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Other Non-Flash Media Players
August 19, 2018

Jeff Regan and Duffy’s Tavern
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On this week’s episode, Shelly Winters drops in to DUFFYS TAVERN, and there’s a mystery to be solved with JEFF REGAN INVESTIGATOR. Plus, Cary Grant in MR AND MRS BLANDINGS, MARK TRAIL, THE GENERAL ELECTRIC THEATRE and NICK CARTER MASTER DETECTIVE.
Episode Segments:
H360: Jeff Regan Investigator
OTR Detective: Jeff Regan, Investigator 8-27-50 “Gentlemen Prefer Horses” starring Frank Graham. Boots Crenshaw is a former jockey who sells tips on the horses that are guaranteed to win. Cast: Frank Nelson. Joe Walters (ann). CBS.

OTR Comedy Part 1: Mr. & Mrs. Blandings 5-5-51 “Working on the Barn” starring Cary Grant and Betsy Drake. Mr. Blandings decides to rebuild the barn – not an easy job! Cast: Jim Backus, Leo Cleary, David Ross, Ken Christy, Earle Ross and Earl Lee. Spon. by TWA. NBC.
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H360: Mark Trail
OTR Comedy Part 2: Mr. & Mrs. Blandings 5-5-51 “Working on the Barn” starring Cary Grant and Betsy Drake. Mr. Blandings decides to rebuild the barn – not an easy job! Cast: Jim Backus, Leo Cleary, David Ross, Ken Christy, Earle Ross and Earl Lee. Spon. by TWA. NBC.

OTR Adventure: Mark Trail 10-16-50 “The Forty-Year Freeze” starring Matt Crowley. Mark, Johnny and Scottie are exploring Montana’s North Country and have a strange feeling about those who run the Brook Ranch near the Wild Glacier Country. Jackson Beck (ann). Spon. by Kellogg’s Corn Flakes. Mutual.
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H360: Duffy's Tavern
OTR Drama: The General Electric Theater 10-1-51 “The Old Man’s Bride” starring Van Johnson. A wealthy Texas Colonel sends his assistant to New Orleans to fetch him a bride. Sustaining. CBS. .

OTR Comedy Part 1: Duffy’s Tavern 2-9-51 starring Ed “Archie” Gardner and special guest, Shelley Winters. Archie receives an unsigned Valentine card and suspects it was sent by Winters. Cast: Bert Gordon and Hazel Shermet. NBC.
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H360: Nick Carter Master Detective
OTR Comedy Part 2: Duffy’s Tavern 2-9-51 starring Ed “Archie” Gardner and special guest, Shelley Winters. Archie receives an unsigned Valentine card and suspects it was sent by Winters. Cast: Bert Gordon and Hazel Shermet. NBC.

OTR Detective: Nick Carter, Master Detective 9-12-48 “The Case of the Great Impersonation” starring Lon Clark. A talented cabdriver saves Patsy’s life … by telephone. Spon. by Old Dutch Cleanser and Del Rich Margarine. Mutual.
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