On this week's edition, we'll hear William Johnstone in THE LINE UP and Harold Peary as THE GREAT GILDERSLEEVE. Plue, OUR MISS BROOKS, THE CISCO KID, ESCAPE, and THE MYSTERIOUS TRAVELLER
Episode Segments:
H360: The Line Up OTR Detective: The Line Up 11-23-50 “The Topaz Earring Case” starring William Johnstone. The murder of Larry Zimmerman is solved with the help of a pair of topaz earrings. Cast includes: Wally Maher, Ken Christy, Jeanne Bates, Howard McNear and Parley Baer. Sustaining. CBS.
OTR Comedy Part 1: The Great Gildersleeve 1-4-42 “The Diet” starring Harold Peary. Gildersleeve bets Judge Hooker $100 that he can lose ten pounds in a week, and goes on a diet. Cast includes: Earle Ross, Lillian Randolph, Walter Tetley and Lurene Tuttle. Spon. by Kraft. NBC.
H360: The Cisco Kid OTR Comedy Part 2: The Great Gildersleeve 1-4-42 “The Diet” starring Harold Peary. Gildersleeve bets Judge Hooker $100 that he can lose ten pounds in a week, and goes on a diet. Cast includes: Earle Ross, Lillian Randolph, Walter Tetley and Lurene Tuttle. Spon. by Kraft. NBC. .
OTR Western/Adventure: The Cisco Kid 1950’s “Outlaw Brand” starring Jack Mather as Cisco and Harry Lang as Poncho. The Cisco Kid and his sidekick Poncho search for killer Vance Gordon before he puts more innocent people 6 feet under. Spon. by Butternut Bread. Mutual.
H360: Our Miss Brooks OTR Mystery: Escape 9-12-48 “Evening Primrose” starring William Conrad. John Collier’s fascinating adventure with a strange assortment of characters who live inside New York’s department stores. Cast includes: Constance Cavendish, Jeff Corey, Harry Bartell, Lillian Buyeff and Irene Tedrow. Roy Rowan (ann). Sustaining. CBS. .
OTR Comedy Part 1: Our Miss Brooks 5-8-49 “Mr. Boyington’s Parents” starring Eve Arden. A Mother’s Day program. Miss Brooks has been named “Mother Away From Home” and meets Mr. Boyngton’s parents. Cast includes: Richard Crenna, Gloria McMillan, Jeff Chandler, Jane Morgan, Frank Nelson and Gale Gordon. Spon. by Palmolive. CBS.
H360: The Mysterious Traveler OTR Comedy Part 2: Our Miss Brooks 5-8-49 “Mr. Boyington’s Parents” starring Eve Arden. A Mother’s Day program. Miss Brooks has been named “Mother Away From Home” and meets Mr. Boyngton’s parents. Cast includes: Richard Crenna, Gloria McMillan, Jeff Chandler, Jane Morgan, Frank Nelson and Gale Gordon. Spon. by Palmolive. CBS. .
OTR Mystery: The Mysterious Traveler 3-14-50 “The Big Brain” starring Maurice Tarplin. An absent-minded professor works on a one-of-a-kind computer. It weighs 50 tons and can do almost anything. Cast includes: Santos Ortega, John Marvin, Leon Janney, John Martin and Marilyn Erskine. Bob Emerick (ann). Sustaining. Mutual.