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June 05, 2017

Robin's Life Altering Journey
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Our guest, Robin Aisha Landsong, has just returned from a life-altering journey to Zimbabwe. Robin is a multiple near-death survivor whose experiences opened her creativity and empathic knowing. When Robin was eight years old, an American man abducted her and took her to Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). He eventually abandoned her there, but she was taken in and cared for by the people of a small tribal village. On this show she continues the story of her personal quest to understand what happened to her there. If you haven’t already listened to part one of Robin’s story, and her NDE when she nearly died, I suggest you check out our past shows button at NDE Radio for her interview of March 6, 2017. Today, Robin is a visual artist, medicine singer, cranio-sacral therapist and health intuitive. She has given over 9,000 healing sessions, and lives in the state of Washington. Her beautiful book, Art Inspired by my Death Experience, can be ordered from her website.
Episode Segments:
NDE Radio: Robin Aisha Landsong
Robin Aisha Landsong just returned from Zimbabwe, and has had three near death experiences. She returns to the program to continue the story of her personal quest to understand what she experienced in Africa when she was kidnapped as a child.
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Robin Aisha Landsong is a multiple Near-Death Survivor who’s experiences opened her creativity, and empathic knowing. She is a Visual artist, Medicine Singer, Craniosacral Therapist, and Health Intuitive. She has given over 9,000 healing sessions, and lives in the beautiful Washington State.

Visit Robin's Website