Dr. Wayne Thompson Dr. Wayne Thompson is a proud member of the 'Disabled Community'. While his mother was pregnant, she was given the drug Thalidomide. This drug damaged the fetus and only the will of the child determined whether he or she would live. Dr. Thompson has overcome all of the handicaps associated with his disability. He likes to say, "My personal testimony is that I have taken the 'Dis' off and kept the 'Able'." He has been an ordained minister since 1998, and began his relationship radio program in Nassau, Bahamas on a weekly basis. In 1991 he was called into pastoral ministry and made family life and marriage his full focus. In 2000, he felt God leading him to transform his pastoral ministry into a marriage and family clinic called The Centre for Renewing Relationships. He is a Marriage & Family Therapist and a Clinical Psychologist PhD. As the first disabled president for The National Council for Disability, he won the Government's commitment to establish a desk for the disabled. That desk has grown into a unit, and that unit is now a division in The Public Service. Dr. Thompson received an honarary doctorate of human letters (DHL) from Sojourner Douglass College for his work with Family Life and disabled persons in The Bahamas. Married for twenty-five years as of November 2010, he and his wife have two sons. Return to RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT Go to TalkZone Home Page |