Saturday • February 15
CST 2:44 | EST 3:44 | MST 1:44 | PST 12:44 | GMT 20:44
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A Meeting of the CEO's
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Quint Studer, Founder and CEO of Studer Group, interviews three hospital CEOs; Pat Jordan of Newton-Wellesley, Rulon Stacey of Poudre Valley Health Systems, and Roddey Gettys from Baptist Easley about their journeys and how they increased profitability, patient satisfaction and physician engagement. They share tactics and challenges they’ve faced along the way and insights into making the process smoother.
Episode Segments:
Studer Group Radio: Pat Jordan of Newton-Wellesley
Newton-Wellesley hospital was losing 1 million a month for 52 straight months before Pat Jordan took over. Find out how he turned things around, and the secrets to his success.
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Studer Group Radio: Rulon Stacey of Poudre Valley Health System
In his time as CEO, Rulon Stacey turned Poudre Valley Health System into a Malcolm Baldrige award winner. Find out what he did on their Baldridge Journey, and the amazing results his hospital is accomplishing.
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Studer Group Radio: Roddey Gettys of Baptist Easley
Roddey Gettys tells us all about Baptist Easley, how he was able to turn the hospital around, and what they did to become award winners for engaged physicians.
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Links to Related Websites:
Studer Group – Quint Studer, CEO
The mission of Studer Group is to make healthcare a better place for employees to work, for physicians to practice and for patients to receive care.

Straight A Leadership: Alignment, Action & Accountability By Quint Studer
Today more than ever, your senior leaders must produce "Straight A" work. Quint Studer's new book is the study guide they need. Straight A Leadership, a book by Wall Street Journal bestselling author Quint Studer, can help your organization achieve the peak performance it needs to survive in the toughest environment.

Hardwiring Excellence By Quint Studer
In Hardwiring Excellence, Quint Studer helps health care professionals to rekindle the flame and offers a road map to creating and sustaining a Culture of Service and Operational Excellence that drives bottom-line results.

Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Pat Jordan
Chief Operating Officer at Newton-Wellesley Hospital, Mr. Jordan is responsible for the successful fiscal recovery of a 250 bed community teaching facility. His responsibilities include liaison to the Hospital Board of Trustees and Partners HealthCare System operating committees. Additionally he leads the following functional areas: Information Systems, Human Resources, Food Service Operations, Security, Volunteer Services, Materials Management, Purchasing, Parking, Safety and Facilities and Environmental Services. Mr. Jordan has 5 years senior radiology leadership experience.

Newton-Wellsley Hospital (Boston, MA)

Rulon Stacey
Rulon Stacey joined Poudre Valley Health System in 1996. Since then, he has transformed Poudre Valley Health System from a single community hospital into a health system offering a full spectrum of healthcare services through more than a dozen facilities serving Northern Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska and Kansas. With his leadership, Poudre Valley Health System and its two hospitals, Poudre Valley Hospital and Medical Center of the Rockies, have earned numerous state and national recognitions, including:

• Two-time recipient of the Peak Award from Colorado Performance Excellence

• Five consecutive years as a Thomson Top 100 Hospital

• First and only recipient of the American Nurses Association Award for Outstanding Nursing Quality

• One of Modern Healthcare magazine’s 100 Best Places to Work in Health Care

Before joining Poudre Valley Health System, Dr. Stacey held administrative posts at hospitals in Chicago, Illinois and Leadville, Colo. He also spent three years in the U.S. Air Force as an assistant administrator of a base hospital in California. In 1992, Modern Healthcare magazine recognized Dr. Stacey as an "up and comer,” designating him as one of the nation’s 12 young "rising stars" in healthcare administration, and in 1999, the American College of Healthcare Executives named him "Young Healthcare Executive of the Year.” In 2007, Dr. Stacey was elected to the governing board of the American College of Healthcare Executives. A native of Provo, Utah, Dr. Stacey holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Economics and a Master's Degree in Health Administration from Brigham Young University and a Doctor of Philosophy in Health Policy from the University of Colorado, where he was named a Milstein Scholar.

Poudre Valley Health System (Fort Collins, CO)

Roddey Gettys
Roddey E. Gettys began his career at Palmetto Health Baptist Easley 36 years ago as the Director of Pharmacy. He transitioned to Vice President for Palmetto Health Baptist Easley in 1977 and assumed role as Chief Operating Officer in 1988. During Mr. Gettys career as COO, he transformed a traditional leadership organizational structure into a new self-directed leadership team structure which has remained in placed since 1996. Under the leadership of Mr. Gettys, Palmetto Health Baptist Easley became the first hospital in South Carolina to go "tobacco free" in January 1998. Mr. Gettys implemented a "Primetime" program for 50+ year olds which has more than 2000 members today and was instrumental in forming the Free Medical Clinic for Pickens County. In addition to numerous growth and strategic initiatives to focused on improving the lives and health of all residents of Pickens County, Mr. Gettys can be quoted as saying, "I love being in the healthcare industry because I love people. I love to help people and our industry is about helping people during their most difficult times in life." Recognized throughout Palmetto Health Baptist Easley as an approachable, fun and caring administrator, he demonstrates a commitment to support, grow and retain the great leaders and staff who call Palmetto Health their "home away from home."

Baptist Easley Hospital (Easley, SC)