connor of Jarrow Formulas and Dr. Garko discuss the health problems that can arise due to a vitamin D deficiency. They also discuss the benefits of Vitamin D, and why you should make it a part of your daily diet. |
Defy Age
Dr. James Perin of ReserveAge joins Dr. Garko to discuss his company’s research into Resveratrol and the amazing effects it can have on the aging process. |
Healthy Fats
There’s always a lot of confusion surrounding the major macronutrients: carbs, protein, and especially fat. Many diet experts say you should cut out the fat. But Dr. Garko and Stuart Tomc say not so fast - some fats are essential to a healthy lifestyle. We’ll talk about which ones to keep in your diet. |
Natural Choices for Cleansing
The choices we make in our everyday lives can have major consequences on our short term AND long term health. It's all about what we eat, whether we exercise, the toxins we are exposed to, and so on. Jordan Rubin from Garden of Life explains the importance of cleansing. |
Parasites & Enzymes
Dr. Garko & Daniel Giddens discuss a serious worldwide problem – human parasites. They’ll discuss some of the more common and no-so common ones, how they are obtained, and what they can do to our bodies.. Then, Brenda Watson educates us about Enzymes; protein-based substances that are essential for every function in the human body including good digestion. |
The Benefits of Superfoods
Dr. Garko and Dr. Connolly discuss superfoods. What is a superfood? Where can I find them? Should I be eating them? We have the answers to these questions and more. |
The Healthcare Bill
Dr. Garko looks at the landmark healthcare bill & it’s impact on you. Then, NewChapter’s Herb Lewis tells you how you can Supplement Your Health. |
The First Principle
Dr. Garko often says nutrition is the first principle of health. But exactly what does that mean? And how does this principal of health impact you on a day-to-day basis? Dr. Garko and his guest Stuart Tomc discuss the interaction of diet and your genetic makeup. |
Dental Heath and Probiotics
If you want whiter teeth, there’s a healther, more natural way than using over-the-counter strips or chemicals at your dentist’s office. Jordan Rubin from Garden of Life explains how probiotics can inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause bad breath and compromise oral health. |
Aging Successfully
The brain is a very delicate organ, and we need to protect it any way we can. And nothing is more important then protecting it from the ravages of age, Mark Underwood from Quincy Bioscience joins Dr. Garko to talk about how we can protect the calcium-binding proteins within the brain to fight against the diseases of aging, and stay younger longer. |
Sharrann Simons & The Skinny on CLA
Research indicates that CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) actually changes body composition by reducing body fat and increasing or preserving lean muscle mass - giving you a leaner, healthier appearance. Combined with a balanced diet and exercise, CLA can help you lose body fat, and keep it off. Learn more with Sharrann Simmons and Dr. Garko. |
Longevity & Anti-Aging through Resveratrol
Dr. James Perin joins Dr. Garko to discuss aging; the science behind it, what some people do to prevent it, and what we can do to slow down the process and enjoy a fuller life using Resveratrol |
Natural Solutions for Allergies
You don’t have to look over or under the counter at your local pharmacy to find relief from those seasonal allergies. Dr. Garko and Dr. Dallas Clouatre talk about the biological process that cause allergies, and how we can combat them by strengthening the immune system. |
Whole Body Cleansing for Healthy Digestion and Heart Health
Jeff Van Hecke of Yerba Prima joins Dr. Garko to share information on what whole body cleansing can do for your health, including the health of your heart. |
Sleep for a Healthy Heart
A brand new study reveals that we may need less sleep as we age. But Dr. Garko has some questions about the study, as well as some sleep myths that need to be addressed.
Dr. Garko talks about some foods you want to avoid before you sleep, as well as some supplements you should be taking that are guaranteed to give you a good night’s rest. |
Post-Holiday Depression
After the excitement of the holidays, there’s a phenomenon where people become depressed. Dr. Garko & Jarrow Formula’s Micki Poff discuss this problem, and natural ways to combat it. |
Modern Medicine
Dr. Garko examines the phrase ‘modern medicine’ and reminds us that back in 1899 when the Merck Manual was first published, it was considered modern medicine! Then, while many of us made New Year’s resolutions to lose weight, Dr. Garko warns against following fad diets. |
The Proper Fuel for Exercise
Brendan Brazier is one of only a few professional athletes in the world whose diet is 100 percent plant-based. He’s a professional Ironman triathlete, bestselling author on performance nutrition, and the creator of an award-winning line of whole food nutritional products. He joins to Dr. Garko to talk about why a vegan diet is essential for working out. |
New Year’s Revolution
Perhaps you’re one of the thousands who make New Year’s resolutions each year, and are among the thousands who can’t or don’t follow through with those resolutions. Maybe instead of making a resolution, we should make a revolution. Learn more from Garden of Life’s Jordin Rubin, including his 360-degree approach to dieting – one that’s sure to take off those extra holiday pounds (and then some) and keep you fit |
Low Carb for Healthy Dieting
There's a diabetes epidemic in the U.S. There's also an obesity epidemic. Could it be a coincidence? Not likely. Dr. Garko discusses the problem and what can be done about it with Health Consultant & Diabetes Educator Laura Coti Garrett |
Six Daily Changes that Improve Your Level of Brain Fitness
Our brain is our most important organ in our body and is composed of hundreds of billions of cells. As we grow older our brain cells begin to decrease at a rapid rate. But we can take steps to keep our brains sharper and clearer as the years go by. Mark Underwood, President and Founder of Quincy Bioscience outlines some simple changes you can make to keep your brain strong. |
Women’s Gastrointestinal Health Issues
Dr. Garko and Dr. Kevin Connolly of Jarrow Formulas focus on your digestive system and your gastro-intestinal tract, and what you can do to keep it working as well as it should, with a focus on the problems that are more common with women rather than men. |
The Benefits of Sulphoraphane (SGS)
Kean Ashhurst is here to educate us on the power of broccoli and cauliflower. They contain Sulphoraphane and glucoraphanin; learn what they can do for your body, and how phytochemicals help with the prevention of diseases. |
The Grow Bone Challenge
Millions of women and men looking to slow normal bone loss that comes with aging have found their answer in Garden of Life's Grow Bone System. Jordan Rubin talks about what makes this system so unique, and his companys Grow Bone Challenge. |
Your Liver, Your Health
Every single toxin we put into our body, from fast food, to liquor, to prescription medication, all gets filtered through one place: you liver. So if your liver malfunctions, you could have some serious problems. Dr. Garko & Tracey Kreider of Country Life discuss how to keep your liver functioning properly to ensure maximum health. |
Building Immune Defenses
Less than 10% dont have diabetes, are non-smokers, have good blood pressure, no cardiovascular problem, and are not overweight. The rest of us are committing nutritional sins. Dr. Garko & Jay Levy examine this startling statistic & what can be done about it. |
Green Foods
Dr. Garko & Jordin Rubin from Garden of Life talk about plants, and the importance of making green plants, such as leafy vegetables, part of your everyday diet. |
Fish Oil & Pregnancy
Dr. Garko & Stuart Tomc talk about proper nutrition during pregnancy; specifically, the importance of fish oil on the nutritional status of the mother and the fetus, as well as for the baby after it is born and throughout life. |
Berry Good Health
Dr. Brad Douglass, Ph.D joins Dr. Garko to discuss why antioxidants need to be an essential part of your diet. They also talk about the benefits of Blackcurrants, a fruit has an extraordinarily high vitamin C content, and a broad range of other essential nutrients. |
Energy and Cardiovascular Health
Today, its all about the energy! And Dr. Garko, along with Micki Poff from Jarrow Formulas, is here to tell you how you can boost yours using GPLC to make the most of your daily workouts. |
