Amy Jindra A creative at heart, Amy Jindra moved to New York City from her native Texas in 2015, ready to take her computer aided design and interior design skills to the next level by pursuing an architecture degree. After a sudden, rough divorce and the death of her mother, Amy was ready, after all, for much-needed change. Little did she know that change would come in the form of tantra. Having experienced body dysmorphia, anxiety and depression over the years, in addition to an unstable home li .....more» Amy's Website |
Carla Moore Carla Moore is charged with redefining and driving innovative human capital strategies to support the growing need for a more digitally adept, multicultural, multigenerational workforce at HBO. Her career with HBO began 17 years ago as an entry-level sales trainer. Before transitioning to her current role, she was vice president, domestic network distribution, leading a sales and marketing team serving 3.7 million HBO and Cinemax subscribers representing $400 million in annual revenues. Her team .....more» Learn more about CRASH at the official website |
David Levine David is an educator, writer, musician, and a nonprofit leader with more than 30 years of experience working in a multitude of educational settings, as a teacher, facilitator and systems change specialist. Between 2014 and 2016, he worked for Turnaround for Children in New York City, as a designer and coach. Turnaround works with high-poverty schools in NYC, Newark, NJ, and Washington, DC, facilitating learning environments that meet the physical and emotional needs of all students. David also w .....more» The Teaching Empathy Institute |
Dr. Frank G. Anderson Dr. Anderson began his journey by earning his bachelor’s degree in chemistry from the University of Illinois in 1985, followed by his M.D. degree from Rush University Medical School in 1989. He completed his residency in psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. After graduation, he stayed on as a clinical instructor at Harvard while working as a staff psychiatrist at the Trauma Center at the Justice Resource Institute under the direction of Bessel van der Kolk. In 1994, Dr. Anderson la .....more» Dr. Anderson's website |
Dr. Joe Tafur Joe Tafur, M.D., is a Colombian-American family physician originally from Phoenix, Arizona. After completing his family medicine training at UCLA, Dr. Tafur spent two years in academic research at the UCSD Department of Psychiatry in a lab focused on mind-body medicine. After his research fellowship, over a period of six years, he lived and worked in the Peruvian Amazon at the traditional healing center Nihue Rao Centro Espiritual. There he worked closely with master Shipibo shaman Ricardo Amari .....more» Dr. Tafur's Website |
Dr. Nitin Ron Dr. Nitin Ron is a neonatologist in Brooklyn, New York and is affiliated with NewYork-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital. He received his medical degree from L. Tilak Municipal Medical College and has been in practice for more than 20 years. Dr. Ron accepts several types of health insurance, listed below. He is one of 10 doctors at NewYork-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital who specialize in Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine. .....more» |
Kianga Ford I'm an artist and university professor turned deisre coach, life gamer, and orgasmic meditation trainer. I'll use everything in my arsenal to help you find your desire and to live the most creative and expressed life possible. I believe that desire is a path to purpose (finding your core gifts) and that vision (honing ways to apply those gifts and impulses to feel most fulfilled in your life...and possibly to save the world) is the bounty of play and exploration. So be in touch to begin your jo .....more» Kianga's Website |
Lena Koropey Gramercy Protocol was founded by Lena Koropey to address the need for business etiquette training. Recognizing that people skills account for 85% of a person's success in the workplace, Lena saw an opportunity to help people, and the companies for which they work, achieve their best. Ms. Koropey provides strategic business etiquette and communication skills counsel to Fortune 100 companies and entrepreneurs, representing some of the world’s most respected brands. Her customized execut .....more» Gramercy Protocol |
Rob Wergin Rob Wergin has extraordinary gifts. He is fully clairvoyant, clairsentient, and clairaudient. At a young age he was able to heal animals and communicate with spirits. These gifts were not understood and he learned to ignore them. For over 30 years he worked in corporate America as a highly successful CEO. Then one day, he was hit by the ultimate “cosmic 2×4”, and in that time of deep despair, he asked what his life was for and…HE HEARD THE ANSWER. Since then Rob has dedicated his life to being a .....more» Follow Rob on Facebook |
Robyn Ochs Robyn Ochs is an educator, speaker, grassroots activist, and editor of the Bi Women Quarterly, and two anthologies: the 42-country collection Getting Bi: Voices of Bisexuals Around the World and RECOGNIZE: The Voices of Bisexual Men. Her writings have been published in numerous bi, women’s studies, multicultural, and LGBTQ+ anthologies and she has taught university courses in gender and sexuality studies. An advocate for the rights of people of ALL orientations and genders to live safely .....more» Robyn's Website |
Sylvie Shining The spiritual trajectory of Sylvie Shining begins with Her first Master: Her Dad. He was a spiritual seeker, a Gurdieff’s and other Masters’ follower. During her childhood with Her Dad, She is surrounded by the Eastern knowledge witnessing Yogis levitating, meditating, laying down in bed of nails (Fakir’s bed), and also entering cataleptic states. An old connection with Saint Germain, from past lives, reappears in a vision when She was nine years old, and keeps them connected u .....more» Learn More About Sylvie on her website |
Vallori Thomas My name is Vallori Thomas, and I am the founder and ICF-certified coach of WOW Coaching and Consulting. In addition, I travel extensively to deliver keynote addresses, motivational speeches, and perception workshops. A practitioner of Context Mastery, with a decade of experience in team/group dynamics, communication, and both one-to-one and group coaching, I have developed expertise in vision building and breakthrough learning. My coaching practice came about as a direct result of my ow .....more» Learn More About Vallori on her website |
Walkyria (Val) Machado Lecturer and educational consultant , the educational leader Val Machado is an enthusiast of social ideas proposed by the philosopher, educator and artist, Rudolf Steiner. In order to make such ideas and ideals a reality, in the last two decades Val has dedicated herself to social development of schools and communities throughout North and South America. In the educational and philanthropic institutions where she has worked, Val has introduced an organizational development model known as Collabo .....more» |