Saturday • February 15
CST 1:30 | EST 2:30 | MST 12:30 | PST 11:30 | GMT 07:30
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Corporate Talk With Charlie And Eva
Charlie Lobosco

Charlie Lobosco is a corporate technology executive, speaker, seminar leader/trainer, coach, teammate, published author and change agent. Charlie has spent many years as a consultant and executive for multiple (Fortune) companies.

Charlie has extensive experience building shared leadership teams, creating successful offshore/onshore technology relationship models, training teammates how to make the workplace better and to deliver more with less!   Charlie speaks with a unique sense of urgency and call for action in the workplace; “Our companies need us now, more than ever!” 

Charlie has been inspiring, motivating and challenging audiences with 2 award winning self improvement seminars;  “Leading from the bottom” for individual contributors and “C.A.R.E. Certification in the Workplace” for people managers, teams and small businesses. Both seminars turn resources into partners and inspire teammates to deliver quick and efficient results, however not at the cost of others.

In 2010 Charlie received the President award for service for his shared leadership strategy known as C.A.R.E.  - Courage to take Action Relevant to Everyone.

For more on Charlie;