Friday • February 07
CST 6:36 | EST 7:36 | MST 5:36 | PST 4:36 | GMT 12:36
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ASharpe Outlook
Angela Sharpe

Angela Sharpe is the radio talk show host of ASharpe Outlook, heard here on the TalkZone Radio Network. She offers training and capacity building for a variety of businesses and industries.  She is an author and a conference presenter in areas of Housing, Grants, Strategic Planning, Financial Management, Budgeting, Audits, Start-ups, Business Development, Process re-engineering, Systems and other operational information.

Angela is a seasoned professional with over thirty five years of experience at senior level management and considerable skill gained from numerous organizations and industries. She has worked for Fortune 500 to Fortune 100 companies and held conferences to train small businesses and start-ups.  The industries covered in her years of experience are retail, consumer goods, software systems, entertainment, banking, manufacturing and nonprofit. 

Currently, she develops curriculum and training materials and provides training in Private Industry, Native Communities, nonprofits, small business and women/minority owned businesses. She provides educational presentations at conferences, onsite and webinar capacity building training.  For a review of additional information available go to ASHARPEOUTLOOK.COM