Friday • February 14
CST 5:35 | EST 6:35 | MST 4:35 | PST 3:35 | GMT 11:35
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Here's Theresa!

Select an episode link below to view the on-demand archive.
May 26, 2022
A Difficult Week of News
Good Day To All of You who are listening to me this beautiful morning that God has given to us!

This morning I am going to have some lively and educational and informational discussions, along with my guests: Reginald Campbell, Mental Health Therapist; and, Michelle Cubas, Business Coach. Should any of you listening to me are in the need of someone to head your business in the right direction, please contact Michelle Cubas, also known as, Coach Cubas at: I am looking forward to my conversations with my guests. So relax, and pour up your favorite tea or coffee and tune into my show.

April 28, 2022
Healthcare in America & The First Black Woman Supreme Court Justice!
My guest Michelle Cubas and I will discuss topics on: The Healthcare Industry in the Country, What The What, With Elon Musk, The First Black Woman to be appointed to The Supreme Court and other Hot Topics.

So relax with your coffee or tea and tune into my show!

March 17, 2022
Women History Month, Medical Debt & Is Covid Over?
Thank you for tuning into my show! My guest Michelle Cubas--Business Coach and I will be discussing some very interesting topics, educational and controversial topics such as: Women History Month, The Medical Debt in this country, Is Covid Over? And the unfortunate devastation in Ukraine. So, take some time and relax with your coffee or tea and listen to our discussions. Should you want to contact Michelle Cubas for your professional business needs she can be reached at:
February 18, 2022
Black History Month 2022
This broadcast is dedicated entirely to Black History Month, People of Color month. Along with my guest Mental Health Therapist Reginald C. Campbell, we are going to be talking about a number of things that are negatively affecting this community and talk about resolutions for these negative issues, as well as talking about the positive things that are happening in this community as well, and how to exponentiate this and giving homage to those individuals whose shoulders we stand on today who have gone before us and those who are with us today.
January 27, 2022
Voting Rights & The Future of Employment
Good Day to all of my International listeners out there!! I so appreciate that you decided to listen to my broadcast this morning. Today my guest will be the Technical Guru Brian Keves and we are going to have great discussions with interesting, educational and controversial topics such as: The Future of Employment As It Relates To Technical, The Lack of Financial Awareness and What Is The Real Reason For Discrimination Regarding Voting Rights Among People of Color In This Country? So relax and take a moment to listen. I am sure you will enjoy!
November 18, 2021
Climate Change & the Much-Needed Infrastructure Bill
Good Day to all of the individuals listening to my show. I want you to know that I am very appreciative of you taking the time to listen to me and my guest Michelle Cubas (Business Coach) have discussions about important matters, such as Global Warming, Historic Winnings for People of Color in Governmental Offices and other topics of interest.
October 21, 2021
Breast Cancer Awareness, Americans Quitting Jobs, Women in the Workplace
Good Day to my listeners! I so appreciate you tuning into my show. For this show my guest is Michelle Cuba's, Business Coach. Our topics are Hot, Educational and Informative. So sit back relax and enjoy the conversation.
September 23, 2021
Healing the Soul of the Nation & the Struggle to Battle the Pandemic
Good Day to all of my listeners out there! Yes, it has been a minute but I am back and it feels great to know that you are tuning in to listen to my show today. My guest will be Reginald C. Campbell, Mental Health Therapist and Michelle Cubas, Business Coach. We will be discussing Hot Topics of interest that will inspire and educate you and hopefully give you some food for thought.
August 11, 2021
New Hate Crime Law, Gov. Cuomo Resignation & Regeneron and Covid-19
Thank you all for tuning into my show this beautiful morning. My guest Michelle Cubas Business Coach, will be discussing varying topics such as: The new Hate Crime Law, Governor Cuomo resignation, Regeneron's Covid-19 Antibody Therapy For Injection. So, take a moment and relax and enjoy the educational, enlightening conversation on this mornings broadcast.
July 29, 2021
Hot Topics
Good Day and Thank You for tuning into my show! My guest Michelle Cubas, Business Coach and I are going to discuss Hot Topics of interest that will prove to be lively conversations and educational as well.
June 24, 2021
The State of the Pandemic & Racism in Healthcare
Thank you for tuning into my show. My guests for discussions are: Business Coach Michelle Cubas and Reginald Campbell Mental Health Therapist. Relax with your coffee or tea and listen to some great topics of discussion.
May 27, 2021
Jumping the Gun on Masks?
Thank you for tuning into my show today!! My guest Reginald Campbell Mental Health Therapist and I will discuss several Hot Topics, including removal of the mask mandate. Do you think this Country is really ready? So relax with your favorite beverage, as the discussions are lively and educational.
April 22, 2021
The George Floyd Case, Vaccines and More!
Good Day to all of my international listeners and Thank You for tuning into my show! My guest Reginald C. Campbell, Mental Health Therapist, and I will be discussing topics that will enlighten you, peak your interest and edify you. Such as: The Pandemic - Is It Under Control?; Johnson & Johnson Vaccine has been halted, what are the why's that are associated with this; Customer Service in this there still such a thing? Revitalizing this country's infrastructure is a daunting yet, much needed task that will employ thousands of Americans. So, what is the hold up? Take a moment and have a listen to the discussions.
March 11, 2021
A Year In Covid, Women Who Broke The Glass Ceiling and More
Thanks for tuning into my show! I have a lot to talk with you about such as: A Year In Covid, Women Who Broke The Glass Ceiling, Is Mediation Still Purposeful and more. So, take a break and relax with me and my guest Mental Health Therapist Reginald C. Campbell for amazing, lively and educational discussions.
January 21, 2021
A New Year
Happy New Year and Thank you for tuning into my show this morning. I pray that you all are in good health and are safe. So much has happened during the last time I aired which was in November 2020. Some things were good and some were not good. Such as: The Inauguration of President Biden and Vice President Harris, The Covid Virus still rages, the distribution of a Vaccine against COVID, an attack on our democracy, Implementation of Healing of our Nation. Please join me and my guests Michelle Cubas and Reginald Campbell to discuss these and other interesting, educational and controversial topics.
November 03, 2020
Election Day 2020 has Finally Arrived!
Good Morning and "Thank You" for tuning into my show today! This is a very important day in our Country, The United States of America. As this is the day that we will vote for the President of this Country, Judges who determines the outcome of a person's life; and, other Governmental Officials, such as State Senators and State Representatives; and other Local Cities positions that are very important, as well. My guest Reginald Campbell and I will discuss matters that are directly relating to the voting events in this country, in addition to other educational and controversial topics.
October 22, 2020
Women's Perspectives
Good Day Listeners and "Thank You" for tuning into my show today! Today's show is going to be discussions between educated, dynamic, powerful and fantastic women. As 2020 is quickly coming to an end, I felt that it is important to hear a women's perspective regarding some of the issues that are going on in this country right now. So, relax with a cup of coffee, tea or water, as I am sure that you will enjoy the conversations from this broadcast.
September 24, 2020
Protests, Pandemic and Presidential Race
Global Pandemic, Racist actions gone amok, Upcoming Presidential Election with contentiousness, so much stress in the lives of so many citizens of this country. Thanks for tuning into my show. Please join me and my guest, Mental Health Therapist, Reginald C. Campbell, for topics of discussion, that are inspirational, educational and lively.
August 27, 2020
Voting, Protests and the State of America
Good Day and Welcome to another broadcast for my show Here's Theresa! There is so much going on in our personal lives, our communities, and in our Country. It can be exhausting and mindboggling to say the least. However, we must remain strong throughout, for ourselves and for our families. Maintaining meaningful, insightful and worthwhile conversations can assist us in getting information that is needed to help us through the day, or open our minds up to new realities regarding old situations, or maybe even having a much needed laugh, during these temporary unpleasant events we are now experiencing. Come join me and The World's Best Mental Health Therapist, Reginald C. Campbell, as he and I will discuss various topics on my show that will hopefully raise your awareness, give you another perspective on an issue(s) and perhaps, even give you a laugh.
July 23, 2020
The Pandemic, Remembering John Lewis and More
