Saturday • September 14
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Educviii with Dr. Jefferson

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Final Exam
Dr. Jefferson gives a brief overview of the previous 38 episodes of the program and the topics that were covered. He share some of his favorite moments and resources that were discussed on those programs.

Improving Schools
This week's topic is improving schools. Our guests this week are Dr. Deborah D. Brennan, the former principal of PFC Robert P. Hernandez Middle School in Round Rock, Texas, and Karin Chenoweth , Writer-in-residence at the Education Trust and coauthor of Getting It Done: Leading Academic Success in Unexpected Schools.

African American Literature & Education
On this episode, we will discuss African American Literature &with Janet Cheatham Bell who is a writer, editor and independent scholar. Then we will discuss African American Education Dr. Darius D. Prier who is currently an Assistant Professor at Duquesne University.

The Political Classroom
Helping students develop their ability to deliberate political questions is an essential component of democratic education, but introducing political issues into the classroom is pedagogically challenging and raises ethical dilemmas for teachers. Dr. Paula McAvoy argues that teachers will make better professional judgments about these issues if they aim toward creating "political classrooms," which engage students in deliberations about questions that ask, "How should we live together?"

We will discuss the creation of a political classroom with Dr. McAvoy, along with high school social studies teacher Adeola Tella-Williams .

The Exploratorium
The Exploratorium is an eye-opening, playful place, in San Francisco and online, to explore how the world works. For 40-plus years, they have offered creative, thought-provoking exhibits, experiences, tools, and projects that ignite curiosity, encourage exploration, and lead to profound learning.

We will learn more about the Exploratorium from our featured guest Mike Petrich, Director of the Making Collaborative at the Exploratorium.

STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, and encompasses a vast array of subjects that fall into each of those terms. Occupations in STEM-related careers are some of the fastest growing and best paid of the 21st century, and they often have the greatest potential for job growth. As America strives to keep up with the current and projected demand for STEM output, it is important that our country remains competitive in those fields. The best way to ensure future success and longevity it is to make sure that American students are well versed in these subjects.

Our distinguished guests are Gary Hoachlander, President of ConnectED: The California Center for College and Career and Arthur Registre, Director of Science for the Uniondale Union Free School District in New York.

The Importance of Movement
Many experts agree than in order to keep a child's mind sharp in the classroom, you have to keep them active when they aren't in one. But with most kids spending their free time online instead of on the playground, and many schools emphasizing what s happening in the classroom rather than what s happening in the gymnasium, it is not easy to keep today s students active.

We will discuss the problem and its solutions with Linnea Lyding, assistant professor at Arizona Christian University in Phoenix, and a former K-8 special education teacher and reading specialist, and with Wendy L. Ostroff, associate professor in the Hutchins School of Liberal Studies at Sonoma State University California, and the author of Understanding How Young Children Learn .

Challenges First Year Principals Face
On this edition, we will discuss the challenges first year principals face with guests Bryan Bruno, Principal of the California Avenue School in Uniondale, New York, and Jennifer Bumford, Principal of the Brookside School in Baldwin, New York.

Instruction That Works
This week, we discuss better ways to present information to students, so they process and remember it better. Our guest is renowned professor and researcher Dr. Henry L. Roediger III.

Family & Community Involvement
We hear it often; too few parents are involved in their child's education, especially fathers. Is it because they expect schools to fully educate their children? Is it lack of time, due to work schedules or single parenting? And besides parents, what other individuals or community organizations should be engaged with our children? Our guest Angela Zimmerman has dedicated her career to these and other related issues.

The Safe Passage Project
The Safe Passage Project was created to address the unmet legal needs of indigent immigrant youth living in New York by providing these indigent youth with basic advice and assistance. They work with volunteer attorneys to provide representation for unaccompanied minors in immigration court. It also provides training, resources, and mentoring to volunteer attorneys regarding Special Immigrant Juvenile status as well as other possible immigration alternatives for children. We'll learn more from Claire Thomas, Esq., a staff attorney with Safe Passage Project. Plus, a discussion about school safety with returning guest Sylvia Kallich, RN.

