Amy Tiemann Amy Tiemann is an award-winning author, educator and media producer. Through her books, blogs, podcasts and media appearances, she plays a central role in today’s conversation about parenting, child safety, politics and culture. A sought-after speaker and commentator, Dr. Tiemann is a frequent guest expert on parenting websites, national radio tours, magazines from Redbook to Glamour, and TV including ABC News, The CBS Early Show, and NBC’s Today Show. Amy Tiemann received her PhD in Ne .....more» Amy's Website- Mojo Mom |
Angela Zimmerman Angela M. Zimmerman is the Coordinator of the Family Support Long Island Initiative at Molloy College. Prior to Molloy, she worked at the Nassau County Youth Board for over 27 years as the Director of Program Development and the Director of Development, Training and Legislative Advocacy. Ms. Zimmerman has received numerous awards and certificates for her work and most recently was honored as one of the 2014 Education Partner Awardees through Nassau BOCES among others. Angela holds a master’s .....more» Angela on Linkedin |
Anita R. Tucker Anita R. Tucker, Ph.D., is involved in multiple research projects investigating the effectiveness of adventure and wilderness therapy programs. As one of the researchers that works closely with the National Association for Therapeutic Schools and Programs (NATSAP)’s Practice Research Network (PRN), she is part of an ongoing study on the outcomes of youth who participate in NATSAP’s therapeutic boarding schools, wilderness programs and residential treatment centers with a specific interest in wil .....more» More About Dr. Tucker |
Barry Gilmore Barry Gilmore is the Middle School Head at Hutchison School in Memphis, Tennessee. A former English and social studies teacher with nearly twenty years in the classroom, Gilmore is a National Board Certified educator and past-president of the Tennessee Council of Teachers of English. He is also the author of seven books for teachers and students, includingPlagiarism: Why it Happens and How to Prevent It and a companion volume for use with students. His most recent book wasCommon Core CPR (Cor .....more» Common Core CPR |
Carolyn Ash Carolyn Ash is a passionate leader, skilled in building meaningful working relationships and developing exciting learning opportunities for young people and adults. She combines expertise in educational leadership, equity and access, and organizational development with outstanding communication and interpersonal skills. In addition to her 20 years in the education and nonprofit worlds, she is backed by solid credentials, including a Doctorate in Education (Ed.D.), Master’s Degree (M.A.) in Educa .....more» Ash Consulting Group |
Claire Thomas Claire Thomas graduated from the University of Chicago and also studied at the Universite de Paris X, Nanterre. She holds a graduate degree from New York University’s Center for Global Affairs and a law degree from New York Law School. Before joining the Safe Passage Project team in 2014, she advocated for the rights of African and Caribbean immigrants as a legal intern, then staff attorney at the African Services Committee, a Harlem non-profit that assists persons living with HIV/AIDS. Additio .....more» Safe Passage Project |
Cynthia Lamy Cynthia Lamy is a developmental and educational psychologist and research fellow with the National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) at Rutgers University. Her research focuses especially on children at risk of academic failure due to the many influences of poverty. She is the author of Author of American Children in Chronic Poverty: Complex Risks, Benefit-Cost Analysis, and Untangling the Knot. .....more» The Robin Hood Foundation |
Dr. Henry L. Roediger Henry L. "Roddy" Roediger III (born July 24, 1947) is an American psychology researcher in the area of human learning and memory. He rose to prominence for his work on the psychological aspects of false memories. Born in Roanoke, Virginia and raised in Danville, Virginia, Reodiger received his undergraduate education from Washington and Lee University, graduating magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts in 1969. He went on to study at Yale University, receiving his PhD in 1973 with his dis .....more» The Memory Lab |
Elizabeth Power Elizabeth Power, M. Ed., CEO of EPower & Associates, a sought-after speaker, facilitator, teacher, and consultant. Her firm's specialty is helping organizations make and manage change through learning and doing. Her mastery of diverse interests and innovation has been recognized worldwide through awards and publications across a wide spectrum of disciplines. Her firm provides services in the mental health and disability communities and to early childhood educators, families, parents an .....more» E Power and Associates |
Gary Hoachlander Gary Hoachlander is President of ConnectEd: The California Center for College and Career. Beginning his career in 1966 as a brakeman for the Western Maryland Railroad, he has devoted most of his professional life to helping young people learn by doing—connecting education to the opportunities, challenges, and many different rewards to be found through work. Widely known for his expertise in career and technical education and many other aspects of elementary, secondary, and postsecondary educatio .....more» ConnectEd California |
Gregory Singer is currently an Educational Administrator and College Professor on Long Island, NY whose back- ground includes Radio (90.3 FM/ 1991-95 Producer and Host), Theater (American Theater of Actors – Looking For Love In Darkness (1995) and Television (Producer and Host- Strong Island Views and Tough talk with Dale Anthony). Mr. Sinclaire is also a Performance Poet who has been featured at numerous locations such as the Performance Poets Associations weekly gathering, Nell’s and at the Nuyorican Poets .....more» |
