Saturday • January 25
CST 12:26 | EST 1:26 | MST 11:26 | PST 10:26 | GMT 06:26
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Best Practices in Hospice Care
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Quint Studer is honored to welcome Dale Knee, the President of Covenant Hospice in Pensacola, Florida, which is one of the largest in the country. Covenant's Promise is to provide excellence in compassionate care for all people, to broaden and fulfill life's journey.
Episode Segments:
About Covenant Hospice
Dale describes his not-for-profit hospice, the large number of patients it serves & the number of people it employs. Dale also discusses some of the outreach he’s done with physicians, and the steps he’s taken to get people to access hospice care sooner.
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The Challenges Hospices Face
Quint & Dale discuss some of the challenges community hospice’s face, such as reimbursement. Dale then talks about his national work, improving hospice care around the nation, and what he’s doing to help his organization not become complacent.
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The Operational Challenges
Dale discusses the challenges of identifying and dealing with low performers in hospice car. He then tells Quint about the new evaluation process he implemented in his organization, and how it changed everything for the better. Then, he describes the concept of weighing, and how it can improve operational efficiency as well as quality of care.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Dale Knee
Dale has been a leader in numerous healthcare sectors for over 36 years. The last 17 years of his career have been dedicated to improving the quality of life for people facing end of life issues, and those individuals’ loved ones. He has been President & CEO of Covenant Hospice and the Covenant Hospice Foundation since 1993, and is also one of the co-General Managers of the Studer Covenant Alliance, LLC. In addition to his membership in several healthcare related, civic and non-profit organizations, Dale is a National Director on the Board of the National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization. He is an Adjunct Professor of Healthcare Administration and Policy for the University of West Florida, and a doctoral candidate in healthcare administration.

Covenant Hospice