Saturday • February 15
CST 10:06 | EST 11:06 | MST 9:06 | PST 8:06 | GMT 16:06
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Your Privacy Rights
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A student tapes his roommate engaging in homosexual acts and posts it on the internet, leading to suicide. An assistant Attourney General openly harasses a gay college student. Do privacy rights even matter anymore? Of course they do, and Scott thinks that’s worth fighting for.
Episode Segments:
Crime Time Live: The Rush to Judgment
Scott looks at case of Laura Johnson, who was accused of murdering her husband. The charges were dropped, but he wonders if the prosecution rushed to judgment, and why in cases like these, they always look at the spouse first? Then, a Mount Clemens banker is still missing. And it turns out, 150K is missing from the bank.
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Crime Time Live: The Right to Privacy
Is anyone’s private life private anymore? Due to two recent high-profile incidents, Scott believes your rights to privacy are under assault, and we need to take steps to get those rights back, even if it means reining in the web.
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