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May 22, 2017

Putting on your phone face in the workplace
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The topic of this program is: Putting on your phone face in the workplace; how to become visible when communicating by phone.

Charlie and Eva take us through a "mock" conference call. This will be an Oscar performance for sure!

The workplace spends a lot of time on the phone, more now than ever. Our teammates and customers can be located in many different locations, even globally. Yet we must communicate as effectively as if we were face to face. This interaction is now commonplace, comes without training but must be mastered to achieve the best results possible.

Episode Segments:
 In today's workplace, we no longer meet face to face
Work is conducted on the phone, Skype or webinar software.  Our teammates and clients can be global.   We can be working across time zones, on the phone, with people we haven't met and still need to be productive!  Charlie and Eva discuss these challenges and the need for effective training and tools that help us communicate, listen and deliver by phone.   
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The (MOCK) Conference Call. 
Charlie and Eva dial us into a (mock) conference call, demonstrating all the waste and confusion that tales place due to the lack of awareness, training and even respect when communicating, listening and delivering on a conference call.  
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Put on Your Phone Face:
the training guide for effective communication on a conference call

Eva takes us through her e-book and shares some really cool tips, tools and techniques on phone etiquette and communication.  PLUS... how to get a copy of the book free!
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Becoming the Leader when speaking on the phone!
Charlie and Eva discuss leadership as it applies when speaking on a conference call:

  -  If you're the one speaking, regardless of your role, YOU ARE THE LEADER AT THAT MOMENT! 
  -  If you ARE the Leader of the call, when to and when not to take a roll call.
  -  Effective leadership means effective listening to; there should be no distractions!
  -  Act as if what you say will be replayed on the evening news and shared with the entire world! 

...PLUS some cool takeaway's from today's show!
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