The Income Achievement Gap
Education used to be considered the great equalizer in American society, helping less advantaged children become successful adults. However recent studies show that the achievement gap between students from wealthy areas, and those from poor areas are widening. Furthermore, while the achievement gap between white and black students has narrowed significantly over the past several decades, the gap between rich and poor students has grown immensely over the same period of time. Yet the income divide has received far less attention from policy makers and government officials than gaps in student accomplishment by race.

Joining us to discuss this problem and potential solutions is author Dr. Cynthia E. Lamy, who is also Metrics manager for the Robin Hood Foundation in Manhattan, New York and Licensed & Certified Clinical Social Worker Veronica L. Schauder.

Motivating Students
Educators- do you know how to encourage students to be more active in class? To be better prepared to learn? And how do you deal with apathetic students, or ones that are just plain uninterested in the subject matter? Today, we're talking about how to get students motivated to learn with Education consultant Rick Wormelli, education writer ReLeah Cossett Lent, and middle school head Barry Gilmore . Ms. Cossett-Lent and Mr. Gilmore co-wrote the book Common Core CPR: What About the Adolescents Who Struggle...Or Just Don't Care? .

Experiential Education
The Association for Experiential Education (AEE) is a nonprofit, professional membership association dedicated to experiential education and the students, educators and practitioners who utilize its philosophy. They strive to connect educators in practical ways so that they have access to the growing body of knowledge that fuels their growth and development, publish and provide access to relevant research, publications and resources, and raise the quality and performance of experiential programs through their accreditation program.

We're honored to welcome three members of AEE to the program - Maurie Lung, Laurie Frank and Anita Tucker.

This week, Dr. Jefferson welcomes award-winning author and educator Dr. Amy Tiemann who will talk about two outstanding programs geared towards improving safety for our children; Kidpower, whose mission is to teach people of all ages and abilities how to use their power to stay safe, act wisely, and believe in themselves, and Doing Right By Our Kids®, an independent research project by Dr. Tiemann and Irene van der Zande, dedicated to protecting child safety at all levels of society.

Autism Speaks
Autism Speaks was founded in February 2005 by Bob and Suzanne Wright, grandparents of a child with autism. Their longtime friend Bernie Marcus donated $25 million to help financially launch the organization. Since then, Autism Speaks has grown into the world's leading autism science and advocacy organization, dedicated to funding research into the causes, prevention, treatments and a cure for autism; increasing awareness of autism spectrum disorders; and advocating for the needs of individuals with autism and their families. Today, we will be speaking with two members of Autism Speaks' leadership; Executive V.P. Strategic Communications Michael Rosen, and Executive V.P. of Programs and Services Lisa Goring.

Nutrition in Schools
Let's Move! is a program developed by First Lady Michelle Obama to solve the epidemic of childhood obesity within a generation. It stresses the need for better and healthier food choices both at home, and in our schools. Dr. Jefferson will review some of the materials on eating healthier on a budget. We will also speak with Susan A. Kessler, the Program Administrator for Western Suffolk Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) Student Support Services Center.

School Safety
With events such as Sandy Hook and other school shootings, the subject of keeping our schools safe has moved to the forefront of priorities for parents, students, administrators and teachers. But what can be done to prevent such incidents happening in the future. We will discuss with Dr. Ronald D. Stephens, Executive Director of the National School Safety Center. We will also discuss what law enforcement is doing to ensure safety in our schools with Steven E. Skrynecki, Chief of Department for the Nassau County Police Department in New York.

Children International
This week, we discuss Children International: Educating Girls Living in Poverty with guests Kathy Phelps and Natalie Foxworthy.

For more than 75 years, Children International has been providing critical assistance to children and families struggling in terrible poverty. Our centrally located community centers, from which our dedicated in-country staffs operate, provide resources, programs and services that allow us to reduce the burden of poverty on impoverished children and youth, invest in their potential and provide them with opportunities to grow up healthy, educated and prepared to succeed and contribute to society.

