Valerie_Hayes Valerie Hayes, The Pageant Coach, is an award winning pageant interview coach and recognized leader in the pageant industry. Valerie has coached contestants at the local, state, national, and international level. She has been featured on CNN's Prime News as a pageant expert commenting on issues and trends in pageantry and has also appeared on MTV's Made and True Life coaching contestants. Additionally, Valerie has appeared on NBC's talk show, iVillageLive, teaching viewers how pageant communication skills can transfer to career and academic success. Valerie's email newsletter, Pageant Interview Pro, has an international readership and is jam packed with helpful information to help pageant contestants dramatically improve their pageant scores. Valerie has a Bachelor of Arts degree with a focus in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. With over 20 years working in Fortune 500 companies, she's coached managers and executives throughout a variety of industries. She left corporate America in 2002 and her pageant coaching practice quickly grew beyond a hobby business, establishing her as a leader in the pageant industry. Valerie's goal is to help pageant contestants all over the world to have their best pageant year ever! RETURN to PAGEANT TALK RADIO Go to TALKZONE Home Page |