Health and Fem Dophilus
There is an ongoing battle within our bodies between the good and bad bacteria. But what are you doing to help your "army"of good bacteria win the battle against the bad? Find out what you can and should be doing from Dr. Garko and Sherrill Sellman, ND. |
Cardiovascular Health Benefits of Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract
There is new published research on Kyolic Aged Garlic. Jay Levy shares the results of this study and the wonders that aged garlic can do for your cardiovascular system. |
Cardiovascular Health
Your cardiovascular system is probably the most important system of your body, so you want to keep your heart youthful. And LTN wants to help you do it. Dr. Garko welcomes Dr. Michael Murray who has simple, sensible suggestions of things you can do to keep your cardiovascular system healthy. |
Healthy Hair
How much hair should you be shedding on a normal daily basis? Find out, as Dr. Garko & Audrey Kimble expose some of the facts and myths surrounding hair and hair loss, and steps you can take to keep yours! |
Antiviral Activity and Triple Mode of Action by Echinacea Purpurea
Our guest Roland Schoop recently conducted a study on the effects on Echinacea in the prevention of colds and his results were nothing to sneeze at! Learn all about it in this episode. |
The Skinny on Eating Fat
Theres always a lot of confusion surrounding the major macronutrients: carbs, protein, and especially fat. Many diets say you should cut out the fat, but Dr. Garko and Stuart Tomc say not so fast there are some fats that are essential to a health lifestyle. |
Children's Health Focus
Were raising a generation of sick people. And we need to stop it. What are we talking about? The health of your children, thats what. Dr. Garko and John OConnor of Jarrow Formula talk about preventative action you can take to make sure your kids stay fit and healthy. |
Cardiovascular Health and Inflammation
New Chapter's Director Of Medical Education Dr. Taryn Forelli joins Dr. Garko to discuss chronic inflammation and the negative effect it can have on your heart and cardiovascular system. |
Keeping Your System Clean
Whether you know it or not, were living in a toxic world, and that has a direct impact on your physical well-being. Dr. Garko & Brenda Watson discuss the importance of cleansing, and why you need to make sure your seven channels of elimination are working properly, |
What Your Doctor Doesnt Know
Dr. Michael Murray returns to the program for a continuing discussion on his book Dr. What the Drug Companies Won't Tell You and Your Doctor Doesn't Know, this time for a focus on what your doctor doesnt know about diabetes. |
Dieting and the Use of Dieter's Tea
Dr. Garko gives the history of tea, its medicinal uses & how it was integrated into culture & tradition. Now, learn how a certain type of tea made with senna may help you actually lose weight. |
A Better Way to Fight Viruses
Heath Stuart Tomc and Dr. Kim Buczynski join Dr. Garko for an in-depth discussion on Viruses: what they are, how they work & most importantly, how to protect against them. |
Cognitive Function and Brain Nutrition
Elzaphan Hotam, Robert Crayhon and Dr. Garko talk about how to preserve and protect your brain, while activating & boosting your brain power and cognitive function. |
Aged Garlic and Your Heart Health
Dr. Garko & Jay Levy discuss some alarming statistics relating to cardiovascular health, and steps you can take to improving yours, with the assistance of kyolic aged garlic extract. |
Blocking Carbohydrates To Help Manage Weight
Central to the health care crisis in the United States, is the obesity epidemic that seems to be overtaking the majority of us. Dr. Garko & Laura Coti Garrett talk about natural ways to combat this problem. |
Healthier Alternative for Hair Color
There's nothing wrong with a change of color. But most hair dyes contain a bushel of ingredients with known health risks. But Eileen Sheets of Bioforce USA has a more natural solution that allows you to change your hair color without all of the nasty chemicals. |
CoQ10 & Cardiovascular Health
Dr. Garko and Dr. Kevin Connolly discuss your Cardiovascular Health as it relates to the Latest Ubiquinol Research. Ubiquinol is a form of CoQ10, and it contributes to cardiovascular and cognitive health, increased energy and stamina, and general health and wellness. |
Inflammation & Heart Disease
One of the reasons we have been able to survive as a species is our ability to fight off viruses, infections and disease through the inflammation response. Which is a good thing. However, the inflammation response can also be deadly when it comes to cholesterol and your heart. Dr. Garko explores the topic with Brian Bogren of New Chapter. |
Essential Enzymes
Dr. Garko and Dr. Jason Mitchell discuss enzymes, in their opinion, one of the most underrated, under discussed and undervalued concepts in nutrition, but it can have a profound impact on your health. |
Regulating Digestive Health
Yes, your health depends upon what you eat, but it is also what you are able to digest or fail to digest. Your digestive system is one of the most important bodily processes. When your body is out of balance from poor diet and lifestyle stresses, gut conditions are changing negatively to affect your overall health and well being. Dr. Iona Weir can help you with these problems. |
The Obesity Epidemic Among Children and Families
Parents have a strong influence over whether or not their children will become overweight or obese, and it's not just their genes that they pass on. Learn what you can do to influence the food choices your children make. |
Eye Health and DHA Concentration in the Body
The evidence and scientific research continue to grow daily in clinical exams and tests that the addition of Omega-3 fish oil is one of the most important benefits to your health available today. Today, we focus on what it can do for the health of your eyes with Stuart Tomc. |
Getting Your Immune System Ready for Cold and Flu Season
You may be enjoying the warm weather, but dont forget the cold is just around the corner. And that means cold and flu season. So you better start getting your body ready to fight them off now, and Dr. Garko & Jason Mitchell will tell you what you can do. |
Selenium for Sustained Health
A recent study links the consumption of the essential mineral selenium with a lower risk of prostate cancer. But thats only the start of what selenium can do for you and your health. Learn more from Dr. Mark Whitacre and Paul Willis of Cypress Systems, Inc. |
Preventing and Combating Inflammation
If you want to take charge of your health at any stage of your life, you need to get more informed about inflammation, and its contributions to age related chronic diseases. Dr. Garko & Brian Hall of NewChapter discuss the topic, and what you can do to prevent it. |
Easy Ways to Avoid Illness
There are some very easy ways to avoid illness. So easy in fact, their easy to forget. So Dr. Garko is here to remind you what they are. Dr. Garko also gives an update on the impact of the H1N1 Virus. |
The Latest Ubiquinol Research
Gene Bruno, MS, MHS. - Dean of Academics at Huntington College of Health Sciences joins Dr. Garko to talk about the latest Ubiquinol research. Ubiquinol, a form of CoQ10 contributes to cardiovascular and cognitive health, increased energy and stamina, and general health and wellness. |
Solving Sleep Issues
You want to look better? Feel better? Be healthier? Live longer? The key is getting a good nights sleep. However thats easier said than done for some. Dr. Garko examines some of the common problems that could be causing you not to sleep, and what to do to solve them. |
Diabetes Care
There's a diabetes epidemic in the U.S. There's also an obesity epidemic. Could it be a coincidence? Not likely. Dr. Garko discusses the problem and what can be done about it with Health Consultant & Diabetes Educator Laura Coti Garrett |
Zinc Poisoning and Denture Adhesives
Dr. Garko & Ewald Schmitt of Fitident talk oral health and oral hygiene, with a focus on dentures; there are some serious health implications that you may not be aware of in regard to denture creams. |
Energizing Your Body for Physical Activity
Fitness expert Todd Scarborough joins Dr. Garko to talk about a certain nutrient that you might not associate with physical activity or exercise: fish oil. |
Essential Fatty Acids
We talk a lot on this show about Essential Fatty Acids, or EFAs. But why are they essential, and which is MOST essential? Thats the topic of the discussion between Jordin Rubin & Dr. Garko.
Pharmaceuticals: Necessary or Not?