Thank you for listening to my show, I so appreciate it! With the continuum of our nation, our world, going through something that we have not had to conquer globally, which is a global pandemic, with still no absolute corrective measures to eliminate or slow down this virus. I am still very hopeful and faithful for the best resolution. This is why, it is vital to wear your PPE's prior to going out in the atmosphere. My show will address this very topic today, as well as other interesting and educational topics, with my guest, Mental Health Therapist, Reginald C. Campbell. So, please relax, put your feet up and listen to my show.
June 25, 2020
COVID 19 and Protests
Good Day to all of you and I Thank You for tuning into my show. Today's topics are insightful, up to date, educational, interesting and controversial. So please, take some time and relax and listen to me and my guest, Mental Health Therapist, Reginald C. Campbell, for a great conversation!
May 14, 2020
Where We Stand With COVID-19
Good Day and Thank You for tuning into my show! Although our Country and our World as a whole, is still going through this unfortunate Pandemic. The good news is that, there have been some improvements regarding this Pandemic; but, not enough to bring about any cheers or signs of relief. I am going to discuss some related issues with the Pandemic and discuss other topics of interests that are uplifting, educational, enlightening and informative along with my guest The World’s Best Mental Health Therapist, Reginald C. Campbell. Be Safe, Be Healthy and God Bless You All!
April 09, 2020
Coronavirus Thoughts
Thanks for tuning into my show, I really appreciate it! My guest the World's Best Mental Health Therapist, Reginald C. Campbell and I will be discussing topics of interest that will help shine some light on what our global society is now dealing with, a Pandemic - Covid 19. I am also interjecting during my broadcast, uplifting and educational conversations, as well. So, take a break and pour up a cup of coffee, tea or a glass of your favorite juice and listen to my broadcast. I hope you enjoy it.
March 12, 2020
Women's History Month, Coronavirus & More
Hello and thank you for tuning into my show! Today's show is going to be fantastic. I am excited, as I will be joined by two special guests, who are: Michelle Cubas, President of Positive Potentials and the world's best mental health therapist, Reginald C. Campbell.  Our topics for discussion will be enlightening, educational and interesting. In addition, we will be paying tribute to some of the most exceptional women in our world, past and present, as we celebrate Women's History Month. So please tune in, relax and take a listen!
February 13, 2020
Black History Month, the Primary Race and More!
Thank you for tuning into my show on this beautiful day that God has given us! Along with my guest, Mental Health Therapist, Reginald C. Campbell, in celebration of Black History Month, we will honor Black individuals and their achievements and contributions to society, as well as, discussing educational; and, interesting Hot Topics. So, relax with a cup of coffee or tea and listen to my show. You will not be disappointed.
January 23, 2020
Credit, Impeachment and Much More
It's 2020!...Happy New Year to all of my international listeners; and, "Thank You," for tuning into my show. This show is exciting, as my guest, Reginald C. Campbell, The World's Best Mental Health Therapist and I will be talking about interesting, enlightening and educational topics. So, relax with a cup of coffee or tea and tune in to my show!
December 05, 2019
Systemic Racism
Good Day to all of my listeners and Thank You for tuning into my show! This broadcast is the last for the year 2019. Take some time to relax and listen to me and my guest, Reginald C. Campbell, Mental Health Therapist, discuss educational, interesting and controversial topics, including systemic racism, impeachment, nursing home abuses, and more.
November 07, 2019
Theresa and Reginald Review the News
Good day to all of listeners out there! I along with my guest Reginald C. Campbell, Mental Health Therapist, have a great broadcast all lined up for you with educational, enlightening and controversial conversations. So, relax with your coffee or tea and listen to me.
October 03, 2019
CBD Product Safety & Whistleblowers
Good Day and Thank you so much for listening to my show! Today’s show is going to discuss educational and controversial topics, starting off with a new segment called “ Off The Cuff,” which my guests Reginald C. Campbell and Michelle Cubas and I are going to discuss CBD; and, how it is being recognized in the medical industry, as well as, other subject matters of interest. So, please relax and enjoy the show.
September 05, 2019
Dealing With Mass Shootings, Fires in the Amazon and Much More
Good Day to you all and Thank You for listening to my broadcast!!! I certainly appreciate it. Today, my guest, The Worlds Best Mental Health Therapist, Reginald C. Campbell and I will discuss a number of Hot Topics, that are sure to peak your interest with its educational, inspiring and enlightening (with a twist of Humor) conversations. So, please, relax with a cup of tea or coffee and enjoy.
August 08, 2019
August Heat Brings Hot Topics
Thank You so much for tuning into my show! I so appreciate your time that you are taking to listen to my broadcast. My show today will include Hot Topics, like the democratic debates, Trump's trade war, the reaction to the recent mass shootings, and other informative conversations along with my guest Mental Health Therapist Reginald C. Campbell. So, relax and Enjoy!
July 11, 2019
The Border, 2020 Election and other Hot Topics
Thank you for tuning into my show!!! I certainly do appreciate your time for listening. I am going to have another great show for you today. My guest, is Attorney and Activist Terri Griffiths. Starting with my Dinner Table Conversation Suggestion, my guest and I will be discussing Hot Topics, for example, the upcoming Presidential Election in this country; the mess at the Border; The Fair Chance of Housing Act of 2019; and, other topics that are of interest and are educational as well. So, relax with a cup of coffee or tea and join me and my guest.
June 20, 2019
Hot Topics for Summer
Good Day! And Thank You for tuning into my show! Like always, this show is exciting and informational and educational. Along with my guest Reginald C. Campbell, we will be discussing some Hot Topics, starting off with my Dinner Table Conversation suggestion. So relax and tune!
June 06, 2019
The Broken Social Contract
Thank You for tuning into my show today, it is certainly appreciated! I have, as always, planned a great show for you today, my listeners. My guests today are: Michelle Cubas, President of Positive Potentials. She is a Professional Business Coach and she is the author of her upcoming book titled: The Broken Social Contract. I will be talking to her about her book and my other guest is "The World’s Best Mental Health Therapist," Reginald C. Campbell. He is going to be speaking at a venue this weekend about Mental Health, we will talk a bit about that; and, he and I will also engage in educational and enlightening conversations about Hot Topics. So, tune in, as this show is going to be Terrific!
May 16, 2019
This Week in America
Good Day! And Thank You for listening to my show! I am going to have good discussions with my guest, The World's Best Mental Health Therapist, Reginald Campbell, about Hot Topics that are affecting this nation. My main purposes are to bring topics that are enlightening, educational and interesting to my listeners. So, relax with a cup of tea or coffee and enjoy
May 02, 2019
Inside the World of Mortgages
Thanks for tuning into my show, it so appreciated! The show is going to be a good one, with my guest Jaime Licon, of Fairway Mortgage, as he is going to talk about the World of Mortgages and Reginald Campbell, The World's Best Mental Health Therapist, he and I will be talking in the first half of the show about Hot Topics and other interesting subjects. So tune in, relax and enjoy!
April 18, 2019
Embarking on Easter
Thank you for tuning in to listen to my show as we are embarking on Easter Celebration. My guest Reginald C. Campbell and I will be talking about Hot Topics and varying other topics that are surely interesting, educational and conversational. So relax, take a deep breath and enjoy!
April 04, 2019
A Conversation on Mental Health
I so appreciate you tuning into my show, as always! I have another great show lined up for you today, on Here's Theresa! Starting with Hot Topics and then bringing on my guest, The World's Best Mental Health Therapist, Reginald C. Campbell; and, we are going to have a great conversation about Mental Health, particularly; because, there has recently been so much discussion about Mental Health (ie Anxiety, Depression), so who better than an expert in the field of Mental Health to discuss this subject matter openly for my listeners. So, tune in and get comfortable, to hear these educational, uplifting and interesting topics.
March 21, 2019
Hot Topics & Organ Donation
Good Day and Thank You for tuning into my show today! I’m so grateful, as always, to have you as a listener. Today our conversation is dynamic, educational and interesting as I will discuss Hot Topics along with my guest Reginald C. Campbell. Then I will also have a very interesting discussion with my guest, Brett Wallick, regarding his extraordinary story as a successful recipient of a heart and we will also discuss the importance of becoming an organ donor.
March 07, 2019
So What Do You Think?
Thank You for tuning into my show. This is going to be a show that is upbeat, filled with great information and discussions along with my guest the World's Best Mental Health Therapist, Reginald C. Campbell. Starting with my Dinner Table Conversation, my guest and I will discuss the following topics of interest.

