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July 01, 2016

Abortion & Access to Birth Control
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Earlier this week the Supreme Court ruled once again on laws regarding abortion and access to birth control. The court struck down a Texas law requiring abortion clinics to meet strict operational guidelines deemed to be “burdensome” and upheld a law requiring a family-owned pharmacy to sell the “morning after pill”, despite the owner’s religious objections. Ever since the landmark ruling of Roe v Wade in 1973, there’s been a constant back and forth discussion (sometimes bordering on violence) about these two topics and how they relate to freedom of religion and women’s rights. In this episode, Valerie will walk you through the history behind both of these emotionally charged topics, discuss relevant legal and constitutional factors, and explore the main arguments used by both sides. If you’ve been unsure and confused by all the rhetoric, this is the information you need to develop your own opinion!
Episode Segments:
Roe v Wade
Valerie explains the 1973 Supreme Court ruling of Roe v Wade with a look at both sides of the original argument, and how the Justices decided that laws banning abortion are unconstitutional.
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Pro Life v Pro Choice
Valerie walks us through what has happened in the abortion debate since the 1973 Supreme Court ruling, how that ruling has impacted the abortion laws that states are passing today, and why this is an issue that will not go away. She will also explain the views of the pro choice and pro life movements.
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The Birth Control Debate
Valerie reviews some of the issues regarding access to birth control, including the Supreme Court cases of Burwell v. Hobby Lobby and the recent n Stormans Inc. v. Wiesman ruling
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