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Other Non-Flash Media Players
August 27, 2016

Dragnet: The Big Girl
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Jack Webb stars as Sgt. Joe Friday in the radio version of DRAGNET. We’ll also hear Orson Welles in THE LIVES OF HARRY LIME, Eve Arden as OUR MISS BROOKS, and THE JACK BENNY PROGRAM. Plus, MURDER BY EXPERTS and GUNSMOKE
Episode Segments:
H360: Dragnet
OTR Detective: Dragnet 2-9-50 “The Big Girl” starring Jack Webb. The cops search for a big blonde who shoots her victims in cold blood. Is the killer possibly a man in woman’s clothing? Cast includes: Barton Yarborough. Spon. by Fatima (commercials deleted). NBC. OTR Comedy Part 1: Our Miss Brooks 12-11-49 “Cereal Bowl” starring Eve Arden. Madison High’s football team is going to play in the “Cereal Bowl.” The only way Miss Brooks can attend is to be chosen chaperone of the football team. Cast: Jane Morgan, Richard Crenna, Gale Gordon and Jeff Chandler. Bob Lemond (ann). Spon. by Colgate & Palmolive. CBS.
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H360: Our Miss Brooks
OTR Comedy Part 2: Our Miss Brooks 12-11-49 “Cereal Bowl” starring Eve Arden. Madison High’s football team is going to play in the “Cereal Bowl.” The only way Miss Brooks can attend is to be chosen chaperone of the football team. Cast: Jane Morgan, Richard Crenna, Gale Gordon and Jeff Chandler. Bob Lemond (ann). Spon. by Colgate & Palmolive. CBS. OTR Western: Gunsmoke 6-14-52 “Jailbait Janet” starring William Conrad. The train has been held up and a man killed. The robbers are a father, his son and his daughter! Cast includes: Parley Baer, Howard McNear, Georgia Ellis, Vic Perrin, Sam Edwards, Barbara Eiler. George Walsh (ann). Sustaining. CBS.
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H360: The Lives of Harry Lime
OTR Drama: The Lives of Harry Lime 9-21-51 “Rogue’s Holiday” starring Orson Welles. Harry’s crossing the Atlantic on the Princess Ann, planning to swindle Lady Barbara Follet. However, what about her lovely companion? Syndicated by Harry Alan Towers. Mutual. OTR Comedy Part 1: The Jack Benny Program 2-13-44 “Jack Buys a Camel in Cairo” starring Jack Benny. The program originates from March Field, California. The program’s guest is Larry Adler (“The World’s Greatest Harmonica Player”) and we learn how Jack purchased a Camel while in Cairo. Cast includes: Dennis Day, Mary Livingstone, Phil Harris, Eddie Anderson and Butterfly McQueen. Don Wilson (ann). Spon. by Grape Nuts. NBC.
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H360: Murder By Experts
OTR Comedy Part 2: The Jack Benny Program 2-13-44 “Jack Buys a Camel in Cairo” starring Jack Benny. The program originates from March Field, California. The program’s guest is Larry Adler (“The World’s Greatest Harmonica Player”) and we learn how Jack purchased a Camel while in Cairo. Cast includes: Dennis Day, Mary Livingstone, Phil Harris, Eddie Anderson and Butterfly McQueen. Don Wilson (ann). Spon. by Grape Nuts. NBC. OTR Mystery: Murder By Experts 8-8-49 “The Dark Island” hosted by John Dickson Carr. A woman marries a writer when he rents a cottage on a lonely island owned by her father. Is he really, “The Scalpel Killer?” Cast includes: Gertrude Warner, Bernard Grant and Maurice Tarplin. Sustaining. Mutual.
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