I have a new segment on my show called - So what do you think?

Michael Jackson – Are These Individuals Talking So Boldly Again; Because, Of The #MeToo Movement? Or Is It All About Money?

Trump's Short Lived Summit – What The What?

The Final Frontier Are You Ready?

Revenge v Resurrection

What Is The Problem With The Service In This Country?
February 21, 2019
This Week's Hot Topics
Thank you for tuning into my show, I certainly appreciate your time. Today I am going to talk about a number of interesting topics starting with continuing honoring Black Americans, as this month is Black History Month. Then my guest Reginald C. Campbell and I are going to discuss varying Hot Topics, that are sure to be interesting and educational.
February 07, 2019
Celebrating Black History Month
Thank you for tuning into my show this morning. It is most appreciated, especially; because, it is Black History Month. This is the time for celebrating Black Americans who were; and, still are contributing to the betterment of lives, not only for their community; but, for all races. Along with my guest, Reginald C. Campbell, we will discuss some of these fantastic individuals, along with some Hot Topics. Once again, Thanks for tuning in...Enjoy!
January 24, 2019
The Savvy Speaker versus The President
Thanks for tuning into my show it is so appreciated! Take a seat and relax and enjoy the conversations that I will be having with my guest the World's Best Mental Health Therapist Reginald C. Campbell, as we will discuss the following topics of interest:

Nancy Pelosi: A Savvy Political Woman

Traveling While Black

Is Slavery Still Alive In This Country?

Did You Hear This?

And Starting With My Dinner Table Conversation Titled: Opioid's Massive Mess In This Country
January 10, 2019
The Symbol of America
Thank you for tuning into my show today. As always, I have chosen topics that I hope will be of interest to you, as well as, educational, enlightening and controversial.

Below are the topics that me and my guest Reginald C. Campbell, Mental Health Therapist will be discussing.

Starting with my Dinner Table Conversation

This year did not start out with a bang!

Then my guest and I will talk about the following:

Like Father, Like Son

The symbol of America should be the statue of liberty... says Chuck Schumer

Speech! Speech!

