Wednesday • February 12
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The Conspiracy Show

Select an episode link below to view the on-demand archive.
August 28, 2022
The Final Show
After a total of 22 years on late-night airwaves, Richard is saying so long to his Conspiracy Show audience.

In his final broadcast, Richard revisits some earlier conversations from years past with some of his favorite guests, including, G. Edward Griffin, the late Jim Marrs, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Stanton Friedman and R. Gary Patterson. Richard also takes calls and questions and comments from the YouTube live chat.

​ Don't despair, Richard will continue to broadcast weekday afternoons from 4 to 6pm eastern on Sauga 960 AM on The Richard Syrett Show. He will also continue to publish his popular podcast, Richard Syrett's Strange Planet three days a week, guest-host on Coast to Coast AM several times per month, and upload fresh and exciting content to his YouTube channel: Strange Planet.

August 21, 2022
Remote Viewing Experiment & UFO Disclosure Update And Deep State Secrets
In the first hour, Richard welcomes a remote viewer and expert in the study of consciousness to conduct another in an ongoing series of live on-air remote viewing experiments. In the second hour, Richard speaks with a Canadian UFO/ET researcher and disclosure advocate to discuss recent U.S. congressional and Canadian parliamentary hearings into the unidentified aeriel phenomena. And, an assassination researcher and student of the late communications theory guru Marshall McLuhan discusses deep state secrets which are now being exposed.
August 07, 2022
Secrets & Cover-Ups On Earth And Beyond & The Great Reset And The End Times
In Hour 1, Richard welcomes a journalist/author and founder of a website which curates reports of strange and unexplained phenomena. Then, in Hour 2, Richard speaks with a documentary filmmaker and Bible prophecy expert about whether the machinations of the World Economic Forum and the United Nations align with End Times prophecy.
July 31, 2022
The Galactic Federation
Richard speaks with a pioneer in the development of exopolitics who will share details about the Galactic Federation, a cosmic organization that he believes is composed of various extraterrestrial races.
July 24, 2022
Untold Truth about American History
Richard speaks with an author/historian about his alternative views on American history.
July 17, 2022
Rod Serling Special
Richard welcomes an author to explore the life, career and legacy of legendary television writer, Rod Serling and his iconic 1960s television series, "The Twilight Zone."
July 10, 2022
Strange Things
Richard welcomes a world-renowned paranormal researcher to discuss our strange moon, his latest paranormal experiments including his latest metaphysical inventions, The Psionic De-Materializer, aka the "Bad Buster" and The Miraculous Prayer Board.
June 26, 2022
Sea Monsters, Giant Sharks And More Marine Mysteries
Richard welcomes a best-selling indie author and amateur paleontologist to discuss cases of real sea monsters and other marine mysteries. Hawthorne briefly spoke about his Kronos Rising novel series which imagines gigantic prehistoric creatures, such as pliosaurs, surviving ancient extinction events and wreaking havoc on the present day.
June 12, 2022
The Lost Prophecies of Qumran & Paranormal Poland
Richard welcomes an author/researcher and videographer to discuss the Essenes, a mysterious group of prophets and scribes who lived hundreds of years before Christ, to discuss their understanding of end times prophecy. He will reveal how an ancient Jewish calendar predicts the year 2025 AD as prophetically significant and the messages the Essenes left behind for believers living in this present age. ​ Richard also welcomes a writer/translator from Warsaw who shares some legends, myths and ghost stories from Poland.
June 05, 2022
Origins Of The Gods And Transdimensional Communications
Richard welcomes an author/researcher to discuss how our ancestors used shamanic rituals at sacred sites to create portals for communication with nonhuman intelligences. He'll reveal how these shamanic rituals and altered states of consciousness combine with the natural forces of the Earth to create portals for contact with otherworldly realms--in other words, the gods of our ancestors were the result of an interaction between human consciousness and trans-dimensional intelligence.
May 29, 2022
Haunted Objects & UFO Disclosure And The End Of Days
In the first hour, Richard welcomes a paranormal investigator who will address such topics as cloud busting, haunted houses and objects, and ghostly phenomena. In the second hour, Richard speaks with a documentary filmmaker and Bible Prophecy expert about how UFO Disclosure relates to The End Times as foretold in the Books of Daniel and Revelation.
May 22, 2022
The Power And Energy Of Names &​ Alaska's Mysterious Triangle
In the first hour, Richard welcomes an internationally acclaimed expert on numerological and subliminal influences as applied to names, birthdates, and addresses. In the second hour, Richard speaks with a paranormal investigator who will discuss his new work on a variety of strange and unusual activities in Alaska, including missing airplanes and people, shipwrecks and ghost ships, weird beings and time travelers, connections to lost civilizations, and vortices and portals.
May 15, 2022
Greak Lake Ship Wrecks
Richard welcomes a journalist, author and former tv news reporter to discuss some of the most remarkable shipwrecks on the Great Lakes, including the Edmund Fitzgerald and the huge storms that plagued the lakes for hundreds of years.
May 08, 2022
Rock 'N Roll Secrets
Richard welcomes the Rock and Roll Detective to discuss his career researching, consulting and writing about the history of Rock music and Rock legends.
May 01, 2022
The Greys & Skunk Apes, Little People, And Underground Bases
This week in Hour 1, Richard welcomes a UFO and paranormal investigator along with special guest Dolly Safran who claims to be a lifelong extraterrestrial experiencer. They will discuss her relationship with the grey aliens which began with an alleged abduction when she was fourteen. Then in Hour 2, Richard speaks with a journalist about recent sightings of the elusive creature known as the skunk ape, encounters with legendary Little People, and the latest update on a secret underground facility in the mountains of North Carolina.
April 24, 2022
Master Healer & Spirit Art
In the first hour, Richard welcomes a certified hypnotist and self-described ascended healer who will explain how we can master our super-conscious mind and access the unified field of creation to accomplish the impossible. Then in Hour 2, Richard speaks with an ordained Spiritualist minister who discusses her ability to draw deceased persons along with evidential photographs and eye witness testimonials that prove human consciousness continues after permanent bodily death.
April 17, 2022
Shared Death Experiences
Richard welcomes a family therapist and expert on the phenomenon of near-death experience, to discuss the phenomenon known as a shared death experience, or SDE, whereby one feels that one has participated in a dying person's transition to a post-mortem existence.
April 10, 2022
Roswell: 75th Anniversary Special
Richard welcomes two of the world's most prominent researchers and investigators of the alleged Roswell UFO crash who will provide a comprehensive account of America's most mysterious and controversial UFO incident.
April 03, 2022
The Nephilim And Bible Prophecy
Richard welcomes a biblical prophecy expert and author to discuss the war between human and Nephilim bloodlines, exploring incompletely understood Biblical passages about "giants" and why he believes these angelic beings were 100% real.
March 27, 2022
Crop Circle Decoding And Hidden Information
A crop circle researcher and filmmaker reveals the hidden meaning of crop circles and what messages may be revealed in crop circles in England this coming summer.
March 20, 2022
The Archons And Their Negative Off-Planet Agenda & Ask Richard Anything
In hour 1, Richard welcomes an internationally known medical intuitive, healer and author who discussed interdimensional entities called archons which attach themselves to humans and feed off of them and manipulate them through feeding them negative thoughts. They use humans whose vibration has dropped to carry out their own agenda on the planet through influencing their thoughts and actions. Then in hour 2, listeners ask Richard to share his personal paranormal experiences, which include a phone call he received from late rock 'n roll historian R. Gary Peterson several hours after he died. Richard also discusses seeing his own doppleganger floating above him the day his late father was buried. Another listener asks Richard to share his thoughts on the World Economic Forum and whether the antichrist might emerge from that organization.
March 13, 2022
Remote Viewing The Russia/Ukraine War & UFOs Over Canadian Nuclear Facilities
In hour one, Richard welcomes a remote viewer and trance clairvoyant known as Canada's Edgar Cayce and the last of the sleeping prophets who'll reveal his visions and predictions concerning the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Then, in hour two, Richard speaks with a Canadian UFO/ET Disclosure advocate to discuss the recent inquiry from a Canadian Member of Parliament regarding incursions by unknown craft over Canadian nuclear facilities.
March 06, 2022
The Illuminati
Richard welcomes a writer/translator to discuss the history of the Bavarian Illuminati, their grades, rituals, ceremonies and fundamental philosophies. The Bavarian Order of the Illuminati is the most celebrated secret society in the world. Though officially lasting only 11 years, the powerful spell and shadow cast by the Illuminati still looms in the present day, where its influence can be seen in current conspiracy beliefs and actions by powerful individuals working in the shadows. The original Order of the Illuminati was founded by Bavarian professor Adam Weishaupt in 1776. Although the order was banned and brought down by the Bavarian Elector in 1787--when he became aware of the extent to which it had infiltrated the courts, schools, and his own administration--its legend and deep influence lives on to this day.
February 27, 2022
The Reptilians & Portals And Vortices
In Hour 1, Richard welcomes a UFO researcher and crypto hunter to discuss the possible existence of a subterranean reptilian humanoid civilization here on Earth. Then in the second hour, Richard speaks with a researcher of high strangeness to explore the connections between some modern-day UFO experiences & various traditions of folklore, as well as patterns & parallels between different unexplained experiences separated by time & geography--like the things that cause vehicle stoppages--UFOs, phantom armies & cryptids.
February 20, 2022
UFOs and The Alien Abduction Phenomenon & The Hillary Clinton Spy Scandal
In Hour 1, Richard welcomes a famous author and contactee/abductee who discusses his anomalous experiences with the visitors of unknown origin. He'll also discuss his participation in the new UFO documentary, "Alien Abduction: Answers." Then in the second hour, Richard welcomes a US Attorney who represented Watergate whistleblower "Deep Throat" to discuss recent court filings from Special Counsel John Durham alleging that lawyers from Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign hired a tech specialist to hack and surveil internet servers at Trump Tower and the Trump White House.
February 13, 2022
The Trucker Revolution--The Role Of Civil Disobedience In A Healthy Democracy & Autopsy Of A Pandemic
In hour one, Richard welcomes a U.S. constitutional lawyer to discuss the massive trucker protest sweeping across Canada and the world. He'll explain the role of civil disobedience in democracy and when it crosses the line. Then in hour 2, Richard welcomes a researcher/writer to discuss the mysterious disappearance and reappearance of the flu, natural vs. vaccine-induced immunity, the inability of the vaccines to control the virus and other extraordinary lessons about the end of the pandemic. Plus: the former head of Alberta's Emergency Management explains how governments across Canada did the exact opposite of what they were supposed to do in response to the pandemic.
February 06, 2022
The Bible And Our Multi-Dimensional Reality & Healing The Mind Virus
In hour one, Richard welcomes a Christian pastor and Amazon-best selling author who summarizes the key sections of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation while focusing on Jesus Christ's absolute command of the multiple dimensions. Then in the second hour, Richard welcomes a pioneer in the field of spiritual emergence and a Tibetan Buddhist practitioner to discuss the Native American idea of the wetiko mind-virus said to infect much of the population.
January 30, 2022
Demographic Predictions & Occult Symbols In Cinema
In the first hour, Richard welcomes a marketing expert to discuss coming trends using the tool of demographics. He'll discuss what the coming population decrease means and the changes caused by an aging population. Then, in the second hour, Richard speaks with an author/historian/film researcher who reveals some of the gnostic, and alchemical symbology skillfully encoded by directors into movies.
January 23, 2022
The Sleeping Church and The Rise Of The Antichrist System & Back To The Egg
In the first hour, Richard speaks with two writer/researchers who argue western Christianity has become a "corrupt cult" which has turned a blind eye to malevolent and polarizing forces at work in society today. In hour two, Richard welcomes an inventor and entrepreneur, who discusses her Harmonic Egg which utilizes sound and light to activate healing.
January 16, 2022
Social Media Censorship and Big Tech & The Mystery Of Ingersoll Lockwood
In Hour 1, Richard welcomes the co-founder of an alternative social media platform to discuss social media censorship and the power and impact of big tech companies, the critical nature of privacy and end-to-end encrypted communications, as well as the importance of the deradicalization of the internet and how free discourse rather than censorship is empirically proven to combat polarization and extremism. Then, Richard welcomes two writers/researchers who delve into the life of prophetic author Ingersoll Lockwood, whose books were written before the turn of the 20th Century, but both contain eerie similarities with modern day political events.
January 09, 2022
Financial And Geopolitical Astrology ​&​ UFO/ET Disclosure: The Year That Was
In the first hour, Richard welcomes an astrologer to discuss how planetary alignments will affect finance, geopolitics and civil unrest in the coming year. Then in Hour 2, Richard speaks with one of Canada's top UFO/ET disclosure advocates and UAP researchers for a look back at the major events of 2021 that shaped the disclosure movement.
January 02, 2022
Remote Viewing And Visions For 2022 & High Strangeness in Kentucky
In the first hour, Richard welcomes a world renowned remote viewer to discuss his visions and predictions for the upcoming year. In hour 2, Richard speaks with an author and folklorist about his collection of strange and mostly true stories from his home state of Kentucky.
December 19, 2021
A New Understanding of Christmas
The feast of Christmas has changed dramatically over the last 500 years. From a quiet traditional celebration in the Christian world, Christmas has morphed into an annual world-wide, multi-million dollar economic and media binge about shopping malls, flying reindeer and a large man in a red suit. Prelate and scriptural expert Father Robert Geis will help us navigate the many misunderstood and unknown scriptural nuances of Christmas as told in the gospels of St. Luke and St. Matthew.Also - was the Star of Bethlehem actually a star, or something else? A UFO expert has an interesting theory.
December 12, 2021
Saturn Worship & Native American Legends, Dogmen, Bigfoot And Werewolves
In hour one Richard welcomes an author/broadcaster and expert on end times prophecy to discuss worship of the god Saturn by the ancient Romans, the Hurrians who lived all over Canaan, and the Philistine giants of David's day who belonged to a warrior cult that worshiped the "sons of Saturn," the Nephilim. The god Saturn goes by many names, including Kronos, El and Molech, and the chief of the rebellious Watchers on Mount Hermon, Shemihazah. ​

In the second hour, Richard speaks with a horror/sci-fi author and intrepid cryptid researcher about the legend of the werewolf as well as his work researching dogmen and bigfoot sightings.

December 05, 2021
"PLANDEMIC" The Movie & Ancient Antarctic Civilizations
In hour 1, Richard welcomes the documentary filmmaker behind the most banned and censored documentary series in history, Plandemic and Plandemic, and Plandemic 2: Indoctrination. Then, Richard speaks with a syndicated talk-radio host about his prediction that the Democrats are planning to push President Biden AND VP Harris aside and install Hillary Clinton as President before the next presidential election in 2024.

Then in hour 2, Richard welcomes a journalist and founder of an alternative news website to discuss recent discoveries using Google Earth of what appear to be ancient cities emerging from beneath the frozen ice in Antarctica. She also will discuss the latest reports of sightings of legendary Little People and Bigfoot.

November 28, 2021
Geoengineered Transhumanism
Richard welcomes a writer/researcher who reveals how geoengineering has been used for decades to control the ionosphere with phased array heater blasts so as to maintain an ionized atmosphere in which chemicals, nanotechnology, and synbio synergies can be continuously laid by jets, drones, and rockets in the name of "climate change." Thus, the groundwork for the synbio (synthetic biology) neural network inside Human 1.0 began by manipulating the macro environment upon which our extraordinary interior micro environment depends. The air we breathe, the soil we grow our food in, the water we must replenish-all have been commandeered by biotech and Big Pharma for Human 2.0 Transhumanism.
November 21, 2021
JFK Assassination Special
Richard welcomes one of world's foremost authorities on the JFK assassination to discuss his latest project: a documentary film on Kennedy's murder, directed by Oliver Stone, which is informed by revelations uncovered from the nearly two million pages of documents declassified by the Assassination Records Review Board.
November 14, 2021
Mysteries Of Oak Island & The Culture War
In the first hour, Richard welcomes an attorney-turned-author, who focuses on fictionalized accounts of pre-Columbian exploration of North America, including legends of lost Templar Treasure located on Nova Scotia's Oak Island.

In hour two, Richard welcomes a writer, humorist and social critic to discuss the difficulty of navigating the current cultural climate due to the constantly shifting moral values, cultural double standards, the outright manipulation of reality by the media, a dangerous consolidation in the business community, and the strange WOKE agenda.

November 07, 2021
Twisted Sister & Diary of a Deputy Coroner
In hour 1, Richard speaks with a guitarist, founder, and manager of a world-famous heavy metal band about growing up in New York City in the sixties, working as a drug dealer and struggling as an addict before quitting cold-turkey, and finally, creating and cultivating Twisted Sister and turning it into one of the most successful brands in the world. ​ Then in hour 2, Richard welcomes a former deputy coroner about investigating deaths, and her encounters with the spirits of the dead.
October 31, 2021
Ali Siaditan &: Jonathan Cahn Explore Biblical Prophesy for America
Special guest-host Ali Siaditan welcomes Bible prophesy expert Jonathan Cahn to discuss the harbingers that befell the ancient Kingdom of Israel and how they parallel recent events in America.
October 24, 2021
U.S. Duplicity During the Pandemic &​ Las Vegas and the Mob
Special guest-host Don Jeffries is at the Conspiracy Show mic this week, while Richard is in Greece. In hour 1, he welcomes an investigative journalist at large to discuss what she describes as the monstrous political agenda, implicating media, government, and foreign nations in the plan to launch the current pandemic. She'll also detail the US government's indifference to the welfare of individuals and to its legal obligations under national and international accords prohibiting human experimentation and biological and chemical weapons. Then in hour 2, Don speaks with a former employee at the legendary Dunes Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas about the desert resort's storied history involving the mob, Hollywood stars, and other interesting characters.
October 17, 2021
UFOs and Scientific Mysteries &​ Creating Communities To Get Through Troubling Times
In hour 1, a writer, podcaster, researcher and speaker discusses a recent trip to Brazil to study the UFO phenomenon there and the state of UFO disclosure in America. In hour 2, Richard chats with a martial artist and survivalist to discuss how to form new communities, as the past 18 months of Cooties and Kool-Aid causes society to fracture into two castes: good people allowed into stores, workplaces and schools vs the bad people who are not.
October 10, 2021
Crimes and Coverups in American Politics
Richard welcomes a writer/historian to discuss the history of un-Americanism and secular saints, like Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, and Franklin D. Roosevelt. He'll examine the accepted history on everything from the American War of Independence to the establishment reputation of Thomas Jefferson and the other Founding Fathers, the Civil War, the Lincoln assassination, both World Wars, US government experimentation on prisoners, mental patients, innocent children and whole populated areas, the Lindbergh baby kidnapping and much, much more.
October 03, 2021
The Book Of Revelation, Pandemics and the Anti-Christ System
Richard welcomes a documentary filmmaker and expert on bible prophecy who will dive into the The Book of Revelation -- also called the Apocalypse of John, the final book of the New Testament.
September 26, 2021
The Lies That Are Killing Us and the Truths That Set Us Free
Richard speaks with a writer/researcher and former actor/director who takes a deep philosophical dive into the false official narratives concerning JFK, MLK, RFK, 9/11 and more. He'll lead listeners on an intellectual journey that results in a better understanding of why we believe what we believe, why it's detrimental to default to a position of educational obedience.
September 19, 2021
Congress Orders Pentagon To Study UFOs & Are You Experienced?
In hour 1, Richard welcomes a UFO/ET Disclosure advocate to discuss An important amendment to the House version of the National Defence Authorization Act (NDAA) concerning UFOs and Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) has been approved.

​ Then, in hour 2, Richard speaks with a long-time experiencer who shares his stories of visitations from otherworldly beings and explains the spiritual transformation he and others have undergone as a result of extraterrestrial contact.

