Friday • February 07
CST 5:28 | EST 6:28 | MST 4:28 | PST 3:28 | GMT 11:28
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Elliott Harris

Elliott Harris began his Sun-Times career in 1979, has been running gratuitous photos as Quick Hits columnist since the feature began in 1998. Before that, he was a sports copy editor, high school sports editor and sports writer for the paper.

A St. Louis native (which must explain why he pokes fun at the Cubs whenever possible), he actually has undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Missouri (OK, so the standards to get in and out of school were way easier back in the day).

Before he came to the Sun-Times, he worked at the Miami (Fla.) News as a sports writer and at the Columbia (Mo.) Daily Tribune and Fort Worth Star-Telegram as sports editor.

Some of the favorite Chicago sports moments he covered include Michael Jordan's title-winning shot for the Bulls against the Utah Jazz in the 1998 NBA finals, the White Sox in the 2005 World Series and the Cubs almost reaching the 2003 World Series (no mocking of the Cubs intended).