This week’s program features the classic quiz show YOU BET YOUR LIFE with the legendary Groucho Marx. We’ll also hear Carl’s favorite old time radio show BOSTON BLACKIE. Plus, THE SMITHS OF HOLLYWOOD, NBC SHORT STORY and THE SEALED BOOK.
Episode Segments:
H360: You Bet Your Life OTR Detective: Boston Blackie 6-18-46 “The Hooded Gang” starring Dick Kollmar. A masked society of extortionists has been formed, which Blackie tries to break up. Cast: Lesley Woods and Maurice Tarplin. Sustaining. ABC.
OTR Quiz Part 1: You Bet Your Life 10-19-49 “Secret Word: Clock” starring Groucho Marx. George Fenneman (ann). Spon. by Elgin-American. ABC.
H360: NBC Short Story OTR Quiz Part 2: You Bet Your Life 10-19-49 “Secret Word: Clock” starring Groucho Marx. George Fenneman (ann). Sponsored by Elgin-American. ABC.
OTR Drama: NBC Short Story 5-11-51 “I Am Not a Stranger” by James Street. A North Carolina romance and a very strange coincidence. Don Stanley (ann). Sustaining. NBC.
H360: The Man Called X OTR Intrigue: The Man Called X 3-31-51 “The Blue Unicorn” starring Herbert Marshall. Ken Thurston travels to “The Blue Unicorn” in Dublin to bid against enemies for secret documents. Cast: Leon Belasco. Sustaining. NBC.
OTR Comedy Part 1: The Smiths of Hollywood 1-10-47 “Auto Accident” starring Harry Von Zell. Uncle Cecil arrives from Britain with a crash. Cast: Arthur Treacher, Brenda Marshall, Jan Ford, Joe Forte, Ruth Perrott, Tyler McVey and Sarah Berner. 1st show. Mutual.
H360: The Sealed Book OTR Comedy Part 2: The Smiths of Hollywood 1-10-47 “Auto Accident” starring Harry Von Zell. Uncle Cecil arrives from Britain with a crash. Cast: Arthur Treacher, Brenda Marshall, Jan Ford, Joe Forte, Ruth Perrott, Tyler McVey and Sarah Berner. 1st show. Mutual.
OTR Mystery: The Sealed Book 6-24-45 “The Queen of the Cats” starring Phillip Clarke (host). A mysterious woman from Egypt has a strange relationship with cats. Syndicated. Mutual.