On this episode, we’ll hear Vincent Price as Simon Templar aka THE SAINT. We will also stop by DUFFYS TAVERN. Plus, HAVE GUN WILL TRAVEL, UNDER ARREST, MY FAVORITE HUSBAND and ACADEMY AWARD THEATER
Episode Segments:
H360: The Saint OTR Detective: The Adv. of the Saint 11-5-50 “Miss Goody’s School For Girls” starring Vincent Price as Simon Templar aka “The Saint.” A young girl is kidnapped and held for $200k ransom. If the money isn’t paid, the girl won’t be killed, she’ll be married! Cast includes: Peggy Webber, Lawrence Dobkin, Gloria McMillan and Ted Osborne. Sustaining. Don Stanley (ann). NBC.
OTR Comedy Part 1: Duffy’s Tavern 12-14-43 starring Ed “Archie” Gardner and special guests, Dinah Shore and Joan Davis. Archie and Dinah sing the song that he’s just written, “Leave Us Face It, We’re In Love.” Cast includes: Eddie Green, Charlie Cantor and Florence Halop. AFRS.
H360: Have Gun Will Travel OTR Comedy Part 2: Duffy’s Tavern 12-14-43 starring Ed “Archie” Gardner and special guests, Dinah Shore and Joan Davis. Archie and Dinah sing the song that he’s just written, “Leave Us Face It, We’re In Love.” Cast includes: Eddie Green, Charlie Cantor and Florence Halop. AFRS.
OTR Western: Have Gun-Will Travel 3-1-59 “Hey Boy’s Revenge” starring John Dehner. Hey Boy has left the hotel to avenge his brother’s murder. Paladin helps. Cast includes: Ben Wright, Edgar Barrier, Joseph Kearns, Lou Krugman, Paul Dubov and Virginia Gregg. Hugh Douglas (ann). Participating sponsors. CBS.
H360: My Favorite Husband OTR Police Drama: Under Arrest 8-1-48 “The Spook of Sherwood Mansion” starring Joe DeSantis. Captain Jim Scott investigates the haunted house of Janet Sherwood. An “atomic secret” is at stake! Cast includes: Guy Repp, Alan Hewitt, Margaret Draper and Patrick Courtleigh. Ralph Paul (ann). Sustaining. Mutual.
OTR Comedy Part 1: My Favorite Husband 10-23-48 “Quiz Show” starring Lucille Ball and Richard Denning. Liz thinks she’s gotten a call from a radio quiz show and won the jackpot. Cast includes: Gale Gordon and Frank Nelson. Bob Lemond (ann). Spon. by Jell-O. CBS.
H360: Academy Award OTR Comedy Part 2: My Favorite Husband 10-23-48 “Quiz Show” starring Lucille Ball and Richard Denning. Liz thinks she’s gotten a call from a radio quiz show and won the jackpot. Cast includes: Gale Gordon and Frank Nelson. Bob Lemond (ann). Spon. by Jell-O. CBS.
OTR Mystery: Academy Award Theatre 9-11-46 “Shadow of a Doubt” starring Joseph Cotten. A radio adaptation of the famous Alfred Hitchcock-directed film. A young girl in a small town suspects her visiting Uncle Charlie is a murderer. Cast includes: June Vincent. Spon. by Squibb. CBS.