Happy Easter from Hollywood 360, and from some classic radio shows including THE LIFE OF RILEY, THE GREAT GILDERSLEEVE, THE SHADOW, and the JACK BENNY PROGRAM. We’ll also hear Joan Crawford on STARS OVER HOLLYWOOD and Jimmy Stewart in SIX SHOOTER.
Episode Segments:
H360: The Life of Riley OTR Comedy: The Life of Riley 3-27-48 “The Giant Easter Bunny” starring William Bendix. Riley sees a five-foot tall Easter Bunny! Cast: Paula Winslowe, John Brown with Ken Niles (ann). Spon. by Press & Lava.
OTR Comedy Part 1: The Great Gildersleeve 4-1-53 “Easter Show” starring Willard Waterman. Gildy and his family attend Easter Sunrise Service. Cast: Earle Ross, Lillian Randolph, Marylee Robb and Walter Tetley. Spon. by Kraft. NBC.
H360: Six Shooter OTR Comedy Part 1: The Great Gildersleeve 4-1-53 “Easter Show” starring Willard Waterman. Gildy and his family attend Easter Sunrise Service. Cast: Earle Ross, Lillian Randolph, Marylee Robb and Walter Tetley. Spon. by Kraft. NBC.
OTR Western: The Six Shooter 12-6-53 “A Pressing Engagement” starring James Stewart. Britt comes to town to buy some cows and finds himself a bride as well! Cast: Barbara Eiler, Virginia Gregg, Herb Vigran and William Johnstone. Sust. NBC.
H360: Stars Over Hollywood OTR Drama: Stars Over Hollywood 10-6-51 “I Knew This Woman” starring Joan Crawford. Crawford plays herself as the friend of a woman in love with a man who hates his own crippled child. Cast: Lurene Tuttle, Rye Billsbury, Lillian Buyeff, Tony Barrett, Anne Whitfield with Art Ballinger (host). Spon. by Carnation. CBS.
OTR Comedy Part 1: The Jack Benny Program 4-10-55 “Easter Parade” starring Jack Benny and all his gang. Jack and Mary are walking and singing in the Easter Parade. Cast: Dennis Day, Frank Nelson, Mary Livingstone, Mel Blanc, Eddie Anderson, Sheldon Leonard, Arthur Q. Bryan and Artie Auerbach. CBS.
H360: The Shadow OTR Comedy Part 1: The Jack Benny Program 4-10-55 “Easter Parade” starring Jack Benny and all his gang. Jack and Mary are walking and singing in the Easter Parade. Cast: Dennis Day, Frank Nelson, Mary Livingstone, Mel Blanc, Eddie Anderson, Sheldon Leonard, Arthur Q. Bryan and Artie Auerbach. CBS.
OTR Mystery: The Shadow 3-24-40 “The Plot That Failed” starring Bill Johnstone. The Shadow is tricked into aiding two “scientists” place six strange machines around the city that can melt the city completely. While The Shadow tries to stop them, Margo plans to boil 400 Easter eggs! Cast: Marjorie Anderson, Everette Sloane, Alan Reed and Kenny Delmar. Ken Roberts (ann). Blue Coal. Mutual.