Sunday • February 16
CST 10:50 | EST 11:50 | MST 9:50 | PST 8:50 | GMT 04:50
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Energy Inefficiencies Hurt Profits
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Organizations exists and expand their business when their profits for R&D and expansion are growing. By remembering that your goal is to reduce your overall cost, not simply reduce your cost per unit of energy while forgetting about longer-term goals, your energy costs solutions help maintain and exceed corporate budget objectives. The plan is to assess all aspects of the business energy utilization and maximize your interaction with energy markets. WMG|LLC was founded with the single purpose of creating a holistic energy management solution based on knowledge from both the retail energy provider world as well as the consulting field, and integrating that with best in class infrastructure, that maximizes a commodity contract. By providing so much more than vendor selection, they help to manage your energy costs top to bottom.

An energy management system leverages your existing building infrastructure and building management strategies to maximize response to fluctuating markets, while structuring a commodity program that takes advantage of markets, commodity structuring, energy management, program design, power factor correction, lighting retrofit and bill auditing. Simultaneously, the system provides you a comprehensive tool for increasing public awareness surrounding your energy initiatives. By providing your business with the lowest cost of energy and maximizing initiatives that further reduce your overall energy expense, WMG|LLC will provide you with an opportunity to become Green as well as lend a hand in LEED point accumulation and asset monetization. Join us to learn how an energy consultant can increase your bottom line.
Episode Segments:
A Sharpe Outlook: Energy Management

All smart businesses are trying to save money and watch their budgets. Today, we will discuss how energy inefficiencies can hurt your bottom line, and how to correct that with William M. Green of WMG/LLC.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
William Green
William is an entrepreneur and founder of WMG|LLC. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Social Psychology from Capital University in Columbus, Ohio. William has over thirty years of relationship sales and consulting experience with proven spend reduction results in the public and private sector. William’s skills were developed with several fortune 500 companies (Automatic Data Processing and Xerox Corporation).

In the fourth quarter of 2011, William was downsized for the second time in his career and ironically both downsizings were approximately one year after being ranked in the top 10% in his position nationally. Well at the age of 55 and reading a quote by Steve Jobs, “If you possess 10, 20, 30 years of experience in any field and have the entrepreneurial spirit, start your own business model” William became an entrepreneur.

WMG|LLC was formed in April of 2012. WMG|LLC is in the business of evaluating, managing and reducing energy cost. WMG|LLC’s affiliation with Energy Network and Unified Energy, positions the firm with over 85 national and regional Retail Energy Providers. WMG|LLC is licensed and bonded to conduct business in all deregulated energy markets across the globe. WMG|LLC is "vendor-neutral" and works for the client, not the energy suppliers.

WMG/LLC Website