Rene' Steelman Rene' Steelman "Find your strength in your solutions, not your struggle" -- Rene' Steelman Rene Steelman knows quite a bit about tilting the balance towards solutions rather than struggles. As an award-winning interior designer, she compares the balance of the design process with the order of life. Model homes look perfect with neutral accessories and color-balanced pictures. The reality is the doors are removed and the closets are empty. Real life is full of messiness, hand me down paradigms, and structures. Rene' and her husband are the parents of six children and have 14 grandchildren. Rene' and her husband are now retired and are living their best life in Arizona. Rene is the caregiver to their adult son who is severely disabled with spastic quadriplegia cerebral palsy. She and her husband have indeed found solutions to their struggles. Rene' shares her solutions and her experience with real life on her podcast GO GRAY DAME. |