Friday • February 07
CST 4:52 | EST 5:52 | MST 3:52 | PST 2:52 | GMT 10:52
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How to Succeed at Online Dating
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Wendy Newman is the author of 121 First Dates: How to Succeed at Online Dating, Fall in Love, & Live Happily Ever After (Really!).

Wendy has made every imaginable dating mistake so the single people out there don't have to. Part guidebook, part personal tell-all, 121 First Dates chronicles Wendy's funny, real-life misadventures, and the practical wisdom she gained based on over a decade of research and 121 first dates. Her mission is to encourage those who want a partner to keep going! Surrendering to a lifetime of evenings in front of TV reruns and a pint of ice cream is one option, but Wendy can inspire and spark something new.

Wendy is a professional dating, relationship and sex educator. She has led hundreds of workshops to thousands of people internationally. On the personal side, she's a compassionate fellow dater who navigated her way through 121 first dates before she met her life partner. They live together in San Francisco.
Episode Segments:
Don't Box Me In: Wendy Newman
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Wendy Newman
I’ve led hundreds of workshops for thousands of people in the U.S. and Canada on the topics of understanding men, sex, dating, online dating and partnership of all kinds.

As a dating, relationship and sex educator, I lead in person talks and group events, and as a professional certified relationship coach I provide personal coaching.

I’m also a percipient and compassionate fellow dater who navigated my way through 120, count em, 120 first dates before I retired my favorite, lucky dating skirt for first date #121. Out of my experience emerged my book 121 First Dates – How to Succeed at Online Dating, Fall in Love, and Live Happily Ever After (Really!), providing practical wisdom along with short stories of my adventures on actual dates.

Over the past decade, in my professional life as a workshop leader, and in my personal dating life, I have interviewed thousands of men on sex, dating, relationships and women. I’ve conducted polls, had intimate one-on-one discussions, and have witnessed well over one hundred panels of men talking on these topics. Add to that extensive research, input from outside sources, a 12-year marriage and good old-fashioned trial and error, and you get someone with a broad base of knowledge in the area of partnership.

Wendy's Website