Hakeem Rahim Hakeem Rahim, Ed.M, M.A. had the distinct honor of being the first African-American male valedictorian in Uniondale High School's history. From his professional to academic to community life, Hakeem places an emphasis on change and transformation. After graduating cum laude with a BA in psychology from Harvard University, he began working in local government, for two years, under the Deputy County Executive for Economic Development. In 2007, Hakeem graduated with an Ed.M and an M.A. from Teacher .....more» Hakeem's Website |
Janice Cheatham Bell After graduating from Indiana University in 1964, Janet Cheatham Bell began her professional career as a high school librarian in Saginaw, Michigan. In early 1968 she accepted a position at the Ohio University Library in Athens. A few months later, in the wake of student responses to Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination, the university recruited her to teach freshman composition and African American literature. Bell left Ohio University in 1970 to work as associate editor of The Blac .....more» Read More About Ms. Bell |
John Kuhn John Kuhn is a public school administrator in Texas and a vocal advocate for public education. His “Alamo Letter” and YouTube videos of his 2011 speech at a Save Texas Schools rally went viral, as did his 2012 essay, “The Exhaustion of the American Teacher.” .....more» John's Blog |
Karin Chenoweth As writer-in-residence at The Education Trust, Karin leads the organization’s efforts to learn from and write about successful and improving schools with significant populations of children of color and children living in poverty. She co-authored, with Ed Trust Director of Research Christina Theokas, Getting It Done: Leading Academic Success in Unexpected Schools (Harvard Education Press, 2011), a careful study of the beliefs and practices of effective leaders of high-poverty and high-minority s .....more» The Education Trust |
Laura Thomas Laura Michelle Thomas is an author and professional storyteller from Vancouver, .....more» Laura Thomas Communications |
Laurie Frank Laurie Frank is a former public school teacher who has worked in the adventure and experiential education arenas for over 30 years. She began her career as a special education teacher in emotional disabilities, working with students of all ages. Her path diverged upon the discovery of adventure education and experiential methodologies. The need to develop a sense of community within the school setting was apparent, and the adventure philosophy seemed the perfect vehicle to achieve that goal. .....more» More About Laurie |
Linnea Lyding Dr. Linnea J. Lyding is an assistant professor and the interim department chair of the Education Department at Arizona Christian University (ACU). Prior to coming to ACU, her teaching background consists of 18 years of elementary school teaching in the Phoenix area. She taught in both the public and private sector with children from diverse backgrounds. She also worked as a teacher of teachers in the elementary school setting, in seminar presentations, and in teaching adjunct classes .....more» More About Dr. Lyding |
Lisa Goring Lisa joined Autism Speaks as the staff liaison for the Family Services Committee in June of 2006. In May of 2007 she was appointed director of family services. n her role at Autism Speaks, Lisa has appeared on various media outlets including the Today Show, CNBC’s Squawk Box, Nightly News with Brian Williams, CBS News, CNN, the Katie Show and more. Lisa's prior work experience includes a 19 year career at Saks Fifth Avenue where she was Vice President, Divisional Merchandise Man .....more» Autism Speaks |
Lisala Beatty Lisala Beatty has worked with MATB since 2003 serving as the Program Manager for the past eight years. Among responsibilities including marketing, grantee relationship management and assisting in curriculum development, Lisala works extensively in the more than 200 schools who have received MATB grants. She supports teachers in using the MATB curriculum effectively through ongoing classroom visits. A professional R&B and Jazz vocalist and songwriter for more than 20 years, Lisala’s voi .....more» Music and the Brain |
Maurie Lung First enamored with AEE in the early 90’s, I quickly became involved both regionally and nationally with AEE because of the people with whom I found a genuine community and a keen wisdom. Currently, I am the Founder and Director of Life Adventures Counseling & Consulting, LLC, in St. Petersburg, FL. I am actively involved in providing direct service as well as supervising therapeutic experiences using adventure. Our diverse clientele range in age from 3 years to 92 years! Not only am I the prima .....more» Life Adventures Counceling and Consulting |
Michael Rosen Michael came to Autism Speaks after a career in television news. Most recently he was at CBS News, where he held several top editorial leadership positions including executive producer of CBS This Morning: Saturday. In addition to tenures as senior vice president at CSTV and senior broadcast producer at CNN (Paula Zahn NOW), Michael was a senior producer for special events at ABC News, where he helped lead the network’s coverage of the war in Iraq and ABC’s Peabody award-winning coverage of the .....more» Autism Speaks |
Mike Petrich Mike in his own words: I am curious about how people develop personal and unique understandings of the world for themselves. More specifically, my interest in how environments can be designed to foster learning and encourage deep thinking led to a graduate degree in education design and technology, and ultimately to a leadership role within the Learning Studio. With a background in fine arts, filmmaking, and photography, I apply the act of careful observation to much of my work as a .....more» More about Tinkering at the Exploratorium |
