We have heard your requests, Hollywood 360 listeners- You wanted more classic radio, and starting this week, you're getting more classic radio! From now on, you'll get six classic radio episodes every week instead of four! This week, we'll hear THE ADVENTURES OF SAM SPADE, THE LIFE OF RILEY, THE GREEN HORNET, THE WHISTLER, THE BLACK MUSEUM and YOU BET YOUR LIFE!
Episode Segments:
H360: The Adventures of Sam Spade OTR Detective: The Adventures of Sam Spade, Detective 7-18-48 “The Missing Newshawk Caper” starring Howard Duff. Spade is hired to find a reporter named Ray McCully. Spade finds him all right, stabbed to death! Cast includes: Lurene Tuttle, William Conrad, Alan Reed and Bea Benederet. Dick Joy (ann). Spon. by Wildroot Cream Oil. CBS. CBS.
OTR Comedy Part 1: The Life of Riley 10-8-48 “Finding the Perfect Mate” starring William Bendix. After reading a book titled, “How To Pick A Mate,” Riley decides that Sidney Monahan would make a better husband for Peg than he is. Cast includes: John Brown and Paula Winslowe. Ken Niles (ann). Spon. by Prell. NBC.
H360: The Green Hornet OTR Comedy Part 2: The Life of Riley 10-8-48 “Finding the Perfect Mate” starring William Bendix. After reading a book titled, “How To Pick A Mate,” Riley decides that Sidney Monahan would make a better husband for Peg than he is. Cast includes: John Brown and Paula Winslowe. Ken Niles (ann). Spon. by Prell. NBC.
OTR Adventure: The Green Hornet 6-21-41 “Man Wanted for Murder” starring Al Hodge. The Hornet tries to protect the witness to a murder…who unfortunately has amnesia. Cast includes: Lee Allman, Raymond Toyo and Gilbert Shea. Sustaining. WXYZ
H360: You Bet Your Life OTR Mystery: The Black Museum 1952 “The Raincoat” starring Orson Welles. A man’s wife is found murdered. The husband is suspected and found guilty, but reasonable doubt spares him from the death penalty. Syndicated. Mutual.
OTR Comedy Part 1: You Bet Your Life 8-11-58 “Secret Word: Picture” starring Groucho Marx. Groucho at his hilarious best in his signature radio show that transitioned to TV. George Fenneman (ann). WNEW.
H360: The Whistler OTR Comedy Part 2: You Bet Your Life 8-11-58 “Secret Word: Picture” starring Groucho Marx. Groucho at his hilarious best in his signature radio show that transitioned to TV. George Fenneman (ann). WNEW.
OTR Mystery: The Whistler 7-9-45
“Highway of Escape” starring Lurene Tuttle. A young woman, stuck in the desert with her stepfather, finally kills the old man and drives off with the first motorist passing by. A flight across the desert follows. Marvin Miller (ann). Spon. by Signal Oil. CBS.