Is anyone paying attention to the ecology?
December 27, 2018
A New Year, 2019. Are You Ready
Thank you tuning into my show. This is the last show for this year, 2018; and, it is going to be one that has lots of great topics that are interesting, educational, enlightening and conversational, along with my guest Reginald C. Campbell.

Starting with my Dinner Table Conversation, titled: A New Year, 2019. Are You Ready?

Then, the topics for discussion, along with my guest are the following:

Children Still Held at The Border...Unfortunately, Another Child Has Lost Their Life.

Interest Rates Are Increasing and Have Done So 7 Times Under The Trump Administration.

Building The Wall...$5 Billion Dollars Worth...Government Shut Down...Why Are The Democrats Being Blamed For This Mess?

Vaping Is Not Just A Puff Of Smoke.

NPR Reports - An Epidemic Is Killing Thousands Of Coal Miners. Regulators Could Have Stopped It.
December 13, 2018
The Good, Bad and Ugly of 2018
Thank you for tuning into my show. As always, the topics of choice are interesting, educational and inspirational. Along with my guest, The World's Best Mental Health Therapist, Reginald C. Campbell, we are going to engage in conversations regarding the following:

Dinner Table Conversation:

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly of 2018. Please, Let's Not Repeat It. We Can Do Better.

Watch What You Sow...You Will Reap It!

Time Magazine 2018 Person or Should I Say Person(s) of The Year...Do You Agree?

The Showdown In The Prestigious Oval Office In The White House...WOW!!!

Ain't That A Bitch?!

It Really Matters To Have A Morale Compass...Right?
November 29, 2018
Retrospect for this year
Thank you so much for tuning into my show!

Along with my guest Reginald C. Campbell, we are going to be talking about the following subject matters of interest:

Dinner Table Conversation

Give! Give! Give!

Polio Like Illness In This Country...CDC Is Confirming

The Auto Industry – It's a Darn Shame!

Out Of The Ashes Rises Help And Gratitude From Citizens Of This Country

Trumps Gut Is More Intelligent Than My Brain...I Doubt That!

Retrospect For This Year...Is It Important For You?
November 07, 2018
Now What?
Thank you for tuning into my show. As usual my conversations for you this day will be filled with an enthusiastic conversation, that will enlighten, educate and inspire you. Come join me and my guest, The World’s Best Mental Health Therapist, Reginald C. Campbell, you will not be disappointed. Here’s is a list of what our conversations will be about:

Dinner Table Conversation – Is there a difference between being strong, and being stubborn?

The election is over- what’s next for our divided country?

Trump has fired Jeff Sessions- what happens to the Mueller investigation?

Voter suppression in Georgia may have kept a black woman out of office

And speaking of Georgia, a vote has put a gun in every school. Was that the right thing to do?
October 25, 2018
Following Trump Down the Rabbit Hole
Thank you, listener's, for tuning into my show today. Today the topics of interest that will be discussed along with my guest Business Coach and Professional Writer, Michelle Cubas are:

Dinner Table Conversation:

If you are witnessing a situation that could become harmful to another person, what would you do?

The Reverse Of The Transgender Description...What's Next?

Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, To Solve The Deficit. Really?

Following Trump Down A Rabbit Hole...What Does That Mean?

Watch What You Hate, As It Can Manifest Itself In Your Life...Totally!
October 12, 2018
Are We Living In The Worst of Times
Good Morning and Thank You for tuning into my show. As always, for you, my listeners, the topics of choice are interesting, educational, with some laughter and enlightening, as well. I will start with my Dinner Table Conversation Titled: Are We Living In The Worst of Times?

Then, along with my guest, Attorney/Activist Terri Griffiths, and Business Coach and Writer Michelle Cubas, we will be discussing the following:

People In This Country Are Scared, Uncertainty Is Seemingly High, As Well. What Has Happened that Has Caused This In Our Country?

Divisiveness Is Tearing The Very Fabric Of Our Great Nation. What Are Some Of The Things, As Women, We See That Are Contributing To This Factor?

Some Issues Women Still Face in 2018 Are: Student Debt Crisis; Job Discrimination and Pay Inequality; and, Lack of Women In Leadership. What Can Be Done To Rectify This In Our Society?

Bill Cosby Is Paying For His Criminal Acts Towards Women. Harvey Weinstein and Allegedly The Person In The White House Have Committed Similar Offenses Towards Women. They Still Are Freely Abound. Question Is: Why?

It Is Often Said That We As A Country Need and Have To Do Better. Is There Any Legs To This Statement Pertaining To Women?
September 27, 2018
ENCORE SHOW: Inspiring People to Make A Positive Difference In a World That Is Seemingly Hopeless
Hello My International Listeners! Thanks for tuning to my show! For today's broadcast I am doing a repeat of a show from October 19, 2017. I will see you on the radio October 11, 2018, for more exciting, educational and vibrant conversations. God Bless You and Be Kind To Yourself and One Others.

Inspiration is one of those words that sound beautiful, just by pronouncing it. It means the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative. The word to many has a concrete meaning with excitement, that something better is going to happen, as they have been inspired by something or someone. However, there is beneficial power to its' meaning and it can be a force, a positive force, in one's life when it has been implemented to direct them in accomplishing their goals in life or how to better direct others to do the same. Also, I will discuss a new informative segment titled "Did You Know." Please join me and my guest for this enlightening and educational discussion.
September 13, 2018
Sexism, Bias and Racism In The World of Tennis
Thank you for tuning into my show. As usual my conversations for you this day will be filled with an enthusiastic conversation, that will enlighten, educate and inspire you. Come join me and my guest, The World’s Best Mental Health Therapist, Reginald C. Campbell, you will not be disappointed. Here’s is a list of what our conversations will be about:

Dinner Table Conversation – Only Love Knows Love

A Class Act – Are You One?

Sexism, Bias and Racism In The World of Tennis

What In The Hell Is Going On?

The Economy Is Doing Great…Really?!
August 23, 2018
Put some Love in Your Heart
Thanks for listening to my show, it is much appreciated! Along with my guest The World’s Best Mental Health Therapist, Reginald C. Campbell, we will be discussing the following topics:
Dinner Table Conversation: Succinctly Planning Your Day, Just How Vital Is That To You?
Autonomous Vehicles Delivering Groceries. Are You A Fan? 4 Year Old Motivational Speaker
If You Could Go Back In Time, Would You and Why?
Trump Stomping The Campaign Trail For 40 Days. Really!
Put Some Love In Your Heart
August 09, 2018
Making America Kind Again
Thank you for tuning into my show. My guest is the world's best Mental Health Therapist Reginald C. Campbell and we are going to be discussing the following topics:

Dinner Table Conversation Topic: Are You Allowing Insignificant People To Stop Your Blessings?

