Don't Take It So Personally! 7 Steps For Eliminating Excessive Personalization
If you said yes, you may be suffering from what’s called Excessive Personalization.
Excessive Personalization is a cognitive distortion that springs out of the narcissism of childhood in which kids believe the world revolves around them. Many people never outgrow the “baby brain.” This combined with being criticised as a child can result in the tendency to self-blame and to hear criticism from our partners even when criticism isn’t being delivered.
And when you feel criticised and put down, the natural reaction is to become angry. Of course, anger begets an angry response. This leads to a downward spiral of fighting that has divorce (or breakup) written all over it.
There is a way out!
Tune in to this week’s show and discover my 7 steps for eliminating Excessive Personalization. When you discover how to train your brain to level with you, rather than level you, you will be able to substitute Excessive Personalization for the ability to see and hear what your partner is actually saying! When this happens, it’s time to sit back and watch your relationship soar to new levels of happiness and joy.