Did you ever wonder what the drug companies wont tell you, and your doctor doesnt know? Thats the title of the new book by Dr. Michael Murray who joins the show to talk about our over reliance on drugs, when simple supplementation may do the trick. |
Digestive Health- The Foundation of Overall Health
Brenda Watson joins Dr. Garko to discuss your gastro-intestinal health, and the role fiber plays in improving it. |
Digestive Health and Wellness
The digestive system is the foundation of your good health. And keeping it in good health helps you rid your body of toxins. Dr. Garko & Jason Mitchell talk about your digestive system and your gastro-intestinal tract, and different types of cleansing you can do to keep in running as well as it should be running. |
Health and Life Extending Benefits of Cod Liver Oil
Health educator Stuart Tomc travels the world to learn more on the nutritional benefits of fish oil. And he joins Dr. Garko to share that knowledge with you. During this visit, he discusses cod liver oil & how it can contribute to the anti-aging process. |
Benefits of Silicon
Dr. Garko and certified clinical nutritionist Martie Whittekin talk about your Collagen matrix, and why its so important to you. Youll learn how it contributes to the way you look, and how you are on the inside. |
Health Benefits of Fiber and Cleansing
If youre looking to lose weight, and feel better, one sure-fire technique is to increase your fiber intake, and clean out those pipes, so to speak. But thats just the start of what fiber can do for you. Well find out more from Jeff Van Hecke of Yerba Prima. |
Counteracting the Effects of Stress
Dont let the day-to-day stress were all under ruin you or your health. You need to learn to manage it properly. And youll learn how to do just that in this episode, as Dr, Garko discusses stress, its impact, and its management with Brian Bogren of New Chapter. |
Inflammation: What is it & What You Can Do About It
Are you interested in living a healthier life throughout your life cycle? Would you like to live longer and feel better? Combating chronic inflammation could hold the key. Dr, Garko explores the topic with Dr. Coco March. |
Digestion and Cleansing
Jordin Rubin from Garden of Life and Dr. Garko discuss detoxification and good digestive health; how the two are connected, and how optimizing your digestion can greatly improve your health. |
The Skinny on Body Fat
Research indicates that CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) actually changes body composition by reducing body fat and increasing or preserving lean muscle mass - giving you a leaner, healthier appearance. Combined with a balanced diet and exercise, CLA can help you lose body fat, and keep it off. Learn more with Sharrann Simmons and Dr. Garko. |
Physical Activity and Importance of Protein
Food equals calories, calories equal energy. And you need that energy to keep your body moving. Tracey Kreider from Country Life & Dr. Garko talk about protein, why it is an essential part of your diet, and how you can supplement your intake. |
What the Drug Companies Won't Tell You
Dr. Michael Murray discusses his new book What the Drug Companies Won't Tell You and Your Doctor Doesn't Know, a provocative look into how the pharmaceutical and medical industries have created our current health crisis and a practical guide to the holistic treatments that may help you and your loved ones. |
Prenatal Nutrition
You are what you eat. And thats especially true when youre eating for two! Dr. Garko and Brian Bogren discuss prenatal nutrition, including the foods you should be eating, and the foods you should avoid. |
Calories & Your Weight
The Question of the day: What do calories have to do with weight gain and weight loss? The answer? EVERYTHING! We discuss with Jason Mitchell of Country Life.
Hair Restoration
Dr. Garko & Dr. Mike Yatcilla focus on hair health today; what factors cause baldness, how to prevent it, and some solutions to get some of that hair back.
Brain Health: Protecting and Preserving the Brain
Dr. Garko & Dr. Donese Worden discuss the health of your brain and how to maintain strong cognitive functions as you age. They review many recent studies on the topic & discuss the benefits of certain substances, such as Resveratrol, as they relate to brain health. |
The Longevity Factor
In The Longevity Factor, noted neuroscientist and surgeon Joseph Maroon, M.D., offers the definitive look at recent scientific breakthroughs identifying a group of natural substances - including the much-publicized molecule resveratrol - that can actually activate a specific set of genes in humans that promote a longer, healthier life
Dr. Maroon discusses the book & resveratrol with Dr. Garko.
Causes and Consequences of Sleep Deprivation
The average person understands that you need to get your sleep... but do they understand what could happen if you don't? Dr. Garko and Gene Bruno talk about sleep deprivation, its causes and the negative effects it could have on all aspects of your health. |
Impact of Inflammation on Health
If you want to take charge of your health at any stage of your life, you need to get more informed about inflammation, and its contributions to age related chronic diseases. Dr. Garko & Dr. Robert Newman Chief Science Officer at NewChapter discuss the topic, and what you can do to prevent it. |
Proper Eating and Overcoming Obstacles to Lose Weight
A new study shows that healthy lifestyle trends, such as exercise and eating right, is on the decline. Dr. Garko and Dr. Cathleen London discuss the reasons behind this trend, and what we need to do to get back on track. They also discuss healthy ways to lose weight. |
Negative Health Effects of Stress
Were all under stress. The key to keeping it from negatively impacting your health is managing it properly. And youll learn how to do just that in this episode, as Dr, Garko discusses stress, its impact, and its management with Educator Tracy Kreider of Country Life. |
Immune Health & Living a Disease-Free Lifestyle
Dr. Garko's guest today is Brenda Michaels. Brenda hosts a radio show called "Conscious Talk" She is a three time cancer survivor and, with Dr. Garko today, she stresses the importance of taking charge of your health. |
The connection between physical activity and nutrition
In this episode, Dr. Garko talks about the need for regular physical activity to maintain good health. His guest today is nutritionist Dr. Chris Mohr. Dr. Garko and Dr. Mohr talk about how good eating habits need to be complimented with a sufficient amount of exercise. |
Menopausal Arthritis
Millions of Americans suffer from arthritis. Today, Dr. Garko welcomes Dr. Len Smith to talk about arthritic conditions. Dr. Smith spends a good deal of time explaining how arthritis affects menopausal women. |
Are you getting the right amount of essential fatty acids?
Dr. Garko welcomes Stuart Tomc to the show today. They discuss the need for essential fatty acids. Tomc works for Nordic Naturals and is considered an authority on evidence-based dietary supplements. |
Solutions to common digestive complaints
In this episode, Dr. Garko discusses the prevalence of digestive diseases. Maggie Johnle of Renew Like is Dr. Garko's guest today. She explains what kind of digestive problems many people face. |
Keeping your heart healthy
Dr. Garko talks with Jay Levy of Wakunaga, the manufacturer of Kyolic aged garlic extract. Their discussion revolves around how to prevent heart disease. They emphasize that it is important to be proactive regarding heart health rather than waiting until a problem arises. |
Listen to your gut: building a solid foundation for health
Dr. Garko welcomes Dr. Donese Worden, an Arizona based physician, to the show. She addresses the issue of "TATT" - people who are tired all the time. Dr. Worden talks about how people can keep their energy levels high. |
How to cope with iron deficiency anemia
In this episode, Dr. Garko welcomes Alberto Trujillo to the show. Trujillo talks about symptoms caused by iron deficiency anemia. He goes on to explain how supplements can help treat these symptoms. |
Heart health with exercise physiologist Dominique Clark
In this episode, Dr. Garko speaks with Dominique Clark of Jarrow Formulas. They talk about the facts regarding heart disease. She explains that heart disease can affect women just like it affects men. She talks about how the stresses in the lives of modern women have increased the risk of heart disease. |
Nutrition for Kids
