Saturday • February 15
CST 2:43 | EST 3:43 | MST 1:43 | PST 12:43 | GMT 20:43
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Vegan Fusion with Debbie Kay
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This week's guest is Debbie Kay. Deb was introduced to vegetarian cooking in the 1980's. Dhe developed a chili recipe that won cook offs and was published in various cookbooks. Then, she and her husband finally jumped and went totally plant based in 2000. She now helps others transition by teaching private cooking classes and many group classes in the community. She is a certified vegan fusion instructor
Episode Segments:
Get Waisted with Rene': Debbie Kay

Debbie and Rene discuss how to eat a plant based diet, and what led Debbie to finally say no to meat and dairy.
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Northwest VEG

We educate and encourage people to make vegan choices for a healthy, sustainable, and compassionate world.