Phillip Cicero After a 35 year career of teaching and administration, Dr. Cicero retired in 2008 as Superintendent of Schools. He served as Superintendent of Schools for a total of 11 years. Whether teaching or in administration, his career was marked by innovation and creativity bringing new programs to students and ideas to faculty and staff. He continues to work today as an adjunct professor in the School of Education at Adelphi University. .....more» School Leaders for Change |
ReLeah Cossett Lent Now an international consultant, ReLeah Cossett Lent was a public school educator before becoming a founding member of a literacy initiative at the University of Central Florida. While there, she created protocols for and implemented professional leadership teams in schools and districts across Florida. Her work led to the publication of Literacy Learning Communities: A Guide for Creating Sustainable Change in Secondary Schools and is unique in that she combines deep literacy learning with em .....more» ReLeah 's Website |
Richard S. Stripp Sr. For his entire life, the man affectionately known as “Mr. Rick” has been selflessly giving his all to help others. His empathy, understanding, and compassion have combined with his natural ability to make people smile to form the perfect mix of tools for him to use toward his goal of making this world a better place. He has endured many hardships in his life, and while some might use them as a crutch, Mr. Rick has used them as motivation. Over the last decade, Mr. Rick has turned his efforts tow .....more» The website for Richard's Book |
Rick Wormelli One of the first Nationally Board Certified teachers in America, Rick brings innovation, energy, validity and high standards to both his presentations, and his instructional practice, which includes 34 years teaching math, science, English, physical education, health, and history and coaching teachers and principals. Rick’s work has been reported in numerous media, including ABC’s “Good Morning America,” “Hardball with Chris Matthews,” National Geographic and Good Housekeeping magazines, What M .....more» Rick's Website |
Robert A. Schaeffer Robert A. (Bob) Schaeffer has served as Public Education Director of FairTest, the National Center for Fair & Open Testing, since its founding in 1985, and is a member of its Board of Directors. Previously, he was Editorial Writer at the NBC-TV affiliate in Boston, Research Director of the Massachusetts Legislature's Joint Committee on Human Services and Elderly Affairs, and worked for several years as a research associate at the Education Research Center of the Massachusetts Institute of Techno .....more» The National Center for Fair & Open Testing |
Ronald Stevens Dr. Ronald D. Stephens was named executive director of the National School Safety Center in 1985. In this capacity, Dr. Stephens has served as consultant and frequent speaker for school districts, law enforcement agencies and professional organizations worldwide. He serves as executive editor of the School Safety News Service, America's leading school crime prevention newsletter. Dr. Stephens holds a California teaching credential, administrative credential and a certificate in school business .....more» National School Safety Center |
Stan Karp Stan Karp taught English and Journalism to high school students in Paterson, New Jersey for 30 years. He is currently Director of the Secondary Reform Project for New Jersey's Education Law Center. .....more» Rethinking Schools |
Steven E. Skrynecki Starting as a Patrolman in the First and Second Precincts, Chief Skrynecki ascended the ranks and held the distinguished position of Commanding Officer of eight integral commands, including: Vehicle Theft Squad, Robbery Squad, Second Precinct Detective Squad, Narcotics/Vice Squad, Second Precinct, Internal Affairs, and Chief of Detectives. Through these positions he amassed extensive management experience and skills in the areas of investigations, undercover operations, community policing, media .....more» |
Susan Kornblit Strom Sue presently is a teacher of mostly 11th and 12th grade students in a high school in Lancaster CA which is in LA County. She has been with this high school district for the past 13 years and claims it has been quite a ride. Sue came from the North East Coast where it is what she considers normal. She began her growing up in Philadelphia, but finished in Reading, PA after being born in NYC. She always tried to escape from Reading, but always wound up going back. Once she began teaching there, sh .....more» More About Susan's Book |
Suzy Koontz Suzy Koontz is an educational consultant, an actuary, a math teacher and author. She is the founder of the Math & Movement® Program and is a popular speaker at schools, PTA/O and homeschool events. Suzy lives in Ithaca, New York with her husband and four daughters. .....more» Math and Movement |
Todney Harris The name Todney Harris will resonate in history books for years to come. It will capture the life an educator who made a positive difference in the lives of young students in Hartford, Connecticut and many more around the world. Battle Grounds: America’s War in Education and Finance- A View from the Frontlines, written by Harris is a movement that mirrors marches led by strong, influential leaders such as Frederick Douglass, Mary McLeod Bethune, Benjamin Banneker and Ida B. Wells. As a leader .....more» More About Mr. Harris |
Wendy Ostroff Wendy Ostroff's expertise in cognitive psychology, child development, and metacognition stems from her research experience as a scientist in the Infant Perception Laboratory at Virginia Tech; as a visiting scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany; and as a Carnegie Scholar with the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching at Stanford University. She has been developing curriculum on children's learning for the past 15 years in the Hutchin .....more» How Young children Learn |