Dr. Garko welcomes Dr. William Sears to the show. Dr. Sears is a renowned pediatrician who has helped author 30 books. On the show, Dr. Sears discusses one of his recent books about "Nutritional Deficit Disorder." He and Dr. Garko talk about the importance of kids' nutrition. |
The advances in dietary supplements
Dr. Garko talks about the improvements made in dietary supplements over the past 30 years. His guest today is Brian Bogren of New Chapter. Bogrem reflects on his nearly 15 years of experience in the vitamin supplement industry. |
The importance of sleep and combating illness
Dr. Garko explains why people need to get enough rest. He discusses how a good night's rest can ward off illness. Rest helps the body fight off viruses. His guest for today is Gene Bruno, the Dean of Academics at Huntington College of Health Sciences. |
Diet and nutrition to enhance physical activity
On this episode, Dr. Garko speaks with Gabriel Flores. They discuss the meaning of sports nutrition. Also, they talk about the importance of having a workout regimen. |
The cure for steroid enhanced superstars
Udo Erasmus, the father of "Organic, Unrefined Flax Oil" & Udo's Choice Oil Blend, is Dr. Garko's guest today. They discuss the facts about Omega 3 oils. Also, they talk about the proper ratio for Omega 3 to Omega 6. |
Learn How to Get Your Daily Amount of Fruits and Vegetables
In this episode, Dr. Garko welcomes Dr. Coco March to the show. They discuss ways to improve your nutrition. Dr. March talks about the importance of parents setting a good example for their children concerning eating habits. |
Exploring Arthritis with Dr. Michael Murray
Dr. Garko welcomes Dr. Michael Murray to the show. Dr. Murray explains the symptoms of arthritis. Also, he discusses ways to cope with arthritis. |
Naturals Ways to Care For Your Body
Dr. Garko discusses ways to take charge of your health. Michael Puzino, a health food industry professional, is his guest today. Puzino talks about how setting goals for yourself can ensure a healthier life. |
The Skinny on Fats for Heart and Brain Health
Dr. Garko discusses the importance of healthy eating habits. Dr. Jason Mitchell of Country Life Vitamins is the guest today. Mitchell talks about different ways that individuals can shape a healthy diet for themselves. |
Allergy Relief Tips
In this episode, Dr. Garko tackles a calamity that affects many people this time of year, allergies. Dr. Donese Worden joins the show to offer tips for those listeners who suffer from allergies. Dr. Worden runs two clinics in Arizona. |
The Skinny on CLA
On this episode, Dr. Garko gives you another tactic that you can add to your arsenal in your strategy to maintain your weight in a healthy way: CLA. Learn all about it with Sharrann Simons from Cognis Nutrition & Health. |
Natural Factors for Eliminating Stress
With the economy being what it is, its a stressful time for everyone. But Dr. Garko and Lorna Vanderhaeghe are here to help you with that stress, and tell you how you can manage it, modulate it, and handle it better without having it impact your health. |
Internal and External Beauty
Dr. Garko and Natrols Dr. Michael Yatcilla talk about something that can help you on the inside as well as the outside: collagen. Learn how it strengthens and supports your muscles, tendons, cartilage, ligaments, and bones on the inside, and can stop sagging and wrinkles on the outside. |
Change One Thing
Making positive lifestyle changes arent always easy. And a lot of people make it tougher on themselves by trying to tackle too many things at one. But Dr. Garko has a tip to help with your success: just change one thing, and build from there. Then- Jeff VanHecke of Yerba Prima talks about the benefits of fiber in your diet. |
Advances in Dietary Supplements
The technology of dietary supplements has certainly advanced. The new forms that supplements appearing in the marketplace are no longer synthetic. Rather, you can now buy them in a natural, whole food form. Learn more with Dr. Garko during his conversation with national product educator for Country Life Vitamins Tracy Kreider. |
Pre/Post Natal Fitness & Nutrition
Francesca Greenwood & Brenda Hyland of Xpert Fitness join Dr. Garko on LTN They'll be chatting about the do's and don't of pregnancy in regards to fitness and nutriton. |
Brain Nutrition
Your brain is the master control for your entire body. And one of the keys to keeping your brain functioning at its full capacity is a substance call Phosphatidylserine, or PS. Elzaphan Hotam of Enzymotec and Dr. Garko discuss some natural foods and supplements containing PS, as well as what PS can do for your body. |
Joint Pain Solutions
The CDC reports 70 million Americans suffer from chronic joint pain. If youre one of those 70 million Americans, and you want to improve the quality of your life, and you want to modulate this joint pain, you need to hear what Dr. Garko, and the creator of FlexNow, Len Smith, have to say on the subject. |
Making the Right Health Choices
What choices are you making that lead to particular actions that are enhancing your health, or undermining your health? Dr. Garko and Jason Mitchell of Country Life Vitamins talk about those choices with respect to your diet, lifestyle, and the notion of taking dietary supplements. |
Buying Quality Supplements
Unless you are extremely particular about what you eat, then you need to supplement. And supplemenet smart with high quality ingredients to deliver the building blocks and essential elements of nutrition that are fundamental to your bodys health and well-being. Jay Bugai, national educator for Garden of Life is here to tell you how. |
Beating Obesity the Right Way
If you are overweight or obese, you CAN lose the weight, and keep it off the right way through diet, exercise and proper nutrition. Dr. Garkos guest is living proof of that - shes obesity survivor, diet guru and author Julia Havey. |
Aged Garlic & Cardiovascular Health
Dr. Garko & Jay Levy discuss some alarming statistics relating to cardiovascular health, and steps you can take to improving yours, with the assistance of kyolic aged garlic extract. |
Probiotics and Your Health
In our bodies, there is a constant battle waging between the good bacteria and the bad bacteria. Brenda Bellafiore from Renew Life and Dr. Garko take a look at this ongoing internal struggle with, and tell you how you can use probiotics to turn the war in your favor. |
Keep Your Kids Bodies Moving!
A new study reveals that the lifestyle habits your kids develop in childhood carry over to their adult lives. So you need to put them on the right path early. Dr. Garko & fitness expert Todd Scarborough will tell you how you can help your kids enjoy a healthy lifestyle through fitness and nutrition. |
Better Looks Through Better Nutrition
You can improve your looks from the outside in, and from the inside out. It all starts with what you eat. Learn what you can do to keep the largest organ in your body the skin looking young and vibrant with a few simple adjustments to your body. |
Anti-Aging For Men
Dr. Garko talks about the aging process as it pertains to men. We all age, and we cant stop that. But Dr. Garko has ways we can slow down its effects, so we can all age better. |
In the News: Peanut Butter Recall
Dr. Garko examines some recent headlines in the news surrounding nutrition, including the recent peanut butter recall and its impact. He also continues his series about living in a toxic world. |
Getting the Most Out of Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Do you take Omega 3 fish oil? If you answered yes (and you should have), Dr. Garko has an even more important question: Where do you buy your fish oil? At the same place you buy your garden supplies? Some off-label brand? Well Dr. Garko and Stuart Tomc are here to tell you all fish oils are not created equal, and what you should look for when buying yours.
Stuart Tomc
The New Hormone Replacement Study
Theres a new study out on Hormone Replacement Therapy and it effects. Dr. Garko is joined by medical journalist Lorna Vanderhaeghe for a closer look at the results & what they mean. |
Skin Care and GI Health
Dr. Garko & Dr. Taryn Forrelli, ND introduce a concept called Omega 7, a one-of-a-kind anti-aging supplement which can nourish and rejuvenate skin, plus help strengthen the health of mucous membranes that line the digestive, and respiratory tracts and other canals and cavities of the body. |
Safe Dieting: Achieve and Maintain Weight Loss Safely and Effectively in 2009
If youre going to do New Years Resolutions, you need to do them the right way. And the one that always on the top of everyones list is losing weight. Dr. Donese Worden joins Dr. Garko to talk about the right way to accomplish that goal.