So Now The NRA Is In Financial Trouble, Oh Well!

At Risk Mothers and Childbirth

Do You Know What's Really Happening? (AT&T Possible Strike)

Making America Kind Again – Was It Ever?

LeBron James – You Are Fabulous!
July 26, 2018
Saving the Farmers
Thank You for listening to my show. I enjoy bringing broadcasts to my listening audience that are educational, lively in discussions and information that will spark great ideas and intelligent conversations. Join me and my guest Technology Expert, Brian W. Keves, to discuss the following topics:

-Dinner Table Conversation Suggestion

-Speaking of Voting…

-How Many Bales of Hay Does It Take To Save America’s Farmers?

-Say What? Russia Now Is Colluding With The Dems?

-Home Depot Said They Made A Mistake

and 3 Suggestions For Keeping your Iphone Running Smoothly
July 12, 2018
Tit for Tat Tariffs
Thank You for listening to my show. I enjoy bringing broadcasts to my listening audience that are educational, lively in discussions and information that will spark great ideas and intelligent conversations. Join me and my guests Terri Griffiths, Attorney/Activist and Reginald C. Campbell, Mental Health Therapist to discuss the following topics:

-Dinner Table Conversation Suggestion

-Supreme Court Justice...Should Trump Have The Ability To Nominate His Choice?

-What's It All About Chucky?

-Tit For Tat Tariffs = Job Loss For Americans

-D. L. Hughley Has A New Book
June 28, 2018
From Bad to Worse
Thanks for tuning into my show, along with my guest, Reginald C. Campbell, the world's best Mental Health Therapist. I certainly hope that you gain some awareness about a subject matter being discussed and that our conversations will enlighten you and spark interest for a lively conversation with your family and friends, as you are listening to my show.

Today's show topics are the following:

-Dinner Table Conversation Suggestion

-Should Congresswoman Maxine Waters apologize for her so-called rant earlier this week? And, do her actions hurt the Democrats chances regarding taking majority of both houses this November?

-North Korea Continues Nuclear Expansion

-Sanders to get Secret Service protection

-Deadweight Donald

-5 foods that may help up your happiness, give you a 'mood boost'
June 21, 2018
This is not America
Thanks for joining me and my guest, Reginald C. Campbell, World's Best Mental Health Therapist, as we discuss the following educational, informative and interesting topics:

Dinner Table Conversation Suggestion...The despicable behavior of this country is going to more than bite us in our butt...Native American tribes win big at the supreme court...Chinese investment in the US drops 90% amid political pressure...Black Fathers Share Their Fears and Hopes for Their Sons in America Today...Obama to America: We have to do more than say 'this isn't who we are.' We have to prove it.
May 31, 2018
Educational Inequality
Thanks for joining me and my guest, Reginald C. Campbell, World's Best Mental Health Therapist, as we discuss the following educational, informative and interesting topics:

Dinner Table Conversation Suggestion... Addressing Educational Inequality for Black Kids Means Understanding They Aren't in Need of Fixing... Roseanne Barr Feels Misunderstood... Racism, Is Still a Big Problem in Our Society and Our Political Arena...School Violence/Shootings, Still Not Taken Seriously in America... Documentation Reveals That Migrant Kids and Teens are Being Abused by Border Patrol Agents.
May 10, 2018
Free- Range Children
Well I have another fantastic broadcast for you this day, along with the World's Best Mental Health Therapist Reginald C. Campbell. Our topics that we are going to be discussing today are the following:

Our Dinner Table Conversation topic is titled...What do you want to be known for? Another fabulous take on a sermon that was recently broadcasted by Joel Olsteen...Then...WOW! WOW! WOW! All this talk about Free Range you agree or disagree? The agreement between North and South Korea is it a bright spot in our world? Are you living wisely or foolishly? Dreams and hopes for the future of your life and it still imaginable today? There are almost enough jobs for everyone, Labor Department why are so many still unemployed?
April 26, 2018
Lynching in America
Thank you for joining me and my guest Mental Health Therapist, Reginald C. Campbell, for this educational, enlightening and inspirational discussions on the following topics: Lynching in America – It continues in different forms; Morals just how important is it to have in your life; Why even bother if it makes no sense; Lowering the voting age to 16. Do you agree or disagree? and, Dinner Table Conversation Suggestion.

Being Informative, Educational, Enlightening, Inspiring and Interesting are always the Cornerstones of my show.
April 12, 2018
This Week’s Important Matters
Theresa and her guest Brian Keeves discuss the hot topics of the week, including the strange weather across the US, the latest Trump scandals and illegal immigration. Plus, acts of kindness, dinner table conversation, the major causes of stress and anxiety.
March 29, 2018
Meaningful Topics
My guest Reginald C. Campbell, Mental Health Therapist and I will be talking about these meaningful topics:

My Dinner Table Talk Suggestion

Shout Out To The Organizers and Participants In Last Week's March Against Guns In Our Nations' Capital

Consequences Are They Really Real?

Are Policeman's Body Cameras Worth Taxpayers Money?

Voting This Year Is Very Important...Why?

President Obama's Recent Trip To Japan And His View On North Korea

Tune in and listen. You will not be disappointed.

Being Informative, Educational and Interesting are always the Cornerstones of my show
March 08, 2018
Social Crisis, Social Inequality and the Continuum of Society Depletion
Come join me and my guest, Mental Health Therapist, Reginald C. Campbell as we discuss the following topics:

The Opioid Crisis in Arizona

Massive Social Spending

Racial and Ethnic Inequality

The Tariffs on Aluminum and Steel

Being Informative, Educational and Interesting are always the Cornerstones of my show.
February 22, 2018
A Little Bit of This and A Little Bit of That!
My guest and I will be talking about the following topics of interest:

-Choose Wisely, as there are repercussions for everything in life...
-Advocating For Children, why is it important and why I there so less of it?
-Living In A Godly World, surrounded by Un Godly circumstances
-Honoring Black History Month
My suggestion for Dinner Table Conversation for you and your family and more!

