Phyllis King For Phyllis King, childhood was mostly a difficult, painful and challenging existence. Within the challenges she discovered her own uniqueness that ultimately became her saving grace. Within that grace, she has been given the gift of helping others who are facing challenges. Many of the challenges Phyllis faced in childhood were ones that average people do not encounter until they are adults. The complete story of Phyllis' life journey are chronicled in her book A Psychic Perspective, Insights on Love, Wealth and Personal Happiness. The main points include a painful childhood, a love and learning of music, an innate sense of God/consciousness, a desire to grow into something greater. Phyllis first memories of being psychic occurred around age five. She recalls waking in the night to see beings in her house. She didn't know that it was right. or wrong, or different. No one in her family spoke about these types of occurrences, and she never mentioned it. It simply was something that occurred. To this day, Phyllis has a unique ability to see the truth for what it is. Just the truth. There is no judgment around the truth. She says, "It is what it is". As early as age 12, she had a strong desire and motivation to learn about spirituality and the unseen part of life. At one point she knew she wanted to become a minister. She realized that goal in her early 30s. In her late teens, Phyllis had an experience of seeing a friend who had passed. She describes it as a beautiful experience, one which still has an impact to this day. In her twenties, while on a spiritual quest, and pursuing a career as a professional singer, she had an experience of seeing many layers of an aura around a powerful teacher. From that moment, seeing auras became an awareness she could enjoy. This experience changed her life permanently. It was one of the most validating, and peace-inspiring moments of her young adult life. She describes it as the intangible becoming tangible. In her own words, once that occurs there simply is no turning back, as if there ever were. The common thread to the experiences Phyllis has had is that each experience has been coupled with a further spiritual awakening. The two have always happened simultaneously. Phyllis has pursued psychic experiences and spirituality without pause. She has been on a constant quest to understand these matters for three decades. Although learning never ends, she believes she has found answers to some questions. It is her passion to share this information with others in search of their own truth. She has given psychic readings to thousands of people in 20 different countries, and she expresses only gratitude for the exchanges. Phyllis considers psychic reading to be an honor and a privilege. She views it as sacred when people give her permission to look at their secrets and hopes, their flaws and their dreams, all with the purest hope of connecting more fully with the nature and essence of who they are. When Phyllis gives a psychic reading, she looks into the future, the past, and the present. Yet, in the context of a psychic reading her goal is to explain the laws of creativity and prosperity. And it is to explain how to move energy in one's life, and get more of what they want and need out of life. Phyllis is the author of the book A Psychic Perspective, Insights on Love, Wealth and Personal Happiness. She created the working tape/DVD series How to Develop Your Psychic Abilities. She is the singer songwriter of the CD One Way Home. She is a classically trained cellist, and performs an original composition on the CD. In addition to her reading practice, she still loves to perform occasionally as a singer. Her other passion is for writing. She is currently writing a screenplay she hopes will come to screen in 2009/2010. She is married to a composer, and has two children. She lives in the San Francisco Bay area. She regularly guest hosts the popular personal growth program, Seeing Beyond with Bonnie. She offers workshops and appears at local events and festivals in the Bay Area. Phyllis has used her skills in the corporate world, the private sector, and in nonprofit work. She has held positions as CEO/Executive Director, Marketing Director, and Human Resource Manager. She uses her intuition and skills as a consultant for corporations and individuals in business applications. Return to THE COMMON SENSE PSYCHIC Go to TALKZONE Home Page |
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The Common Sense Psychic