Saturday • February 15
CST 12:41 | EST 1:41 | MST 11:41 | PST 10:41 | GMT 18:41
Other Non-Flash Media Players
November 10, 2018

A Salute to Our Veterans
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In commemoration of Veteran’s Day, Carl and Lisa present some classic radio offerings that pay tribute to our men in uniform. We’ll Hear NOW HEAR THIS, FIBBER McGEE AND MOLLY, ARCH OBOLER’S PLAYS, THE JACK BENNY PROGRAM, RICHARD DIAMOND and ACADEMY AWARD THEATER
Episode Segments:
H360: Fibber mcGee and Molly
OTR Drama: Now Hear This 7-22-51 “Landing the Marines” starring Arnold Robertson. A luxury liner is converted to a troop ship after Pearl Harbor. Cast: Richard Newton, William Zuckert, Robert Readick and Chuck Webster. Spon. by Navy Recruiting. NBC.

OTR Comedy Part 1: Fibber McGee & Molly 12-9-41 “I Can Get it For You Wholesale” starring Jim & Marian Jordan. Fibber can get anything 40% off. First show after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Cast: Isabel Randolph, Gale Gordon, Bill Thompson and Harlow Wilcox. Spon. by Johnson’s Wax. NBC.
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H360: Arch Oboler's Plays
OTR Comedy Part 2: Fibber McGee & Molly 12-9-41 “I Can Get it For You Wholesale” starring Jim & Marian Jordan. Fibber can get anything 40% off. First show after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Cast: Isabel Randolph, Gale Gordon, Bill Thompson and Harlow Wilcox. Spon. by Johnson’s Wax. NBC.

OTR Drama: Arch Oboler’s Plays 8-2-45 “The Parade” starring Van Heflin. A Patriotic drama about a little girl at a victory parade
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H360: The Jack Benny Program
OTR Detective: Richard Diamond, Private Detective 8-16-50 “Carnival Case” starring Dick Powell. Richard and Helen attend a Carnival and find a murder on the midway. Cast: Virginia Gregg, Parley Baer, William Johnstone and Wilms Herbert. Spon. by Rexall. NBC.

OTR Comedy Part 1: The Jack Benny Program 1-23-44 “From Camp Murdoc, CA” starring Jack Benny. Jack rehearses a love scene with Alexis Smith from his upcoming film “The Horn Blows at Midnight.” Cast: Mary Livingston, Eddie Anderson, Phil Harris, Dennis Day, Mel Blanc and Don Wilson. Spon. by Grape-Nuts Flakes. NBC.
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H360: Academy Award Theater
OTR Comedy Part 1: The Jack Benny Program 1-23-44 “From Camp Murdoc, CA” starring Jack Benny. Jack rehearses a love scene with Alexis Smith from his upcoming film “The Horn Blows at Midnight.” Cast: Mary Livingston, Eddie Anderson, Phil Harris, Dennis Day, Mel Blanc and Don Wilson. Spon. by Grape-Nuts Flakes. NBC.

OTR Drama: Academy Award Theatre 6-15-46 “The Pride of the Marines” starring John Garfield. A marine blinded in the war finally returns to the girl he left behind. Cast: Rosemary DeCamp. Spon. by Squibb. CBS.
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