Friday • February 14
CST 5:26 | EST 6:26 | MST 4:26 | PST 3:26 | GMT 11:26
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Get Waisted With Rene'
Rene' Steelman

Rene' Steelman will be interviewing some of the great experts in the medical and food industries and will be discussing the benefits of eating a whole food plant based diet. She has interviewed Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Victoria Moran, Dr. Mary Wendt, and many others. Rene' welcomes calls and questions about health concerns that can be attributed to eating the SAD, or Standard American Diet. Rene' has recipes and menus for all three meals and suggestions on how to live a plant based life, even if your spouse or partner is an omnivore!

Rene' grew up in a small town just south of Chicago. She was transferred kicking and screaming to the Pacific Northwest in her senior year in high school. It was in the stars however, because this is where she met her husband of 40 years.

Rene' served in the US Navy as a photographer and was lucky enough to be stationed in Japan. Her love for the peace, tranquility, and balance of the beautiful Asian country and culture inspired her to pursue a career in Interior Design. Rene' enjoyed over twenty years as an award winning Interior Designer and retired professionally in 2012.

Throughout her lifetime, Rene' has strived to take care of her health and stay fit. She is the mother of six children so she knows first hand how difficult it can be to feed active and busy children clean whole food. Her efforts did not go unrewarded however, as her children have grown to be healthy and conscious eaters. They have blessed her and her husband with fifteen grandchildren. Rene' has ran two marathons and countless half marathons. Her children and grandchildren now join her on community fun runs.

Rene' discovered the Get Waisted program while looking through a Vegan Health and Fitness magazine. It has been the number one tool that has enabled her to totally transition to eating only a plant based diet. She loves sharing the program and encourages everyone to check it out on her website,

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