September 12, 2021
Secrets of the Secret Service
Richard welcomes a former Secret Service Agent who has inside knowledge of how the White House operates under damage control. He shared his experiences as the first Secret Service employee compelled to testify in a criminal case against a sitting U.S. president.
September 12, 2021
Zero Point Energy, Anti-Gravity Tech, And UFO Propulsion
A physicist and noted UFO Disclosure advocate join Richard and guest co-host Victor Viggiani to discuss the development and suppression of anti-gravity and field propulsion technologies, and the secret history of anti-gravity experimentation--from Nikola Tesla and T. Townsend Brown to the B-2 Advanced Technology Bomber.
August 29, 2021
Havana Syndrome and Mass Hysteria
Richard welcomes a sociologist specializing in mass hysteria and social panics, rumors, gossip, fads, crazes, manias, moral panics, stampedes, urban legends, community threat panics, riots, 'cults,' social movements, and folie a deux.
August 22, 2021
Who Killed JFK Jr.
Richard welcomes a published author who speculates that a plane crash is a tried and true form of assassination to eliminate political opponents. But who would be killing Kennedys, and for what reason?
August 15, 2021
Tribute To Paul Hellyer & Making Contact: Extra-Terrestrials Are Here
In hour 1, Richard welcomes a ufologist and UFO/ET disclosure advocate to pay tribute to The Hon. Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Minister of Defense and Deputy Prime Minister. Hellyer, 98 passed away this week. After enjoying a long political career in his native Canada, he became a lot more vocal about the subject in 2005 when he made headlines by announcing his belief in UFOs.

Then, Richard and special co-host Victor Viggiani, executive director of Zland Communications, welcome an attorney and UFO/ET Disclosure activist to discuss how human civilization will respond to the reality of contact and connection with ETs.

August 08, 2021
Bloodline of the Nephilim
Richard speaks with Gary Wayne a Biblical Prophecy expert and author who reveals how the descendants of the Nephilim bloodline are plotting to enslave humanity.
August 01, 2021
Globalists, Bioweapons And Pandemics
Richard welcomes a science writer to the likelihood that SARS COV-2 was deliberately created in a virology lab in conjunction with the National Institute of Health and the CCP's bioweapons program. They'll also discuss the possible connection between the alleged presence of graphene oxide in Covid vaccines and certain adverse vaccine events.
July 18, 2021
The JFK Assassination: Through the Looking Glass & The Merry Pranksters, LSD, And The Mirale Of Structured Water
In Hour 1, Richard welcomes one of the most respected researchers and writers on the political assassinations of the 1960s to discuss a brand-new documentary film on the JFK assassination directed by Oliver Stone, titled "Through the Looking Glass." The film is based on new JFK files that have been released since Stone's Oscar winning film, JFK.

Then, in Hour 2, Richard welcomes an artist who will discuss his many adventures while traveling with Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters in the mid 1960s. He'll also discuss a revolutionary water- ionization system that transforms regular tap water into pure, healthy, electrolytically-reduced and hydrogen-rich drinking water.

July 11, 2021
Fauci, Gates, Schwab And The CCP's Bioweapons Program
Richard welcomes a Harvard-trained psychiatrist to discuss the documents he and his wife, researcher Ginger Breggin, uncovered revealing the connection between the gain of function research funded by Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates' organization, CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) and the development of the Sars-COV 2 virus in North Carolina and Wuhan, China.

Richard did not stream this show on YouTube, as the conversation contained a discussion of documented information the YouTube censors would likely use to ban him permanently. Listen to free speech at your own risk.

July 04, 2021
Remote Viewing Experiment/Messages From The Akashic Record
Richard welcomes Dr. Douglas James Cottrell, Canada's Edgar Cayce, who conducts a remote viewing experiment, live on the air. He also discusses his intuitive abilities and how he accesses information from the Akashic Record. ​ Guest: is best known as a trance clairvoyant.
June 27, 2021
Mysteries of Occult Hollywood
Richard welcomes an author/historian to discuss his fascination with secret societies and esoteric symbolism in cinema.
June 20, 2021
The Authoritarians & Crop Circles
In Hour 1, Richard welcomes a constitutional lawyer to discuss the state of individual freedoms in America, specifically as they relate to various government orders, mandates, and restrictions not addressed in the US Constitution. At its core, Emord said, power exercised in this way is a product of 'the administrative state,' which in turn is itself a product of authoritarian socialist ideology he credits to the 19th-century German philosopher Hegel.

Then in Hour 2, Richard welcomes a researcher and filmmaker to discuss Crop Circles and why she concludes they appear to be one of the first physical manifestations of co-communications between the Earth, the water, human consciousness, and other dimensional beings. Spinning plasma vortices of high frequency energies blend together to perfection and deliver messages to assist our evolutionary transformation.

June 13, 2021
The International Coalition For Extraterrestrial Research
Richard welcomes two members of ICER, a not-for-profit organization, is comprised of scientists, academics and leading UFO/UAP researchers from 27 countries on 5 continents who are unanimous in their recognition that we are not alone in the cosmos. Based on more than 75 years of research, ICER acknowledges that the UFO/UAP phenomenon is real; it acts with intelligence and is likely to be extraterrestrial/non-human in origin.

ICER believes all countries now need to prepare for confirmation that the Earth is being engaged by non-human intelligences and proposes 'awareness' programs be established to deal with the profound issue of Contact and its global implications.

June 06, 2021
Strange Things With Joshua P. Warren
Richard welcomes a ground-breaking paranormal researcher and author to discuss his new podcast: Strange Things, as well as shape-shifting immortals, telekinesis, the art of manifesting, and sigils.
May 30, 2021
Ancient and Advanced Technologies
Richard welcomes a researcher who details his search for ancient and advanced technologies. The evidences from historical record, legends and myths are shouting that it wasn't aliens, that the advanced technologies are echoes of a human society we do not have a written record of. We have the remnants of their buildings, genes, and the sciences that point to a highly advanced human race that survived multiple catastrophes and to this day may live among us. Human bones have been found back millions of years along side the homo erectus and other "primitive" humans. Many revelations of high technology have been being uncovered by independent researchers all over the earth. Anomalies in the historical record, out of place, out of time artifacts are labeled as mysteries or one offs yet show signs of advanced sciences and intelligence. Ancient maps showing lands that were not supposed to have been known, let alone covered deep in ice for thousands of years before human civilization. The case is evaporating of the timeline given for modern man being here for only 3 or 400,000 years.
May 23, 2021
Hidden Finances And Secret Technology
Richard welcomes a prolific author and researcher to discuss financial fraud, international banking, hidden systems of finance, black budgets and breakaway civilizations.

This show caused Richard to be banished to YouTube jail, as the conversation contained words, thoughts, ideas and questions the YouTube censors decided must be "medical misinformation." Listen to free speech at your own risk.

May 16, 2021
Giants, Gods And Dragons & Cosmic Coincidences
In hour one, Richard welcomes a broadcaster/author who connects the dots between history, archaeology, and Bible prophecy to reveal long-lost information about the imminent, end-times showdown between the fallen realm and the Kingdom of God.

Then in hour two, A New England man recounts a lifetime of curious and enchanting serendipities involving rock concerts, full moons and meteor showers.

May 02, 2021
The Occult Origins of America
Richard welcomes two veteran researchers and filmmakers, specializing in the areas of theology, world religion, the occult, and supernatural/paranormal phenomena who discuss how ancient occult mystery schools and pagan spiritual traditions shaped the founding of America.
April 25, 2021
Abiotic Oil, Apollo Questions, and Dangers Of 5G
Richard welcomes a science writer to discuss the theory of abiotic oil which states that oil arises from inorganic processes that occur deep within the core or lower mantle of the Earth, rather than from the slow transformation of animal and plant matter into hydrocarbons. He'll also discuss the latest research on the potential dangers of 5G and some perplexing questions surrounding NASA's Saturn V rocket and the Lunar Lander used in the Apollo mission to the moon. ​
April 18, 2021
Fake Environmental Catastrophes & Open Phones
Richard welcomes a founding member of Greenpeace who quit the organization after they became too radical and abandoned science. He'll discuss how dire claims about climate and the environment are based on scare tactics and fraudulent science. Then, it's open phones in hour 2, plus Richard shares big tech-censored audio of a medical doctor discussing the value of Vitamin D.
April 11, 2021
Hypnosis And Healing & High Strangeness In The Pacific Northwest
Richard opens the show with clinical hypnotherapist and relationship coach to discuss how childhood experiences effect present day relationships and how hypnosis can be used to transform toxic relationships and heal a wounded heart.

In hour 2, Richard speaks with the host of a popular paranormal podcast who previews some of the strange, frightening anomalous adventures featured in season four of his documentary podcast series.

April 04, 2021
Vaccine Passports And The End Of Freedom & Natural Remedies
In hour 1, a writer, historian and social critic examines the societal ramifications of a vaccine passport-- proof of COVID-19 immunization--which would block healthy but non-vaccinated Americans from travel, work, going to the gym, playing sports, attending entertainment events, dining in restaurants, and ultimately, returning to "normal" life.

Then in hour 2, Richard talks with herbalist Cass Ingram to examine how powerful natural medicines found in nature can ease pain, boost energy, strengthen immunity, and reverse serious diseases-naturally.

March 28, 2021
As In The Days Of Noah
Is our world actually reeling toward the prescient days of Noah, those days of unparalleled global turmoil as foretold by Jesus in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke? Are we really on the brink of a universal shaking, as a number of today's prophecy watchers are warning?
March 21, 2021
UFOs & The Bible
Richard speaks with a author, researcher, and former manager for Fortune 500 companies, who has studied the Bible for over 40 years to discuss his work connecting aspects of the paranormal and UFOs with material in the Bible.
March 07, 2021
The Science Of Near-Death Experiences & The Meaning Of Biblical Ages And The End Of Days
In hour one, Richard speaks with the world's leading expert on near-death experiences, who reveals his journey toward rethinking the nature of death, life, and the continuity of consciousness.

Then, A documentary filmmaker explains how the Bible speaks of seven distinct ages, and how all that is written from Genesis to Revelation relates to one or more of these ages. Everything God has done, is doing, and will do must be must be understood in the context of the ages.

February 28, 2021
The Spirit Of Antichrist & Dang Strangeness In Kentucky
In hour 1, Richard speaks with an author and editor about how the current turmoil and chaos in the world points to a major indicator of how near we are to the end of this age.

Then in hour 2, Richard welcomes an author and folklorist about his collection of strange and mostly true stories from his home state of Kentucky.

February 21, 2021
Pentagon Admits Testing Wreckage From UFO Crashes  & Time Shifts
Richard opens the show with a conversation with a TV producer and author about an apparent admission from the U.S. Pentagon in a Freedom of Information letter that it is holding and testing wreckage from UFO crashes.

Then, hour 2, Richard welcomes an author/journalist who shares detailed accounts from people who have experienced time slips, including the author’s own experiences, as well as the practices of shamans, yoga masters, and Samadhi mystics who use trance-like meditative states to travel outside normal space and time.

February 14, 2021
US Navy's UFO Patents & Underground Bases and the Mysterious Death Of Phil Schneider
In his first hour, Richard welcomes a physicist and author to discuss a U.S. Navy file dubbed the 'UFO patents' which reveals how military scientists spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on experiments involving nuclear fusion and electromagnetic fields as part of research into devastating future weapons. The documents claim a 'Spacetime Modification Weapon' could make the Hydrogen bomb seem like a 'firecracker.'

In hour two, Richard welcomes a documentary filmmaker to discuss the U.S. military's secret underground bases and the life and mysterious death of Phil Schneider, one of three people who allegedly survived a battle, between Greys and US military at the underground Dulce Base, in 1979.

February 07, 2021
Geo-Engineering with Matt Landman
Richard welcomes a filmmaker and leader in 5G and geo-engineer/chemtrail awareness and activism to discuss a plan by scientists at Harvard, and backed by Bill Gates, to dim the sun by spraying chemicals into the atmosphere as a means of forestalling global warming.

​ Guest: Matt Landman has gained recognition as a leader in 5G and geoengineering/chemtrail awareness activism. He presents unprecedented and view-changing information directly from official documentation and accepted research. He created the social change documentary Frankenskies, bringing awareness to ongoing atmospheric aerosol injections, chemtrails, weather modification programs and geoengineering. He has hosted a series of conferences, events and protests concerning the questions surrounding chemtrails and relentlessly continues to speak out against the ongoing lies in our skies. In 2018 he hosted the third Global Summit to Stop Geoengineering in Tucson Arizona, protesting the SCOPEX sky-dimming experiment, after which the experiment was placed on ongoing hiatus.

January 31, 2021
John B. Wells &​ Privacy In The Digital Age
In the first hour, Richard welcomes broadcaster, syndicated radio talk-show host, Hollywood voice actor and former weekend host of Coast to Coast AM, John B. Wells to discuss his life, career, and views on the U.S. Election, COVID, the Great Reset and more. Then, Richard welcomes a privacy consultant to discuss various dimensions of private living, from the basics of cybersecurity and asset protection to international nomadism and privacy during COVID-1984.
January 24, 2021
Hand Signs Of The Illuminati & Open Lines
This week in Hour 1, Richard welcomes an author and esoteric knowledge researcher to discuss the meaning and origin of various illuminati hand signs often flashed by celebrities and politicians. In Hour 2, Richard opens the phone lines to talk about politicians have been manipulating the pandemic as a tool for the Great Reset.
January 17, 2021
Cops Against Lockdowns & Jim Jones, the Peoples Temple Cult and Democratic Power
In hour 1, Richard welcomes a retired OPP constable who is part of a growing group of concerned retired and active duty peace officers looking to see the end of unconstitutional public health orders.

Then in hour 2, Richard speaks with George Freund, independent researcher, broadcaster and award-winning blogger about the connections between Jim Jones and his Peoples Temple cult and a who's who of California Democrat politicians.

January 10, 2021
Richard & Open Phones
Richard opens the phones to discuss the huge events of the past week, including the MAGA incident at the US Capitol and big tech's shutdown of conservative speech on the internet.
January 03, 2021
Escape From Prison Planet
Richard welcomes an adventure traveller and chronicler of hidden knowledge to discuss how corporations have taken over governments in a new form of Fascism that now incorporates high technology and artificial intelligence. He'll reveal how the survival of the human race may depend on breaking the embargo of truth, and collectively developing an ÜberMind.
December 27, 2020
Open Lines
Richard opens the phone lines to discuss the historic, bizarre and amazing year of 2020 with listeners.
December 13, 2020
Lockdowns, Vaccines and The Great Currency Reset & China's Attempted Takedown Of America
In hour 1, Richard welcomes a writer/independent researcher/documentary filmmaker to reveal how pandemic lockdowns are being used to severely restrict individual freedoms and to provide cover to introduce a new digital monetary system.

​ Then in hour 2, Richard speaks with a retired US. Army officer about a recent intelligence briefing warning that communist China has gained substantial influence and control at the highest levels of the U.S. government. He'll also discuss the connection between Dominion Voting Systems and the Chinese Communist Party.

December 06, 2020
Lockdown Tyranny & Rigged Election?
In Hour 1, Richard welcomes an author/historian to discuss how the disastrous response to the Covid-19 "pandemic" has destroyed the economy, negatively impacted public health, and severely infringed upon constitutionally protected rights and freedoms. Then, in Hour 2, Richard speaks with a former army officer turned whistleblower who discusses some of the testimony of expert witnesses who have come forward to allege that hundreds of thousands of votes were switched from Trump to Biden across all of the swing states. He'll also discuss rumors that multiple raids on the servers of vote rigging systems were conducted in three countries.
November 29, 2020
Gods of the Nations
Richard welcomes a documentary filmmaker to discuss the influence of the fallen angels on the ancient world and civilization after the time of Christ right through to today. He'll also reveal the relationship between the biblical Nephilim and modern day hybrids.
November 22, 2020
UFOs, Strange Beings, And Parallel Worlds
Richard and special guest co-host Victor Viggiani welcome an author and "contactee" who shares updates on ufology and his anomalous experiences, including a strange occurrence of visitors that bypassed his home alarm system and seemingly placed an 'alien' implant in his ear, which in recent years, he credits with providing him with information and inspiration.
November 15, 2020
The Great Reset
Richard welcomes the host of a popular podcast and YouTube channel covering a vast array of alternative information including UFOs, ETs and Alien Treaties, Advanced Ancient Civilizations, Time Travel, The New World Order, and more. They'll discuss the World Economic Forum's plan to use the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to dramatically transform all aspects of society.
November 08, 2020
The Deliberate Destruction Of Western Civilization
Richard welcomes an author and researcher who outlines the possible consequences resulting from a political and economic system in crisis, using the analogy of building demolitions to describe what he envisages as the impending collapse of the American empire. In order to take a structure down, support columns are identified, detonators rigged, alarms activated and, finally, plungers are pushed.
November 01, 2020
Coronavirus Lockdown Lawsuit
CORONAVIRUS LOCKDOWN LAWSUIT Richard welcomes a Canadian constitutional lawyer who recently filed a 191-page lawsuit against multiple levels of government over their response to the coronavirus pandemic. The lawsuit seeks several official declarations from the courts that pandemic measures are neither scientific nor medically-based, that they are extreme, irrational, and unwarranted, and that they breach multiple sections of our Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
October 25, 2020
UFO Disclosure Documentary
Richard and special co-host Victor Viggiani welcome a world renowned UFOlogist and filmmaker to talk about his documentary, The Phenomenon, which covers the monumental events behind the NY Times\' disclosure of the Pentagon\'s secret UFO program, and the long-standing global cover-up and mystery involving unidentified aerial phenomena.
October 18, 2020
Angelic Encounters
Richard welcomes two writer/researchers who will share stories of angelic intervention as told to them by those who experienced it. They'll discuss what the Bible says about angels, how misconceptions regarding angels came to be, and answer lingering questions such as whether holy angels can default from God's army, have wings, or read our minds.
October 11, 2020
Crossfire Hurricane: The FBI's Phony Investigation And Attempted Coup Of President Trump
Richard welcomes the former attorney for Watergate whistleblower Mark Felt, alias "Deep Throat," to discuss Crossfire Hurricane, the FBI's counterintelligence investigation in 2016 and 2017 into possible links between Trump associates and Russian officials.
October 04, 2020
Climate Alarmism
Richard welcomes a former science teacher, geologist, lifelong environmentalist and blogger to challenge the current claims about climate change. He vigorously disputes the assertions that there is anything approaching scientific consensus on the question of anthropogenic climate change, that carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere drives global temperature, that weather is becoming more extreme, or that the current wildfires in California are caused by global warming.
September 27, 2020
The Cabal Controlling America
In the first hour, Richard and special guest-host Victor Viggiani welcomes Canada's former Minister of Defence and Deputy Prime Minister to discuss the 15th anniversary of his groundbreaking statement on UFOs at the University of Toronto, as well as his views on the "sinister cabal" he says is controlling our political and financial institutions.
September 20, 2020
The Great Satanic Deception
Richard welcomes a best-selling author, pastor and Bible scholar who reveals biblical, scientific, and experiential connections between the demonic realm, UFOs, and the potential last day's deception involved. He'll also discuss how the Matthew chapter 13 "Kingdom parables" are specifically connected to our day, and how those very same parables are also linked to Paul's 2 Thessalonians' prophecies of the last days, the rise of the antichrist, and the "last day's temple of God."
September 13, 2020
9/11 Anniversary Special
This week, Richard presents two important 9/11 interviews from his vast archive. In hour 1, Richard welcomes a former professor of mechanical engineering for a 2016 discussion of the physics behind the destruction of the World Trade Center towers and the evidence that they were brought down by directed energy technology.

Then in Hour 2, Richard presents a 2012 conversation with a former airline captain and government 'special activities' contract pilot to discuss his comprehensive ten-year study into the murders of his fellow pilots on 9/11.

September 06, 2020
Robotics Revolution
Richard welcomes a passionate educator to discuss the urgent necessity to get our children involved in robotics and coding courses in preparation for the massive workforce transformation about to take place.
August 30, 2020
Dr. Judy Mikovits on the Wuhan Virus
Richard welcomes an American research scientist to discuss the science and data surrounding cornavirus, and alleged corruption within the medical/pharmaceutical complex.
August 23, 2020
Human Trafficking
Richard welcomes a Canadian human rights activist to discuss the scourge of world-wide human trafficking and modern-day slavery. According to estimates, there are approximately 27 million slaves in the world today, and 2.5 million people become victims of human trafficking every year.
August 16, 2020
The China Virus & The Summer of Crop Circles
In hour 1, Richard welcomes an author/broadcaster to discuss how Canadian government officials have handled the coronavirus pandemic. He'll also discuss the Trudeau family's longstanding admiration for communist China and other authoritarian regimes.

