Friday • February 07
CST 4:31 | EST 5:31 | MST 3:31 | PST 2:31 | GMT 10:31
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Technology V Bricks and Mortar
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Episode Segments:
Buffett and Beyond: Amazon v Barnes and Noble
When better technology comes along, a company needs to change the way it does business, or be left behind. Case in point: Borders Books. Can the last surviving Bookstore chain- Barnes & Noble - survive against Amazon? And for that matter, can any brick & mortar store compete against the internet?
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Dr. J.B. Farwell is the World's foremost expert on the continuing research and practical application of Clean Surplus. Clean Surplus is the only extensively tested method able to truly compare the operating efficiency of one company to the operating efficiency of any other company just the way you would compare returns from one bank to another bank.

Clean Surplus allows portfolio creation of the most efficient companies which research has shown consistently outperform the market averages.