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March 30, 2020

How To Protect Your Most Precious Asset
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Episode Segments:
How To Protect Your Most Precious Asset
Charlie and I were excited to speak with returning guest, Megan McNealy, the author of Reinvent the Wheel: How Top Leaders Leverage Well-Being for Success. Megan has reached back to some of the leaders she interviewed for her book to ask what they were doing to stay well during this turbulent time.

Our greatest take away was the concept that one CEO shared, "It's important to protect the asset". He was not discussing money, or possessions but his body.

No one on this planet has ever experienced a change of this magnitude and it's more important now than ever to keep our body, mind and spirit in top shape.

Listen to the high energy and fun conversation we had with Megan and learn ways to ensure you keep your most precious asset in top condition while you're staying inside. No trainer, guru or personal chef needed. All you need is you!

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