Then in hour 2,In the first half, a crop circle researcher discusses some of the mysterious crop circle formations witnessed across Europe this summer, including a crop circle that formed around a tree. In the second half, the benefits of ESS60, the consumable form of Carbon 60 is explored. ​

August 09, 2020
Magnetobiology, 5G and Disease
Richard welcomes a science writer to discuss the emerging scientific field of Magnetobiology and the possible connection between radio electrical waves and viruses.
August 02, 2020
The Pentagon's UFO Unit
Richard and special co-host Canadian ufologist Victor Viggiani speak with two leading UFO researchers to discuss the Pentagon's secret UFO unit, a once-covert program tucked inside the Office of Naval Intelligence where officials study mystifying encounters between military pilots and unidentified aerial vehicles. Discussion has intensified since the publication of recent New York Times articles here, here, here and here on the topic.

July 26, 2020
Jesse James and the Lost Templar Treasure
Jesse James left behind secret diaries and coded treasure maps. Working to decrypt these maps, a descendant of the outlaw reveals hidden treasures yet to be recovered as well as connections between the infamous train robber and Freemasonry, the Knights Templar, the Founding Fathers, and Jewish mysticism.
July 19, 2020
Jonathan Cahn Prophesy
Richard welcomes a Messianic Jewish Rabbi, Biblical Prophecy expert, historian and New York Times best-selling author Jonathan Cahn to discuss an ancient mystery that holds the secret of America's future.
July 12, 2020
Open Lines & The Invisible World
Richard opened the phone lines for anything about the paranormal or the latest conspiracies, or a personal story regarding an experience with a UFO, ghost or other unexplained phenomenon. Then in Hour 2, Richard welcomes an innovative paranormal researcher and television personality to discuss his research into invisible technology, invisible beings and invisible worlds.
June 28, 2020
Corruption In Canada & The Plan To Bring Down Trump
In Hour 1, Richard speaks with a retired firefighter who has launched a private prosecution case against Prime Minster Justin Trudeau, alleging the PM and several of his advisors obstructed justice by interfering with Attorney General Jody Wilson-Raybould’s decision to prosecute Canadian engineering and construction firm, SNC-Lavalin.

Then in Hour 2, Richard welcomes author/journalist Richard Corsi, who reveals how the Deep State is attempting to force President Trump from office by using crises such as Covid-19 and recent rioting and looting.

June 21, 2020
UFO Crash Retrievals
Richard and special guest-host Victor Viggiani (Zland News Network) speak with an investigative reporter in the field of UFOs about the history of alleged UFO crash retrieval cases, including Roswell and the 1965 Kecksburg UFO incident.

Richard and Victor speak with a retired U.S. Army combat veteran who claims to have been involved in Top Secret UFO crash retrieval missions.

Then, Richard and Victor speak with a retired U.S. Army combat veteran who claims to have been involved in Top Secret UFO crash retrieval missions.

June 14, 2020
Alien/Human Hybrids & Do-It-Yourself Time Travel
This week, Richard speaks with a lifelong UFO/ET Experiencer who recalls his chilling encounter with Hiroko, a woman he is certain was an alien-human hybrid. Then in hour 2, Richard speaks with a former attorney turned broadcaster who reveals his technique for time travel using meditation.
June 07, 2020
UFOs and Angels, plus Open Phones
Richard welcomes a documentary filmmaker and student of Biblical Prophecy to discuss the intersection of the modern day UFO/ET phenomenon and the Holy Scripture.
May 31, 2020
Marshall McLuhan
Richard welcomes a protege of philosopher and communications theorist, Marshall McLuhan to discuss McLuhan's ideas concerning the effects of the electronic media on culture, his contacts with various intelligence agencies, and his interest in conspiracy theories, how U.S. President Donald Trump is using the current pandemic as cover to destroy the U.S. Federal Reserve and return responsibility for issuing currency to the U.S. Treasury.
May 24, 2020
Economic Forecast Plus Mystery Babylon and the Deep State
Richard welcomes a 45-year veteran of Wall Street to discuss the impact of the coronavirus on the global economy, whether we are headed for a depression, and how we can recover. Then in hour two, Richard welcomes an author/researcher to discuss a prophecy from the Book of Jeremiah and how it relates to the Deep State in America.
May 17, 2020
Authoritative Overreach In the Age Of Coronavirus plus Open Lines
In hour 1, Richard welcomes a writer/broadcaster/reporter to discuss the erosion of our civil liberties during the lockdown. Hour 2 is open lines, as Richard fields calls from across North America on all things paranormal and conspiratorial.
May 10, 2020
Coronavirus Remedy? and Paranormal Investigations
An expert in herbal remedies discusses several recent studies involving oil of wild oregano, which showed promising results in fighting numerous and potentially deadly pathogens. Then, Richard speaks with a retired university professor, educator and long-time researcher of the paranormal. He'll discuss some of his numerous investigations, including a haunted house in West Virginia, the Edinburgh underground, The Battleship U.S. North Carolina, and more.
May 03, 2020
Open Phones & Carbon 60 Update
In the first hour, Richard takes questions and comments regarding coronavirus, the government lockdowns, geo-politics, subterfuge, UFO/ET Disclosure, the paranormal, and more. Then in hour two, A nano-materials scientist returns to the program to provide an update on the health benefits of a chemical compound called Carbon 60 which may slow aging and reduce cellular damage. The consumable form of C-60 was used in the 2012 Paris Study that showed ESS60 doubled the life-span of test rats.
April 26, 2020
Remote Viewing the Pandemic & Haunted Railways
This week, Richard welcomes world renowned remote viewer Douglas James Cottrell to discuss the likely origin of the coronavirus, and what the world will like after the world-wide lockdown has ended. Then, Richard speaks with an author/journalist who will share stories of haunted trains and ghostly workers from the steam locomotive era to the modern day.
April 19, 2020
Roswell, UFOs and Close Contact
This week, it's some of the world's top UFO experts. In hour one, Richard welcomes two of the world's most renowned Roswell investigators to discuss the chronology of the most famous UFO incident in modern history. Then in hour two, A long time UFO investigator discusses never-before published cases of people who report being taken onboard a UFO. He'll share details of these incidents involving a wide variety of ETs including Grays, Praying Mantis entities, human-looking ETs, hybrids, and others.
April 12, 2020
TV Legend John Barbour
Richard welcomes tv pioneer, stand-up comedian, writer/producer, John Barbour. John will share some stories from his remarkable career in show business including his appearances on The Tonight Show, and The Merv Griffin Show, his friendships with Lenny Bruce, Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra, and his creation of the very first reality tv show, Real People, a weekly primetime newsmagazine that profiled funny, human interest stories.
April 05, 2020
The Dreams Behind The Music, Plus Pandemics & Prophecy
This week, in hour one, Richard welcomes a pioneer in lucid dream research to discuss the relationship between dreams and creativity some of the fascinating dreams behind the music and lives of such artists as Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Sting, Taylor Swift, U2, Stevie Wonder, and many others. Then, in hour two, a documentary filmmaker and student of the Bible discusses how the Coronavirus pandemic may be paving the path towards One World Government, and the Biblical End Times.
March 29, 2020
Cui Bono, Coronavirus? Plus Strange Synchronicities
This week, in hour 1, Richard welcomes an internationally known author of numerous books on alternative history and science to discuss how various powerful forces are using the Coronavirus pandemic as cover to achieve their nefarious goals. Then, Richard welcomes a popular podcaster and storyteller to share some meaningful and strange coincidences that may hint at a unified world behind the illusory veil of the material universe.
March 22, 2020
Phone Calls from the Dead
Richard welcomes Cal Cooper, a parapsychologist and PhD researcher to talk about his work in parapsychology including telephone calls from the dead.
March 15, 2020
Secret Government UFO Programs and the Occult
Richard welcomes two researchers/filmmakers who discuss their new documentary which explores the connection between the occult practices of Aleister Crowley, and Jack Parsons -founder of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory- and the modern day UFO phenomenon.
March 08, 2020
Staging A Fake Epidemic + Inner Earth Expedition
This week, in Hour One, Richard welcomes a Pulitzer-Prize nominee and veteran investigative reporter who explains why he believes the Coronavirus is a staged epidemic. Then, Richard welcomes a master engineer, speaker and author who is organizing an expedition to the North Pole in search of an opening into the interior of the Earth.
February 29, 2020
Battling the Coronavirus Naturally
Richard speaks with a nutritional physician and author who discusses what the coronavirus is and how to avoid the illness, as well as other respiratory ailments. Then, An L.A. based psychic to the stars reveals her psychic impressions of the coronavirus, the death of Kobe Bryant, and the upcoming U.S. general election.
February 23, 2020
Who Murdered Princess Diana?
Richard welcomes an American suspense author and historical researcher who discusses the evidence he claims points to the murder of Princess Diana. Diana died August 31st, 1997, along with her boyfriend, Egyptian socialite Dodi Fayed, and her driver Henri Paul, when the Mercedes 2-80 in which they were traveling hit a pillar in a tunnel beneath the Alma Bridge in Paris.
February 16, 2020
Quantum Theory, The Shroud of Turin & Near-Death Experiences
Richard welcomes a physician and expert on the Shroud of Turin who shares scientific evidence of how the image on the Shroud of Turin was produced and connects these findings to evidence concerning near-death experiences and the nature of human consciousness.
February 09, 2020
Lunar Landing Hoax?
This week, Richard speaks with a photographer, writer, publisher, and lecturer to discuss why an increasing number of people now question if the thousands of photographs were really taken on the moon or during training exercises on Earth.
February 02, 2020
Dream States And Sleep Disorders
Richard welcomes an author and web producer to discuss some of the strange and mysterious facets of the sleeping mind, the "eerie borderlands where the unconscious, dreams, and strange entities intermingle under the cover of night revealing broader and hidden aspects of ourselves."
January 26, 2020
Richard welcomes one of Great Britain's leading authorities on conspiracies, cover-ups and the unexplained to discuss how conspiracy theories have found a new currency, and websites and social networking ensure they receive a wider and more rapid spread than ever before. But how do we separate truth from imagination? Was Princess Diana murdered, as many people think, despite all the official denials? Did NASA really go to the Moon, when anomalies in the photographic record suggest otherwise? Could 9/11 really have been set up by agencies within the USA itself? T Are we living in a world of control, of oppression, of habitual deception? Is this really how things are, or simply human nature massively distorted through a dark lens? The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle.
January 19, 2020
Jeffrey Epstein & The Carbon 60 Molecule: Update
Richard welcomes a cutting-edge journalist and "the king of Hollywood scoops," to discuss the story behind the sick life and mysterious death of Jeffrey Epstein that is being called one of the most significant scandals in American history.

Then in hour 2, Richard welcomes back an engineer and entrepreneur to discuss one of the most important scientific discoveries of the late 20th century: a seemingly miraculous molecule, Carbon 60. Richard also speaks with crop circle researcher and filmmaker who will discuss her personal experiences after taking ESS60, the purest form of Carbon 60.

January 12, 2020
Reverse Speech, U.S. And Iran Conflict & Open Lines
First up, the discoverer of Reverse Speech plays forwards and backwards speech of several of the main participants in the recent U.S. and Iran conflict. Then, Richard speaks with a retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel about the prospects of a war between the U.S. and Iran. In Hour 2, Richard opens the phones.
January 05, 2020
The Return Of The $31.2 Trillion Man
Richard welcomes back President Ronald Reagan's secret agent to discuss how he masterminded the takedown of the Soviet economy. He'll reveal how he was given $150 billion loan from the U.S. to carry out his mandate. Through a complex series of massive currency swaps he was able to drastically devalue the Russian ruble and bankrupt the Soviet Union. He'll discuss how he made his $31.2 trillion fortune, the current location of the funds, and his wish to have it go back to the American people to build a high-speed rail system and deal with the country's debt. In his effort to carry out the mandate given him by Reagan, He was falsely imprisoned and the funds were converted illegally into the Federal Reserve system.
December 29, 2019
Disclosure in 2020: Where Next?
Richard welcomes two prominent UFO/ET Disclosure advocates to discuss the future of the Disclosure movement. They'll also discuss the Pentagon's recent announcement that AATIP (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program) had nothing to do with UFO investigations and that Luis Elizondo had no assigned role in the program.
December 22, 2019
How To Defeat The New World Order
Richard speaks with an author and researcher to discuss how after more than a hundred years of covert war on our communities we have lost the ability to trust and work together. He'll reveal some of the ways people can form groups and organizations for mutual aid and support in order to defeat the globalist new world order.
December 15, 2019
The Wormwood Prophecy
Is the Wormwood star from Revelation 8 already headed toward Earth? Are NASA and high-level government officials aware of an asteroid that is on a collision course with our planet? Is that why President Trump sanctioned a colossal increase to planetary defense? Do the prophecies from ancient cultures and religions across the globe all point to a catastrophic planetary event that has scientists and politicians taking extreme preventative measures under the public radar?
December 08, 2019
Reverse Speech of Lennon & Chapman, plus Crimes And Cover-Ups in American Politics
The discoverer of reverse speech plays forward and reverse audio clips from John Lennon and his killer Mark David Chapman. 

Then, an author and researcher offers a new view of some of the pivotal moments in American history, including  Pearl Harbor, The Cold War, and the War on Cancer.

And finally, Richard replays an old interview from December 2015 featuring the late rock historian R. Gary Patterson, who discussed the former Beatle's fascination with numerology and the strange coincidences involving Lennon and the number nine.

December 01, 2019
The Rockefellers
Richard welcomes a journalist and author who investigates the true motives and consequences of the Pilgrim Society. Early members of the Society included J. P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, Andrew Mellon, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Paul Warburg, Mortimer I. Schiff, Otto Kahn, and John D. Rockefeller. Although the Pilgrim Society and the powerful men involved are often praised for their philanthropic actions, Richard's guest reveals that the Society was self-serving and subjected the American people to a brutal system of economic tyranny, one which is still in place today.
November 17, 2019
JFK Assassination Anniversary & The Miracle Molecule - C60
One of the most respected researchers and writers on the political assassinations of the 1960s including JFK, joins Richard to discuss his new TV documentary series with legendary filmmaker Oliver Stone. He'll also reveal more declassified files related to President Kennedy’s assassination.

Then, Richard welcomes an engineer and entrepreneur to discuss one of the most important scientific discoveries of the late 20th century: a seemingly miraculous molecule, Carbon 60. He'll discuss a peer-reviewed toxicity study which involved feeding rats olive oil mixed with a form of C60 called ESS60 that is safe for consumption. "The rats ended up living 90 percent longer than the control group," he says, pointing out if similar results were found in humans the average age someone could live would jump to over 150 years old.

November 10, 2019
Reverse Speech Of Justin Trudeau & The Return Of Canada's Edgar Cayce
The discoverer of reverse speech plays reversals from Canada's Prime Minister concerning several scandals, including the SNC-Lavalin affair, the black-face scandal and an alleged groping incident.

The last of the sleeping prophets and a gifted remote viewer, energy healer and clairvoyant discusses Richard's remarkable success during a recent Remote Viewing Experiment on Coast to Coast AM. They'll also discuss how Canada's Revenue Agency has targeted his church, and how he is fighting the case all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada.

November 03, 2019
Open Lines & The Time Prompt Phenomenon
It's open lines in hour one this week. Then in hour two: Is it happening to you? You wake up at night, look at the clock, and notice that it is 11:11 p.m. This happens again the next night, and the next. You think it is a coincidence, but what if you were to discover that it was happening to others--possibly millions of others--all over the world? And that it meant something...something important?

Richard welcomes the co-author of a book examining the meaning behind mysterious signs, sequences and synchronicities.

October 27, 2019
Halloween Special 2019!
One of America's most popular podcast hosts shares some of his favorite ghost stories and tales of high strangeness.

Then in Hour 2, a former prison guard turned paranormal investigator and author reveals the dark and scary side of his native Kentucky. And the discoverer of reverse speech and his partner, a paranormal investigator and decontamination expert, play some frightening and revealing reverse speech clips from politicians, notorious criminals and gangsters and celebrities.

October 20, 2019
Exorcisms and The Stanton Friedman Files
A Catholic priest discusses encounters with demons during exorcism rituals. He'll reveal some of the mental and physical changes present in someone who is suffering from demonic possession.

Then in Hour 2, Richard welcomes two UFO researchers to discuss the amazing contents of the innermost files of the late ufologist Stanton T. Friedman.

October 13, 2019
Reverse Speech and Psychic Adventures
Richard speaks with the discoverer of reverse speech, who will play clips of U.S. politicians speaking forwards and backwards. Reverse speech, he believes, is the ultimate lie detector and reveals the thoughts of the unconscious mind.

Then, Richard welcomes a psychic and medium who shares her adventures as a former flight attendant and world traveler who slowly became aware of her psychic abilities.

October 06, 2019
American Conspiracies and Is Rock Dead?
This week, in hour one, Richard welcomes a writer/researcher to discuss his attempt to get to the truth behind the JFK assassination, 9/11, the Federal Reserve, Rigged Elections, Suppressed Cancer Cures and other conspiracies of our time.

In hour 2, Richard welcomes American guitarist, manager and producer Jay Jay French to discuss the current state of Rock and Heavy Metal as well as the history and legacy of 80s glam-rock icons Twisted Sister.

September 28, 2019
TV Pioneer and JFK Assassination Investigator
Richard welcomes actor, comedian, television pioneer, writer, producer and host, John Barbour.

In hour one, they'll discuss Barbour's life including his early days growing up on the streets of Toronto and his storied career in Hollywood.

In hour two, they'll discuss his decades-long investigation of the JFK assassination, including his interviews with the late New Orleans DA Jim Garrison, best known for prosecuting businessman Clay Shaw for conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy.

