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September 28, 2020

Liar, Liar
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Episode Segments:
Liar, Liar
Most of us think we're fairly sophisticated and could easily spot a liar. But if that was the case, why are so many of us surprised when we find out the truth.

How could Bernie Madoff get away with running a Ponzi scheme? Why aren't spies immediately detected? Why are we blindsided when confronted with a significant other's infidelity or addiction?

The partial answer lies in the research of Timothy R. Levine a professor that has studied deception for more than 25 years. His conclusion is that humans are hardwired to default to truth.

On this episode we'll discuss:

    Truth-bias and why the normal means of detecting a liar have been found to be inaccurate at best and dangerous at worst.
    Why defaulting to truth is actually good for society.
    How to look inward and see how we lie to ourselves which leads to lying to others
    And how to start on a path to finding your own truth!
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