Wednesday • February 12
CST 11:48 | EST 12:48 | MST 10:48 | PST 9:48 | GMT 17:48
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Education, Time for Reform
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There have been revolutionary changes in innovation in all types of industries with great strides in modernization. Yet the formal education system has, unfortunately, lagged behind with archaic teaching methods that restrict the mind and have establish roadblocks that resist change and stifle innovation. Our children are the losers in the various battles over the direction of education and learning methods. It is time to rise up, break free and determine the right direction for this critical institution. Education should connect teaching and learning with identifying problems and solving real-life issues. Critical thinking and creativity should be the focus and not studying just for the test.

Acceptance of different learning styles is a major step in the right direction. There are diverse ways of getting information. In our information age, companies are revamping old methods and diversifying strategies focusing on the consumer and not media manipulation. We, as a society, need a focused agenda for education and skill development that is prepared for new ways of thinking that is not based on rote memorization, but creativity and innovation, critical thinking, problem solving, decision making as well as new ways of teaching that develops communication, project base learning and collaboration.

There needs to be an academia collaboration that includes restructuring and frequent reviewing of curriculum with the involvement of industry experts, developing joint Academic and Industry Models, fostering research creation and growth of technological knowledge and teaching materials. Alternate modes evaluation should be researched.
Episode Segments:
A Sharpe Outlook: Education Reform

After 30 years in education, working in colleges, secondary schools, gifted and talented programs, academic publishing, and testing, Sheila White formed a consultancy to address the needs of teachers. She joins Angela to discuss the problems with the American Education system, and what needs to be changed in order to improve it.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Sheila White
Sheila White has been enjoying a successful and varied career in education for over 30 years. Sheila has taught at universities and at rigorous independent secondary schools, where the primary readiness activity focused on by educators, was college preparedness. Her experiences include gifted and talented program administration and project editorial work. Sheila formed a consultancy that makes use of her many experiences in education to provide services to districts, schools, and academic publishers. The services offered include: teacher professional development to create college/career ready students founded on research-based teaching strategies. The company offers grant review/scoring for State Departments of Education and Federal Grants. Subject matter expertise is provided in English, Math, Science, and Social Studies from highly experienced educators with graduate degrees whose careers span public and independent secondary schools. Curriculum review; accreditation process assistance; textbook materials; as well as test items are among the menu of services offered.

Sheila has gone from lecturing to group and collaborative learning, teaching, and research. Sheila believes we are only beginning to address the new globally focused era of education reform and that her experience can help. She has a B.A. and M.A. in History from Northeastern University and she resides in Lexington, South Carolina.

Sheila's Website