September 22, 2019
The gods of the Bible?
Richard welcomes a documentary filmmaker and writer to discuss the numerous 'gods' worshiped by the people of Canaan and the nations surrounding the Promised Land. Were these idols just made-up deities or did they actually possess supernatural power?
September 15, 2019
Tribute to Rosemary Ellen Guiley
On this episode, Richard speaks with a man who claims to be a United States Marine officer who has been cleared to discuss his 17-year tour of duty off-world on Mars, and his years serving aboard a secret space fleet. And, Richard pays tribute to the late paranormal researcher and author, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, a regular contributor to Richard's radio programs dating back to the early 2000s.
September 08, 2019
Reverse Speech & Aliens In The White House
As part of a new monthly feature on The Conspiracy Show, Richard welcomes the discoverer of reverse speech back to the show to demonstrate how reverse speech works and what it reveals about the unconscious mind. Then Richard speaks with a UFO investigator and author to discuss her recent investigation into reports of alien beings interacting with U.S. government officials dating back to the 1950s.
September 01, 2019
Biblical Prophesy and World Events
Richard welcomes Messianic Christian pastor, biblical scholar, and four time New York Times best-selling author Jonathan Cahn, who'll discuss the Jubilean Mysteries contained in the Bible and how they lie behind events in our world.
August 25, 2019
The Hypnotherapist & the Alien Contactee
Richard welcomes a clinical hypnotherapist and her client, a life-long experiencer of alien contact.
August 11, 2019
The Garrison Tapes
Guest host Don Jeffries speaks with an Emmy-Award winning television pioneer about his efforts to tell the story of Jim Garrison, the New Orleans D.A. who tried Clay Shaw for conspiring to kill John F. Kennedy. Plus, the discoverer of reverse speech discusses how the unconscious mind speaks in reverse revealing the speaker's true thoughts.
August 04, 2019
The Jeffery Epstein Child Sex Ring
Richard welcomes a journalist and child trafficking expert to discuss various aspects of the Jeffrey Epstein indictment. Then, Richard speaks with the author of a new book about the mystery surrounding one of the most controversial and misdiagnosed conditions of our time - Lyme Disease –and its use as a biological weapon.
July 28, 2019
Portals to Other Worlds
Richard Syrett and Victor Viggiani welcomes a world renowned ufologist and UFO/ET Disclosure advocate who presents new evidence that portals to other worlds exist. Then, Richard welcomes the proprietor of Canada's oldest traveling circus sideshow and some of the strange artifacts on display in his haunted manor.
July 14, 2019
In Search of Sasquatch
Richard speaks with a journalist and travel writer about his journeys into the remote Great Bear Rainforest region of British Columbia, where he collected stories of Sasquatch from the First Nation indigenous communities and others.
July 07, 2019
Underground Military Bases
Richard welcomes a writer and researcher to share what whistleblowers have told her about underground military base in the mountains of North Carolina. She'll also discuss whether these bases may be connected with numerous UFO sightings in her state.
June 30, 2019
Secret Societies
Richard welcomes an author and history professor for an in depth discussion of SECRET SOCIETIES, including the nine different types of secret societies, and how these groups transmit secret messages through the media using coded texts and pictures.
June 23, 2019
Spirit Release Therapy
Richard welcomes a psychologist to discuss spirit possession, attachment, poltergeist activity and the negative impact of obsession, infestation and harassment on psychological health.
June 16, 2019
Wright Patterson- The Real Area 51
Richard welcomes a noted Roswell investigator and co-author of a new book on an ultra-top-secret Air Force Base in Ohio where it is believed wreckage from the downed Roswell UFO along with alien corpses were taken. What began in the high desert of New Mexico ended at Wright-Patterson, an ultra-top-secret Air Force base in Dayton.
June 10, 2019
Stanton Friedman Tribute
Richard welcomes a renowned Roswell UFO researcher to pay tribute to the late UFOlogist, Stanton Friedman, an early civilian investigator of the Roswell incident. Then, Richard is joined by an internationally acclaimed paranormal researcher to discuss haunted and cursed objects.
June 02, 2019
Celestial War
Richard welcomes a senior pastor and critically-acclaimed Amazon top-60 bestselling author who'll reveal some of the most astounding mysteries and revelations concerning the cosmic battle of the ages. He'll connect the dots from Genesis through Revelation and explain how Satan used and manipulated the nations of history on his cosmic, inter-dimensional quest to find the "seed" that would eventually "crush his head."
May 26, 2019
Reincarnation and the Science of the Soul
Richard welcomes a registered hypno-therapist and past-life regression therapist to discuss the science of the soul and several case studies involving her clients' memories of previous incarnations.
May 12, 2019
Satanic Hollywood
Richard speaks with a former 'street kid' turned psychic/medium to the stars about satanic influences in Hollywood. Then, our paranormal pundit discusses the historical roots of the legend of Bigfoot and various theories as to what this legendary creature might actually be.
May 05, 2019
Police and the Paranormal
Richard welcomes a retired police detective who reveals some of the 60 real-life accounts from active and retired police officers involving unexplained phenomena, amazing coincidences, and cases where their sixth sense of intuition saved them and others from harm.
April 28, 2019
The Antichrist
Richard welcomes a pastor and best-selling author who will lay out the larger picture of what has happened historically, what is unfolding now and what the future may hold concerning the Antichrist as the purposes of God unfold. Then, Richard welcomes a world renowned paranormal researcher to discuss his new field of research called Para-Cymatics.
April 21, 2019
The Arrest of Julian Assange
Richard welcomes an independent researcher and host of a popular podcast to discuss the recent arrest of WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange. U.S. authorities say Assange conspired with former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning to steal and publish huge troves of classified documents. Then, Richard speaks with a world-renowned remote viewer and trance-clairvoyant about the crash of Arrow Air Flight 1285.
April 14, 2019
The UFO/UAP Counselor
Richard welcomes an experiencer who now helps others internalize and appreciate their experience. Then, Richard welcomes back our resident paranormal pundit Rosemary Ellen Guiley for her monthly feature of weird news headlines and how it affects you!
April 07, 2019
How Hemp Can Save America
Richard welcomes Jen Hobbs, an author who has discovered the many beneficial uses of growing and manufacturing your own hemp. Being a cash crop, marijuana is bad for the pharmaceutical industry. Hobbs explains why it’s time to fully legalize cannabis and end the War on Drugs.
March 31, 2019
The Dangers of 5G Technology
Richard welcomes an expert on the adverse biological effects of electrosmog. The population is going to be exposed to 5th generation telecommunication technology. Numerous mini antennas will be placed every 3 to 10 homes and the planet will be blanketed with radiation coming from satellites as well. Scientific evidence is showing 5G is carcinogenic to humans.
March 24, 2019
Tesla Medicine
Richard welcomes a documentary film producer who documented that Tesla gave birth to a world where electrical energy was used as medicine. Tesla utilized electric energy consisting of sound, light and electromagnetic fields to treat himself and then patented the technology that is now just being accepted into our Canadian healthcare system.
March 10, 2019
The Miracles of Oregano Oil
Richard welcomes back the natural health hunter who has found all sorts of alternative remedies on how to detoxify the body, mitigate the symptoms of lyme disease and other tips and tricks suppressed by the conventional western medical establishment.
March 03, 2019
Contact Modalities
Richard welcomes the recipient of a National Science Foundation Ph.D. Fellowship. Who has discovered a relationship between an increase in Consciousness due to Contact with Non-Human Intelligence via the various Contact Modalities. (Such as UAP Contact, Near Death Experiences, Out of Body Experiences, Remote Viewing, Channeling, communications with ghosts/spirits, Hallucinogenic Shamanic Journeys, Telepathic Contact, sightings of Orbs, PSI, and other types of “Paranormal” Contact)
February 24, 2019
Tesla Magic
Richard welcomes the Founder and President of “The Tesla Science Foundation”(TSF) who share a vision of telling the world about Tesla. “The Prodigal Genius” who left a post-generational impact on the world through his many inventions and scientific discoveries.
February 17, 2019
Tips for Targeted Individuals
Richard welcomes the Executive Director of an International Organization with the mandate of helping targeted individuals who are the victims of covert torture and electronic harassment. It is thought to be an extended operation of MKULTRA, the CIA's former mind control research program.
February 10, 2019
AMA with Richard
Richard invites your calls to the program for one hour of open lines. Have a scoop or know a whistleblower? Now is your chance to raise public awareness with your comment or question. Plus Richard welcomes back our resident paranormal pundit Rosemary Ellen Guilley for her monthly feature of weird news headlines and how they affect you.
February 03, 2019
The CIA’s War on Artists
Richard welcomes a documentary filmmaker who shows how the CIA uses operations like MK-Ultra to dumb down society and eliminate successful artists through substance abuse addictions and other COINTELPRO style tactics.
January 20, 2019
RFK Assassination
Was the convicted Sirhan Sirhan a willing participant? Or was he a mind-controlled assassin? Richard welcomes a a lifelong information activist, who became a researcher while trying to solve the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy.
January 13, 2019
Parapolitics Watch
Richard welcomes a renowned researcher with an interest in alternative history, science, and a fascination for ancient texts, Hear what chess moves are being made backstage in the global theater. Then - What happens when time stands still… goes backwards… goes missing… or ceases altogether? Get the answer from our paranormal pundit Rosemary Ellen Guliely.
January 06, 2019
Before Atlantis
Richard speaks with an aerospace engineer and researcher Mark Carlotto concerning human origins, ancient technology, and archaeological enigmas.
December 30, 2018
The Ghosts of World War II
Richard welcomes a feature story/reporter for a daily newspaper who has compiled a series of stories on ghostlore. The spirits of the dead have something more to say before they can rest in peace.
December 23, 2018
ENCORE SHOW: Prophetic Signs
Senior Pastor and Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn joins Richard for the entire program to give us a prophetic update on what is taking place in America. In Cahn’s latest best seller, The Book of Mysteries takes the readers on a journey of divine revelation through ancient Scriptures, the laws of Creation, the deep of God’s Word, the hidden streams of history, the most important keys of spiritual truth, end-time mysteries, and the secrets of life.

This episode originally aired on December 25 2016
December 16, 2018
Simulated Reality
Richard welcomes an engineer who claims to have solved the universe. A grand unified theory that reveals a computer programmer interacting with our consciousness which creates our perceived reality. Listen to this episode and hear how to hack the matrix.
December 09, 2018
AMA with Richard Syrette
Richard invites listener calls for one hour of open lines! Have a prediction for 2019, a news tip or hot lead? Now is your chance to be on the program and reach the world at large. Then- Richard welcomes back our resident paranormal pundit for her monthly feature of weird news headlines and how it affects you.
December 02, 2018
Remote Viewing Experience
Richard welcomes Canada’s own Edgar Cayce, the developer of Quantum Meditation an advanced technique on how to access your higher self for important information that anyone can learn to do. The potential of your power within is virtually unlimited! He will also make several predictions for 2019.
November 25, 2018
Who Murdered FDR
Richard welcomes an author/researcher who finds historical evidence of suspicious deaths of important people. He is questioning the narrative of the official story and reveals dangerous knowledge. Focusing on President Franklin Roosevelt he screens the suspects through the necessary steps of motive, means and opportunity revealing the one person who was responsible for murdering the 32nd President of the United States of America.
November 18, 2018
Who or What is QAnon
Washington DC went into a quiet panic with the election of Donald J. Trump, seen as a coup against the “Old Guard” (Deep State / Illuminati / Cabal). This shift has been termed “The Great Awakening” and is using their cyberweapons against The New World Order, which is crumbling right before our eyes.
November 11, 2018
Hope Restored
Richard and Victor Viggiani welcome Paul Hellyer, the former Deputy Prime Minister of Canada who looks forward to better times with clean zero-point energy technologies, eliminate borrowing monies from the 62 elite banking families, and peace in the middle east.
October 28, 2018
The True Origins of Man
Richard welcomes Leon Bibi a published author who has cracked the “Adam Code” finding evidence hidden under our skin that we are the product of ET genetic manipulation.
October 21, 2018
Moon Shadow
Richard welcomes a whistleblower from the Secret Space Program (SSP) who has experience with Time Travel, Teleportation, Technology, Solutions and has had contact with Aliens, Extraterrestrials, and Interdimensionals. The Captain is also privy to psionic research which provides a miracle cure that can cure everything, even regenerate limbs!
October 14, 2018
Open Line October
Richard invites listeners to call in to the program and speculate on their best conspiracy theories, recommend a guest for the show or leak their best information to the audience at large. Rosemary Ellen Guiley, the Paranormal Pundit will also join the program with some weird news headlines.
October 07, 2018
Alien World Order
Everything you know about human evolution is WRONG! An ancient extraterrestrial race called the Anunnaki created the human race as slave labor. They are still in control today! Sasha and Janet Lessin explain the Anunnki's involvement in human history.
September 30, 2018
Fire in Nature
Richard welcomes a fire management activist who warns of catastrophic fires that can consume everything in their wake with the power of multiple atomic bombs. There is a very high probability of terrorist wildfire attacks in the United States, and around the globe in the next few years, but is anybody listening?
September 22, 2018
The Opioid Crisis
Pastor Lesa Henderson has first hand experience with the opioid epidemic ravaging across the United States of America. Her son Brandon became an addict to heroin and opioids. They reached out to God through the power of prayer and are now on the road to recovery.
September 16, 2018
Mass Shootings and Mind Altering Drugs
A researcher has discovered that most lone wolf shooters have been medicated on some form of SSRI antidepressant. Can a possible side-effect be homicidal ideation in the client? Are money hungry Drug companies creating lone gun terrorists, then trying to hide their complicity?
September 09, 2018
9/11 Cover-Up EXPOSED
What if the government decided to invent a great lie to sell a disastrous war and a questionable anti-terrorism policy? What would happen to the Assets who know the truth? Richard welcomes a former White House Insider who gave advance warning of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
September 02, 2018
Undercover Operations
Richard welcomes an author/researcher who has discovered many underground military bases hidden away in the Great Smoky Mountains and other National Parks. How is this connected to the ET abduction phenomenon? What is the Shadow Government trying to hide?
August 26, 2018
The Blood Royals
Was Princess Diana murdered? Yes, she was. That part is easily seen. But by whom? And to what purpose? In her book Royal Vengeance, author Sarah Whalen answers all these questions and more, and reveals ritual sacrifices the British Monarchy have been hiding for centuries.
August 19, 2018
Natural Health
GMO's and processed foods lead to numerous diseases, a toxic cocktail causing a slow genocide. How do we preserve our health against corrupt corporations controlling the food supply? Richard welcomes health expert Joe Horn who has made the connection between diet and physical health.
August 12, 2018
Return to Eden
Richard welcomes Carl Gallups, a theologian who has published an important book that explains everything. Placing Jerusalem at the center of a great spritual war - happening right before our eyes - What went wrong and how do we correct it?
August 05, 2018
Hidden Threats to America
Richard welcomes a former consultant with the FBI who has investigated the root causes of globalist power, secret societies and radical Islamic terrorism- Issues that seek to destroy the United States of America!
July 29, 2018
One Small Town
Richard welcomes the founder of the UBUNTU Liberation Movement, which offers a blueprint for human prosperity and helps expose the Global Banking Fraud. Then, a visit with paranormal investigator Dave Spinks, who has investigated some of the most notoriously reportedly haunted locations the globe.
July 22, 2018
Practical Debunking and Cryptozoology Confirmation
Science writer and professional debunker Mick West joins Richard to put his skills to the test with four of the most popular conspiracy theories today- chemtrails, 9/11 controlled demolition, false flags and Flat Earth.
July 15, 2018
The Legend of Oz
Richard gets a behind-the-scenes account of the Wizard of Oz from the niece of the beloved Scarecrow. Then, Richard is joined by Lynne Kitteh one of the featured speakers who will appear at the MUFON2018 Symposium.
July 08, 2018
Mission To Mars
Physicist John Brandenburg prepared a study for a Human Mars Mission using solar electric propulsion. He is also a featured speaker at the MUFON2018 Symposium, and will discuss if the path to extra-terrestrial disclosure leads through Cydonia Mensa. Plus, Rosemary Ellen Guiley shares the latest in paranormal news.
July 01, 2018
The Health Hunter
Richard welcomes a doctor and author to discuss the powerful effects of Oregano Oil. This extract can alleviate a variety of symptoms such as those caused by lyme disease. Then- Richard is joined by one of the featured speakers at the upcoming MUFON2018 Symposium. He is the inventor of the API test designed to weed out “Simulators” from real Experiencers.
June 24, 2018
Electronic Harrasment and Mind Control
This episode originally aired on February 23rd, 2014. It is also a 'Celebration of Life" to the late Nils Hammaren.

