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July 20, 2015

The Mojo Maven
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America’s Mojo Maven, Ariana Ayu, is an entrepreneur, interpersonal expert, international speaker, author of The Magic of Mojo® series, and business and brand strategist. She’s also the National Association of Professional Women’s 2014/15 Woman of the Year. Ariana is the CEO and founder of several companies including Ayutopia International, which develops brand and business strategies, profitable corporate cultures, personal celebrity brands, and custom-designed websites. She is the author of the column: Business Mojo on and coaches individuals to have success AND happiness at the same time
Episode Segments:
Corporate Talk: Ariana Ayu
There will always be times where you need to pull back, regroup, and start over in a new direction. What do you do when you've lost all passion, purpose, and sense of playfulness in your life?

What do you do when you've lost your mojo? Ariana Ayu is here with some answers!
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Ariana Ayu
Ariana has worked as a high-level executive and board member for a multi-million dollar consulting company as well as working for or with companies ranging from 1 person to over 10,000. She is an internationally respected author, speaker/singer, trainer, and coach, as well as the founder and creatrix of the Bodacious Branding system, Sacred Business Summits™, and the Magic of Mojo™ series. Ariana’s press includes radio interviews and articles in USA Today, International Business Times, ABC, CBS, CBS Money Watch, the CW, Eyewitness News, FOX, NBC, Newsday, Virtual-Strategy Magazine, the World’s Luxury Guide, Renewable Energy World,, The Miami Herald, A.M. Best Company, Beyond the Dow, BlogTalkRadio, and Hollywood Industry among others.

Ariana Ayu earned her Masters degree at the University of Edinburgh, in Scotland, UK. She is a member and supporter of The Women of Global Change (WGC), the Alliance for Women in Media, the National Association of Professional Women (NAPW), I AM WOMAN (UK-based), the National Women’s Political Caucus (NWPC), and the National Organization for Women (NOW): organizations focused on positive societal change through the empowerment and advancement of women. Ariana is proud to support non-profit organizations such as The National Wildlife Federation, World Wildlife Fund, Habitat for Humanity, Edmarc Hospice for Children, and The Make It Right Foundation.

A native of the Washington, DC area, Ariana lives in the beautiful mountains of Asheville, North Carolina with her beloved husband David and their snugglehound Iris. Her interests include holistic health, quantum physics, and neuroscience. Ariana’s hobbies include healthy paleo/ primal cooking, connecting with nature, meditating, reading, spa-ing and traveling, both nationally and globally.

Ayutopia International