Saturday • February 15
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Healing with Divine Energy
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Rob Wergin is a gifted healer, clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient and Author. Through his powerful gifts, Wergin has helped tens of thousands of people of all ages. He draws from both Native American and Christian traditions and works with people of all spiritual persuasions. In the last 14 years, Rob has provided transformation to almost 50,000 people, and has led large and small groups throughout the country, including Omega Institute, Agape International Spiritual Center, and Mile High Church in Denver. He is featured in the full length film Heal, alongside Deepak Chopra, Michael Beckwith, Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, and many others.

Join us on Talkzone to explore Healing with Divine Energy

For more information on Rob Wergin, visit
Episode Segments:
Rob Wergin
ob has extraordinary healing gifts. He is fully clairvoyant, clairsentient, and clairaudient. At a young age he was able to heal animals and communicate with spirits. These gifts were not understood and he learned to ignore them. For over 30 years he worked in corporate America as a highly successful CEO. Until, one day, he received the ultimate 'cosmic 2×4,' and in a time of despair he asked what his life was for and HE HEARD THE ANSWER. Since then Rob has dedicated his life to being a vessel for Divine Light and Love. He has helped tens of thousands of people of all ages and religions.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Rob Wergin
Rob Wergin has extraordinary gifts. He is fully clairvoyant, clairsentient, and clairaudient. At a young age he was able to heal animals and communicate with spirits. These gifts were not understood and he learned to ignore them. For over 30 years he worked in corporate America as a highly successful CEO. Then one day, he was hit by the ultimate “cosmic 2×4”, and in that time of deep despair, he asked what his life was for and…HE HEARD THE ANSWER. Since then Rob has dedicated his life to being a vessel for Divine Light and Love. He has helped tens of thousands of people of all ages and religions.

Raised in a strictly Christian home in the heart of South Dakota’s rich Native American culture, Rob draws from the essence of both of these traditions. He wishes his work to be universally available to people of all spiritual persuasions. One stoutly Christian woman, referred by her medical doctor, agreed to work with him only after she grilled him extensively about his beliefs. She reported that her faith was strengthened in the process of her work with Rob. Yet others who have broader views of spirituality also feel at home. His clarity, openness and humility have helped attract a mix of people to the fold, which seems remarkably free of pretension and any suggestion of cult.

Rob is not what you expect from a person with unusual gifts. He immediately enables you to feel at ease and comfortable while he steps aside and allows divine light to flow through.

Sessions are very relaxing and people describe tingling, warmth, minty cool sensations, feeling light and feeling very peaceful. Every session is different and unique.

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