Brenda Watson on Cleansing
Regardless of where and how you live, your body is harboring dozens if not hundreds of toxins that could be sabotaging your health. Brenda Watson, expert on internal cleansing and detoxification, offers a holistic approach to cleansing your system, and putting you on the path to better health. |
How To Keep Your New Year's Resolutions
We all started this year with a list of resolutions. Two weeks into the New Year, how many have you kept? Dr. Garko and lifestyle expert Todd Scarborough from Nordic Naturals are here to get you back on track and keep you there! |
Intercept The Carbs: Help Lose & Manage Weight
There are now more obese people in the US than there are overweight people, and thats a startling fact. So how did we get into this fat state? Dr. Garko tries to find the answer, and a possible solution, with holistic pharmacist Sherry Torkos. |
Weight Loss and Weight Management Strategies
Natural Health Expert Jordan Rubin joins Dr. Garko to discuss losing weight and keeping it off in a way that makes sense without resorting to the latest fad diet. |
Dr. Garko's Top Ten Nutritional and Lifestyle Resolutions for 2009
Its that wonderful time of year again where everybody makes their New Years Resolutions. And Dr. Garko has some more you can add to your list! Today, he reveals his Top 10 resolutions to help you improve your nutritional status. |
Prostate Health
Next to skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer diagnosed in males. But taking care of yourself now can help you avoid being a statistic later. Dr. Jennifer Luse joins Dr Garko for a frank discussion on prostate health & what you can do to keep yours healthy. |
Losing Sleep During The Holidays: Why It Happens & How To Prevent It
Dr. Garko shares a remarkable set of findings from a new study that examines the holidays and their effect on sleep. Youll be astounded to find out what happens to people from Thanksgiving to New Years! |
Probiotics and Your Health During the Holidays
Stress, cold weather, more contact with people, traveling. Its no accident so many people get sick during the holidays. Silvano Arnoldo joins Dr. Garko to talk about how you can use probiotics to avoid the perfect storm of holiday illness by keeping your immune system strong. |
Staying Healthy During The Holidays
Dr. Gaetano Morello joins Dr. Garko to discusss ways you can Keep Your Immune System Strong So You Dont Get Sick During the Holidays. And it all starts with your digestive health. |
Physical Fitness and the Holidays
Were smack dab in the middle of the holiday season, and Dr. Garko has made a promise to help you stay healthy during the holidays! And the best way to do that is to keep your body moving. Gabriel Flores has suggestions on how to do that! |
Silicone & You
If youre interested in anti-aging on the inside and the outside, Dr. Garko has the show for you! Lorna Vanderhaeghe discusses Silicone, and how it can keep you looking more healthy and fight the effects of aging. |
Fish Oils & Diabetes
The holidays are filled with health and nutritional perils. And one of the things to be most concerned about is the over consumption of calories, raising the blood sugar & glucose levels in your system, that can lead to major metabolic problems. But Stuart Tomc has a solution: fish oils! |
How Diet Affects Your Sleep
Dr. Garko discusses a recent study that shows how a high fat diet effects your ability to get a good nights rest. Hell also discuss some other factors that can assure that you sleep soundly tonight! |
Dietary & Nutritional Tips For The Holidays
Youve spent the whole year getting in shape, then here come the holidays, and youre right back where you started. But fear not! Dr. Garko is here with tips and advice to help ward off those unwanted holiday pounds! |
Menopause Solutions
There is finally a solution for women who are dissatisfied with the results they receive from common, everyday menopause supplements. Its a supplement for menopause that brings the body back into balance. Learn more from Doctor of Oriental Medicine, and Acupuncture Physician Dr. Liana Kramer. |
Womens Health
There is a reason there are different multi-vitamins for men and women both genders need different things nutritionally. Well explore those differences, and emphasize the women with Dr. Donese Worden. |
Healthy Synapses
Everything you hear, feel, see and think is controlled by your brain. As you age, you lose about 30,000 brain cells a day and that impacts every aspect of your life how you think and how you feel. But Mark Underwood has information on how you can protect your brain cells by replacing these depleted proteins caused by aging |
Immune Health & Herbal Remedies
Dan Lifton of Quality of Life Labs shares how we can preserve and protect our immune system using a new nutritional concept. |
Living in a Toxic World
The health of our planet has a direct impact on the health of its inhabitants. On this edition of LTN, Dr. Garko focuses on some of the toxic chemicals that are all around us that can have a profound and devastating effect on our health. Plus -Maggie Jonhle from Renew Life talks about some of their new products |
Dr. Nicholas Perricone
Dr. Nicholas Perricone has gotten to the bottom of accelerated aging with the discovery of AGEs (Advanced Glycation End Products). Dr. Perricone explains how to fight against AGEs with a three-part plan of attack that includes a nutritional program, targeted supplements, and new topicals. |
Improving Cardiovascular Health
Dr. Garko & Eric Anderson take a closer look at data extolling the virtues of a supplement called MK7, and what it can to for your heart and cardiovascular system. |
Nutrients for Healthy Eyes
Dr. Brad Douglass from Jarrow Formulas joins Dr. Garko to keep your future in sight! They discuss supplements & nutrition that can seriously impact the health of your eyes and your vision. |
Effects of Sleep Deprivation on the Immune System
Its amazing what 40 winks can do for your overall well-being! Dr. Garko explores the correlation between your health and getting a good nights sleep. |
Stress & Nutrition
On this episode of LTN, Dr. Garko discusses stress & how to manage it, and a clever idea nutritionally that can help you combat it. |
Focus on Fats
There are a million myths floating around out there concerning fats & your body. Dr. Garko & Brenda Watson are here to clear up some of the confusion with a primer on fats & one fat in particular that you should have as part of your diet. |
Beauty Proteins
Dr. Michael T. Yatcilla is here to discuss the proteins involved in our structural biology; the flexible and rigid structural pieces of our body, such as collagen, and how the inside & outsides of our cells work together.
Citicoline and the Brain
Registered Dietician Karen E. Todd discusses Citicoline; a supplement that can improve memory and brain performance. Find out what it can do for you! |
Super Immune Building
Cold & Flu Season is almost here, and if you want to fight off the sickness, youll need to depend on your own personal bodyguard your immune system. Learn how you can super-charge your system from Dr. Donese Worden. |
The Financial Crisis & Your Health
With the uncertainty of the economy, and the up and down state of the stock market, a lot of people are bogged down by a tremendous amount of stress. And that stress can take a toll on your health. Dr. Garko has some lifestyle & nutritional suggestions to help you make it thru these turbulent times stress-free. |
The Interplay Of Diabetes, Arthritis, & Physical Activity
If you didnt know about it, would it even occur to you that diabetes and arthritis are connected? Learn more about this unfortunate dynamic between the two conditions from Dr. Garko & Len Smith, CEO of BSP Pharma. |
Perfect Weight
From the time we are babies, we are conditioned to use eating as a comfort; it makes us feel better physically and psychologically. So many turn to eating in times of stress or discomfort, and that could lead to bigger problems.
Avoiding Cold & Flu
Its almost here- cold and flu season! But Dr. Garko & Jay Levy are here to help you avoid sickness this winter, with some simple steps you can take to stay Cold & Flu free! |
Understanding the Complexities of Menopause
Dr. Garko welcomes Dr. Liana Kramer to LTN to discuss menopause; both the physical, mental and chemical changes is causes in the body, as well as some natural remedies you can use to treat its effects. Even if youre a man, you need to hear this show! |
Psychology of Nutrition
People have become conditioned to believe that pharmaceuticals are the only thing that can alter our brain chemistry to make us function , and feel better. But Dr. Garko & Dr. Michael Murray contend that what we eat can have a dramatic impact on how we think, feel and act. |
Important Things To Know About Dietary Supplements & Vitamin Code
All dietary supplements are not created equal. And there are important things you need to know before you begin taking and form of supplement. Dr. Garko will inform you of some of these facts, and teach you about the vitamin code. |
Jellyfish and Brain Health: Whats the connection?
Would you like to preserve and protect your brain? Focus, concentrate and remember better? The answer may lie under the sea in the most unlikely of places the jellyfish. |
Sleep: Quality and Quantity
Insomnia is a very common sleep disorder, but Dr. Garko takes an uncommon approach to treating it - using nutrition to finally get a good nights sleep |
Nutritional & Lifestyle Principles & Practices To Stay Healthy
Your health is your wealth, and Dr. Garko wants to make you rich indeed! On this edition of LTN, he outlines the principles and practices both good & bad - that can make a fundamental difference in you health. |
We Live In A Toxic World: Toxins In Food
We all commit our fair share of nutritional sins. But if you knew some of the toxins and chemicals that are present in what we consume each and every day, you might not be so quick to commit that sin next time. |
Leaky Gut Syndrome & How To Repair It
Your digestive tract is 30 feet long, and a lot of things can go wrong, including leaky gut syndrome. Find out what that is, and what you can do about it from Brenda Watson. |
The Link Among Stress, Anxiety, & Insomnia
Stress is a part of everyday life, and that effects us while were on the go, or trying to get a good nights rest. People talk about it, but dont know what to do about it. Well Dr. Garko and Dr. Michael Murray are here with some answers. |
Enhance Brain Health
Dr. Garko is joined by Dr. Parris Kid, and they discuss some supplements that can naturally help to boost your brain, both in function and in health.
Pet Health
Nutrition is the first principle of health as it relates to human beings. That principle is just as relevant to our pets. Learn from Dr. Garko & Brenda Watson why healthy eating is essential to the health of your pet, and why feeding them from the table could result in health problems down the road. |
Matters Of The Heart
There is no doubt aged garlic is good for your cardiovascular health, and we have the evidence to prove it! Dr. Garko & Jay Levy will tell you all about its many benefits, and share some recent scientific studies into its amazing properties.