Richard welcomes a doctor and author to discuss various electronic harassment and mind control techniques being used against innocent civilians. Then - The official number of bankers who have died mysteriously is eight, but the number may be as high as 20, according to some estimates. But who is doing the killing?
June 17, 2018
Taxation is Theft
Former Libertarian Candidate Mary J. Ruwart joins Richard to inform potential voters informs on how to make ethical choices on their personal and financial well-being. Then, an occultist reveals the Angel’s plans to establish a New World Order.
June 10, 2018
RFK Questions
Was Sirhan Sirhan hypnotically programmed to assassinate RFK? There are calls for a new investigation into the RFK assassination. We’ll hear from a lawyer who has addressed the parole board on behalf of Sirhan Sirhan. Then, Richard welcomes an author who has written on finding Your True Self through connection with One Divine Awareness.
June 03, 2018
Piercing the Veil
Where do we go when we die? How do we resolve issues of Karma? A psychic and an Experiencer may have the answers. Then, Richard welcomes Nick Redfern, an author who has written five books on the Men in Black (MIB) issue. The mounting evidence indicates that they are evil.
May 27, 2018
DNA Manipulation
An Emmy award winning broadcaster shares warnings about the newly emerging human technologies of hybrids, androids and clones are echoes of ancient to current day DNA manipulation in Earth life by a very advanced alien presence. Then- author James Abbott joins Richard to discuss his new book, which documents the most important UFO cases of all time.
May 20, 2018
JFK- The Evidence Today
Richard welcomes back author Jim DiEugenuio, who is an expert on the JFK assassination. He lists the myriad problems with the evidence today and explores the cooperation of the mainstream press in concealing many facts. He reveals the connections between Washington and Hollywood, as well as the CIA influence in the film community today.
May 15, 2018
Ending Political Correctness
Richard welcomes an author who has found the weakness of the radical left: Humor! The best way to break the irrational group think and stultifying orthodoxy of PC is through irreverence and iconoclasm. In medieval societies, the court jester alone spoke truth to power. Author David Cook plays the fool and shows how to laugh your way to truth.
May 06, 2018
Shag Harbor Round Table
Richard and co-host Victor Viggiani welcome independent UFO researcher Chris Styles and Stu Bundy, the Assistant National Director of MUFON Canada, to discuss the Shag Harbour Incedent; an officially documented UFO crash by authorities such as RCMP officers and Commanding officers of the Canada-US NORAD military base.
April 29, 2018
Crop Glyph Disclosure
Richard welcomes back Patty Greer, the crop circle girl who states that crop circles are real physical evidence of a higher power trying to raise the consciousness of humanity. More research into crop circles can lead to “Official Disclosure” but it is being ignored by the UFO community. Then, America’s Stonhenge- evidence of ancient people well versed in astronomy and stone construction or proof that the Europeans were here hundreds of years before Columbus?
April 22, 2018
JFK Special- The Reveal
Richard welcomes back the pioneer of reverse speech analysis with a comprehensive collection of reversals on “Who shot JFK?” Can we finally bring to justice the insiders who killed the President and ruined a nation? Reverse Speech provides the answers!
April 15, 2018
Rewind on the Real Ty Cobb
In a replay from October 17 2017, Richard welcomes Charles Leerhsen author of Ty Cobb: A Terrible Beauty. He’s here to set the record straight about the Georgia Peach’s horrible reputation. Then, our paranormal pundit Rosemary Ellen Guilley discusses werewolves and other cryptozoological creatures. Richard also remembers the late Art Bell.
April 08, 2018
Citizen Superheroes
Richard welcomes a author who has taken a journey into the strange subculture of Real Life Superheroes (RLSHs), they will examine citizens who have adopted comicbook–style personas and have hit the streets to fight injustice in a variety of ways. Then, Richard visits with our paranormal pundit Rosemary Ellen Guilley.
April 01, 2018
Underwater UFO
Is there really an Undersea UFO Base off the southern California Coast? The evidence suggests Yes! Richard gets the details from Preston Dennett, an author who has done research on USO’s( unidentified submersible objects) and has documented over 70 cases of USOs in the water. Then- Learn how to open your third eye, use telepathy, predict the future, and even visit the past from a professional psychic and clairvoyant.
March 25, 2018
Cyber Invasion
Richard welcomes a cybersecurity expert who has uncovered numerous questionable practices within government agencies including the FTC. Overreaching government practices have trapped productive small business into a bureaucratic nightmare. Then, Richard speaks with Matt Landman, the producer of a social change documentary regarding the Solar Geoengineering/Chemtrail agenda that affects every living being on Earth.
March 18, 2018
The Slenderman Lives
Richard welcomes the author of more than 40 books on UFOs, aliens, Bigfoot, lake monsters, the Abominable Snowman, and Hollywood scandals, who has written a new book on the creepiest & hostile creature that the Internet has ever seen: The Slenderman. Has The Slenderman come to life? Then, meet a UFO researcher that has collected a wealth of first-hand accounts in which owls manifest in the highly charged moments that surround alien contact. The author grapples with his own owl and UFO encounters.
March 11, 2018
Reverse Speech
Richard welcomes the pioneer of reverse speech analysis who claims that reversals reveal a higher level of truth contained in the unconsciousness mind. Hear new recordings of popular figures and what they really meant to say. Then, Richard welcomes back our resident paranormal pundit Rosemary Ellen Guiley for the monthly weird news roundup. .
March 04, 2018
Pyramidion Sound Healing
Richard welcomes a professional musician and contactee who has produced Music from the Mystical Red Planet. He has details of ET's currently residing on earth and other inside information. Then, Richard visits with professional medium Carolyn Clapper. There are very few who have her abilities to work in all fields of the metaphysical realm with the accuracy she has!
February 25, 2018
Hidden in Plain Sight
Are high placed freemasons trying to recreate the Temple of Solomon whenever and wherever they can? Richard welcomes a code-breaking academic who has uncovered The Hermetic Code, hidden in plain sight of architecture, landscape, and design of public spaces. Then, a medical doctor recommends you skip the flu shot- better, more natural remedies are right in your pantry!
February 18, 2018
Toxic Chemical Geoengineering
Hear the hidden truth about chemtrails. What on earth are they spraying and why? We meet a a post-doctoral geochemist who has spent the last decade searching for answers. Then, a conversation with Ethan Siegel about the science of Star Trek.
February 11, 2018
Divinia Water
An inventor joins Richard to discuss a medical breakthrough- internal radiation damage has been reversed using drinking water that has been transformed to its most essential and original molecular level. You won’t believe this story! Then, a paranormal news roundup with our paranormal pundit .
February 04, 2018
Beatles Reunion
Richard welcomes a screenwriter of Alternate History who envisions a world where the Beatles stayed together in a new book and video. Then Richard welcomes the lead researcher from a team who have been working on a scientific understanding and explanation to the ancient Paracas Elongated skulls.
January 30, 2018
The Post and Pentagon Papers
Richard welcomes a noted JFK researcher who has more information on The Washington Post and their involvement with Daniel Elsberg- something that the new film “The Post” chose to ignore. Then, Richard welcomes the winner of the 2017 PARE award that will be used to support research in associative remote viewing.
January 21, 2018
Beyond Bitcoin
Richard welcomes a top cryptocurrency expert who will explain what is the right digital coin to buy, how to trade and when to sell. Then, advances in molecular biology have found the reset button on the human body. Richard talks with the CEO of a company that can erase cellular damage, stimulate tissue regeneration, and treat a range of diseases.
January 14, 2018
Conspirafacts 2018
Richard welcomes George Freund, the recipient of the conspiracy factist award, who will give a look ahead for 2018. What does he anticipate happening both domestically and geo-politically based on the owners’ playbook? An assault on free speech? Information networks getting exposed as a mouthpiece for the military industrial complex? You may be shocked at his answers.
January 07, 2018
Official Disclosure
Richard and co-host Victor Viggiani welcome UFology researchers Derek Gilbert and Josh Peck to the program to discuss if the modern push for official disclosure concerning ETI and UFO’s is actually a final attempt to take control of our planet.
December 17, 2017
Final World Order
Richard welcomes an investigator into the supernatural who has connected the elite to Luciferianism, WIKILEAKS emails involving how occultists in DC intend to use the Chaos they are engineering to bring about a new world order; and the king of that order- The Antichrist
December 10, 2017
JFK versus the Deep State
President Kennedy was surrounded by enemies in his own administration, just like President Trump is today. Learn how JFK fought back against the Deep State, and what the current POTUS can do to effectively drain the swamp. Plus, Richard visits with our Paranormal Pundit Rosemary Ellen Guiley.
December 03, 2017
The Trump Prophecies
Richard welcomes an author who has received a prophetic vision and will reveal astounding, world-altering changes about to occur in the US government. Then, UFO investigator Kevin Randle discusses his new book on the UFO landing at Socorro.
November 28, 2017
The Secret Space Program
Richard welcomes Billy Carson, the founder of 4bidden knowledge who is also the host of Gaia’s new original series Deep Space and an expert on Earth's secret space programs. Then, are America’s elite using clones and body doubles? Nelson Thall has the startling answer.
November 19, 2017
The Myth is Canada
Richard welcomes an independent filmmaker who set out to prove the Government of Canada has no jurisdiction and that it's citizens are sovereign. Tune in to hear the beginning of the end for the Dominion of Canada.
November 12, 2017
The Suppressed Truth
Jon Rappoport of NO MORE FAKE NEWS joins the program to discuss the ongoing crisis’s in the Main Stream Media, and the stealth attacks against the 2nd Amendment. How do we exit from The Matrix? Plus, Richard visits with crop circle expert Patty Greer.
November 05, 2017
Gerson Therapy Crackdown
Richard welcomes a playwright who details the plight of Max Gerson, a real doctor dedicated to finding the cure for cancer only to come face-to-face with immense obstacles placed there by the medical establishment and big pharma who are intent on quashing his breakthrough treatment. Then, meet a hypnotherapist who uncovers repressed memories of encounters with extra-terrestrial beings.
October 29, 2017
The Global Love Conspiracy
A near-death experiencer made a breakthrough in consciousness, allowing him to decode the deepest mysteries of life. He shares his discovery- the hidden global love conspiracy between the brain and the Spiritual Heart. Then, noted JFK researcher James DiEugienio discusses the long-awaited release of the remaining JFK assassination files!
October 22, 2017
Is it possible that this ancient paradigm has determined and is determining not only the American presidency but also the timing of current events, in some cases even down to the exact dates? Could a mystery from the ancient Middle East have foretold the course of current events more accurately than any poll or pundit? Could the ancient paradigm have pinpointed the exact date of the 9/11 attacks before anyone had any idea? Could the paradigm have determined the exact years of Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Osama bin Laden, Donald Trump, and others?

