Saturday • February 15
CST 2:43 | EST 3:43 | MST 1:43 | PST 12:43 | GMT 20:43
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A Culture of Violence
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The shooting rampage in Tucson has many questioning whether or not heated political rhetoric contributed to this senseless act, including Jim and Randall. We’ll also answer more of your legal questions, and update you on Hollywood gone bad in our Arrogance of the Rich and Famous segment
Episode Segments:
Lawyers WNT: Frontline News
The Tucson shootings have pundits on both sides of the aisle blaming each other for incendiary rhetoric. Jim and Randal wade into the muck for some answers.
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Lawyers WNT: Kids in Court
The school police in Texas aren’t messing around. In fact, they’re going after kids as young as six. Then, is it legal for you to hold an intruder at bay with your gun in your own home?
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Lawyers WNT: Arrogance of the Rich and Famous
John Edwards gets no love in his late wife’s last will, while Tom Delay finally gets his sentence.
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Lawyers WNT: Questions from our Loyal Listeners
In this week’s Q&A, Jim and Randal tackle the structure of the court system, mistaken identity by a credit card company, and what happens when that guy that crashed into you has no insurance.
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