Tune In to me and my guest Reginald C. Campbell as we discuss these interesting and educational topics.
February 08, 2018
Hot! Hot Topics For The Beginning Of The Year!
Welcome to this year’s Hot Topic session with my guests, Reginald C. Campbell and Paris M. Daniel. So much is happening in our country and our world that deems discussion on an educational and informative format for my listeners. And, my guests will each bring one Hot Topic of their choosing for discussion to the table for my listening audience, to add a bit more flavor to this session. Be sure to set your reminders, as these discussions are going to be Off The Chain!
January 25, 2018
The Unstoppable Browning of America
An article titled: Ad Lib written by Greg B. Macabenta, on November 29, 2017, The Browning of America. He states in part the following: Advertising is one indicator of changes in lifestyle, social mores, fashion, and language. One such development that has become apparent in US television commercials is the use of mixed race families (i.e., an African-American husband, a Caucasian wife and mixed race children). This is a very apparent change here in our society, particularly here in America, whether individuals want to recognized this alteration or not. Society, mixing of races have always been; however, the difference that is happening now, is the browning of America, seemingly has been expedited. What does this mean for our country? Join me and my guest, Paris M. Daniel and Reginald C. Campbell for this educational discussion.
January 11, 2018
Change is Inevitable... or Is It Really
"Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is actually faced." Pratiksha Mishra. "Leap and the net will appear." John Burroughs. Change to me is a phenomenal occurrence. It has many positive benefits and learned lifetime benefits that can transform your entire being to a positive upward shift for the rest of your life. Change is a growth serum and it is extremely healthy for your mind, body and spirit, yet many people are afraid of this Phenom called "Change." Why is Change important and vital for our lives? What are some of the benefits of Change and how can I call on it when needed? Join me and my guest Paris Martin Daniel, for this educational, lively and information discussion.
December 28, 2017
ENCORE SHOW: When you Are In The Dark, You Cannot See
Having foresight and/or the capability for knowing when something or someone isn’t right, some say is truly a gift. Perhaps it is just having acquired wisdom and or having acquired the knowledge of being able to detect "Stinkin Thinkin" within ourselves or others. Having the ability to see clearly is a must, especially when you are an individual who is all about maintaining continuous positive movement in your life. How can we keep our minds focused and clear so we can be on the continuum of upward movement? Join me and my guest Reginald C. Campbell, Mental Health Therapist, for this educational and informative conversation.
December 14, 2017
The Many Positive Contributions and Aspects That Women Bring to the Table
There has definitely been a shift in notoriety pertaining to the strength that lies in today’s women, particularly in light of the allegations of sexual assault cases from men in power, including the President of the United States, also including men who do not have the recognition of power status. Woman are now emerging as a power to be reckoned with, more than ever before. No longer are women standing by, idle, and allowing terrible behaviors from men to be swept under the rug, in silence. What could be the causation(s) for these allegations, made by women to be coming forth now, after many years in secrecy? Is there a possible shift happening in our Country? If so, what is it and why? Let’s also talk about what’s going on in the Virgin Islands after 2 massive category 5 hurricanes hit the island, first Irma and then Maria, back in September 2017. What is the progress of restoration to the island? I will get a first-hand account from my guest, Attorney and Activist Terri Griffiths, who is also a resident of the Virgin Island; and, she and I will discuss the topic of my show as well. Please come join us. I promise you will be enlightened, educated and entertained.
November 30, 2017
Talking About Things That Matter
We are coming to the home stretch for the close of the year 2017. So much has been happening and so much to talk about, such as, What is going on in the Democratic Party, The Tax Reform Bill, Is Net Neutrality on the brink of Communistic Behavior; and other things that matter to my listening audience. Please join me and my guest Reginald C. Campbell, Mental Health Therapist for this educational and enlightening conversation.
November 16, 2017
Generally Speaking About The Much Happening in Our World
There is so much going on in our world particularly now as we are coming to a close of this year. Grab your coffee or tea, and relax and listen to this informative and edifying conversation with my guest, Reginald C. Campbell, Mental Health Therapist.
November 02, 2017
A General Talk
Generalized Talking is such a good thing! Why? Because so many items can be covered that are interesting, educational, controversial and informative. Join me and my guest, Mental Health Therapist, Reginald C. Campbell for a great discussion.
October 19, 2017
Inspiring People To Make A Positive Difference In a World That Is Seemingly Hopeless
Inspiration is one of those words that sound beautiful, just by pronouncing it. It means the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative. The word to many have a concrete meaning with excitement, that something better is going to happen, as they have been inspired by something or someone. However, there is beneficial power to its’ meaning and it can be a force, a positive force, in one’s life when it has been implemented to direct them in accomplishing their goals in life or how to better direct others to do the same. Also, I will discuss a new informative segment titled “Did You Know.” Please join me and my guest for this enlightening and educational discussion.
October 05, 2017
Time To Discuss Hot Topics!
OK! Its time to discuss Hot Topics in an educational and informative exchange with my guest Reginald C. Campbell, the world’s best Mental Health Therapist. Don’t Miss It!
September 21, 2017
Living In A “What if” World
This is an Encore show from “Put It All On The Table Through Mediation,” July 21, 2016. Although this show originally broadcasted during the 2016 Presidential Election, I chose this because, the subject matter relating to this broadcast, still remains apropos to what is going on in the world today. Unfortunately, nothing has changed and in some instances, things have worsened. Such as, division among the worlds populace continues to grow, voting issues and hate crimes continues, scandals and a cloud of darkness that seems to have not hovered over; but, engulfed the White House and its administration; and, the fact still remains that a political coup in the United States Congress has not taken a vacation, since airing of this program. For all of those who have not listen to this program, please do so. If you have already heard it, I invite you to please listen again. I will be returning on October 5, 2017, with another educational and informative broadcast. Be safe and God Bless!
August 24, 2017
ENCORE SHOW: What Are We Doing To Our Children, Our Future?
The late great Whitney Houston, sang so eloquently and beautifully in part… “I believe the children are our are future, Teach them well and let them lead the way, Show them all the beauty they possess inside, Give them a sense of pride to make it easier, Let the children’s laughter remind us how we used to be. The greatest love of all, Is easy to achieve, Learning to love yourself, It is the greatest love of all…” My questions are many in relations to our Children, Our Future, such as: Are we properly teaching our children the importance of loving yourself? Are we showing, protecting and guiding them in all the ways they need? Varying statistics show that there is an alarming high percentage rate that is increasing with homeless youth in this country, The Great United States of America. Why is this happening? Who is to blame, the Parents, our School System, our Government? What are some things that can be done to stop the surge of homelessness of our youth in this country? Please join me and my guest, Mental Health Therapist, Reginald C. Campbell and Attorney and Activist Terri Griffiths, for this important conversation.