Our guest Rabbi Jonathan Cahn is known for his uncovering of ancient mysteries and revealing their often startling significance to our day and age. His latest book is called The Paradigm, and he covers those questions and more!
October 15, 2017
The Mandela Effect
Richard welcomes a author who has seen multiple timelines and a déjà vu of recurring events. Is he actually seeing the future, or getting a glimpse into an alternate universe? Then, Richard welcomes back the sleeping prophet Douglas James Cotrell, who will be relaying messages from the Akashic Field.
October 08, 2017
The Real Ty Cobb
Richard welcomes Charles Leerhsen author of Ty Cobb: A Terrible Beauty. He’s here to set the record straight about the Georgia Peach’s horrible reputation. Then, our paranormal pundit Rosemary Ellen Guilley discusses werewolves and other cryptozoological creatures.
October 01, 2017
The Spirit Phone
Richard welcomes an author who has the inside story on the Edison vs. Tesla rivalry and the invention of a device that picks up the frequencies of discarnate spirits- a phone to hear the dead! Plus, a natural born psychic reveals how to connect with angels and receive divine intervention.
September 24, 2017
The Enigma of Tesla
Professional journalist Tim Swartz joins the show to discuss the Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla. How did he develop inventions that were so far ahead of their time? Then, has the Targeted Individuals phenomenon moved up to Diplomats? And a researcher has new evidence that the Earth was terraformed by aliens.
September 17, 2017
Synchronicity in the Matrix
Richard welcomes an author on Philip K Dick and the subject of synchronicity, who is asking the question: Are We living in The Matrix as part of a computer simulation? Plus, Morgan Reynolds and Joel Skousen discuss Trump’s deal with the Democrats on DACA, and an author tells us why the class war is a one sided fight- that the rich are winning.
September 10, 2017
A Tribute to Jim Marrs
Acclaimed investigative journalist and beloved member of the conspiracy theory and UFO research community, Jim Marrs passed away suddenly last month. Jim was a great friend to this program, and a frequent guest. As a tribute, Richard will be replaying two of his most memorable appearances on this show.
September 03, 2017
Gun Violence Issues
Hollywood Director Jeremy Kagan joins the program to discuss his new film SHOT, which examines the issues of gun violence in America. Then, our paranormal pundit Rosemary Ellen Guilley returns to the program to talk about her new book THE ROAD TO STRANGE.
August 27, 2017
Don’t Trust Google
Google is invading your privacy on a daily basis, and a researcher warns that you need to switch services to maintain your privacy. Then, Victor Viggiani discusses a recent mass UFO sighting in Phoenix. Plus, our expert panel discusses Trump’s decision to remain in Afghanistan, and how cannibus can help you beat cancer.
August 20, 2017
Erasing History
With the removal of Confederate statues across the United States, is history being ripped apart, or is a historical wrong being corrected? Then, the causal effect between cosmic rays on human DNA, a possible pole shift caused by Planet X, and an AMA with host Richard Syrett. Plus, learn how you can fight back during an active shooter event from a security expert.
August 13, 2017
Fire and Fury: The North Korea Threat
Richard discusses the North Korea Nuclear Threat and how the world has responded with Joseph Farrah, Joel Skousen, and George Freund. Then- could an implanted microchip be the sign of the Beast the Bible has warned about? Plus, the search for the Ark of The Covenant.
August 06, 2017
The Russia Probe
Robert Muller has impaneled a Grand Jury. What does this mean for the Trump Administration? We discuss with our panelists Nelson Thall and Carl Gallups. Plus, a look at the opioid crisis in America and researcher Grant Cameron shares his first hand account of a UFO sighting.
July 30, 2017
Roswell Special
Richard and guest co-host Victor Viggiani welcome Don Schmitt, welcome one of the worlds foremost investigators into the Roswell UFO crash and retrieval which the US Government has been covering up for the past 70 years.
July 24, 2017
Asteroid Impacts and More
Richard welcomes two regular panelists to the show to discuss three attorneys found dead In Wasserman Schultz Florida District within 2 weeks. Then, a Bible prophecy expert who see's a correlation to a Biblical reference about the End of Days with an incoming asteroid On April 13, 2029. Plus, Dan Perkins discusses the odious payment made by the Liberal Government to convicted terrorist Omar Khadr, and a chat with Darkness Radio’s Dave Schrader.
July 16, 2017
Targeted Individuals Special
Richard welcomes two special panelists to the program to discuss the ongoing phenomena of Targeted Individuals. Then, Richard welcomes a Whistleblower and victim of what is referred to as an Unacknowledged Special Access Program (U.S.A.P.), believed to be part of the Military Black Ops portion of the Shadow Government.
July 09, 2017
North Korea's Missles
Richard welcomes two regular panelists to the program to debate North Koreas Bad Behavior, and if President Trump is prepared to follow up on his threats. Then, a Professor of Law, focusing on Genetics discusses the ethical, legal, and social issues arising from advances in the biosciences, like designer babies. Plus, how to avoid GMO’s, and our paranormal news round up.
July 02, 2017
Mad As Hell
George Noory joins the show to discuss this crazy world we live in, and the book he wrote about it - Mad as Hell: America's #1 All-Night Radio Host Takes on the Dangerous World We Live In. Plus, Project Veritas' latest video exposes fake news at CNN, and a prophecy expert makes the biblical case for preparedness for all types of situations.
June 25, 2017
The Divided States
Richard welcomes two regular panelists to the program to debate Can conservatives and the left reconcile their differences? Or is this leading to an eventual civil war? Then, how far will America’s drug companies go to make profits? Richard talks to an award-winning medical writer who is battling Big Pharma. Plus, new information on Roswell from UFO expert Nick Redfern, and a visit with the Crop Circle Girl.
June 18, 2017
The Left’s War on Conservatives
Is the left wing media responsible for last week’s shooting in Washington DC, and other violent crimes? George Freund and Jon Rappoprt join the program to discuss. Then- how mistakes are turning empirical science into zombie science. Plus, ghost hunter Chad Calek and what ancient prophecies can tell us about current events.
June 11, 2017
Bovine Experiments
Paranormal Expert Chris O’Brien has been researching cattle mutilations for over two decades, and he has made a startling discovery- it isn’t aliens who are killing these cattle, but humans. The reason why may shock you. Then, a tribute to friend of the progam R Gary Patterson who passed away suddenly last week. We’ll listen back to an interview Richard conducted with him about the legend of Buddy Holly
June 04, 2017
Deep State and the DNC
Richard welcomes two regular panelists to the show to discuss new revelations in the Seth Rich unsolved murder investigation and involvement of the Deep State. Then, Author and master storyteller Dan Perkins discusses why Trump pulled out of the climate pact. We will also hear from a doctor with tips on protecting your family from Lyme disease this summer, and Steven Greer joins the show to talk about his new documentary "UNACKNOWLEDGED.”
May 28, 2017
Death in the DNC
Richard welcomes two regular panelists to the show to discuss why the MSM is so afraid to investigate the Seth Rich unsolved murder case. Then, a physician and author discusses how the Fukishima disaster has affected the health of the world. Plus, a preview of the Alien Cosmic Expo and a shooter from the now infamous "Grassy Knoll" in Dallas, Texas gives a confession, right in time for JFK’s 100th birthday.
May 21, 2017
The End of Free Speech
Richard welcomes two regular panelists to the show to discuss political correctness gone mad. We will also talk to a reporter for the latest on the Seth Rich murder investigation. Plus, a cyber security expert gives you tips to protect your personal data, and a chat with a preeminent JFK assassination researcher, as we approach the 100th birthday of the late President.
May 14, 2017
Reptilian Conquest
Are reptilian aliens secretly controlling the world? Investigator Len Kasten has information you Need to hear! Then, James Connor joins the program to discuss the March Against Monsanto. And Rosemary Ellen Guilley returns to the show with the latest Paranormal News Roundup.
May 07, 2017
Has The Trump Train Derailed
Nelson Thall and George Freund discuss the first 100 Days of the Trump Administration. Was it a success, or a train wreck? Plus, time travel, the hidden Soviet Doomsday Device, and details on the first satellite developed for UFO research.
April 30, 2017
A Jedi's Guide to the Law of Attraction
Become a Jedi Master in real life! Joshua P Warren guides you through the lessons of legendary Jedi Masters to reveal how Jedi science encompasses the Law of Attraction and how you can draw on the universe's energy to achieve your dreams.
April 23, 2017
Eat the Rich
Richard welcomes Donald Jefferies a notable published author to the program. They will examine and reveal the corruption beneath the present state of America's economic imbalances and expose how greedy, plutocratic elites--criminal, dishonest, unscrupulous--have been fleecing the population for decades. Then, learn about a miracle spice that can reverse all diseases, such as, heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis and inflammation of all types.
April 16, 2017
The Shroud of Turin
Richard welcomes a professor from Redeemer University College who has done extensive research on the Holy Shroud of Turin rumored to be the burial cloth of Jesus Christ. They will discuss the results of the scientific testing and find resolutions to the conflict between science and religion.
April 09, 2017
The Deep State
Richard welcomes Morgan Reynolds, the former visiting scholar to the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress. They will discuss a potential monetary crash under the Trump administration, functions of the deep state, global terrorism and the 9/11 cover-up.
April 02, 2017
The Evil Eye
Special Guest Host The Mighty Aphrodite welcomes a gifted psychic who specializes in Evil Eye Removal- hexes project doom and gloom on their victims. Then, a dream expert explains how lucid dreaming, and nightmares can significantly help individuals reap their full potential.
March 26, 2017
Goal of Gnosticism
This week’s guest is Freddy Silva, a best-selling author, and a leading researcher of alternative history, ancient knowledge, sacred sites, and the interaction between temples and consciousness. He is also a leading expert on crop circles. His lates book The Lost Art of Resurrection: Initiation, Secret Chambers, and the Quest for the Otherworld reveals how to become a spiritual master by resurrection from being dead.
March 19, 2017
Justice for Bob
Richard welcomes a hall of fame journalist who has uncovered new evidence in the cold case of beloved Hogan's Hero actor Bob Crane. Can modern day scientific DNA testing finally bring justice for Bob? Then, true crime author Al Warren talks about his new book that profiles the notorious serial killer Col. Russell Williams.
March 14, 2017
Uncomfortable Truths
Richard welcomes Jon Rappaport,, a independent investigative reporter who has been the leading voice against Fake News in the Mainstream Media. Corporate takeovers have merged media conglomerates into just six major outlets which serve no other purpose then being propaganda mouthpieces pushing a hidden agenda on an unsuspecting public.
March 05, 2017
College Indoctrination
Micro aggressions, trigger warnings, safe spaces, gender identities… political correctness on campus is out of control. Scott Greer of the Daily Caller joins the program to discuss this disturbing trend, and it’s negative impact on the young generation. Then, UFO encounters with Victor Viggiani and Preston Dennett.
February 26, 2017
Truth in Journalism
Richard welcomes JPat Brown, Executive Editor of MuckRock, where he helps people file public records requests and then writes about the amazing things that come out of them. Recently, the CIA released a treasure trove of information about projects like Star Gate and MK Ultra. JPat will talk about that and other amazing things they uncovered. Then, a home builder will talk about how you can make your home greener and healthier.
February 19, 2017
Green Energy
Richard welcomes Tom Warzecha and Derek Grassman two of the leaders in the sustainable clean energy movement who are also the founders of Kohilo wind turbines. Derek’s TED talk “How Wind Energy Saved My Life” discussed monumental personal events in his life that led to the invention of his highly innovative wind technology. This wind technology quite literally saved his life!
February 12, 2017
The Great Pyramid Hoax
Despite millennia of fame, the origins of the Great Pyramid of Giza are shrouded in mystery. Believed to be the tomb of an Egyptian king, even though no remains have ever been found, its construction date of roughly 2550 BCE is tied to only one piece of evidence: the crudely painted marks within the pyramid’s hidden chambers that refer to the 4th Dynasty king Khufu, discovered in 1837 by Colonel Howard Vyse and his team. But author Scott Creighton argues that those marks were faked. We will discuss his discoveries, and his book The Great Pyramid Hoax: The Conspiracy to Conceal the True History of Ancient Egypt.
February 05, 2017
New World Disorder
Richard welcomes talk show host George Freund back to the program to talk about Donald Trump. He is making some bold moves in a world gone mad. Can he restore order to the chaos? Then, actress Marina Anderson discusses her journey to make the world a better place.
January 29, 2017
Mars Colony
The first step to interplanetary travel is being able to grow food during the trip. Richard speaks with an advisor to the Canadian Space Agency who updates us on the research, and tells us how it can also help farming here on Earth. Then, UFO encounters with expert Nick Redfern.
January 22, 2017
Extreme Weather
Magnetic poll shifts creating 200 MPH winds... Melting polar ice caps drown the coast line... The Big One on the Pacific Coast.. The Earth could soon undergo some drastic changes. Scientific journalist Mitch Battros clues us in on what could be coming.
January 15, 2017
Reasonable Doubt
Richard welcomes Scott Reeder, a professional journalist and veteran crime reporter to the show. He has produced a new ‘serial-esque’ true-crime style podcast featured on NPR. They will discuss Police procedure, issues of corruption within the police, Racism in society and culture and the pending final verdict of this real life compelling case. Then, our own sleeping prophet Douglas James Cottrell shares his visions for 2017.
January 08, 2017
Enlightenment Now
Richard welcomes Marcus Allen the publisher and distributor of NEXUS magazine to the program. We’ll discuss the relaunch of the magazine across North America. Plus, he is a recognized expert on the Apollo Moon Landings anomalies, inconsistencies and unexplained details in NASA's record of this historic event.
January 01, 2017
Paul is Dead- Hoax or Reality
Did Paul McCartney really die in a car crash on the night of Sept 11, 1966, or was it all just an elaborate hoax? A young man examines the clues in the albums, photos, and interviews to try and find an answer. Then, Richard welcomes a woman who had a encounter with a Sasquatch in the rural outback of Scotland.
December 18, 2016
Fortean History
Author and documentary filmmaker Ian Patterson joins the program to discuss his new book Black Ops, Aliens, Spirits, Bigfoot and our untold History: Everything is connected! Learn HOW everything in connected in this fascinating conversation! Plus, hear a TI speak for himself on what he has witnessed of a sinister black ops program aimed at the general population, with a hidden agenda.
December 11, 2016
Who Was John Titor?
John Titor claimed to be a time traveler from the year 2036 sent back to 2000 to collect an object that could save his future. We’re joined by author Mike Sauve who has researched this urban legend for his latest book. Then, our paranormal pundit Rosemary Ellen Guilley talks about how you can protect yourself in this demon-filled world.
December 04, 2016
Analyzing Wikileaks
Richard welcomes an Intelligence Analyst who has gone through the Wikileaks and Snowden documents, and believes he has found a trail to the Deep State that is funding Terrorism. He shares all the details!
November 27, 2016
Exopolitics- The Next Steps
Richard and co-host Victor Viggiani welcome UFO researchers Stanton Friedman and Kathleen Marden to the program to discuss fact versus fiction in the growing field of Exopolitics. Then- New proof that a nuclear catastrophe on Mars wiped out an Earth-like civilization.
November 20, 2016
JFK- The Anniversary of America’s Greatest Conspiracy
Richard welcomes a published author who draws startling new conclusions into why President JFK had to be eliminated. Then, it’s your chance to Ask Richard Anything, as we open the phone lines to Conspiracy Show listeners. Now is your chance to have your voice heard!
November 13, 2016
JFK's Mistress
Richard welcomes Peter Janney, a JFK researcher who was close to the mistress of the former President. Was she murdered for knowing too much? Then, our paranormal pundit Rosemary Ellen Guilley discusses Spirit Cooking and other hidden occult practices of the D.C. elite.
November 06, 2016
Treason in High Places
Did the latest Wikileaks dump expose treason in the highest levels of Government? Richard and an intelligence analyst pour over the details to expose the truth. Plus, Crop Circle Girl returns to the program to discuss her ongoing investigation of the messages hidden in crop circle formations.
October 30, 2016
October Surprise
Could the US election be cancelled so Obama can be named dictator for life? Behind the scenes, manipulators have groomed President Obama to be a Socialist Dictator for life in the New World Order. Hear the shocking details that the Ambassador to the former Soviet Union has learned of how the powers that be plan to implement and execute their plot to usurp American democracy.
October 23, 2016
Goliath Returns
A Bible Scholar has made the connection between aliens in the Bible and signs of the end times. Are we witnessing the rise of the Antichrist? Richard and gues Ali Siadatan will sift through the evidence and distinguish between the dawn of a new age or a coming mass deception.
October 16, 2016
Marilyn Confidential
Author Paul Davids has uncovered new information about the life and death of Hollywood Icon Marilyn Monroe. He joins Richard to discuss his findings. Then- could the upcoming Presidential election be rigged as Donald Trump is claiming? Richard and political commentator Megan Barth explore the possibilities.
October 09, 2016
Bankster's Paradise
An independent researcher reveals how the Rothschild Banking Dynasty fomented war and assassination attempts on 4 presidents in order to create the Federal Reserve Bank. Then- a look at how the war on drugs has failed and has made marijuana users criminals.
October 02, 2016
Follow the Money
9-11, the great recession, the Central Bank Madness… how are they all connected and are they the pretext for a Global war? A distinguished scholar shares the frightening answer. Then – meet the Cold Case team hot on the trail of an escaped skyjacker who outfoxed the FBI six times!
September 25, 2016
The Magical Mystery Tour
Rock and Roll historian R. Gary Patterson returns to the program to discuss rock and roll myths, legends and curses. Then, meet Peter Moon, and independent researcher who is trying to unravel the mysteries of time.
September 18, 2016
Vanishing Act
A retired Nebraska Air National Guard major general, Mark Musick dedicated over a decade to uncover a story which he never expected, nor sought to tell. What REALLY happened to Howard Hughes? Yet, through a strange twist of fate, in which a key figure in the story entrusted him, was the answer to one of the single and biggest mysteries of the late 20th Century. Then, we celebrate the life of Errol Bruce-Knapp, the host of the Strange Days radio program, who passed away in August.
September 11, 2016
9/11 Anniversary
Richard welcomes respected published author Jim Marrs, who questions the"Official Story" of terrorist events. Fifteen years to the day of 911, he exposes unacknowledged facts surrounding one of history's most savage events.
September 06, 2016
Richard welcomes David Rothschild, the chief economist from Microsoft Research and Development who has come up with a system of data collection and analysis that can predict the future. Then - a world renowned researcher of ancient prophetic texts has uncovered the trail of the Nephilim. Learn about his findings!
August 28, 2016
Clinton Scandals
Richard speaks with Former secret service officer Gary Byrne, who was posted directly outside President Clinton's oval office. He reveals what he observed of Hillary Clinton's character and the culture inside the White House while protecting the First Family in CRISIS OF CHARACTER, the most anticipated book of the 2016 election. Then, author Cami Andersen takes us on an insider tour of one of the world’s most haunted hospitals.
August 21, 2016
9/11- The New Investigation
Richard welcomes a pioneer in the 9/11 Truth Movement, An authoritative mechanical engineer who has spent thousands of hours debunking the "Official Story" of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Then, a futurist shares his vision to revamp design new systems in Education, Government and Banking for a new generation.
August 14, 2016
Alternative Health
Holistic Health Coach Michael Tamez joins Richard to discuss the proper diet and exercises for the optimal lifestyle. Then, we revisit the Rendlesham Forest UFO incident with an eyewitness of the events. Plus, the paranormal news roundup.
August 07, 2016
The Sinister Forces
World renowned occult researcher Peter Levenda has connected the dots, and will reveal how symbolism, numerology and American political witchcraft are affecting our daily lives. He will also discuss the sinister forces that are controlling American politics.
August 02, 2016
Time for Warriors
If you were to encounter a person set on doing evil, whether it be a gunman or a terrorist, would you have the courage to stand and fight? We welcome a self-defense expert who can train you with the skills to survive the summer of chaos. Then, the Man with the X Ray Eyes returns to the program with some new predictions on the future.
July 24, 2016
Vaxxed: The Coverup Exposed
Richard welcomes a medical doctor and the producer of VAXXED the documentary which investigates how the CDC concealed and destroyed data on their 2004 study that showed a link between the MMR vaccine and autism. Then, activists have located a playground for the Global elite in Northern California and we have the details!
July 17, 2016
Time Travel Stories
As a multi-dimensional time traveler, Jason Quitthas experienced the past, the present and the future. From ancient Egypt and Atlantis to our possible pre and post apocalyptic future he has been a witness to our un-recorded history. We'll speak with Jason and author Bob Mitchell who has chronicled Jason's story in the book "Forbidden Knowledge.
July 10, 2016
The Disappearing Bees
What is behind the rapid decline of the honey bee population around the world? If they go, we go! We ask an expert beekeeper for some answers. Plus, did the Globalists actually lose the Brexit vote, or is it just another level in their hidden agenda?
July 03, 2016
Suppressed Technologies
Richard welcomes inventor David G. Yurth, whose amazing creations include a CO2 device that can turn exhaust into clean air. we will talk to him about some of his other innovations that big business doesn't want you to know about. Then, a look back at the legacy of the Lizard King with rock and roll historian R Gary Patterson.
June 26, 2016
New Human, New Earth, New Humanity
An exponential increase in knowledge has caused a paradigm shift from separation to unity consciousness. What will it take for humanity to collectively thrive and what will the new species and planet be like which includes community with advanced, intelligent, benevolent, life forms among other profound changes? Documentary filmmaker Lana Marconi explores these questions in her new film New Human, New Earth, New Humanity.
June 20, 2016
Jihad in America
Richard welcomes the World’s Foremost counter terrosim expert to help us understand the threat posed by radical Islam in light of the mass shooting in Orlando. Then, learn about Cryptocracy, a new comic from Dark Horse that’s a deep exploration into the secret society behind every major conspiracy in history!
June 05, 2016
The Fall of The Soviet Union
Richard examines the fall of the Soviet Union with two guests, one who is filmmaker and director, and the other was a Secret Agent and Ambassador for Ronald Reagan.
May 29, 2016
Mass Vaccinations
Avian Flu, Swine Flu, Ebola... a pandemic occurs and Big Pharma has a solution for it. But are they helping or serving a hidden agenda? Are the side effects worse than the disease itself? The Conspiracy Show investigates. Then, what happens when we die? A professor recounts his experience on the other side.
May 15, 2016
The Rise of Trump & Haunted Hospitals
A best selling author on Bible Prophecy discusses the implications of a TRUMP Administration and how ancient prophecies give sage warnings for our time. Then- we investigate The World’s Most Haunted Hospitals.
May 08, 2016
Ask Richard Anything
Richard invites your calls to the program. This is your chance to be on the show and have your voice heard. ASK RICHARD ANYTHING! Plus, we will also have our monthly visit with our paranormal pundit for the latest news on the unknown.
May 01, 2016
An Atheist in Heaven
Richard welcomes an artist and accomplished film maker to the program. They will discuss life's greatest mystery, What happens when we die? Contacted by an atheist from beyond the veil they document over 100 incidents of communicating with spirits that include physical chemical evidence studied at two universities. Offering The Ultimate Evidence for Life After Death?
April 24, 2016
Crop Circles Decoded
Richard welcomes Patty Greer, the crop circle girl who has produced and directed award winning films on the crop circle phenomenon. They will discuss her "contact" experience and the codes she has deciphered in the mathematical formations which may develop into advanced technologies. Then, we go inside Skinwalker Ranch, known as one of the hottest zones in the world for paranormal activity including ufos, poltergeists, Bigfoot-like creatures, inter-dimensional portals, and crypteds.
April 17, 2016
Surviving Cataclysm
Richard welcomes Kevin Reeve, the Director, CEO and Founder of a pre-eminent survival school. Since 2004 he has trained Navy SEAL Teams and U.S. Military Special Forces. Tune in to hear advanced Urban Escape and Evasion techniques and how you can prepare to survive the worst case scenario or any coming society-wide cataclysm. Then- what do we know about the paranormal ties to the M6 & Paris crashes? An author has begun to put the pieces of the puzzle together.
April 10, 2016
The Sinking of the Titanic
The sinking of the Titanic- a tragic accident or the perfect crime? Author Patrea Patrick has traced the money, and has questions the official hearings. What if it WASN'T an iceberg that sank her?
April 03, 2016
Club Bilderberg
Richard discusses Bilderberg The Movie, the new documentary film by our guest, the investigative journalist and best-selling author Daniel Estulin. Estulin, recently nominated for a Pulitzer Prize and a Nobel Prize is coming to Toronto in April to present his film. Then, learn The truth about Cancer with the creator of the docu-series: A Global Quest.
March 27, 2016
The Mysticism of Easter
The Sleeping Prophet Douglas James Cottrell returns to the program to discuss the Resurrection mystery and the importance of the Easter Season. Then, has the church been covering up a second Resurrection for centuries?
March 20, 2016
The Age of Transhumanism
What will happen when we replace human body parts with intelligent design built into nano-technology? A bionic man with a mechanical heart but does he have a Soul? Richard and author Maximilian Pereira discuss transhumanism. Then, meet the Iceman, a man with the ability to control his body temperature and withstand extreme cold.
March 13, 2016
Why Was JFK Killed?
Richard welcomes a history "buff" who has researched the Kennedy Assassination for the past 12 years. He brings a different interpretation of events based on what would have occurred had John F. Kennedy survived the assassination attempt on his life.
March 06, 2016
Stop Psychotherapy takeover
There are some potentially troubling changes coming to the way in which non-theraputic medical practices, including various forms of psychotherapy, will be regulated. Learn what you need to know about Ontario’s dangerous new legislation from Stop Psychotherapy Takeover founder Grace Joubarne. Then, a discussion on the mind/body health connection with Dr. Lana Marconi and Dr.Sabina DeVita.
February 28, 2016
The Children of Roswell
Richard welcomes two world renowned Roswell Investigators to the program. They will discuss the seven decades long legacy of fear, intimidation and cover ups after an unknown flying object crashed in New Mexico and was recovered by the United States Government.
February 21, 2016
Holistic Health
Richard welcomes Dr. Jimmy Gutman for a discussion about alternative medicines, and an incredible antioxidant called Glutathion. Then- a psychological analysis and assessment of people who report Alien Abductions to the authorities.
February 14, 2016
The Zika Pandemic Fraud
People across the country are starting to panic about the Zika virus. But free-lance investigative reporter Jon Rappoport believes there is nothing to worry about- the zika virus is a fraud.
February 07, 2016
The Hill Abduction
Richard and Victor Viggiani welcome Kathleen Marden to the program. Kathleen is the World's leading expert on the famous Betty and Barney Hill Abduction case. She also happens to be their niece. Also, open lines with Richard.
January 31, 2016
The Day the Music Died
Rock historian R Gary Peterson looks back on the lasting legacy of Buddy Holly, as we approach the 57th anniversary of his death.
January 24, 2016
The Aztec UFO Incident
Frank Thayer joins the program to discuss his research in to the Aztec UFO incident of 1948. Then, Richard welcomes the co-founder and futurist from the Merlin Project Research to give his predictions with actual dates and times.
January 17, 2016
A Prophet's View of 2016
Richard welcomes the man with X-ray eyes and one of the sleeping prophets to the program to discuss what he foresees for 2016. Then, a certified hypnotherapist reveals how to connect with your higher levels of consciousness and the universal mind.
January 10, 2016
Mercury Toxicity
Richard welcomes a Crop Circle Researcher and a Doctor of Dental Surgery to the program. They will discuss the symptoms of mercury and toxic heavy metal posioning and the holistic health solutions to remedy the problem.
January 03, 2016
Robot Kool Aid
Can we build a robot that trips on acid? This is not a frivolous question, according to neuroscientist Andrew Smart. If we can’t, he argues, we haven’t really created artificial intelligence. Richard and Andrew discuss his new book Beyond Zero and One, which challenges fundamental assumptions underlying artificial intelligence.
December 27, 2015
Victory Over the Kingdom of Darkness
Richard welcomes an exorcist and evangelical pastor to discuss the art of self-defense against dark spiritual forces. Then- a prophecy expert says America needs to be prepared- more Islamic terrorist attacks are coming.
December 20, 2015
Anomalies in San Bernadino
George Freund returns to the program to discuss some of the oddities in the recent California terrorism attack. Then, a psychic joins the program to discuss how to speak with the alien races living among us from another galaxy or another dimension.
December 13, 2015
The Tavistock Institute and Transevolution
Richard welcomes an award winning investigative journalist and best selling author of The True Story of the Bilderberg Group to discuss his latest research into the techniques of social engineering the masses carried out by the infamous Tavistock Institute. Then- Joel Skousen discusses the anomalies of the recent California Shooting.
December 06, 2015
Eliminating Exhaust
Richard welcomes inventor David Yurth for a discussion on a new breakthrough exotic technology that has the potential to save the planet. Then, Richard speaks with a musician who had an ET encounter that raised his consciousness and his connection to music to a higher plane.
November 30, 2015
The Magicians of the Gods
Richard welcomes author Graham Hancock, whose new book proves an advanced civilization that flourished during the Ice Age was destroyed in the global cataclysms between 12,800 and 11,600 years ago.
November 22, 2015
JFK Assassination Part II
Kennedy researcher Brent Holland brings new insight in into the death of JFK as he recounts an interview he had with Theodore "Ted" Sorenson, President John F. Kennedy's trusted advisor, shortly before his death in 2010. Plus, the genesis of The 12th Planet, the Anunnaki influences on the Sumerian civilization, the orbit of Nibiru, and much more as Richard welcomes the niece of Zecharia Sitchin.
November 15, 2015
JFK: 52 Years Later
November 22 marks the 52nd anniversary of the Death of President Kennedy, and we discuss the assasination and subsequent coverup with the organizer of the annual Oswald Conference. Then, Richard takes YOUR calls to hear your theory on the JFK assassination, the Watergate Coverup and other inconsistencies in the "Official Story."
November 08, 2015
The Resonance
Richard welcomes Lana Marconi and Sandra Kyrzakos, stars of the new documentary The Resonance, which explores how extra terrestrials are engaging humanity. Then, was the Canadian election fixed? George Freund examines the evidence.
November 01, 2015
Watergate's Darkest Secrets
Richard welcomes the son of one of America's most notorious spy families to talk about his fathers deathbed confession and the mysterious circumstances surrounding his mother’s death. Then, Richard welcomes a Author who answers the question What happens to our loved ones when they die?
October 25, 2015
The Flying Car
Back to the Future may have been right- Flying cars could exist in 2015. Richard welcomes an inventor who has designed a prototype of a "flying car." Then - what's fact and what's fiction when it comes to Hollywood's depictions of UFO's? We'll hear from an expert.
October 18, 2015
Fallen Angels and The Giants of the Old Testament
Author and Filmmaker La Marzulli has uncovered unspoiled evidence of genetic manipulation- perhaps the greatest cover-up in mankind's bizarre history. Then, a suspicious death investigation a netherworld of illegal arms deals and more linked to Great Britain. We have the details
October 11, 2015
Hollow Earth
Richard welcomes Emmy-Award winning television producer/videographer Tim Swartz to discuss the theory that the center of the Earth is populated by a mutant race of beings. Then, what would America be like under President Trump? We discuss the possibilities with Joel Skousen.
October 04, 2015
The Final Warnings
Does the rebirth of Israel indicate the Last Days are upon us? Richard welcomes Carl Gallups, a best-selling author of Bible Revelation and Prophetic Warnings to interpet John the Revelator’s visions. Then, we'll speak to a psychic healer who will explain how he learned his craft.
September 27, 2015
Extinction Level Events
Richard welcomes a Astrophysicist who is the Chief Scientist and Director of the Center for Planetary Science to discuss potential extinction level events and alternative three- the colonization of Mars to support human civilization. Plus - Diane Tressman discusses the alien agenda - how do they choose who to make contact with?
September 20, 2015
Bloodline of the Gods
Have we, across the millennia, been periodically modified and refined as a species? Has our genetic make-up been manipulated by otherworldly beings that view human civilization as one big lab experiment? The answers may lie in our blood. UFologist Nick Redfern shared the details. Then - damning truths corporate owners don’t want you to discover, and how you can fight back against the machine.
September 13, 2015
7 Year Biblical Cycles
A Theologian and best selling author joins the programme to discuss the Shemitah and what to expect according to Bible Prophecy every 7 years. Plus, open lines and Rosemary Ellen Guiley's Paranormal News Roundup
September 06, 2015
9/11 Truths
Richard welcomes a professor of Peace Studies who is a member of the 9/11 consensus panel and also is the co-editor of the Journal of 9/11 Studies to discuss the evidence that the twin towers were brought down by a controlled demolition and where do we go from here 14 years after the tragic event that changed global politics.
August 30, 2015
Dr. Mary, JFK and the Monkey Virus
Richard welcomes a author and researcher to discuss how the unsolved murder of a doctor, a secret laboratory in New Orleans and cancer-causing monkey viruses are linked to Lee Harvey Oswald, the JFK assassination and emerging global epidemics. Then, the truth behind some of the most well-known rock and roll urban legends.
August 23, 2015
The Invisible Crime
Richard welcomes a Targeted Individual (TI) to the show to discuss a criminal undergrounds use of high tech microchip implants for mind control and the organized stalking of their victims. Also - an Archbishop and Chief Exorcist of the Catholic Ministry discusses demonic possessions, poltergeist activity and the symptoms of personal hauntings.
August 16, 2015
The Crimes of the New World Order
Human Rights Advocate Michael Henry Dunn is here to discuss his efforts to create a global human rights court to fight back against the oligarchy. Then, a paranormal researcher discusses objects with spiritual attachments. Do you have one in your home?
August 09, 2015
The Red-Haired Giants
Richard welcomes a Best Selling author and lecturer at The Sci Fi Cafe LLC to discuss Quantum Energy Research, Ghost Hauntings and the Red Haired Giants traces of Atlantis in North America. Then- are the end times upon us? Researcher Nelson Thall examines metaphors in the Bible that may apply to current events.
August 02, 2015
The Venus Project
Richard welcomes the Canadian Representatives of The Venus Project to discuss the concept of a Resource Based Economy based on the revolutionary designs of Inventor/Social Scientist/Futurist Jacque Fresco. Then, nutritional physician Dr. Cass Ingram joins the program to talk about natural cures for common ailments.
July 26, 2015
Coast to Coast AM's George Noory
Richard welcomes the host of the most listened to overnight radio program in North America Coast to Coast AM to discuss UFOs, strange occurrences, life after death, and other unexplained (and often inexplicable) phenomena. Then - a psychic medium will discuss how to handle the dark side of the paranormal.
July 19, 2015
The Illuminati Mythos
Richard welcomes a exiled Freemason a former insider of the Masonic establishment to discuss "who or what" is at the top of the pyramid. Then - Richard welcomes the President of the Mars Anomaly ResearchSociety, Who is a disclosure advocate and a participant in the USG secret teleportation program.
July 12, 2015
Drugs as Weapons Against Us
Author John Potash joins the show to discuss the CIA’s murderous targeting of SDS, Panthers, Hendrix, Lennon, Cobain, Tupac and other activists. You can read about it in his latest book Drugs as Weapons Against Us. Then, Greg Palast has a different take on the Greek ‘No’ vote against Europe’s cruel austerity demands.
July 05, 2015
Trancending Beyond the New World Order

