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October 17, 2016

Alicia Young and The Mother Theresa Effect
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Alicia Young is a US-based journalist, author and speaker who has lived in eight countries. (She adds: She is not on the run.) Alicia has contributed to newsrooms around the world as an reporter, anchor and foreign correspondent. Her award-winning books span topics as diverse as modern manners to infertility. She wrote about her experience volunteering for Mother Teresa (who told off Alicia for not having children) in the book The Mother Theresa Effect. Learn more about Alicia and her work at

Episode Segments:
Corporate Talk: Author Alicia Young
Alicia Young is an award-winning author, journalist and speaker who has lived in eight countries. Outside work, Alicia handles parasols and power tools with equal ease (not really, but she helpfully holds the flashlight when needed).
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Alicia Young
Alicia Young is an Australian television journalist with more than fifteen years’ experience in local, national and international news. Her passion for current events propelled her to Russia (where she presented the news in Moscow), the US, UK and Europe. She has contributed to newsrooms around the world as an anchor, medical reporter, and international correspondent. She has worked with Walter Cronkite (and was suitably terrified), filed live reports from Rome on the death of Pope John Paul II, various presidential elections/inaugurations and covered the aftermath of the 8.8 earthquake that rocked Chile in 2010.

Alicia was once told off by Mother Teresa for not having children (she forgot) and has volunteered at a hospice and leprosy hospital in India. Outside work, Alicia handles parasols and power-tools with equal ease (not really, but she helpfully holds the torch when needed).

Alicia's Website