Theresa Will return LIVE on September 7, 2017 @ 10A EST/ 7AM MST
August 10, 2017
Commitment- Is It Really Important As It's Meaning
There are a number of tools that are essential for those of us who are wanting to forge ahead in our lives and who want to positively accomplish as much as possible. "Hard Work," is the typical two letter word description that is used for gaining access to what is needed for attaining our ultimate goals in life. However, the descriptive "Hard Work" that is commonly used for this purpose, contains a myriad of other important factors that must be met, in order that our achievement comes to fruition in a timely manner. Commitment is also a common word, another descriptive that is used as we attentively listen to speeches by business speakers, professional coaches and therapist, as they assist many individuals in acquiring the outcome that they are wanting to reach. The question is, why is it so hard for so many human beings to commit to their goals in life? To stay on track? Is committing so hard? Is it the culprit for so many to stop obtaining their destiny? Join me in this educational and enlightening conversation with my guest, Mental Health Therapist, Reginald C Campbell.
July 27, 2017
The Ripple Effect
This show is going to be a fabulous and educational discussion regarding an organization named The Ripple Effect, dedicated to assisting the Veterans of this Country. The Ripple Effect has many purposes, one of the main goals of this organization is to assist the Veterans into reintegrating themselves fully and positively back into society, after leaving their duties with the military, by supplying them with the needed necessities, such as, food, clothing, housing, employment and physical and behavioral health struggles, in order that they can become fully functional and adequate for going forward in their lives. Although, this organization is fairly new to Arizona, it has already gained notoriety for is outreach programs that are associated with assisting the Veterans and their families, as many of them deal with mental issues and the possibility of suicide. Join me and my guest Sande Roberts, Consultant/Advisor for The Ripple Effect and Mental Health Therapist, Reginald C. Campbell, for this educational and meaningful discussion.
July 13, 2017
Everybody Is Gifted, But Most People Never Open Their Package – Wolfgang Riebe
Life…it’s a beautiful thing. Just think of it, every person that resides on this planet is here for a specific reason. We are spiritual beings having a human being experience here on earth and it is our job to live our lives to the fullest. We are to use our innate senses, our common senses to gravitate us to the magnificence of accomplishments that we are suppose to achieve. One profound question is what happens when the gift or gifts that we have within do not manifest itself? Or more importantly, suppose individuals do not know their reason or reasons for what their accomplishments are? How do we find our way for finding out what they are, so we can get on with our lives? There are varied answers to these questions that can help guide individuals to unlock their existence here on earth. Join me and my guest Reginald C. Campbell, The World’s Best Mental Health Therapist, for this educational and informative conversation.
June 29, 2017
Let's Catch Up on Hot Topics
This show is a review of previously discussed Subject Matters and today’s Hot Topics, which make for a great conversation with my guest Reginald C. Campbell, Mental Health Therapist. Come join us for this lively, educational and informative exchange.
June 15, 2017
The Court of Public Opinion
The Court of Public Opinion, Does It Matter? For example, when the public rush to judgment about an individual who got arrested for a crime and lets say this person is a well known actor/activist, who have received many awards and is very much revered for their work in the entertainment industry and for their humanitarian efforts.  The media gets a hold of the matter and immediately starts reporting, without a lot of factual information; but, just knowing that this story will sell newspapers, magazines and increase televised viewership and the traffic on social media, as negative things are being said and reported. Now, consistently over 51% of the populace following the case joins its views with the reporting agencies for this case.  The matter has turned into a court trial with a jury; and this revered actor has been in the lime light for 1 year now, regarding the arrest that’s now 1 year old.  The trial has ended, the actor has been found not guilty; because, through solid witnesses, DNA and other substantial mechanism of proof, this person was found not guilty.  Now what? How does this person resurrect themselves from the long bitterness they have been receiving from The Court of Public Opinion?  Join me and my guest Reginald C. Campbell for this interesting and educational discussion.
June 01, 2017
Talking About Some Of This and Talking About Some of That
Well, here we are, at the Hallmark of 1/2 of the year, 2017, that has already passed. Regardless of what has happened since the inception of the New Year, we are Blessed, as a nation. Along with my guest, Reginald C. Campbell, we are going to talk about some of the Hot Topics that is in the news today; and, give our perspective on them. Come join us, as the conversations are always enlightening, educational, interesting and great to listen to.
May 04, 2017
What Do You Think?
Often there are many questions that are asked of one another, basic questions, such as: How are you today? How are you feeling? Are you on your way to work? What are you preparing for dinner? Where are you? In other words there are many basic questions that are asked of individuals on a daily basis. Although, the aforementioned questions do require the individual to think about it, in other words, it requires some kind of thought; however, out of all of the basic questions that are asked of individuals on a daily basis, "What Do You Think?", couple with, giving the individual adequate time for responding, can also engage them in a more reasonable thought pattern, and hopefully resulting in a more sincere and sensible answer to the question that is being asked of them. The reason this question is the topic of my show today, is because, I do not think that people are given enough time to think out adequately what they want to say or should say and in some instances, people simply do not take the time to breath and think in a succinct manner, as we live in a society that is being dictated by instantaneous results, for example, doing things quick, fast; and, in a hurry. Join me and my guest Reginald C. Campbell, Mental Health Therapist, for this enlightening and educational show as we discuss meaningful questions pertaining to this topic.
April 20, 2017
Peace, Salvation, Rectification & Amicable Resolutions
I have talked about the contentious and malicious behavior of our populace on several of my previous shows, as I am deeply concerned. My concern among many, is that the aforementioned has no longer seemingly taken control of our beautiful world; but, these negative actions has without any doubt, made its presence known among our populace on a daily basis. Join me and my guest, Reginald C. Campbell, Mental Health Therapist for this educational and enlightening conversation.
April 06, 2017
General Sensible Conversation
There are so many controversial things taken place in our world today. Some are Hot Topics and some just need to be talked about. Tune in and listen to me and my guest Mental Health Therapist Reginald C. Campbell, for this enlighten and educational conversation.
