Saturday • February 15
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March 19, 2016

Charlie McCarthy and Gunsmoke
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This week's classic radio offerings include Bob Bailey in LET GEORGE DO IT, THE CHARLIE MCCARTHY SHOW and GUNSMOKE. Plus, ESCAPE, THE HALLS OF IVY, and Bill Johnstone as THE SHADOW.
Episode Segments:
H360: The Charlie McCarthy Show
OTR Detective: Let George Do It 8-29-47 “It’s a Mystery To Me” starring Bob Bailey. Mystery writer Marlon King is nuts about “Cynthia.” However, the lady calls to say that she never wants to see Marlon King again. Cast includes: Virginia Gregg, Ken Christy, Wally Maher and Lawrence Dobkin. Spon. by Standard Oil. Mutual.

OTR Comedy Part 1: The Charlie McCarthy Show 2-2-47 Starring Edgar Bergen & Charlie McCarthy with special guest, Jane Wyman. Edgar tells Charlie the story of, “The Pied Piper Of Hamelin.” Mortimer plans to be a movie star. Jane Wyman joins Edgar and Charlie in their own version of, “The Yearling.” Ken Carpenter (ann). Spon. by Chase & Sanborn NBC.
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H360: Gunsmoke
OTR Comedy Part 2: The Charlie McCarthy Show 2-2-47 Starring Edgar Bergen & Charlie McCarthy with special guest, Jane Wyman. Edgar tells Charlie the story of, “The Pied Piper Of Hamelin.” Mortimer plans to be a movie star. Jane Wyman joins Edgar and Charlie in their own version of, “The Yearling.” Ken Carpenter (ann). Spon. by Chase & Sanborn. NBC.

OTR Western: Gunsmoke 8-20-55 “Indian Scout” starring William Conrad. Amos Cartwright is a half-breed Comanche hated by both his tribe and the whites…and with good reason! Cast includes: Parley Baer, Georgia Ellis, Howard McNear, Lawrence Dobkin, Barney Phillips, Joseph Kearns and Harry Bartell. George Walsh (ann). Spon. by L&M, Chesterfield (Cigarette commercials deleted). CBS
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H360: Escape
OTR Mystery: Escape 7-4-48 “A Tooth for Paul Revere” starring Harry Bartell. A story by Stephen Vincent Benet of how the American Revolution really started, a humorous look at a Yankee farmer’s point of view. Cast includes: Parley Baer and Barry Kroeger. Sustaining. CBS.

OTR Comedy Part 1: The Halls of Ivy 1-6-50 “Hall’s Reappointment” starring Ronald and Benita Colman. The first show of the series. Will Dr. Hall be re-appointed as head of Ivy College? Cast includes: Gloria Gordon, Herb Butterfield, William Waterman and Lee Millar, Jr. Ken Carpenter (ann). Spon. by Schlitz Beer. NBC.
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H360: The Shadow
OTR Comedy Part 2: The Halls of Ivy 1-6-50 “Hall’s Reappointment” starring Ronald and Benita Colman. Will Dr. Hall be re-appointed as head of Ivy College? Cast includes: Gloria Gordon, Herb Butterfield, William Waterman and Lee Millar, Jr. Ken Carpenter (ann). Spon. by Schlitz Beer. NBC. OTR Mystery/Detective: The Shadow 10-6-40 “Ghost Town” starring Bill Johnstone. An interesting tale about a ghost town, with a real ghost! Cast includes: Marjorie Anderson. Ken Roberts (ann). Spon. by Blue Coal. Mutual.
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