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September 02, 2018

Boston Blackie and Blondie
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On this week’s edition of Hollywood 360, we’ll enjoy some laughs with BLONDIE and THE PHIL HARRIS AND ALICE FAYE SHOW. We have mystery on BOSTON BLACKIE and INNER SANCTUM. Plus, CRIME DOES NOT PAT and Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy join Bing Crosby on PHILCO RADIO TIME.
Episode Segments:
H360: Boston Blackie
OTR Detective: Boston Blackie 8-6-46 “The Jerry Williams Case” starring Dick Kollmar. Blackie joins the Jerry Williams gang to break up a mob that covers its crimes by intimidating witnesses. Cast: Lesley Woods and Maurice Tarplin. Syndicated.

OTR Comedy Part 1: Blondie 2-9-49 “Alexander’s School Work” starring Arthur Lake and Penny Singleton. Alexander seems high-strung and nervous. Is it school work or girl troubles? Cast: Jeffrey Silver, Elvia Allman and Hanley Stafford. Spon. by Super Suds and Lustre Creme Shampoo. NBC.
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H360: Crime Does Not Pay
OTR Comedy Part 2: Blondie 2-9-49 “Alexander’s School Work” starring Arthur Lake and Penny Singleton. Alexander seems high-strung and nervous. Is it school work or girl troubles? Cast: Jeffrey Silver, Elvia Allman and Hanley Stafford. Spon. by Super Suds and Lustre Creme Shampoo. NBC. OTR Crime: Crime Does Not Pay 12-26-49 “Glossy Finish” starring Martin Gabel. Wealthy Uncle David announces that he will leave a half million dollars to each of his two nephews. Rest in peace Uncle David! Sustaining. MGM.
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H360: Philco Radio Time
OTR Variety: Philco Radio Time 11-3-48 starring Bing Crosby with special guests, Edgar Bergan and Charlie McCarthy. Charlie’s starting to talk for himself now without the help of Bergan! Spon. by Philco. ABC. .

OTR Comedy Part 1: The Phil Harris & Alice Faye Show 11-6-49 “Television Set” starring Phil Harris & Alice Faye. Phil is getting ready for television … as a detective!? Cast: Anne Whitfield, Jeanine Roos, Gale Gordon, Elliott Lewis and Walter Tetley. Spon. by Rexall. NBC.
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H360: Inner Sanctum
OTR Comedy Part 2: The Phil Harris & Alice Faye Show 11-6-49 “Television Set” starring Phil Harris & Alice Faye. Phil is getting ready for television … as a detective!? Cast: Anne Whitfield, Jeanine Roos, Gale Gordon, Elliott Lewis and Walter Tetley. Spon. by Rexall. NBC. .

OTR Mystery: Inner Sanctum Mystery 5-16-49 “The Unburied Dead” starring Lesley Woods. A woman discovers she’s been dead for six years and she’s wanted for murder! Cast: Everett Sloane, Lawson Zerbe, Larry Haines with Paul McGrath (host). Spon. by Lipton Tea. CBS.
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