Saturday • February 15
CST 12:51 | EST 1:51 | MST 11:51 | PST 10:51 | GMT 18:51
Other Non-Flash Media Players
October 06, 2018

A Visit to the Haunted Hotel
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A man visits the site of his brother’s murder on THE WEIRD CIRCLE, and we celebrate Columbus Day on LIFE WITH LUIGI. Plus, a ghost story on THE SCREEN DIRECTOR’S PLAYHOUSE, a Ray Bradbury story on X MINUS ONE, THE MYSTERIOUS TRAVELLER and OUR MISS BROOKS.
Episode Segments:
H360: The Screen Director's Playhouse
OTR Mystery: The Screen Director’s Playhouse 11-18-49 “The Uninvited” starring Ray Milland. A composer and his sister discover that the reason they are able to purchase a beautiful gothic seacoast mansion very cheaply is the house’s ghostly past. Cast: June Foray, John Dehner and Lewis Allen. Sustaining. NBC.

OTR Comedy Part 1: Life With Luigi 10-11-49 “Columbus Day” starring J. Carrol Naish. A Columbus Day celebration is planned. Cast: Alan Reed, Mary Shipp, Hans Conried, Ken Peters, Joe Forte and Jody Gilbert. Bob Stevenson (ann). Sustaining. CBS.
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H360: X Minus One
OTR Comedy Part 2: Life With Luigi 10-11-49 “Columbus Day” starring J. Carrol Naish. A Columbus Day celebration is planned. Cast: Alan Reed, Mary Shipp, Hans Conried, Ken Peters, Joe Forte and Jody Gilbert. Bob Stevenson (ann). Sustaining. CBS. .

OTR Science-Fiction: X Minus One 5-8-55 “Mars Is Heaven” by Ray Bradbury. The first Earthmen to arrive on Mars find some very familiar sights and even more familiar people. Cast: William Zuckert, Bill Lipton, Wendell Holmes and Peter Capell. Fred Collins (ann). Sustaining. NBC.
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H360: The Mysterious Traveler
OTR Mystery: The Mysterious Traveler 4-11-50 “Operation Tomorrow” starring Maurice Tarplin. A professor sends his assistant 100 years into the future in a newly built time machine. Cast: Leon Janney, Charlotte Holland and Ralph Bell. Durward Kirby (ann). Spon. by Ford. Mutual.

OTR Comedy Part 1: Our Miss Brooks 8-14-49 “Yodar Kritch Cup” starring Eve Arden. The fate of Stretch Snodgrass’ barbecue depends on his winning the prize for English grammar. Cast: Gale Gordon, Jeff Chandler and Leonard Smith. Spon. by Palmolive & Colgate. CBS.
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H360: Our Miss Brooks
OTR Mystery: The Mysterious Traveler 4-11-50 “Operation Tomorrow” starring Maurice Tarplin. A professor sends his assistant 100 years into the future in a newly built time machine. Cast: Leon Janney, Charlotte Holland and Ralph Bell. Durward Kirby (ann). Spon. by Ford. Mutual.

OTR Comedy Part 1: Our Miss Brooks 8-14-49 “Yodar Kritch Cup” starring Eve Arden. The fate of Stretch Snodgrass’ barbecue depends on his winning the prize for English grammar. Cast: Gale Gordon, Jeff Chandler and Leonard Smith. Spon. by Palmolive & Colgate. CBS.
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