This week, we discuss bullying with Bill Belsey, President of We'll discuss how the problem of bullying is being addressed within the school system, and what can be done to make it more effective.

Understanding the Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
The Common Core is a set of high-quality academic standards in mathematics and English language literacy. These learning goals outline what a student should know and be able to do at the end of each grade. Forty-three states have voluntarily adopted and are moving forward with the Common Core. To give us a better understanding of Common Core, we welcome to the program Beverly Wolcott, Director of English Language Arts for the Uniondale Public Schools in New York and Dr. Clifford Swezey, Director of Mathematics for the Uniondale Public Schools in New York.

Science Research & Robotics
This week, we will introduce you to two remarkable teachers who have developed unique science-based programs to truly challenge their student's minds and creativity. First, Award winning Science Research Teacher Dr. Paul Lichtman, and technology teacher Michael Howay , who is also adviser to the robotics club. Additionally, you will meet two of their students: 11th grade Science Research student Cindy Sosa, and 9th grade Robotics Club student James Gilbert.

A Conversation with Scholar-Athletes
On this week's episode, Dr. Jefferson will introduce you to four special teens, who not only excel in the classroom, but also on the athletic field; Carina Escobar, Salutatorian, Soccer & Softball student-athlete, and accepted to New York University (NYU) where she will study International Business, Albert Rivas, graduating 8th in his class of 500, Male Scholar-Athlete of the Year, Lacrosse student-athlete, and accepted to Rochester Institute of Technology where he will study Chemical Engineering, Veronica Harris, graduating 3rd in her class, Volleyball & Cheer-leading student-athlete, and accepted to St. John's University where she will be studying Communication Arts with a minor in Legal Studies, and Jonathan Guevara, Graduating 11th in his class of 500, Baseball student-athlete, and accepted to Hofstra University where he will be studying Pre-Med.

English Language Learners (ELLs)
There are a considerable number of ESL students (English as a Second Language) in classrooms today, causing a strong need for additional programs and services. Unfortunately, there are many critical issues that relate to culturally and linguistically diverse students. Four critical issues that are found in today’s classrooms when teaching diverse learners are instruction, assessment, the role of culture, and the teacher’s attitudes. We will discuss these topics and more with our guest Pierre Rancy, Director of Second Language Programs for the Uniondale School District in New York.

Corporate World's Impact on Public Education
This week, we will analyze the positive and negative impact of the corporate world on public eduction. Our guests are Stan Karp, the Director of the Secondary Reform Project for New Jersey's Education Law Center, and Editor of the Rethinking Schools journal, and John Kuhn, Superintendent of the Perrin-Whitt Consolidated Independent School District in Texas. John has also authored two books: Fear & Learning in America (2014 Teachers College Press) and Test-&-Punish (2013 Park Place Pubs.).

Music and the Brain
Inspired by scientific and neurological research linking music and cognitive development, Music and the Brain is the experience of what research is now telling us; Music has a significant effect on the way our brains develop and function. When children receive sequential music instruction, it can impact their proficiency in language, reading, math and cognition. More than 200 public schools have used MATB as part of their core curriculum since 1997. We'll learn more with Program Director & Creator of Music and the Brain Lisha Lercari, and Program Manager for Music and the Brain Lisa Beatty. We will also speak with Sharon Golub, Music Teacher at PS 11 in Manhattan's Chelsea area who uses MATB in the classroom.

Educating At Risk Youth
An at-risk student is a student who, by virtue of their circumstances, is statistically more likely than others to fail academically. But there are programs in place to help these students succeed. We will discuss some of them with our guests Elizabeth Power, CEO of EPower & Associates, Inc., and educator Susan Kornblit Strom, Author of Born Angry.