February 23, 2017
Really?/Why?/What?/And Who is Actually In Charge Of Our Country?
There are a lot of things going on in our beautiful country, particularly in the wake of the new Presidential Administration. As being reported by the news media, the unfortunate contentiousness is stemming from the President implementing and/or wanting to implement laws that are bias and unfair, to a large number of this nations populace regarding immigration laws and refugees, The Affordable Healthcare Act, The Environmental Protection Agency, deregulation of organizations (i.e. Recently The Coal and Oil Industries); and, the continual signing of Executive Orders while intentionally bypassing Congress. These actions have caused an abundance of discernment, worry, concern and unease within a great number of the American Citizens. Are there any positive resolutions, whether they are tactical or strategic, that can be applied advantageously, within this Presidential Administration in order to curtail the increasing contentious behavior in the United States of America? If so, what are they? Join me and my guesta, Reginald C. Campbell and Belinda Brooks, for this conversation.
February 09, 2017
Let’s Talk About Hot Topics
Hot Topics! WOW! What a controversial global society we live in today, so many things happening; and, honestly, you have to be on your game to keep up. Join me and my guest Mental Health Therapist, Reginald C. Campbell for this interesting, lively and fun-filled conversation.
January 26, 2017
Simplistic Talks About Important Matters
There are a number of important matters that are happening not only in our great nation but in our world that merits discussion. For example, the fabulous woman movement that happened this past weekend, that not only took place in the United States but around the world. There are a number of significant concerns that can or will effect us for a long time, matters that perhaps you were not aware of and need to be made aware of. Join me and my guest Mental Health Therapist Reginald C. Campbell for this edifying and lively discussion.
January 12, 2017
That Phenomenal, Wonderful Thing Called Hope
Exactly what is hope and why is it so important to have this embedded in our lives? Hope, certainly has been around for a long time; however, the whole embodiment of the powerful properties contained within hope, were awakened, in its robust form, when President Barack Obama began his Presidential Campaign back in 2007, February 10th, at an event in Illinois. I feel that if you are a believer in hope and if you are an avid participant in its liberalness which connects you to change, among others positive and distinct characteristics , it can also bring a lifetime of achievements once you associate yourself with this Things Called Hope. Please join me and Reginald C. Campbell for this beneficial conversation.
December 29, 2016
Slavery In Black America, Is It Really Abolished?
According to the factual documentation relating to this countries history, it states that in 1865, which was 151 years ago, Slavery was Abolished by then President Abraham Lincoln, our 16th President of the United States. President Lincoln received much credit for this monumental movement then and now. However, is Slavery really abolished? Is Black America really no longer bounded by historical events and beliefs, that have yet to be fully reconciled by the government and the populace of this country? Join me and my guest Terri Griffiths and Reginald C. Campbell, for this educational and lively discussion.
December 15, 2016
’Tis The Season To Be Jolly!
This is the time of the year that we should be taking a breather and relaxing from the very busy, fast pace lives that so many of us live on a daily basis. As we are preparing for celebrating Christmas; and, we are shopping for gifts for our family, friends, and planning holiday parties, this is a time for reflection. This is the time of the year that we should take the opportunity to do quality checks on our lives. Such as, are we doing what we need to do to promote ourselves to reach our highest goals? Am I happy, if not, why not? Did I help anyone in need and did I ask for help, as I found myself deficient in abilities to move forward? Presently, the world seems to be perplexed or in a quandary of some sort, as the Presidential Election outcome still looms with discontent with many of this nations populace. Great things are happening in our beautiful world everyday. There are ways to turn situations around, regardless of how bleak it may seem. Join me and my guest Reginald C. Campbell for this discussion.
November 24, 2016
Yes, We Can Rise!
The last time I aired was on November 10, 2016; and, that shows discussion was about people being on the “ Wrong Side of The Right Thing”. Now, that the outcome of the Presidential Election, is not suitable to the consensus of a good majority of Americans, as proof being reported by the media, showing protesters are still using their voices, coupled with stances, as they chant and carry written messages on hand written signs, high in the air, as they are marching to utilize their voices to reverberate their disappointment for the outcome, as Donald Trump is now the President Elect, for this nation that is already Great. Maya Angelou, wrote a beautiful poem titled “Still I Rise,” in 1978; and, 38 years later, the eloquent and truthful message that this prolific and beautiful writer scripted in this poem, still holds a powerful message for today’s times. Two of my concerns are, can we, as Americans, rise above the discontent that seemingly has taken a contentious grip on this powerful nations populace? Also, what are some of the methodologies to be given energy to, in order that we, as a nation, can implement them, so we can learn from our mistakes, giving way for this nations populace to move forward in a positive manner? Join me and my guest, Brian W. Keves, Technology Expert, for this important discussion.
November 10, 2016
On The Wrong Side Of The Right Thing
Our great nation, The United States of America, has gone through a lot of tumultuous and contentious events and as a result of going through these negative events, there often has been the birth, of something memorable, lessons learned and positive results at the end. Such as: passing of the Bill of Rights, Roe v Wade, The Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act, our 1st Commander in Chief, who is a person of color, President Barack Obama and the 1st woman to be elected by a major party, The Democratic Party, to run for President of The United States, Hillary Clinton. What is the commonality of the aforementioned? The commonality in part are: People who were connected to these events had to make certain that their voices were heard for what they wanted, for they felt was right. Sometimes, this was done through protests/marches, through the streets of large/small cities (some were peaceful, some were not) , as they cried out for justice; and, during election periods, people voted out who they deemed were wrong so that righteousness could be abound for assistance; and, as a nation, people could move forward in a positive manner. However, there is a caveat to all of this; and, that is, there are people who do not want to see a positive manner of movement, they want to maintain a stagnant position of non growth; and; because of this, they intentionally stand on the wrong side of the right thing, in order to evade a movement of necessity, that would be gratifying for all involved. I call this, People On The Wrong Side Of The Right Thing. Join me and my guest Mental Health Therapist, Reginald C. Campbell, for this lively and educational discussion.