Saturday • February 15
CST 10:01 | EST 11:01 | MST 9:01 | PST 8:01 | GMT 16:01
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The Case for Legalizing Marijuana
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As more states move to legalize medical marijuana, Scott makes the case to take things a step further – legalize it completely. Tax it, regulate it, and reduce crime. We’ll hear Scott’s reasoning, as well as from callers both for and against it.
Episode Segments:
Crime Time Live: Celebs, Judges, and Legal Pot
With Lindsay Lohan being released from rehab, we examine the preferential treatment celebs seem to bet from the courts. Then – how much decision-making power does a bankruptcy judge have? Finally, with all the hoops people have to go through in order to get legal medical marijuana, isn’t it time we just legalize it altogether?
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Crime Time Live: Should it be Legal?
Scott continues his case for making marijuana legal. He points out that besides the tax revenue it would generate, it would also create a whole new industry.
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