Keep Your Future In Sight: How To Preserve & Protect Your Eyes
Our focus today is on your vision. You need to keep your eyes wide open as you look to your future, and Dr. Garko along with Stuart Tomc will help you see things more clearly as it relates to the health of your eyes. |
A Winning Combination for Health
People dont stick to their workout routines for a million different reasons. But Dr. Garko thinks a lot of people quit because they dont have enough energy. So whats the connection between energy and staying physically active? Find out with the good doctor and health and fitness expert Dominique Clarke. |
Reducing Brain Cell Death
A natural consequence of living is aging. Due to genetic factors, some age better than others. But, there are ways to age better. Learn about ways you can help your brain age better with Mark Underwood from Quincy Bioscience. |
Why We Need to Take Dietary Supplements
There are some that say taking dietary supplements is just a waste of time and money, and they serve no nutritional purpose. But there is no doubt in Dr. Garkos mind that taking dietary supplements is a key strategy to staying healthy, and he has the five fundamental reasons why you should be taking them. |
Sleep Issues
A new study shows sleeping too much OR too little can lead to some serious health problems. So how much sleep do you need, and how can you sleep better? Dr. Garko has some answers. |
The Skeletal System
One of the first signs of aging is bone and joint pain. But that is preventable if you know what to do. Dr. Garko and Dr. Kevin Connolly have an in-depth discussion on the skeletal system, particularly the bones and the joints, and what you need to do to keep them healthy and pain free. |
How Are You Aging?
Many use their chronological age to measure the aging process. But that method doesnt give you an accurate measure of how you are actually aging. The true answer depends on what you are doing on a day-to-day basis. Find out how to optimize your aging with Dr. Garko and Jay Levy. |
Fish Oil You Can Trust
More than at any time before, health consumers are aware of the many benefits of omega 3 fish oil. But the question becomes are you taking a quality brand of fish oil? Learn what happens with fish oil from the catch to the cashier from health educator Stuart Tomc.
The Overweight Epidemic
There is an inverted energy crisis in America. We are taking in too many calories, and the result is a third of all Americans are overweight. Its time to fight back against this epidemic, and well start right here on LTN with the help of Dr. Michael Lyon! |
Heart Disease and Cholesterol
Cardiovascular disease is the Number One leading cause of death in the US, and has been since 1921. Our guest, Naturopathic Medical Doctor Mia Darling is here to talk about cardiovascular health, how she handles it in her own clinic, and things you can do to improve your overall heart health. |
Fighting & Fixing Joint Pain
Joint pain is something millions of Americans live with on a day-to-day basis. It hampers their ability to get around, and seriously impacts their way of life. The question becomes can I do anything about it? And the answer from Dr. Garko & Leonard Smith from FlexNow is a resounding yes! |
Phytochemicals & Inflammation
Phytochemicals protect plants from viruses, bacteria and fungi. Some of the best phytochemicals are bioflavonoids, which are found in fruits and vegetables. They are anti-oxidants with anti-cancer and anti-inflammation properties. Learn more about them with Diane Kingsley from Greens Plus.
Carbs and the Quest To Be The Best Campaign
Carbohydrates are a necessary part of the diet, and the bodys primary fuel source. Carbs are converted to energy as needed, but stored as fat when there is an oversupply. So what can you do? Lisa Sheppard from Natrol has some information you need to hear! |
Fiber and Gastro-Intestinal Health
Naturopathic Physician Dr. Brenda Watson joins the program to discuss fiber and its many benefits, including how it can help you control your weight, cholesterol and digestive health.
Cholesterol and Our Kids
Health educator Stuart Tomc joins Dr. Garko to discuss what you could be doing for your children in terms of lifestyle, diet and supplementation to control their weight and cholesterol levels, rather than using statin drugs.
Our Toxic World
The health of our planet has a direct impact on the health of its inhabitants. On this edition of LTN, Dr. Garko focuses on some of the toxic chemicals that are all around us that can have a profound and devastating effect on our health.
Sustainable Sources of Food and Energy
Marine phytoplankton have been around for billions of years, and are the food utilized by the worlds largest and longest living animals and fish. But you can reap the benefits of marine phytoplankton, too. Bill Robbs from UMAC Core is here to tell you more about this amazing source of essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, and some important vitamins and trace minerals. |
Healthy Immune System
The immune system is the body's defense mechanism that protects us against disease-causing micro-organisms that can invade our body. But as we age, the immune system starts to give way. On this edition of LTN, learn what you can do to keep this vital system healthy into your later years. |
The Integration of Nutrition and Physical Activity
Actor, Mixed Martial Artist and Professional Kickboxing Trainer Mak Takano joins Dr. Garko to talk about the world of physical activity and nutrition, how they intersect, and what we can learn from Maks training regiment. |
Fight Joint Pain & Inflammation with Avoca ASU
Dr. Ron Kettenacker and Robert Picard from Nutramax Labs discuss how we can better understand the human condition, by looking at other species of animals, particularly when it comes to joint health. They also discuss a very unique product they manufacture, which promotes joint health and fights inflammation. |
Cardiovascular Health with GPLC
Micki Poff from Jarrow Formulas discusses a very important nutritional concept: GPLC. Find out how it can protect your cardiovascular strength, and improve your energy and your overall health. |
Detoxification is a very important concept, but its not one without controversy. There are some healthcare practitioners that dont believe it has any value. But Dr. Garko and his guest, Dr. Michael Lyon, strongly disagree with that assessment. |
Fish Oil & Cardiovascular Health
For this first time, the American Heart Association has recommended a supplement for the treatment of coronary heart disease. No surprise, its fish oil. Learn more about what it can do to keep you heart healthy with Dr. Garko & Nordic Naturals Todd Scarborough.
Kyolic Garlic
On this edition of LTN, Dr. Garkos focus is on coronary health, and what you can do to keep your heart healthy. Jay Levy discusses what Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract can do to assist in your cardiovascular health. |
What is Inflammation?
Genetically speaking, we know that inflammation is one of the bodys oldest defense mechanisms. Its been very perplexing to researchers and health practitioners to deal and cope with it. We can treat the symptoms, but can we treat the root cause. Dr. Garko and BSP Pharmas Leonard Smith discuss the topic. |
Unique Superfood
UMAC-COREs Tiffany Haarsma talks about a category of nutrition that is connected to billions of years of life on this Earth: marine phytoplankton. Learn more about this amazing source of essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, and some important vitamins and trace minerals. |
The Health Lessons to be Learned From the Tragic & Premature Death of Tim Russert
The sudden passing of NBCs Tim Russert due to coronary artery disease took us all by surprise. But his death should inspire us to take a look at our own lifestyles to determine the changes we need to make to avoid the same fate. |
Hunger Free Forever
Two-thirds of Americans are overweight. Dr. Michael Lyon has a lot to say on the topic, including how we can manage our weight, and how we can lose weight in a healthy way. He is the co-author of Hunger Free Forever with Dr. Michael Murray. |
The Health & Nutritional Power Of Chia Seeds
Chia is the richest and only unprocessed, whole food source of pure Omega-3. Ancient Aztec warriors prized Chia as an endurance promoting Superfood, eating it in bread just before battle, and drinking it in water before running long distances on foot. Learn more about this amazing superfood from Dr. Jack Bukowski of Greens Plus. |
Antioxidant and Cellular Protection
Did you know you can get the benefits of broccoli without actually having to eat broccoli? Kean Ashhurst is here to educate us on Sulphoraphane and glucoraphanin and what it can do for your body. |
Dr. Garko welcomes Naturopathic medicine specialist Dr. Donese Worden to talk about aging; what it means to her, and what we can do on a day-to-day basis to fight its effects. |
Combating Aging
The brain is a very delicate organ, and we need to protect it any way we can. And nothing is more important then protecting it from the ravages of age, Mark Underwood from Quincy Bioscience joins Dr. Garko to talk about how we can protect the calcium-binding proteins within the brain to fight against the diseases of aging. |
Collagen and Your Skin
Collagen provides the skin with strength, flexibility, and resilience. As people age, however, collagen degradation occurs, leading to wrinkles, and other signs of getting older. But you can fight the effects of aging with a collagen supplement. Richard Passwater is here to tell you all about it. |
Probiotics and Digestive Health
Dr. Gaetano Morello gives us some insight on how he got into naturopathic medicine, and he also discusses digestive health, and the part it plays in your overall health. He uses probiotics as a strategy to maintain our digestive health. |
Smokers Cleansing