David Sereda has studied world religion, science, physics and paranormal psychology for over 25 years, and he will Quantum Communications, Lightstream technologies and meditation practices for Spiritual growth in defeating the NWO. Then, a discussion on how to use the Ouija Board to contact other realms.
June 28, 2015
Danger of Vaccines
Richard welcomes a author who has uncovered damaging research on the perils of vaccines. His book accuses the federal government of having a corrupt and morally unsound relationship with “Big Pharma.” Then, a former investigative reporter shares the information she has gathered on psychic phenomena.
June 21, 2015
The Sasquatch Genome Project
Our guest Dr. Melba S. Ketchum has made a DNA analysis of possible Bigfoot hair samples, which was leaked to the public before the publication of her peer-reviewed paper. She is a part of the Sasquatch Genome Project and will tell us what they have discovered so far. Plus, we welcome a renowned filmmaker, author and scholar to discuss the work of Stanley Kubrick.
June 14, 2015
Jade Helm 15
What is JADE HELM 15, and what does it mean to you and the nation's civil liberties? Joel Skousen of the World Affairs Brief joins Richard to explain. Then, Richard welcomes a expert on metaphysical and paranormal phenomenon to the program to highlight the latest strange news stories, and find out how to deprogram loved ones from UFO cults.
June 07, 2015
RFK Assasination
June 6 marks the 47th anniversary of Senator Robert F. Kennedy's death. But who really killed Senator Kennedy? Was Sirhan Sirhan a mind controlled patsy? Then, a near-death experience unlocks a women's ability to channel. Richard talks to her about the experience and what the channeled messages have told her.
May 31, 2015
The Secrets of Enoch
After twenty-five years of research into the occult, secret societies and conspiracy theories, author R.J. Von-Bruening is read to reveal the secrets of Enoch. Then, Dr. Richard Sauter author of Hidden Bases returns to the program.
May 24, 2015
Hidden History
Richard welcomes author Don Jeffries to discuss his new book which is an exposé of modern crimes, conspiracies, and cover-ups in American Politics. Then - details on HAARP's billion watts laser energy program that has been the cause of extreme weather patterns all over the world.
May 17, 2015
Monsanto GMO's
Richard welcomes world renowned author, scientist and public speakerDr. Shiv Chopra to discuss Monsantos use of GMO's in our food and the affect on your health. Then, a former police officer reveals what he learned in his investigation of the CIA’s Star Gate psychic spy unit.
May 10, 2015
The Flat Earth Conspiracy
Richard welcomes a author and researcher who can prove that the Earth is not a globe, but an extended flat plane. Then, Richard opens the lines for your calls and we'll also pay tribute to the late Bruce McBurney who was a regular contributor to this program.
May 03, 2015
Living off the Grid
Can You Live off the Grid for 30 Days? Richard welcomes a man who can tell you how to do it. It's author and researcher Dr. Richard Alan Miller, who has critical Decision Making Power Tools: using Intuition and How to Think with Your Gut. Richard talks with the founder of Divine Revelation and an award winning author about your "third eye" and how you can open it.
April 26, 2015
Medicinal Marijuana
Richard welcomes a member of the Bar association committed to helping patients with a variety of conditions manage their symptoms through the use of medical cannabis. Then - activist Erin Janus wants you to know the truth about what you are eating.
April 19, 2015
Mind Wars- A History of Mind Control
Did you think that mind control was just the stuff of conspiracy theories? Think again, and think for yourself—if you still can. Richard welcomes two best-selling authors of dozens of books and articles on the paranormal, metaphysics, conspiracies and cutting-edge science. Then, a hospital chaplain shares his near-death experience, and his research on what is on the other side.
April 12, 2015
The Andreasson Affair
Richard welcomes a experiencer who has a story to tell of Alien Abduction and Government harassment. Then, Richard invites two authoritative UFO researchers to discuss The Roswell Slides, and Rosemary Ellen Guiley joins the show with the paranormal news roundup.
April 05, 2015
The End Times
Is the return of Jesus closer than you think? Richard welcomes a New York Times bestselling author, internationally recognized speaker and recognized expert on Bible prophecy and the Middle East for the answer.
March 29, 2015
The Bank of Canada Conspiracy
Richard welcomes a Toronto Lawyer bringing forth a lawsuit against the Queen of England, the Bank of Canada and three ministers to restore the BoC back to its original purpose to make loans to the country's federal, provincial and municipal governments. Then, Richard welcomes a author who detailed how the atmosphere of planet Earth is being weaponized via clandestine projects like HAARP and chemtrails.
March 22, 2015
The Billy Meier Contacts
Richard welcomes a award-winning film director, prize-winning painter, award-winning songwriter, science researcher, national and international lecturer who is on a mission to bring the most important story in human history and reveal long held secrets to the people of Earth. Then, the scientific study of the ways that organisms communicate and interact with each other and with the environment that appear to be inexplicable within current scientific models.
March 15, 2015
Dieppe Raid
Richard welcomes a Military Historian, best-selling Author, Professor of History, Documentarian and Producer of History Television to discuss the tragedy at Dieppe during World War Two. Then, a hands-on healer will join Richard in studio to demonstrate her abilities.
March 08, 2015
ENCORE SHOW: Tesla's Healing Technology
Richard welcomes a professor of environmental studies and a researcher of the adverse biological effects of electromagnetic fields. She is now educating the public about the healing effects of sound, light and electromagnetic therapy machines.
March 01, 2015
Beyond the X-Files
Richard welcomes Richard Sauder, the author of HIDDEN IN PLAIN SITE, which is about secret underground bases. He has experienced first-hand contact with a variety of paranormal phenomena convincing him that there is much more going on then what we are being told. Plus, Joel Skousen joins the program with a world affairs brief.
February 22, 2015
Hollywood Mind Control
Richard welcomes a researcher of occult activities and secret societies to talk about Creation about the use of pop culture icons for social engineering. Then - you may be a guinea pig and not even know it. Author John Hall talks about his new book which is all about about CIA mind control experiments on non-consensual subjects.
February 15, 2015
The Real Story of the Cuban Five
Richard welcomes award-winning writer Stephen Kimber to discuss his new book What Lies Across the Water: The Real Story of the Cuban Five. Then, Richard talks with an independent producer on how the occult is affecting us all.
February 08, 2015
Labyrinth of the Psychopath
Richard welcomes a credible pundit to the show to talk about cults, occult symbols, satire, the arts, mythology and modern day psychopaths who walk among us. Then - what is Colloidal Silver and how can it help your immune system?
February 01, 2015
The Final Warning
Richard asks What if ... the ominous seven trumpet prophecies of Revelation (chapters 8-11) were encoded with specific and reliably documented key-word correlations to events that have already happened - or are beginning to unfold right now? What if these signs were placed in the text by the Holy Spirit - for our generation?
January 25, 2015
CIA Assassinations
Richard welcomes a professor of American History and author to discuss the connections between JFK's execution and the Opium trade that made the CIA wealthy. Then, Richard talks with a mathemagician dedicated to the exploration of sacred numbers, sacred geometry, gematria, symbolism and all things related to pi!
January 18, 2015
The Searl Effect
Richard and guest host and Follow The Truth contest winner Dwayne Hickey welcomes the inventor of the Searl Effect Generator (SEG) which promises to provide a clean and abundant source of energy.
January 11, 2015
The Ordo Lapsit Exillis
Richard welcomes an author and researcher about her 13 -year adventure into the supernatural, following mysteries given to her and her team from beyond the veil. Plus, what 2015 has in store and the paranormal news round up.
January 04, 2015
Electronic Harrasment
Richard welcomes a former Hollywood actress and a targeted individual who will discuss how she has been harassed and tortured with directed energy weapons. She'll also discuss why she believes she is being targeted and by whom. Then - Richard welcomes a analyst, trader, consultant, economist, researcher, and activist to speak out about the illusion that is known as our current financial system.
December 28, 2014
Disaster Preparation
Richard welcomes preparedness expert Matthew Stein to discuss what individuals can do in the worst case scenarios. Then, uncover the mysteries of Ancient Egypt with Robert Bauval.
December 21, 2014
The True Date of Christ's Birth
When was Christ actually born? New York Times best selling author JOHNATHAN CAHN searches for the answer in a new film. Then - did the Nazis have flying saucers? An independent researcher shares details of a secret propulsion system the Germans were developing before World War II.
December 14, 2014
Year in Review in the Global Theatre
Joel Skousen is our featured guest, and he will discuss what happened this year in the realm of political subterfuge, geopolitics and the secret machinations of world leaders and the new world order. Then- the 100 mile per gallon car exists. But we will never get to drive it.
December 07, 2014
The Lennon Assassination
December 8th marked the 34th anniversary of the death of John Lennon, and we have rock and roll pundit R. Gary Patterson on the show to discuss some of the myths surrounding the former Beatle and his murder.
November 30, 2014
Ebola Terrorism
Richard welcomes a nationally recognized expert on radical Islam to discuss the possibility that a virulent outbreak of the Ebola virus and Islamist radicalism could converge into one single threat. Then, author and filmmaker Rob Skiba discusses a number of mysteries in the Bible that relate to the UFO/ET phenomenon.
November 23, 2014
Ending the UFO Truth Embargo
Richard welcomes two Exopolitics Disclosure Advocates to the show to discuss the latest developments in the field of Ufology. Then, Richard welcomes one of the World's foremost authorities on the modern interpretation of the Tarot.
November 16, 2014
The Orville Nix JFK Assassination Film
Richard discusses the Missing Nix film, a key piece of evidence in the JFK Assassination that has been missing for years. Then, details about the COINTELPRO operation, which is seeking to discredit those who are telling the truth about tyrants, traitors and criminals.
November 09, 2014
Ebola Crimes
Ebola: nature, accident, or intentional? An expert in emerging diseases presents evidence that the recent Ebola outbreak in Africa came from a lab. Then, it's our monthy visit with paranormal expert Rosemary Ellen Guiley.
November 02, 2014
Ottawa Shooting Oddities
Richard welcomes the host of a popular alternative news podcast to discuss the recent shooting death of Cpl. Nathan Cirillo in Ottawa. Also - an interview with Patty Greer, one of the hardest working Crop Circle filmmakers working today.
October 26, 2014
The Rendlesham UFO Incident
Richard welcomes one of the key witnesses to a UFO incident in the south of England that is considered to be Britain's Roswell. Then, one of the world's greatest mentalists joins Richard in-studio. Plus, are we doomed to repeat the past?
October 19, 2014
Exotic Energy and the International Banksters
Is an alternative source of energy being suppressed by an international cartel of bankers? A former government official shares the details. Then, a Google insider tells all!
October 12, 2014
Ebola: Is it already too late?
Richard welcomes a physician, author and public speaker to discuss the Ebola outbreak in Sub-Sarahan Africa. Is it too late to prevent a global epidemic? Then, Richard speaks with the co-founder of the MERLIN Project to discuss how to prepare for upcoming changes.

