Saturday • January 18
CST 7:49 | EST 8:49 | MST 6:49 | PST 5:49 | GMT 13:49
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Are Your Hormones Making You Moan? But NOT in a Good Way?
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Are you hot under the collar, but not below the belt?

Are you tired, sad, anxious, sleepless, moody, bloated or gaining weight?

Have you lost your sex drive or capacity to perform?

Do you feel foggy brained and suffer from what I call CRS (Can’t Remember Sh**t) syndrome?

Well, maybe your hormones are to blame!

Tune in to this exciting show and discover the symptoms of hormone imbalance and the various natural cures available.

Episode Segments:
Ask Dr. Love: Are Your Hormones Making You Moan?

Are hormones throwing you and your relationship out of whack? Fear not - there is hope! Our guest, Glenn Arpino, a compounding pharmacist and founder of Durasafe Labs, will talk about how bio-identical hormone replacement can be used to restore your health and sexual vitality. Plus – what to do with a mate who needs more foreplay, and advice for a man who is turmoil over the size of his genitals.
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