According to the American Lung Association, cigarette smoke contains more than 4,800 different chemicals, many of which can compromise optimal health. Secondhand smoke also presents a health hazard for thousands of people each year. Health expert Dr. Brenda Watson explains some of the dangers of these chemicals, and offers ways to cleanse your system. |
The Health Benefits of Jellyfish
Our brain is our most important organ in our body and is composed of hundreds of billions of cells. As we grow older our brain cells begin to decrease at a rapid rate. But a simple protein found in the jellyfish of all places can help with a healthier brain, sharper mind and clearer thinking. Mark Underwood, President and Founder of Quincy Bioscience is here to tell Dr. Garko all about it. |
Fish Oil and Omega 3
Dr. Garko has done numerous shows on fish oil because it is one of the most important nutrients you can put in your body. But how important? Stuart Tomc is back from the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids and he has some amazing facts to share. |
Digestive Health
On this edition of LTN Dr. Garko and Michael Jacobs from Jarrow Formulas focus on your digestive system and your gastro-intestinal tract, and what you can do to keep it working as well as it should. |
Dr. Garko's Approach to Anti-Aging
How are you aging? Do you know? What can you do to age better? After hearing what Dr. Michael Murray had to say on an earlier edition of LTN, Dr. Garko decided he wanted to give his perspective on the topic. |
Anti-Aging with Dr. Michael Murray
Are you aging well? Its not too late to make changes to assure that you do. Dr. Michael Murray has suggestions to propel you to a longer and healthier life. They may seem difficult now, but when you look back, youll be glad you made those changes. |
Barbequing and Your Health
Dr. Garko isnt trying to be a summertime Scrooge, but one of our favorite warm-weather pastimes barbequing can be an incredibly unhealthy thing to do. He shares some of the risks and dangers associated with cooking certain meats at high temperatures. |
Vitamin K
We all know about Vitamin C, Vitamin D, even Vitamins E and A, and what they can do for us. But today, Dr. Garko talks about a vitamin you probably dont know much about: Vitamin K. In this primer, find out what it is, where you can find it, and why you should consider making it part of your supplement routine. |
Nutrition is like fashion; trends come and go. And the hottest thing in nutrition right now is pomegranate. You see it everywhere in all sorts of products. But not all supplements are created equal. John OConnor from Jarro Formulas is on LTN today to tell you all about pomegranate, the best ways to get it, and the amazing health benefits of the phytochemicals found in pomegranate. |
Arthritis & FlexNow
Dr. Garko welcomes Leonard Smith from BSP Pharma, a company that makes one of his favorite supplements, FlexNow. Find out what this amazing supplement can do for your joint health, especially those of you suffering from Arthritis. |
Fish Oil and Your Plasma Membranes
Todd Scarborough from Nordic Naturals shares some very interesting things about the benefits of Fish Oil, and why you should be taking them, including a few reasons you may never even think about like the health of your cells. |
Harmful Toxins
Sara Smith, Director of Education at Renew Life joins Dr. Garko to talk about the dangers of mercury in our waterways and food supply, as well as the toxins associated with smoking.
Things to do for Joint Health
According to the CDC, 70 million Americans suffer from chronic joint pain and its symptoms. But it doesnt have to upset your life or keep you from being physically active. Leonard Smith from FlexNow shares testimonials on his product and how it made peoples lives joint-pain free. |
Eating Lean and Body Building Naturally
Body builder and personal trainer Ken Castagnoli is on this edition of LTN, to help you keep your body moving. Ken shares some of the things that contribute to success in your workout program, shares tips to stay motivated, and recommends some supplements. |
Protein Powered
Dr. Garko welcomes Kenny Matthews from BSN back to the program for a discussion about a very important macro-nutrient: Protein. Theyll get into some of the most important aspects of protein, how it contributes to your health, and give you some recommendations for protein supplementation, as well as whole foods. |
Fiber & Internal Cleansing
If youre looking to lose weight, one sure-fire technique is to increase your fiber intake. But fiber can do much more for you than that. And on this edition of LTN, well find out all about it from Jeff Van Hecke of Yerba Prima. |
Immune Health
On this edition of LTN, we focus on the immune system with Brenda Michaels. Theyll discuss how to improve your immune health by focusing on your gastro-intestinal tract, and the unique relationship your digestive and immune systems have. |
Silicone and our Body
You find it in rock crystals like quartz or flint, but its also present in our bones, blood vessels, cartilage and tendons. Its silicone and Dr. Garko along with Dr. Michael Yatcilla will give you a primer on the essential role this trace element plays in the body. |
Omega 3 and Your Cells
There are billions of cells in the human body. And each of those cells has three parts: a plasma membrane, cytoplasm, and a nucleus. Today, Dr. Garko focuses on the plasma membrane with Health Educator Stuart Tomc, and theyll tell you how the essential fatty acids can keep these building blocks healthy. |
Optimism and Your Health
On this edition of LTN, Dr. Garko discusses optimism, and how it correlates to good health - both psychological health, and physical well-being. Plus - do you know what the most common cause of disability in the US is? Its arthritis and FlexNow can help. |
On this edition of LTN, we talk stress: the symptoms, the causes, and most importantly, what you can do to manage it, with Sherry Torkos, an author and pharmacist with training in both conventional and complementary medicine. |
What's Out and What's In
What you put into your body is going to have a major impact both short-term and long-term. And you could be eating things that are really harmful, and you might not even know it. Dr. Garko and Health Educator Stuart Tomc review what's out, what's in and why as it relates to fat food choices. |
Summer Slim Down!
Swimsuit season is almost here. And if that statement frightens you, LTN is here to help! Dr. Garko and Sara Smith from Renew Life have healthy ways to lose weight, and slim down for summer, without having to resort to the latest fad diet. |
GPLC for Energy
Anyone who works out knows that energy is important. And theres a great supplement that can help with that called Glycine Propionyl-L-Carnitin or GPLC. Find out what it can do for you and your workouts from Dr. Garko and Eric Oram, the Chief Instructor for L.A. Wing Chun Academy |
Sea Vegetables
There are vegetables from the land, and vegetables from the sea. On this episode of LTN, Dr. Garko focuses on the latter with Diane Kingsley from Greens Plus. Find out everything you need to know about sea vegetables, better known a sea weed, a long-standing source of nutrients. |
Earth Day
Dr. Garko often says you have to take responsibility for your own health. But in honor of Earth Day, Dr. Garko says you need to take responsibility for your planet. |
Problems with Plastics
In The Graduate, Mr. McGuire encouraged Dustin Hoffman to get into plastics. But he didnt know about bisphenol A or BPA. It's found in baby bottles food containers, water bottles, and more. And as it turns out, it can be harmful. Well find out all about it with Lorna Vanderhaeghe. |
Cleansing the Body
We were not meant to live on a diet of plastics, pesticides and PCBs. Yet there are no humans and animals without them. So its important that we detoxify our bodies through cleansing; a time-tested therapy that has been around for thousands of years. Well take a contemporary approach to cleansing with Jeff Van Hecke from Yerba Prima. |
The Importance of Energy
Jimmy Moran is professional mountain climber. What he does requires a lot of energy. Hes here to talk about how he learned that nutrition truly is the first principle of health. And the lessons well learn from Jimmy, we can apply to our everyday lives. |
The Structure of Joints
According to the CDC, 70 million Americans suffer from joint pain and chronic symptoms. Many of those people are using prescription or over the counter medication to treat it. But there is a natural alternative. Its called FlexNow, and Dr. Garko, along with Leonard Smith from BSP Pharma will tell you all about it. |
The Positive Effects of Physical Activity
Dr. Garko takes a look at some recent studies and research on the benefits of keeping your body moving through physical activity and exercise, how to increase your fitness through certain exercises, and the effects of exercise on chronic disease. |
Nitric Oxide
Dr. Garko and Kenny Matthews from BSN discuss Nitric Oxide. They explain what it is, how it works, and how it has become implicated in our health in a variety of ways. Find out how it is used by body builders, people with cardiovascular disease, brain dysfunction, immune problems and a host of other health issues. |
The Benefits of Drinking Water
Dr. Garko takes a look at a recent study that said there were no benefits to drinking increased amounts of water- a study he feels was misinterpreted. He analyzes the most common myths about drinking water, how much you need to drink, and also discusses the actual benefits of drinking eight glasses a day. |
Losing Weight The Healthy Way
Many of us struggle to take off and keep off the pounds, going through program after program, and diet after diet. So todays show is dedicated to you- how you can lose weight, and keep it off, in a way that really works, using sound nutritional principles. |
Fighting Fatigue
Dr. Garko and Dr. Howard Peiper discuss the troubling issue of fatigue. People seem to talk about it, but very few do anything about it. And if they do, its usually the wrong thing. Well look at the factors that cause fatigue, and what fatigue can cause.
