Saturday • February 15
CST 10:39 | EST 11:39 | MST 9:39 | PST 8:39 | GMT 16:39
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Let's Talk about Men!
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Kianga Ford is a certified Orgasmic Meditation trainer and desire-based life coach. She is the founder of Infinite Man Coaching, where she works with men to live their fullest lives through accessing their emotional depths, passion, power and unwavering commitment to purpose. Her vision is of a divine masculine and a divine feminine that are each vibrant and empowered and which come together in ecstatic and delightful union and play with one another.

Episode Segments:
Kianga Ford
Kianga discusses her Infinite Man Coaching Program, a half year long deep dive into empowered masculinity, focusing on leadership, purpose, desire, and connection.
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Links to Related Websites:
Infinite Man Coaching Program
IMCP is a 6-month virtual program exclusively for men that you can do from anywhere in the world. It is a half year long deep dive into empowered masculinity, focusing on leadership, purpose, desire, and connection.

Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Kianga Ford
I'm an artist and university professor turned deisre coach, life gamer, and orgasmic meditation trainer. I'll use everything in my arsenal to help you find your desire and to live the most creative and expressed life possible. I believe that desire is a path to purpose (finding your core gifts) and that vision (honing ways to apply those gifts and impulses to feel most fulfilled in your life...and possibly to save the world) is the bounty of play and exploration. So be in touch to begin your journey into you. Along the way, we'll have plenty of fun!

Kianga's Website