Fair and Open Testing
The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) era has seen an unprecedented expansion of standardized testing and test misuse. Despite ample evidence of the flaws, biases and inaccuracies of standardized exams, schools are being pressured to use tests to measure student learning, achievement gaps, and teacher and school quality, and to impose sanctions based on test scores. Is there a better alternative? We'll discuss the topic with Robert Schaeffer, Public Education Director of FairTest, the National Center for Fair & Open Testing, and Dr. Kimberlee B. Pierre, Director of Learning, Testing and Assessments for the Uniondale Public Schools in New York.

Attention Deficit (ADHD)
Teaching children is certainly a challenge. And the challenge becomes greater when a student has ADHD. Children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder live in the moment, undeterred by rules or consequences. But in the right structure, these students can still succeed, or even thrive. Our guests are Dr. Bilal Polson, Assistant Principal for the Northern Parkway School on Long Island, and member of the board of governors for the Early Childhood Assembly of the National Council of Teachers of English and Veronica L. Schauder, Licensed & Certified Clinical Social Worker, School Social Worker, and former Forensic Social Worker.

Art & Music Education
This week, we are discussing art and music education with Kelvin Jenkins, Director of Art & Music for the Uniondale School District in New York, and Gregory Singer (a.k.a. Rage Sinclaire), Founder, Author, & Artistic Director of Poeartistry; licensed school administrator; licensed Master Social Worker in private practice, and Life Coach.

Creative Writing
We discuss the teaching of creative writing skills with author Laura Michelle Thomas, who is also President of Laura Thomas Communications (Canada), and Publisher & Senior Editor of jaBlog! We will also be joined by Novelist, Poet, Essayist, English Teacher, & former Chaplain Clifford Schrage Jr..

Preparing High School Student-Athletes for Collegiate Athletics
Preparing for the academic demands of college is difficult. But when you are also your athletic career at the collegiate level, finding the balance between your studies and commitment to a sport can be a real challenge for students. We will discuss this topic with Dan Eassa, Director of Market Development for, and with Leigh Pollet, the Winning-est high school girls' track & field coach in New York State history.

School Health
Healthy students are better students. And this week's guest has created a resource for parents, students and school administrators to address health issues in the school setting. Her name is Sylvia Kallich, RN, and she the Nurse Supervisor for a Long Island school district. Her advice blog is called Ask Nurse Sylvia.

College and Career Pathways
This week we are discussing the various pathways to college with Stacie M. Reid, the Director of Guidance, Scholarships, Recruitment, and Academic Rigor for the Uniondale School District of Long Island, NY, and with Hans Meeder, President of the National Center for College & Career Transitions.

Teaching Math
On this episode, we will discuss different ways math is being taught to young students. First, Director of the National Math Foundation Suzy Koontz will introduce us to Math and Movement. Then Mike Infantino, who is President of Educational Resource Company will discuss the Singapore Math curriculum.

Inclusive Excellence
This week's guest is Dr. Carolyn Ash. Dr. Ash is founder and managing director of Ash Consulting Group. Her company is committed to assisting great schools to become greater through inclusive excellence.

Integrating Education with Technology
One of the biggest challenges schools face is how to incorporate rapidly changing technology into the classroom. We will look at the issue with Subrina Oliver, a high school technology teacher and founder of O-High technologies, and with Janice Friedman the Director of Media Services and Instructional Integration for the Uniondale School District in Long Island, NY.

Mental Health Education
This week's topic of discussion is Mental Health Education. We welcome mental health expert, consultant, and speaker Hakeem Rahim, who is the founder of Live Breathe, LLC. We will also be speaking with Richard S. Stripp, Sr., author of Mommy I Wish I Could Tell You What They Did To Me In School Today: Everyday Atrocities Faced by Special Needs Children.

Crisis in America's K-12 Education System
On our debut episode, we will look at the fight to save America's educational system with guests Todney Harris, author of Battle Grounds - America's War in Education and Finance: A View from the Front Lines. We will also speak with Dr. Philip S. Cicero, author of The Seven Deadly Sins of the K-12 Education System - Costly and Ineffective Programs and Strategies.