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November 20, 2017

Near Death Experience from A Christian Perspective
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Penny Wilson is the mother of three terrific kids, grandmother of two wonderful grandchildren and is married to a sweet man named Don. She is retired from her work as a nurse and living in Kentucky. Approximately three years ago, she was struck with a strange autoimmune disorder called idiopathic anaphylaxis; which is a fancy way of saying that she goes into anaphylaxis and anaphylactic shock without being seriously allergic to anything. This condition has caused her to be critically ill on numerous occasions. During three episodes of anaphylactic shock in 2014, she felt her spirit leave her body and subsequently had three near-death experiences; each a continuation of the one before. This is the story she will share with you on this episode.
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NDE Radio: Penny Wilson
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Penny Wilson
Penny Wilson is the mother of three, and has three beautiful grandchildren. Recently retired from nursing, she lives in Kentucky with her husband Don, and their two eccentric cats. In 2002, she began her professional career after earning her Associate Degree in nursing from Eastern Kentucky University. She went on to enter the fields of cardiothoracic and critical care nursing. In 2011, her practice expanded, allowing her to care for terminally ill and actively dying patients. This gave her the opportunity to provide support through often neglected end-of-life transitions. As each soul passed into the spirit world, she found herself examining her own beliefs about death and what lay beyond. It was not until her own near-death experiences, that she decided to leave nursing and pursue writing as her life’s work. In August of 2014, Penny was struck with a rare disease called, idiopathic anaphylaxis. The condition resulted in frequent episodes of respiratory failure, forcing doctors to initiate life-support. These anaphylactic attacks have repeated themselves eighteen times since she first received her diagnosis. Her journeys into the afterlife, helped her understand the abiding love that our Creator has for us, and the divine nature of our existence. Penny learned that each of us is blessed with the ability to affect profound change in the world. Inspired by her experiences, she began putting them to paper and is currently working on her first book, "A Life Reclaimed." She is a contributing author to the book, "The Transformative Power of Near-Death Experiences" by Dr. Penny Sartori. Her story has also been featured on IANDS Near-Death Experience Radio, and Karen Swain’s Accentuate the Positive broadcast.

She also has a blog on Facebook,