Not All Supplements Are Created Equal
A recent survey shows that 85% of Americans believe taking dietary supplements will keep them healthy. But the majority of consumers lack the necessary knowledge about how to use them, how to buy them, and so forth. Your education begins here with Dr. Garko and health educator Stuart Tomc! |
Womens Health & Probiotics
Dr. Garko welcomes Dr. Sherrill Sellman, an internationally acclaimed lecturer, best selling author, Health Journalist, and Womens Health Educator. Together, they discuss womens health, and the unique and incredible role probiotics play in their health. |
Allergies and Asthma
According to the CDC, roughly 50 million Americans suffer from allergies. And roughly 20 million people have been diagnosed with asthma; six million of those are children under 18. Dr. Garko shares some very provocative new studies on those conditions and how they come about. |
The Seven Deadly Health & Nutritional Sins
There are so many temptations out there in the world we live in; its easy to get lost on the path to good health. And Dr. Garko has a list of the seven most common pitfalls that lay the foundation for getting people in health trouble. |
Keeping Your Immune System Strong
The immune system is the sentinel of the body. But as we age, and the system weakens, we become more susceptible to infection and disease. But it doesn't have to be that way. Dr. Garko and Jay Levy of Wakanaga are here to inform you about certain nutrients that are vital to keeping your immune system at its best. |
Pet Health & Nutrition
To most people, their pets are more than just animals; theyre members of the family. So shouldnt you think about their nutrition the same way you think of your own? What you feed them has the same consequences as if you ate it yourself. Chris Daniels from Greens Plus joins Dr. Garko to focus on your pets nutrition and making better choices on what you feed them. |
Fatty Acids and Your Health
Nutritional expert Stuart Tomc joins Dr. Garko to talk about fish oil and its numerous benefits, including new research that shows it may also help with inflammation. They also discuss the perils of reductionist thinking, especially when it comes to supplements and alternative forms of medicine. |
Aged Garlic
There is a lot of confusion about garlic. But Dr. Garko is here to clear up those myths and misconceptions. Dr. Garko and nutrition expert Jay Levy share a basic primer on garlic and its benefits, so you can make an educated choice to include kyolic aged garlic as part of your supplement routine.
Mens Health Focus
Men are notorious for not doing enough to take care of themselves, especially when it comes to preventative medicine, and keeping themselves informed. So Dr. Garko is here to help! This edition focuses on Mens heath issues that have been in the news as of late, as well as some interesting new studies that have come out that will hopefully illuminate the steps men need to take towards a healthier lifestyle. |
Energy vs Fatigue: Win against T.A.T.T Syndrome
Some call it fatigue. But the new vernacular is Tired all the Time Syndrome, or TATT Syndrome. Whatever you call it, its a very serious issue associated with many diseases and disorders. Dr. Garko will cover some of the potential causes, from serious conditions, to your lifestyle and diet. |
Broccoli and its Many Benefits
As it turns out, your grandmother and mother were right when she told you to eat your broccoli that dreaded vegetable you were forced to consume. But this particular plant is one of natures great gifts to us, and youll find out why from Dr. Garko and Kean Ashhurst, engineering manager for Caudill Seed inc. |
Joint Pain
On this edition, Dr. Garko covers a very important component of your body - the joints. Or more specifically, your cartilage and synovial fluid. If you dont know what those things are, Dr. Garko and Leonard Smith are here to get you more informed. Find out what cartilage and synovial fluid have to do with your joints, and what they have to do with joint pain. They also have a solution to that pain. |
The Detox Strategy
Do you want to have more energy? A good place to start is by detoxifying the body, particularly your cleansing organs like the liver, kidneys and colon. Health Educator Maggie Jonhle of Renew Life is here to get you on the path, with the Detox Strategy and its RENEW Program. |
Fighting the Obesity Epidemic
We are in the throes of an obesity epidemic, and it isnt getting any better. So in the world of health and nutrition, there is a mighty effort to find the magical nutritional health silver bullet, particularly in the field of obesity. Dr. Garko discusses three very interesting and very provocative studies in this area, and the results may surprise you.
Cleansing and Detoxification
To some, cleansing and detoxification may seem like a strange concept; cleansing our body within from a cellular level to a systemic level. But our bodies do become bogged down with toxins, and now is the perfect time to do a little internal spring cleaning. Dr. Garko and Diane Kingsley of Greens Plus will tell you how. |
Weight Loss that Works
Theres a lot of confusion out there by the heath consumer about what to do when they want to lose weight should you count calories? Should you exercise? Is one better than the other? And what are the health consequences? Dr. Garko will lay it all out in his focus on dieting and weight loss: what works, what doesnt, and why fad dieting is just that a fad. |
The Power of Protein
Protein is a very important macro-nutrient that is fundamental for your bodys energy and health. But theres a lot of conceptual confusion about it particularly its use and misuse. Dr. Garko and Kenny Matthews from BSN try & clear up some of the confusion, and let you know why protein needs to be part your everyday diet, and why it is an essential for building a healthy body. |
Nutrition and Your Body
Everything in your body is interconnected every cell, every tissue, every organ, every muscle. And while there is no silver bullet for health, there is hope. Dr. Garko, along with health educator and nutritional expert Stuart Tomc discuss certain principles you can follow to keep your body healthy, including the first and most important principle nutrition. |
The Benefits of Physical Activity
Dr. Garko shares a current review on the benefits of physical activity, and discusses some other aspects of physical activity. Its all in the spirit of informing and inspiring you to keep your body moving! |
Calcium: Dispelling the Myths
Calcium may not be the sexiest supplement to talk about, but did you know its the most abundant mineral in your body? And its one of the most vital minerals we need throughout our lifetimes. On this edition Dr. Garko welcomes Dr. Kevin Connolly, and they put the spotlight on this important mineral. |
Keep Your Body Moving
Being sedentary is an unnatural condition for the human body. Unfortunately, modern living is more characterized by a sedentary lifestyle than a physically active lifestyle. But Dr. Garko says too often people simply dont have enough energy to live a physically active lifestyle because their daily dietary practices are such that they suffer from a suboptimal nutritional status. And he has some Healthful Hints on physical activity to help you turn that around, and get your body moving, both inside and out! |
Fish Oils & Omega 3
Do you think youre getting enough Omega 3 in your diet? Do you even know what Omega 3 is? If you answered I dont know to either of these questions, dont worry. Because after this edition of LTN, youll be an Omega 3 expert! Dr. Garcon and Nutrition Educator Stuart Tomc will tell you everything you need to know, and why you need Omega 3 as part of your diet! |
Dr. Garko has spent a lot of time discussing phyto chemicals the wonderful, life-giving, life-sustaining elements of plants. Today, he talks about phytotoxins- naturally occurring plant chemicals that can actually harm our bodies - with Diane Kingsley of Greens Plus. |
Brain Health
On this edition, Dr. Garko focuses on the health of your brain and improving your cognitive functions. He welcomes internationally recognized nutrition educator Dr. Parris Kidd, who will introduce you to supplements such as PhosphatidylSerine and GlyceroPhosphoCholine, which will help your brain reach its fullest potential. Plus Dr. Garko discusses the alarming rise in strokes due to obesity. |
Children and DHA
Would you like to boost your childs brain and cognitive powers? Increase their IQ? Enhance their social skills? Even help them behave better? The secret is DHA Omega 3 Fatty acids. And Dr. Garko along with health educator and nutritional expert Stuart Tomc are here to fill you in on everything you need to know about these natural brain boosters! |