Photo by the CDC
October 05, 2014
The Life of Mae Brussell
Alex Constantine discusses the life of researcher and radio personality Mae Brussell, whose work focused around the JFK assassination, and the history of fascism. Then, a medical doctor reveals the cholesterol myth.
September 28, 2014
Past Lives
Richard welcomes a Reiki Master, Neuro Linguistic Programmer and Past Life Regression Trainer to conduct another in an ongoing series of live past life regressions on the program. Also- the World's Most Haunted House.
September 21, 2014
The Bible, 9-11 and the Fall of the American Empire
Best-selling author Jonathan Cahn reveals a 3000 year old mystery in the Bible that foretold major events in American history. Then - a CDC whistleblower alleges that the link between MMR vaccines and autism was covered up - by him.
September 14, 2014
Health Tips from the Akashic Record
Richard welcomes a trance clairvoyant, remote viewer, published author, and healer to discuss his new health guide which he dictated to his son while in a deep meditative trance. Then, an update into the investigation of President Obama's birth certificate, and Rosemary Ellen Guiley with our paranormal news roundup.
September 07, 2014
The Science of Conspiracy Theory
Why are conspiracies are so popular in North American culture? Why doesn't the media take them seriously? And do they play a role in our society? Plus, real life paranormal encounters.
August 31, 2014
Robot Apocalypse
What will it be like when we are working alongside robots? That future is a lot closer than you may imagine, and potentially more dangerous. We discuss it with an advanced tech expert. Plus, open phones, and an essential Conspiracy Show reading list.
August 24, 2014
Natural Cures for Ebola
What is Ebola, what causes it and can an epidemic be prevented? Richard speaks with an author/lecturer and researcher in the field of natural remedies to discuss the recent Ebola outbreak in Africa. Plus, Joel Skousen comments on ISIS and the Ferguson riots.
August 18, 2014
Remembering Dr. John Mack
Richard and Victor Viggiani welcome a filmmaker to discuss the life and times of Harvard Professor and Pulitzer-Prize-winning author, the late Dr. John Mack.
August 03, 2014
Exorcist Warriors
Richard speaks with a Catholic priest and about his interactions with both angels and demons as well as his work in the controversial ministry of exorcism. Then, a wildlife field researcher describes her personal encounters with bigfoot.
July 27, 2014
The Afterlife
What happens when we die? Guest host Victor Viggiani explores some possible answers with a professor of religious studies. Then, a retired dentist will discuss a variety of dental issues that could actually affect our overall health.
July 21, 2014
Sandy Hook: Reality or Illusion?
Richard speaks with a retired philosophy of science professor and a former Marine Corps officer about the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting in December 2012. Then, rock and roll stars and their UFO encounters.
July 13, 2014
Behind the Scenes of the Global Theater
Richard speaks with Joel Skousen, the founder and chief editor of World Affairs Brief, a weekly news-analysis service, about some of the events unfolding on the world stage. We'll also hear from our paranormal news expert for a round-up of the unusual.
July 06, 2014
Big Buried Secrets
Are giant skeletons being unearthed across America, and if so, why is the Smithsonian covering it up? Also - a writer discusses some of the 140 UFO sightings in Atlantic Canada that he's documented.
June 23, 2014
Isis, Iraq and the CIA
Richard welcomes an historian/author and critic of American foreign policy to discuss the terrorist jihadist group ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq in Syria) which appears poised to take over Baghdad as well as a number major oil fields in the country. Then, a hypnotherapist will shed light on the mysteries of consciousness, life and death, and the underlying causes of physical and mental conditions.
June 15, 2014
A Totalitarian United States
An 86-year-old Holocaust survivor who lived through Hitler's rise to power says she's having nightmares because she's living through it again - right here in America. Then, getting too close to the cosmic truth about alien abductions, Roswell, and what the government really knows about UFOs can be a deadly business.
June 08, 2014
Our Secret History
Richard welcomes an investigative journalist and New York Times-best- selling author Jim Marrs to discuss the world's most closely guarded secrets. Plus, our paranormal news roundup, and did Douglas James Cottrell conduct an energy healing miracle?
June 01, 2014
Tyranny comes to America
Richard welcomes a veteran journalist with the Washington Times to discuss the ever increasing abuse of power by the U.S. government. Then, Richard speaks with a South African researcher, author, scientist to discuss his groundbreaking discoveries about the origins of humankind.
May 25, 2014
Protecting Your Online Privacy
Richard speaks with a privacy expert and CEO of a social network company about how we can protect our online privacy, and how that privacy is being violated. Then, a famed U.S. civiil rights attorney discusses his role in the UFO/ED Disclosure Movement.
May 18, 2014
Chemtrails and HAARP
Richard interviews an independent researcher and writer who sifts through the confusion surrounding chemtrails-versus-contrails and how extreme weather is being "geo-engineered" to enrich disaster capitalists and intimidate nations. Then, the next ice age can begin any day. In fact, it may already be here.
May 11, 2014
Lyme Disease
Richard speaks with a medical journalist and publisher about the controversy of chronic Lyme Disease. Then, s the world run by psychopaths? And we also have our monthly paranormal news roundup.
May 05, 2014
EMP Threat
Richard speaks with a security analyst to discuss the threat of an electromagnetic pulse event capable of knocking the North American electrical grid offline. Then, a preparedness expert will discuss how to prepare for both natural and manmade catastrophes.
April 27, 2014
Showdown at the Bundy Ranch
Richard speaks with an author/journalist and conservative commentator about the ongoing saga between Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and armed agents of the U.S. Government's Bureau of Land Management.
April 20, 2014
Noah and the Flood
Richard speaks author and publisher Larry Stone about the story of Noah, his ark and the flood, one of the most popular, yet controversial stories in the Bible. Then, an author and pastor presents historical evidence that Jesus did rise from the dead.
April 13, 2014
Alien Contact and the Government Cover-Up
A a paranormal researcher gives us insight into the alien presence here on Earth, and the government's cover up of their activities. Then, the upcoming Jewish Feast Days will coincide with lunar eclipses, also known as Blood Moons. But what does it mean, and was it foretold in the Bible?
April 06, 2014
UN's Agenda 21
What is the United Nation’s Agenda 21, and why should you be skeptical about it? Then, it's not just the military that's had encounters with UFO's. We'll learn about some police encounters from beyond.
March 30, 2014
Was Flight 370 Commandeered?
Guest-Host Victor Viggiani speaks with a senior consultant with a disaster and emergency management firm about his theory that missing Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 was commandeered for future use as a weapon. Then - we'll meet an amateur archaeologist who says he's discovered the world's oldest pyramids in the Balkans.
March 16, 2014
The Truth About Climate Change
Richard welcomes a one of the world’s leading sceptic climatologists who presents evidence as to why the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is nothing more and nothing less than a politically contrived organization. Then- Richard speaks with a former commercial pilot about the various rumours and conspiracy theories surrounding the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight No. 370.
March 09, 2014
Obama, Putin and World War III
Is this the beginning of another Cold War? Richard welcomes a syndicated columnist and broadcaster to discuss the situation in Ukraine and Crimea, and the standoff between Putin and Obama. Then - the top eight reasons how and why houses become haunted.
March 02, 2014
The Ghost Rockets
Author and researcher Micha Hanks discusses the unexplained phenomenon of unidentified aerial technology that was capable of incredible maneuverability. Then, was the recent violent uprising in Kiev engineered by US and NATO intelligence?
February 16, 2014
Richard welcomes a visual artist, media designer and futurist to discuss the international cultural and intellectual movement known as transhumanism. Then - the ongoing globalist conspiracy to undermine national sovereignty with independent researcher and political scientist Joel Skousen.
February 09, 2014
The Reincarnation of Superman
We'll meet a woman who experienced a remarkable spiritual journey involving the late TV Superman actor George Reeves. Then, what is the common denominator between all paranormal encounters? And a physics professor describes what it would take to travel at warp speed, like Star Trek.
February 02, 2014
The Quest for Immortality
Special guest host Patrick Whyte welcomes an author and researcher in the fields of alternative history, physics, and "strange stuff" to discuss the 'transhumanist' movement. Then - he fascinating phenomenon of "archeoenigmas" which are ageless images, stories and symbols that impart metaphysical truths and scientific information.
January 26, 2014
Hitler's Escape from Germany
Richard welcomes New York Times best-selling author Jerome Corsi back to the program to discuss his latest book Hunting Hitler; New Scientific Evidence That Hitler Escaped Nazi Germany. Then, an analysis of the UFO cover-up by two noted experts, and a doctor speaks out on electronic surveillance and harassment by the NSA.
January 19, 2014
The Giants Who Ruled America
Richard welcomes an Emmy Award-winning writer and author whose extensive research has led him to conclude that North America was once ruled by an advanced race of giants. Then, a discussion on the astronomical phenomenon known as the Blood Moon.
January 12, 2014
America and the Book of Isiah
A biblical scholar reveals an ancient mystery that may hold the secret to America's future. The mystery may be behind everything from 9/11 to the collapse of the global economy. Then, we speak with the author of a controversial new book which documents the end times.
January 05, 2014
The Illuminati and the Music Industry
A media analyst contends the Illuminati is influencing the music industry. He details how some of today's hottest stars use esoteric symbols and song lyrics to push the secret society's agenda. Then, the man with the X-Ray eyes gives us his predictions for 2014.
December 29, 2013
The Most Censored Stories of 2013
Richard is joined by a media watchdog for a recap on the stories that were hidden from the public over the past year. Also - an expert conducts a conduct a past life regression live on the air, and Jon Rappoport helps us exit the matrix of programmed reality we have been fed.
December 15, 2013
Visions of Messiah
Richard speaks with a pastor, author and documentary filmmaker about the sensational story of Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri, the 108-year old rabbi who declared the name of the "real Messiah." Then, an independent researcher argues that the comet ISON is not actually a comet, but a long lost planet.
December 08, 2013
A Threat to Liberty
Does the conglomeration of power in the Executive Branch of the US Government pose a threat to liberty itself? We’ll discuss the slow march toward Totalitarianism? We discuss with friend of the program Joel Skousen. Then - does the US Government possess a killswitch that could shut down all cellular communication and the internet?
December 01, 2013
America Under Judgement
Is America under judgment for turning away from God as ancient Israel did? That is the provocative question addressed by World Net Daily’s Joseph Farrah in his documentary,America Under Judgement. Then - have Canadian fighter jets encountered UFO’s? And a visit with the man with the X-Ray eyes.
November 24, 2013
Forbidden Archeology
Over the centuries, researchers have found bones and artifacts proving that humans like us have existed for millions of years. Mainstream science, however, has suppressed these facts. Author Michael A. Cremo fills us in on the secrets of mankind's origins. Then, an update on the The Fukushima Power Plant disaster. The danger isn't over yet.
November 17, 2013
The 50th Anniversary of the JFK Assasination
50 Years ago, President John F. Kennedy was killed in Dallas Texas. Joining us to discuss the event are Nelson Thall and legendary JFK researcher Jim Marrs, author of CrossFire: The Plot that Killed Kennedy.
November 10, 2013
JFK: Connecting the Dots Part 8
Richard and researcher James Di Eugenio continue their examination into the assassination of John Kennedy. This time, they discuss the life and times of Jim Garrison, the only man to bring someone to trial for the assassination. Then, a discussion on credible cases of demonic possession.
November 03, 2013
Exposing Faux Capitalism
Guest Jason Erb discusses the suppressed history of successful government-issued, interest-free currencies, and why that history is suppressed. James Di Eugenio returns to the program for part seven of our ongoing series on the Kennedy Assassination, and Richard introduces a new feature on the program STATE SECRETS.
October 27, 2013
Secret Files Exposed
One of the world's most notorious investigators who'll reveal the secret files of the U.S. Government. Then - A former US Senator tells us why he is convinced the US Government is hiding the existence of UFO's and ET's from us.
October 20, 2013
The Fallout from The Shutdown
Independent Journalist Joel Skousen discusses the impact of the US Government shutdown and debt ceiling fights on the rest of the global economy. Then, a ghost whisperer explains how and why departed spirits remain earthbound.
October 13, 2013
ET Encounter
Guest host Victor Viggiani speaks with an an Emmy-Award winning TV producer who had some startling testimony in front of he Citizen Hearings on Disclosure. Then - what do we really know about GMO's, and why are we still eating them?
October 06, 2013
Who Rules Hollywood
Richard welcomes actress,comedian, writer and television producer Roseanne Barr to discuss her recent statement that Hollywood and the entertainment industry is dominated by MK Ultra. Then, we explore the curious events surrounding the final days of John Lennon, and we speak with a mind control survivor.
September 29, 2013
A Hard Rain is Gonna Fall
Dr. Douglas James Cottrell believes that major Earth changes that could be headed our way. This interview will prepare you for what's to come. Then - key witnesses to the Rosewell UFO crash are speaking out- Hear what they have to say.
September 22, 2013
On the Edge of Reality
There's a global expansion of consciousness taking place, which was predicted by ancient prophecy. Two investigators share the signs. Then,we unravel the hidden messages in Stanley Kuberick's The Shining.
September 15, 2013
The Real Watergate Story
You may think you know the whole story of the Watergate break in, but a new book details what the Plumbers were really after. Then, how our dreams can connect us with departed souls.
September 08, 2013
9-11 Anniversary Special
Richard speaks with two panel members of the 9/11 Consensus Panel which is building a body of evidence-based research into the events of September 11, 2001. Then - is the fix in for professional sports? An author details how athlete throw games for gamblers, and why the leagues cover it up.
September 01, 2013
War Against Syria
A journalist and researcher believes that the chemical weapons attack in Syria was not instigated by the government, but by the rebel forces to get America involved. Then - would an airstrike against Syria fulfil a Biblical prophecy?
August 25, 2013
JFK: Connecting the Dots Part Six
Assassination researcher James DiEugenio returns for the latest in our series examining the murder of President John F. Kennedy in November 1963. Then, new evidence has come to light concerning the death of Diana The Princess of Wales. We discuss it with a foreign intelligence expert.
August 18, 2013
JFK: Connecting the Dots Part Five
Researcher James DiEugenio returns to the program for a continuation of our series examining the murder of President John F. Kennedy. Then - political scientist Joel Skousen discusses Egypt and other areas of concern.
August 11, 2013
The Solar Storm
Richard speaks with a researcher and magazine publisher in the alternative press about reports of an impending massive solar storm expected to impact Earth. Then, we talk with a leading paranormal investigator to discuss the phenomenon known as 'Black-Eyed Kids," or BEKs.
August 04, 2013
Slaves to the System
You may not realize it, but now, more than ever, we are living our lives as indentured servants to the elite. A researcher will tell us how to break free of the system. Also - learn about the secret UFO control group known as Majestic-12 that keeps our alien encounters under wraps.
July 28, 2013
Mysteries of the Universe
Invisibility cloaks? Self-assembling robots? Electrical engineer and scientific truth-seeker Jim Elvidge joins Richard to discuss some cutting edge technology that is beyond belief. Then, We're all familiar with oregano as a zesty herb we love to sprinkle on pizza and pasta dishes. But can it fight cancer?
July 21, 2013
The Spiritual Reality Behind the UFO Phenomenon
Then - was the US Lunar landing a hoax? A counselor and educator offers evidence that there is a spiritual mission behind extraterrestrial visits to Earth. Then, A media researcher shares the telltale signs the moon was actually located in a movie studio.
July 14, 2013
The Planned Implosion of Greece
Journalist Greg Palast believes that Greece is a crime scene, and all of its citizens are victims of a massive fraud orchestrated by Goldman Sachs. He shares the details.
July 07, 2013
The Monster FIles
Government agencies all around the world have been secretly collecting and studying data on bizarre beasts, amazing animals, and strange creatures. Monster hunter Nick Redfern has the details. Then - a new documentary shows the struggle to disclose top secret information about classified energy & propulsion techniques, possibly from another world.
July 01, 2013
Maitreya: World Teacher or Antichrist?
Maitreya's coming has been prophesied by many religious - but will he be the emissary of world peace, or something more sinister? Then, the Edward Snowden revelations have only been met with mild outrage in the US. But that isn't the case abroad, as a renewed hatred of the US Government.
June 23, 2013
Disclosure Dialog
From April 29 to May 3, 2013 Paradigm Research Group produced its most ambitious project - the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure. Forty witnesses from ten countries were brought to testify regarding events and evidence supporting the extraterrestrial explanation for a range of unexplained phenomena. We talk with the organizer of those hearings for all the details from the testimony.
June 16, 2013
The Royal Arch of Enoch
We discuss a wide range of topics with Robert W. Sullivan IV, author of The Royal Arch of Enoch, including High Degree Freemasonry as an invention of the Jesuits, Adam Weishaupt and The Illuminati, the Book of Enoch and the Fallen Angels. Then, mysterious ruins found in the mountains of Peru and Bolivia may be the work of a far older culture than the Incans.
June 09, 2013
World Bank Whistleblower
An insider at the World Banks says a select greedy few are controlling the global financial system. She's here with the details. Then, a paranormal researcher talks about time slips - people actually jumping into the past and back again.
June 02, 2013
Richard welcomes a journalist to discuss how and why governments and corporations are deliberately manipulating and altering Earth’s climate through chemtrails and an electromagnetic antenna array. Then - Were subversive and politically aware entertainers like Lenny Bruce, George Carlin and Bill Hicks targeted for assassination by the CIA?
May 26, 2013
The MERLIN Project
What is MERLIN and what can it tell us about the future? Futurist Paul Guercio joins Richard with some amazing answers. Also - new evidence from the Alien Abduction Files is revealed.
May 19, 2013
The Final Pope
Richard welcomes Cris D. Putnam, the co-author of a new book which asserts Pope Francis l will be the final Pope of the Catholic Church as foretold by St. Malachy. The, an award-winning documentary filmmaker discusses his new film, which is about life after death.
May 12, 2013
JFK: Connecting the Dots Part Four
In an ongoing series marking the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Richard welcomes a noted researcher to discuss the movements of Lee Harvey Oswald in the fall of 1963. Also - what do US government officials have to say about UFO's, and are your dolls haunted?
May 05, 2013
JFK : Connecting the Dots Part 3
In an ongoing series marking the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Richard welcomes a noted researcher to examine recently declassified documents obtained through the Assassination Records Review Board. Then - Ever since the Assyrians exiled the ten tribes of Israel in the eighth century B.C., the mystery of what happened to them has deepened inexorably with time. Where did they go?
April 28, 2013
Backstage in the Global Theater
Richard speaks with the publisher of a weekly news analysis service to discuss the ongoing globalist conspiracy to undermine national sovereignty, and to create wars and other provocations that will justify a dimunition of civil liberties. Then, we'll take you inside Hangar 18, America's secret UFO warehouse.
April 14, 2013
Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations
Did the Nazis create a breakaway civilization in South America with advanced technology after World War II? A historian has the details on how they are still influencing the world today. Then - what can mirrors tell us about the paranormal?
April 07, 2013
Trade Wars, Currency Wars , World Wars
Richard welcomes the world's leading trends expert to discusses the coming financial collapse and the possibility that the Cypriot crisis will spread to banking institutions worldwide. Then, a bill controlling the types of food we eat was quietly passed by Congress and signed into law by President Obama - and you may not have even heard about it.
March 31, 2013
The State Execution of MLK
The Conspiracy Show marks the 45th Anniversary of the assassination of U.S. civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King. Richard welcomes two guests, a former member of the United States House of Representatives and an attorney, whose views concerning the murder of Dr. King on April 4th, 1968 differ widely from the official version of events.
March 24, 2013
Are You Prepared for Possible Financial Collapse?
Could the recent bank failures in the island nation of Cyprus trigger an economic catastrophe that would dwarf what happened in 2008? And if so, are you prepared? Then - Psychic spies? We'll go into the CIA's development of "remote viewers" during the Cold War.
March 17, 2013
The Assassination of Hugo Chavez
Richard speaks with a veteran investigative journalist about the life and death of Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez, and the possibility that he was actually poisoned. Then, Richard speaks with a man who has a lifetime of alien encounters.
March 10, 2013
Microchip Implants
Richard welcomes a classically trained chef and a victim of electronic harassment and organized stalking, otherwise known as a 'targeted individual. He will discuss the unbelievable story of how he was tracked and tortured by a covert organization via implants and microwave harassment. Plus, mysterious winged creatures, and the 16th Anniversary of the mysterious lights over Phoenix.
February 24, 2013
JFK: Connecting the Dots Part Two
In the second of a continuing series, assassination researcher James DiEugenio speaks with Richard about the most current information about JFK's murder. Then - are you familiar with Continuity of Government programs? Under the right circumstances, they could alter the fabric of the entire country.
February 17, 2013
JFK: Connecting the Dots
In the first of a continuing series, Richard speaks with an assassination researcher about the most current information about JFK's murder. Then, we remember 9/11 Truther and Conspiracy Show guest Phil Marshall.
February 10, 2013
Inside Area 51
A documentary film producer takes us inside America's most carefully guarded secret, Area 51. Then, a paranormal researcher shares practical instruction for seeing, communicating and working with fairies.
February 03, 2013
The War Against Drugs
Richard welcomes documentary filmmaker Kevin Booth to discuss the topics of his new film, American Drug War 2: Cannabis Destiny, including the pharmaceutical industry hiding the benefits of cannabis oil, and the over medication of children. Then - are aliens abducting children? Two paranormal researchers investigate.
January 27, 2013
How to Respond to an Anti-Conspiracy Theorist
Richard offers tips on what to do and say when confronted by someone who doesn't believe in conspiracies. Then - natural healing through Reiki and energy alignment... Does it work?
January 20, 2013
The UFO Singularity
Perhaps UFO's aren't from outer space after all. A researcher theorizes that they may be sent here from our own future. Then, evidence that predates organized religion suggests that life beyond death is real.
January 13, 2013
A Prophet's View of the New Year
Canada's Sleeping Prophet, Dr. Douglas James Cottrell places himself in a deep meditative trance, and give listeners his visions of what's to come in the New Year. Also - a paranormal researcher says instances of dopplegangers is on the rise, and the healing power of the human voice explained.
January 06, 2013
Television Network News as Mind Control
An investigative journalist to discuss how TV Network News is used by the corporatacracy to brainwash and dumb down the public. Then - can science explain the unexplainable? A professor of mathematics explains his theories.
December 30, 2012
Anatomy of a Planned Massacre
We speak with a political scientist and independent journalist about the horrific killing spree at Sandy Hook Elementary School. He believes there’s a much darker story to this shooting that goes way beyond the wanton killing of innocent children. Then – compelling evidence that there is indeed life after death.
December 09, 2012
Agenda 21
What is the United Nations Agenda 21, why does it threaten your freedom, and how can you fight against it? A researcher has the details. Then, in search of the american vampire, and exploring the nature of angels.
December 02, 2012
Operation Saucer
A noted UFO researcher from Brazil to discuss two of his country's most famous UFO cases. Then - a registered UFO lobbyist in Washington tells Richard about his latest initiative to force the United States government to reveal what it knows regarding the extraterrestrial presence that is engaging the human race.
November 25, 2012
Who's Running the Show?
An investigative journalist and New York Times best-selling author discusses the history of the world's most powerful secret society - The Round Table. Then - what really happened in Dallas 49 years ago? A researcher presents evidence that there is no way Lee Harvey Oswald shot and killed JFK.
November 18, 2012
The Cure is in the Forest
Richard speaks with an herbalist, author and international lecturer about the amazing remedies for a multitude of diseases and ailments he has discovered while trekking through the boreal forests of Canada. Then - UFO's have been a national security threat since the 1940's- so why won't the mainstream media report on it?
November 11, 2012
Paul is Dead
Was Paul McCartney killed in an auto accident in 1966, and replaced in the Beatles by a lookalike? A rock and roll investigator unravels the rumor that swept the nation in 1969. Then - in search of the shadow people of southern Pennsylvania, and is the government developing weapons against aliens?
November 04, 2012
Something Wicked This Way Comes
Are catastrophic earth changes, war, global depression and civil unrest in our future? A trance clairvoyant discusses his startling visions of our future. Then, an investigator believes that human civilization is far older, more advanced and far more sophisticated and complex than people think.
October 27, 2012
The Legacy of Egypt
Richard discusses the inner workings of temple culture in ancient Egypt and spiritual alchemy.with one of the world's leading researcher of sacred sites and ancient systems of knowledge. Then - a spirit hunter says he has recordings of voices from beyond the grave.

Photo By Nrbelex at en.wikipedia [CC-BY-SA-2.5 (], from Wikimedia Commons
October 21, 2012
One World Government
Film producer, author and political activist G. Edward Griffin discusses how the United Nations is rapidly becoming a true world government in which all nations will be subject to its laws, taxes, and military control. He'll describe what life would be like should this process come to completion. Then - How much or how little do the occupants of the White House known about the highly secretive US military base known as Area 51?
October 14, 2012
The Race to Build the First Time Machine
Richard discusses the successful completion of a series of basic experiments that provide the foundation for building a practical time machine, based upon a little understood theory of Albert Einstein. Then - a paranormal investigation ofour own, and info on he miraculous healer Joao De Faria, also known as John of God.
October 06, 2012
The Great Oil Conspiracy
Richard speaks with political science expert and New York Times Best-Selling author who will expose what he calls The Great Oil Conspiracy. He'll shed light on the wild misconceptions in the minds of the public about the oil industry. Then, Halloween is almost here, and we have a paranormal investigator who will share 50 years worth of true ghost stories.
September 30, 2012
The Real Jim Morrison
Richard welcomes the former brother-in-law of the late Jim Morrison to discuss the life and mysterious death of The Doors charismatic lead singer. Then -
Nick Redfern takes us on a tour of the world's weirdest places.
September 23, 2012
Stolen Election
Richard speaks with a rogue investigative reporter and author about his year-long investigation which revealed a systematic program of "GOP vote tampering" on a massive scale. Then - why and how did 1500 sheep go missing from an English farm? And a new film explores the illusion of American democracy. We speak with the film's director.
September 09, 2012
The House of Saud and the National Security State
Richard welcomes a former airline captain and government 'special activities' contract pilot to discuss his comprehensive ten-year study into the murders of his fellow pilots on 9/11. The sad truth he says is that all of the solid evidence points to a dark collaboration between members of the Bush Administration and a covert group of Saudi government officials. Then - could Bigfoot have psychic abilities?
August 25, 2012
The Freemasons
Richard welcomes a retired pastor who argues that hidden within the world's oldest and largest fraternity is a satanic cult. Then, a professor of death studies shares her near-death experiences.
August 19, 2012
Richard welcomes an author and food safety advocate who will reveals shocking facts about how genetically modified organisms (GMOs) entered our lives. Then, an independent journalist argues that the various uprisings, and revolutions that have taken place across the Middle East were carefully planned years in advance by the CIA.
August 11, 2012
Lone Gunman or Assassin?
Richard and a panel of guests discuss the possibility of James Holmes actually being a programmed assassin. Then - is this reality or just a simulation? One author believes we may actually be living in the Matrix.
August 04, 2012
Time Travel
Richard welcomes a metaphysics researcher who reveals a thrilling world of time travel that most people can only imagine. Then - Richard speaks with a retired Los Angeles clinical psychologist about the many mysterious circumstances surrounding the death of Hollywood movie star Marilyn Monroe 50 years ago.
July 29, 2012
The Missing $27.5 Trillion
Richard speaks with journalist Marilyn MacGruder Barnewall about what may be the biggest scandal in history: The strange case of former US Treasury official Leo Wanta. Then, have bankers been pulling the strings of debt and technological advancement since ancient times? The answer may surprise you!
July 22, 2012
Water Engines
Richard speaks with the founder of a company who claims he's developed a do-it-yourself technology that willl allow you to convert your car engine so that it can run on water. Then - was the Apollo moon landing a hoax? Our expert panel will discuss.
July 15, 2012
Ouija Boards
Richard welcomes a paranormal researcher to discuss the divination device known as 'talking boards,' which have captivated millions of people curious about contacting the spirit world. Then - a CIA response to last week's program on Rosewell, and we talk with a Biblical Prophecy expert to examine recent news events seen through the prism of End Times Prophecy.
July 07, 2012
Top Secret
Richard welcomes an author and researcher to discuss how and why government agencies have, for decades, taken a clandestine and profound interest in numerous archeological, historical, and religious puzzles. Then - Richard and a panel of UFO researchers discuss recent claims made by a senior CIA official about the Roswell UFO Crash incident in July 1947.